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2004年9月-2007年7月, 中國科學院生態環境研究中心, 獲博士學位;
7、國家自然面上項目,研發檢測大氣有機物的晶片二維氣相色譜儀, 85萬,2012.1-2015.12。
10、 紹興市科技計畫重點項目,基於無人飛行器研製智慧型化大氣污染物立體監測儀,100萬,2020-2021。
11、 紹興“海內外英才計畫”項目,微型環境檢測儀的產業化,100萬,2020年-2022年。
12、 《紹興生態環境局越城分局“十四五”規劃》項目,20萬,2020年10月-2021年12月。
14、 英國皇家學會牛頓基金, Developing multidimensional techniques to resolve carbonyl compounds and organic nitrogen in atmosphere,6.6萬英鎊,2009年11月-2011年10月。
15、 微型大氣成分檢測儀的產業化,浙江工業大學上虞研究院委託項目,20萬,2019年-2020年。
16、 無人機大氣檢測系統的研製,浙江貝爾科技有限公司委託項目,25萬,2019年-2021年。
17、 微型空氣品質監測站儀器的研製,北京雪迪龍科技股份有限公司委託,18萬,2020-2021。
18、 我國農業土壤釋放痕量氣體及其控制對策研究(200801270)中國博士後基金特別項目,10萬。
20、 貴州大氣降水中有機酸對酸性貢獻的研究(2008GZ02725)貴州省自然科學基金項目,3萬。


1. Xiaobing Pang*, Lang Chen, Kangli Shi,Fei Wu, Jianmeng Chen, Shuangxi Fang, Junliang Wang,Meng Xu, A Lightweight Low-cost and Multipollutant Sensor Package for Aerial Observations of Air Pollutants in Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Science of total Environment, 2021,764,142828.
2. Shichun Zhang *, Daniel Q. Tong, Mo Dan, Xiaobing Pang, Weiwei Chen, Xuelei Zhang, Hongmei Zhao, Yiyong Wang, Bingnan Shang, Concentration, Chemical Composition, and Source Characteristics of Wintertime Airborne PM2.5 in Changchun, Northeastern China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(8), 4228.
3. Chen, L.; Li, J.; Xiaobing, Pang*; Shi, K.; Chen, J. *; Wang, J.; Xu, M. Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Pollutants in a Coastal Area of the Yangtze River Delta, China, Measured by a Low-Cost Sensor Package. Atmosphere 2021, 12, 345.
4. Xiaobing Pang*, Haijun Nan, Jinping Zhong, Daiqi Ye, Marvin Shaw, Alastair C. Lewis, Low-cost photoionization sensors as detectors in GCxGC systems designed for ambient VOC measurements, Science of total Environment, 2019, 664, 771-779.
5. Xiaobing Pang*, Marvin Shaw, Alastair C. Lewis, Interferences from Humidity and Co-Pollutants on Electrochemical Gas Sensors and Correction Methods to Sensor Data, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018. 266, 674-684.
6. Xiaobing Pang*, Marvin Shaw, Alastair C. Lewis, Lucy Carpenter, Tanya Batchellier, Electrochemical ozone sensors: A miniaturised alternative for ozone measurements in laboratory experiments and air-quality monitoring.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical ,2017, 240, 829–837.
7. Xiaobing Pang*, Alastair Lewis, Marvin Shaw, Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction with GC-MS for Analysis of Biogenic Carbonyl Compounds in Rainwater by chemical derivatisation, Journal of Separation Science. 2017, 40, 753-766.
8. Xiaobing Pang*, Lucy Carpenter, Alastair Lewis, Microfluidic Derivatization Technique For Determination of Gaseous Molecular Iodine with GC-MS, Talanta,2015, May, 137, 214–219.
