《그대를 사랑합니다》是2007年文學世界社(韓)出版的圖書,作者是[韓國] 姜草。
- 中文名:그대를 사랑합니다
- 作者:[韓國] 姜草
- 出版社:文學世界社(韓)
- ISBN:9788970754611
該漫畫為韓國代表性網路漫畫作家 Kang Full的力作,悽美地描繪了孤苦老人們的愛情,令無數讀者重新真摯地審視我們的社會。該漫畫通過入口網站“DAUM”於2007年4月開始連載,截止至9月,共連載30集,作為 Kang Full純情漫畫系列的第三個故事,每日平均頁訪問量高達23萬,總回複次數超過6萬,連載當時累積訪問次數高達三千萬次,創下入口網站漫畫史上訪問者數的最高紀錄。作者說,該漫畫是自己看到周圍的老大爺、老大娘後自發創作出的故事,通過人們常見的孤苦老人們的日常生活引起了讀者們的共鳴。一邊照顧患有老年痴呆症的妻子(順子大娘)一邊做停車場管理員的張君峰大爺、每天早上騎著機車送牛奶的金萬石大爺、推著手推車撿廢紙的宋美麗大娘作為主人公出場,每個人物造型展示出的純情和隱藏在他們人生中的感動,使該漫畫先後被製作成電視劇和電影。
Kang Full的漫畫不同於現有敘事漫畫所具備的圖畫完整性。徹底被省略的、不華麗的造型表現及事件說明反而使讀者們更加全神貫注。因此,Kang Full的故事敘述不會被認為是筆觸華麗的漫畫家的作品,具有與眾不同的競爭力。讀者們對其作品總是充滿期待,每次連載時都會大聲歡呼。連載一般為30集,連載到28集左右,點擊數便會爆增,使入口網站的相關職員們不得不挑燈夜戰。
在該作品中,Kang Full同樣不斷地、尖銳地對社會進行了批判,同時公開了弱勢群體不為人知的痛苦。讀者們明明知曉卻習慣於隱藏起來的故事在單純的圖畫中重新復活,令人心痛。因此,Kang Full的漫畫依然是現在進行式。
Kang Full (or Kang Pool, Hangul: 강풀) is the pen name of Kang Do-young (born December 7, 1974), a South Korean webcomic artist.
Regarded as a first generation webcomic artist, Kang had no formal teaching in either writing or drawing comics. His interest stemmed from painting wall posters for the student body at Sangji University, turning them into eye-catching comics in order to attract attention. As a student, he earned the nickname Kang Full by often wearing green clothes, 'full'(풀) meaning 'grass'(풀) in Korean.[1]
Kang decided to become a comic artist prior to his graduation, but initially received little interest from publishers. In April 2002, he launched a personal website and began posting his work online, to great success. By 2008, his comics had reached in excess of 300 million page views. Kang has also drawn attention from the Korean film industry, and several films, including APT, BA:BO, Hello, Schoolgirl, Pained, The Neighbor, and 26 Years, have been based on his work.[1][2] He has also been hired as the screenwriter for a prequel to the 2006 film The Host.[3]
He also draw several books only for kids. His picture book "Hi, Friend" has been nominated as a 14th popular book for a very short time.