- 中文名:龐福振
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:艦船及海洋平台結構振動噪聲預報、評估與控制等
- 任職院校:哈爾濱工程大學
- 職稱:哈爾濱工程大學教授
2013/1 - 2016/10,海軍裝備研究院,博士後
2009/9 - 2012/6,哈爾濱工程大學,船舶與海洋結構物設計與製造專業,博士
2006/10 - 2007/9,波蘭Gdansk理工大學,訪問學者
2003/9 - 2006/3,哈爾濱工程大學,船舶與海洋結構物設計與製造專業,碩士
1999/9 - 2003/7,哈爾濱工程大學,船舶與海洋結構物設計與製造專業,學士
2018/6-迄今, 哈爾濱工程大學,船舶工程學院,教授
2012/9 - 2018/6,哈爾濱工程大學,船舶工程學院,副教授
2008/4 - 2012/8,哈爾濱工程大學,船舶工程學院,講師
2005/7 - 2008/3,哈爾濱工程大學,船舶工程學院,助教
1. 2017.1-2019.12,國家科技部重點研發計畫,冰區平台立管設計技術研究,課題負責人,在研
2. 2016.1-2020.12,國家高技術船舶科研計畫項目,第七代半潛式海洋平台創新專項課題—振動噪聲控制技術研究,課題技術負責人,在研
3. 2017.1-2019.12,國家高技術船舶科研計畫項目,第七代半潛支持平台創新專項課題—振動噪聲預報與控制技術,子課題負責人,在研
4. 2017.1-2018.12,總裝基礎基金,基於大系統理論及波動分析的船舶結構振動噪聲預報方法研究,項目負責人,在研
5. 2015.1-2017.12,國家高技術船舶科研計畫項目,醫院船振動計算,項目負責人,在研
6. 2017.1-2019.12,國家高技術船舶科研計畫項目,大洋勘探船減振降噪設計技術研究,項目負責人,在研
7. 2017.1-2018.6,中船重工第701研究所,複合材料上層建築振動聲輻射特性分析及試驗研究,項目負責人,在研
8. 2017.1-2019.12,中船重工第719所,多層複合結構聲學性能最佳化設計研究,項目負責人,在研
9. 2015.5-2016.8,系統工程研究院,船舶輻射噪聲快速計算方法,項目負責人,結題
10. 2014.8-2014.12,中海油設計公司,黃岩氣田開發項目詳細設計噪音分析,項目負責人,結題
11. 2014.01-2015.12,中國博士後基金,2014M552661、**結構振動噪聲時頻評估方法研究,項目負責人,結題
12. 2013.01- 2015.12,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,51209052,船舶“設備-基座”變參數系統複雜振動機理研究,項目負責人,結題
13. 2012/01-2014/12,黑龍江省基金,QC2011C013、“設備-基座”系統非線性振動機理研究,項目負責人,結題
1. 2017.7,The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Acoustic time-frequency prediction simulation method in ship structure, Invited lecture ,London, UK
2. 2017.7,The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Investigation of elliptical sonic metamaterials, Invited lecture ,London, UK
3. 2016.8, 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Underwater Noise Radiation Optimization of a Scientific Investigation Ship, Invited lecture ,Hamburg, Germany
4. 2016.8, 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Experimental research on hydrodynamic noise of a Cone-cylinder combined structure, Invited lecture ,Hamburg, Germany
5. 2015.8, 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. The application of impedance analysis method in dynamic response analysis of ship, Invited lecture ,San Francisco, USA
6. 2015.8, 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering.. Research on the acoustic radiation characteristics of the submarine ship structure, Invited lecture ,San Francisco, USA
7. 2014.8, 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Research on vibration and sound radiation characteristics of ship stiffened composite plate structure, Invited lecture , Melbourne Australia
8. 2014.8,43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering.Moving boundary similarity method and its application on ship structural borne noise prediction, Invited lecture , Melbourne Australia
1. 一種拉伸式便攜救生艇,2017.07.04,發明專利,專利號:ZL201710069392.0,排名第3
2. 基於界面效應的鋸齒形高阻尼合金板,2016.03.15, 專利號:ZL201610867272.0,排名第1
3. 一種六自由度激振器的簡易吊裝裝置,2016.12.07, 專利號:ZL201610663455.0,排名第1
4. 預拉伸式力學環境模擬儀,2015.6.12,實用新型,專利號: ZL201520073741.2,排名第1
5. 風振渦放頻率試驗裝置,2015.06.17, 專利號:ZL201510054159.6,排名第1