9. Xiaobing Pang*, Green Leaf Volatile Analyses by PTR-TOF-MS: Calibration, Humidity Effect and Reduced Electric Field Dependency, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, 32:196-206. (SCI)
10. Xiaobing Pang *, Lewis, C. A., Richard, A., Baeza-Romero, M. T., Adams T. J.,. Ball S. M, Daniels M. J. S., Goodall I. C. A., Monks S P., Peppe S., Ródenas García M., Sánchez P., and Muñoz A.,A smog chamber comparison of a microfluidic derivatization measurement of gas-phase glyoxal and methylglyoxal with other analytical techniques,Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2014,7, 373-389.
11. Xiaobing Pang*, Alastair Lewis, Milagros Ródenas-Garcíad,Microfluidic Lab-On-a-Chip Derivatization of Gaseous Carbonyls, Journal of Chromatography A, 2013,1296, 93-103.
12. Xiaobing Pang, Alastair Lewis*, A microfluidic lab-on-chip derivatisation technique for the measurement of gas phase formaldehyde, Analytical Methods, 2012, 4,2013-2020.
13. Xiaobing Pang*,Alastair Lewis, Carbonyl compounds in gas and particle phases of mainstream cigarette smoke. Science of the Total Environment, 2011, November, 409, 5000-5009.
14. Xiaobing Pang*, Alastair Lewis, Determination of Airborne Carbonyls via Pentafluorophenylhydrazine Derivatisation by GC-MS and Its Comparison with HPLC Method. Talanta, 2011, July, 85, 406-414.
15. Xiaobing Pang*, Xinqing Lee, Temporal variations of atmospheric carbonyls in urban ambient air and street canyons of a Mountainous city in Southwest China, Atmospheric Environment, 2010, 44, 2098-2106.
16. Xiaobing Pang*, Yujing Mu, Xinqing Lee, Shuangxi Fang, Juan Yuan, Daikuan Huang Nitric oxides and nitrous oxide fluxes from typical vegetables cropland in China: Effect of canopy, soil properties and field management. Atmospheric Environment, 2009,43,2571-2578.
17. Xiaobing Pang*, Yujing Mu,Yujie Zhang, Xinqing Lee, Juan Yuan,Contribution of isoprene to formaldehyde and ozone formation based on its oxidation products measurement in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43, 2142-2147.
18. Xiaobing Pang*, Yujing Mu,Xinqing Lee, Yujie Zhang, Zhu Xu., Influences of characteristic meteorological conditions on atmospheric carbonyls in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Research,2009, 93, 913-919.
19. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Juan Yuan, Hong He, Carbonyls Emission from Ethanol-blended Gasoline and Biodiesel-ethanol-diesel Used in Gasoline and Diesel Engines, Atmospheric Environment, 2008, 42, 1349–1358.
20. Yujing Mu*, Xiaobing Pang, Jianlong Quan, Xiaoshan Zhang, Atmospheric carbonyl compounds in Chinese background area-a remote mountain of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 2007, 112, doi:10.1029/2006JD008211.
21. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Characteristics of Carbonyl compounds in vehicles of Beijing city: concentrations, sources, and personal exposures, Atmospheric Environment, 2007, 41,1819-1824.
22. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu,Seasonal and diurnal variations of carbonyl compounds in Beijing ambient air,Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40 6313-6320.
23. Xiaobing Pang, Xiaoyan Shi, Yujing Mu, Hong He, Shijin Shuai, Hu Chen, Characteristics of Carbonyl compounds emission from a diesel engine using biodiesel-ethanol-diesel as fuel,Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40, 7057-7065.
24. Xiaobing Pang, ChengZhi Huang, A selective and sensitive assay of berberine using total internal reflected resonance light scattering technique with fluorescein at the water/1,2-dichloro ethane interface, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2004, 35, 185-191.
25. Xiaobing Pang, ChengZhi Huang, et al., Assay of Nucleic Acids at the Water/Tetrachloromethane Interface with Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide by Total Internal Reflected Resonance Light Scattering, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2003, 76, 1941-1946.
