


  • 中文名:龐小燕
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校蘭州大學




1. Zhang, C., Zhao, Y., Zhang, M., Pang, X., Wang, L., Zhao L., Structural resilience of the gut microbiota in adult mice under high fat dietary perturbations. ISME J. 2012, Accepted
2. Wang T., Cai G., Qiu Y., Fei N., Zhang M., Pang X., Jia W., Cai S., Zhao L., Structural segregation of gut microbiota between colorectal cancer patients and healthy volunteers. ISME J. 2012, 6: 320-329
3. Zhang C., Zhang M. Wang S., Han R., Cao Y., Hua W., Mao Y., Zhang X., Pang X., Wei C., Zhao G., Chen Y., Zhao L.. Interactions between gut microbiota, host genetics, and diet relevant to development of metabolic syndromes in mice. ISME J., 2010, 4: 232-241
4. Shen J., Zhang B. Wei H., Che C., Ding D., Hua X., Bucheli P., Wang L., Li Y., Pang X.(通訊作者), Zhao L., Assessment of the modulating effects of fructo-oligosaccharides on fecal microbiota using human flora associated piglets. Arch. Microbio., 2010, 192: 959-968
5. Wei H., Dong L., Wang T., Zhang M., Hua W., Zhang C., Pang X., Chen M., Su M., Qiu Y., Zhou M., Yang S., Chen Z., Rantalainen M., Nicholson J.K., Jia W., Wu D., Zhao L. Structural shifts of gutmicrobiota as surrogate endpoints for monitoring host health changes induced by carcinogen exposure, FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 2010, 73: 577–586
6. Zhang M., Zhang M., Zhang C., Du H., Wei G., Pang X., Zhou H., Liu B., Zhao L., Pattern extraction of structural responses of gut microbiota to rotavirus infection via multivariate statistical analysis of clone library data. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 2009, 70(2):21-29
7. Li M., Zhou H., Hua W., Wang B., Wang S., Zhao G., Li L., Zhao L., Pang X.(通訊作者), Molecular diversity of Bacteroides spp. in human fecal microbiota as determined by group-specific 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis. Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 2009, 32: 193-200
8. Li M., Wang B., Zhang M., Rantalainen M., Wang S., Zhou H., Zhang Y., Shen J., Pang X., Zhang M., Wei H., Chen Y., Lu H., Zuo J., Su M., Qiu Y., Jia W., Xiao C., Smith L.M., Yang S., Holmes E., Tang H., Zhao G., Nicholson J.K., Li L., Zhao L., Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2008, 105: 2117-2122
9. Wei H., Shen J., Pang X., Ding D., Zhang Y., Zhang B., Lua H., Wang T., Zhang C., Hua X., Li Cui, Zhao L., Fatal infection in human flora-associated piglets caused by the opportunistic pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae from an apparently healthy human donor. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 2008, 70(7): 715–717
10. Pang X., Hua X, Yang Q, Ding D, Che C, Cui L, Jia W, Bucheli P, Zhao L. Inter- species transplantation of gut microbiota from human to pigs. ISME Journal., 2007, 1:156–162
11. Shen J., Zhang B., Wei G., Pang X., Wei H., Li M., Zhang Y., Jia W., Zhao L., Molecular profiling of the Clostridium leptum subgroup in human fecal microflora by PCR-Denaturing Gradient Gel electophoresis and clone library analysis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 2006, 72(8): 5232-5238
12. Pang X., Ding D., Wei G., Zhang M., Wang L., Zhao L., Molecular Profiling of Bacteroides spp. in Human Feces by PCR-Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis. J. Microbiol. Methods., 2005, 61(3): 413-417


1. 建立了分析人和動物腸道內的最優勢類群-擬桿菌的類群特異性PCR-溫度梯度凝膠電泳(TGGE)方法,並從種的水平對健康人腸道中的擬桿菌、雙歧桿菌的組成進行了比較分析。
2. 建立了一種新型的人源菌群仔豬模型,證實人的腸道菌群可在無菌仔豬腸道內定植。該模型是對目前國際上通用的人腸道微生態動物模型的極大改進,可為人的腸道微生態以及代謝、營養、藥物開發等研究提供一個有效的研究體系。這部分工作發表於2007年的The ISME Journal雜誌上,被Nature China 網站評論為“Research highlight”。
3. 分離到了與代謝性疾病密切相關的腸道功能細菌-硫酸鹽還原菌,目前正在研究這類菌的特性和生物學功能。