6. 舷間可調式寬頻吸振隔聲器,2013.6.12,發明專利,專利號: ZL201310122147.3,排名第1
7. 低噪聲海底閥箱,2012.6.20,發明專利,專利號: ZL201210202908.1,排名第1
8. 不平衡激擾力作用下的設備內源特性測量方法[P],2012.11.07, 專利號:ZL201210172286.2,排名第1
9. 垂向不平衡激勵力作用下設備對船體結構激勵載荷的間接測試方法,2012.09.26, 專利號:ZL201210185488.0,排名第1
10. 不平衡激擾力及不平衡激擾力矩聯合作用下的設備內源激勵載荷定量測試方法,2012.10.03,專利號:ZL201210172287.7,排名第1
11. 不平衡激勵力及不平衡彎矩聯合作用時設備對船體激勵載荷的間接測量方法,2012.09.19, 專利號:ZL201210185489.5,排名第1
12. 船用磁流變彈性體智慧型吸振器,2009.6.7,發明專利,專利號: ZL200910071707.0,排名第1
13. 流激渦放頻率實驗裝置,2017.05.10,發明專利.申請號:CN106644332A,排名第1
14. 煙囪式低噪聲海底閥箱,2013.09.25,申請號:CN103318399A,排名第1
15. 導流消聲風管結構,2013.04.17,申請號:CN103047488A,排名第1
16. 分流消聲風管,2013.04.03,申請號:CN103016859A,排名第1
17. 水下自適應曲面複合聲學材料,2012.07.11,申請號:CN102568465A,排名第1
18. 可控型水下吸聲板,2011.6.13,發明專利,專利號: ZL201110139801.2,排名第3
19. 船用磁流變彈性體智慧型阻尼器,2009.6.7,發明專利,專利號:ZL200910071708.5,排名第2
20. 艦船艙壁阻振質量剛性隔振結構,2009.6.7,發明專利,專利號: ZL200910073173.5,排名第3
21. 艦船高傳遞損失基座結構,2009.6.7,發明專利,專利號: ZL200910073174.X,排名第3
[1]. Li H, Pang F, Chen H. A semi-analytical approach to analyze vibration characteristics of uniform and stepped annular-spherical shells with general boundary conditions[J]. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2019, 74: 48-65. WOS:000458221500005
[2]. Li H, Pang F, Chen H, et al. Vibration analysis of functionally graded porous cylindrical shell with arbitrary boundary restraints by using a semi analytical method[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 164: 249-264. WOS: 000463297300027
[3]. Pang F, Li H, Wang X, et al. A semi analytical method for the free vibration of doubly-curved shells of revolution[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2018, 75(9): 3249-3268. WOS:000432102900014
[4]. Li H, Pang F, Miao X, et al. A semi-analytical method for vibration analysis of stepped doubly-curved shells of revolution with arbitrary boundary conditions[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 129: 125-144. WOS:000438000200010
[5]. Li H, Pang F, Gong Q, et al. Free vibration analysis of axisymmetric functionally graded doubly-curved shells with un-uniform thickness distribution based on Ritz method[J]. Composite Structures, 2019: 111145. WOS: 000480330400062
[6]. Pang F, Li H, Cui J, et al. Application of flügge thin shell theory to the solution of free vibration behaviors for spherical-cylindrical-spherical shell: A unified formulation[J]. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2019, 74: 381-393. WOS: 000458221500027
[7]. Li H, Pang F, Miao X, et al. Jacobi–Ritz method for free vibration analysis of uniform and stepped circular cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions: A unified formulation[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2019, 77(2): 427-440. WOS: 000458345600009
[8]. Pang F, Gao C, Cui J, et al. A Semianalytical Approach for Free Vibration Characteristics of Functionally Graded Spherical Shell Based on First-Order Shear Deformation Theory[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2019, 2019. WOS: 000472902200001
[9]. Pang F, Li H, Jing F, et al. Application of First-Order Shear Deformation Theory on Vibration Analysis of Stepped Functionally Graded Paraboloidal Shell with General Edge Constraints[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(1): 69. WOS:000456410200069
[10]. Pang F, Li H, Miao X, et al. A modified Fourier solution for vibration analysis of moderately thick laminated annular sector plates with general boundary conditions, internal radial line and circumferential arc supports[J]. Curved and Layered Structures, 2017, 4(1): 189-220. (SCI)
[11]. Fuzhen Pang, Haichao Li*, Kwangnam Choe, Dongyan Shi, Kwanghun Kim"Free and forced vibration analysis of airtight cylindrical vessels with doubly-curved shells of revolution by using Jacobi-Ritz Method", Shock and Vibration, 2017, (SCI)
[12]. Li H, Pang F*, Wang X, et al. Benchmark Solution for Free Vibration of Moderately Thick Functionally Graded Sandwich Sector Plates on Two-Parameter Elastic Foundation with General Boundary Conditions[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2017,(SCI)
[13]. Pang, Fu-Zhen* ; Wu, Chuang; Miao, Xu-Hong; Song, Hong-Bao. Tranferred boundary similarity method and application to the prediction of ship vibration and radiated noise[J]. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2015, 63(4):318-330.(SCI)
[14]. Shi, Z., X. Yao, F. Pang* and Q. Wang (2017). "An exact solution for the free-vibration analysis of functionally graded carbon-nanotube-reinforced composite beams with arbitrary boundary conditions." Scientific Reports 7(1): 12909.(SCI)
[15]. Shi, Z., X. Yao, F. Pang* and Q. Wang (2017). "A semi-analytical solution for in-plane free vibration analysis of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite circular arches with elastic restraints." Composite Structures 182: 420-434. (SCI)
[17]. Yao, Xiong-Liang, Tang, Dong; Pang, Fu-Zhen*;Li, Shuo. Exact free vibration analysis of open circular cylindrical shells by the method of reverberation-ray matrix[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Universityence A, 2016, 17(4):295-316.(SCI)
[18]. Jin, Ye-qing; Pang, Fu-zhen*; Yang, Fei ; Li, Guang-ming. A General Model for Analysis of Sound Radiation from Orthogonally Stiffened Laminated Composite Plates[J]. China Ocean Engineering,2014,28(4):457-470. (SCI)
[19]. Ye, Xi; Pang, Fu-Zhen; Zhang, A-Man*. Acoustic radiation induced by bubble motion in compressible fluid[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition),2014, 35(2):177-190.( SCI)
[20]. Li L, Li H, Pang F, et al. The modified Fourier-Ritz approach for the free vibration of functionally graded cylindrical, conical, spherical panels and shells of revolution with general boundary condition[J] ,2017,Mathematical Problems in Engineering (SCI)
[21]. Pang, Fuzhen ; Shen, Zhe ; Wu, Chuang ; Li, Haichao .The acoustic time-frequency complex prediction method of ship and ocean structure [C]. 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, INTER-NOISE 2016.2016.8.21-2016.8.24. Hamburg, Germany.pages:6622-6632.(EI)
[22]. Pang, Fuzhen; Shen, Zhe; Li, Haichao ; Xue, Yanzhuo.Research on ice-breaking induced vibration characteristic of a Ship[C]. 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, INTER-NOISE 2016.2016.8.21-2016.8.24. Hamburg, Germany. pages:6633-6639.(EI)
[23]. Pang, Fu-Zhen; Song, Hong-Bao; Wang, Xue-Ren ; Wu, Chuang .The application of impedance analysis method in dynamic response analysis of ship[C]. 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2015.2015.8.9-2015.8.12. San Francisco, CA, United states .(EI)
[24]. Pang, Fu-Zhen ; Song, Hong-Bao ; Wang, Xue-Ren ; Wu, Chuang.Research on the acoustic radiation characteristics of the submarine ship structure[C]. 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2015.2015.8.9-2015.8.12. San Francisco, CA, United states .(EI)
[25]. Pang, Fuzhen ; Wu, Chuang ; Wang, Qingshan ; Song, Hongbao.Analysis of acoustic radiation of a ring-stiffened cylindrical shell in underwater based on precise integration transfer matrix method[C] 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, INTERNOISE 2014 .2014.11.16-2014.11.19. Melbourne, VIC, Australia. (EI)
[26]. Pang, Fu-Zhen ; Miao, Xu-Hong ; Tang, Dong ; Song, Hong-Bao.Moving boundary similarity method and its application on ship structural borne noise prediction[C]. 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, INTERNOISE 2014,2014.11.16-2014.11.19, Melbourne, VIC, Australia(EI)
[27]. 龐福振,吳闖*,繆旭弘,王雪仁,賈地. 設備振動內源參數識別方法[J]. 振動工程學報,2017,30(02):325-332.(EI)
[28]. 龐福振,宋紅寶*,繆旭弘,王雪仁.阻抗分析法在船舶結構動力回響分析中的套用研究[J]. 振動與衝擊,2016,35(18):17-22. (EI)
[29]. 龐福振*,陳林,繆旭弘,姚熊亮. 無限大正交加筋層合板的隔聲性能分析[J]. 上海交通大學學報,2014,48(8):1090-1096.(EI)
[30]. 龐福振*,姚熊亮,繆旭弘,賈地. 設備對船體結構的激勵力及其套用研究[J]. 工程力學,2012,29(7):283-290.(EI)
[31]. Jia, Di*; Pang, Fu-Zhen; Yin, Xu-Chao ; Ye, Xi. Study on the Vibro-Acoustic Characteristics of a Vibration Isolation Mass Structure with Composite Braces[C]. 2011 International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing ,ICAMMM Shenzhen, 2011.China. 117-119:85-88. (EI)
[32]. Wang, Qingshan*; Pang, Fuzhen ; Qin, Bin ; Liang, Qian. A unified formulation for free vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotube reinforced composite spherical panels and shells of revolution with general elastic restraints by means of the Rayleigh–Ritz method[J]. Polymer Composites, 2017.(EI)
[33]. 龐福振,吳闖,繆旭弘,等. 設備振動內源參數識別方法[J]. 振動工程學報, 2017, 325-332.
[34]. 龐福振,姚熊亮,繆旭弘等,加筋球殼結構穩定性及其最佳化研究,機械強度,2012,34(3):30-38
[35]. 龐福振, 姚熊亮, 賈地等,吸聲尖劈對板柱組合結構水下聲學特性影響的試驗研究,船舶力學, 2011, 15(5): 570-576
[36]. 龐福振, 姚熊亮,聲學覆蓋層對潛艇抗水下爆炸能力的影響研究,振動與衝擊, 2011, 30(4): 103-108
[37]. 龐福振, 姚熊亮, 朱理,船舶結構高階動力分析的模型簡化方法研究,船舶力學, 2010, 14(11): 1263-1275
[38]. 龐福振, 姚熊亮, 繆旭弘等,設備對船體結構的激勵力及其套用研究,工程力學, 2012, 29(7): 283-290
[39]. 龐福振, 康逢輝, 孫龍泉等,複雜錐柱結構中頻水下聲輻射特性研究,哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2011 (S1): 42-46
[40]. 龐福振, 姚熊亮, 孫龍泉等,敷設吸聲尖劈的聲納平台水下聲學特性試驗研究,華中科技大學學報: 自然科學版, 2011, 39(4): 106-109
[41]. 朱理,龐福振,康逢輝. 螺旋槳激勵力下的艦船振動特性分析[J]. 中國造船,2011,52(02):8-15
1. 2019年入選龍江學者支持計畫
2. 2019年黑龍江省青年科技獎獲得者