26. Xiaoyan Shi, Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Hong He, et al., Emission reduction potential of using ethanol-biodiesel-diesel fuel blend on a heavy-duty diesel engine, Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40, 2567–2574.
27. Cheng Zhi Huang*, Xiaobing Pang, et al. A resonance light scattering ratiometry applied for binding study of organic small molecules with biopolymer, Talanta, 2006, 69, 180-186.
28. Cheng Zhi Huang*, Xiaobing Pang, et al. Determination of Heparin Using Azure B by Flow Injection Analysis‐Resonance Light Scattering Coupled Technique, Analytical Letter, 2005, 38, 349-362.
29. 徐竹,龐小兵,牟玉靜,北京市大氣和降雨中醛酮化合物的污染研究,《環境科學學報》,2006,26(12),1948-1954。
30. 張玉潔,龐小兵,牟玉靜,北京市植物排放的異戊二烯對大氣中甲醛的貢獻,《環境科學》2009,30(4),976-981。
31. 史建武,龐小兵,白志鵬,等天津及渤海大氣中醛酮化合物的檢測,《天津大學學報(自然科學版)》, 2011,44,233。
32. 陳浪,龐小兵*,微型光離子化檢測器在微型全二維氣相色譜儀中檢測環境VOCs中的套用,2020,《三峽環境生態監測》5卷,3期, 18, 62-70。
33. 王強,龐小兵*,李晶晶,呂彥,張寶鋒,王軍良.“十三五”期間杭州市大氣污染物變化特徵,2022,《三峽環境生態監測》6卷。
34. 王帥奇,龐小兵*,陳浪,吳振濤,韓張亮,基於 Python 數據分析技術對大氣污染物監測數據簡易化處理研究,《能源與環境》2022。
35. Kong S., Li X., Li Q., Yin Y., Li L., Chen K., Liu D., Yuan L., Xiaobing Pang, Subway construction activity influence on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fine particles: Comparison with a background mountainous site, Atmospheric Research, 2015, 161–162, 82-92.
36. 施康麗, 龐小兵, 李晶晶, 陳浪, 袁鍇彬, 戴上, 王帥奇, 陳建孟. 基於無人機-吸附管採樣技術研究化工園區大氣VOCs垂直廓線,《環境科學研究》,2022.
37. 袁鍇彬, 龐小兵, 李晶晶, 陳浪, 韓張亮, 陳建孟, 張寶峰, 王軍良. 基於無人機研究長三角化工園區顆粒物垂直廓線,《環境化學》,2022.
38. 戴上, 龐小兵, 李晶晶, 陳浪, 吳振濤, 袁鍇彬, 韓張亮, 王強, 王帥奇, 陳建孟. 基於無人機觀測研究杭州灣化工園區近地面層臭氧垂直廓線,《中國環境科學》,2022.


1. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種微型二維色譜儀, ZL201920249436.2, 已授權;
2. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種無人飛機載式全空氣採樣裝置, ZL 202022511925.6, 已授權;
3. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種無人飛機載式大氣成分線上檢測裝置, ZL 202022510563.9, 已授權;
4. 龐小兵,發明專利,一種攜帶型臭氧無線檢測儀, CN 202111461510.5, 受理中;
5. 龐小兵,發明專利,一種微流控自動採樣反應器, CN201910147847.5, 受理中;
6. 龐小兵,發明專利,一種微型二維色譜儀的前處理裝置及其工作方法, CN201910147567.4, 受理中;
7. 龐小兵,發明專利,微型大氣多組分檢測儀, CN202010456931.8, 受理中;
8. 龐小兵,發明專利,一種微型大氣雲霧水採集裝置, CN202010513081.0, 受理中;
9.龐小兵,實用新型,一種攜帶型大氣污染物與氣象監測裝置, 202123027726.9, 受理中;
10. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種無人飛機載式吸附管採樣裝置, 202121607104.0, 受理中;
11. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種無人飛機載式甲烷及可燃氣體檢測裝置, 202122863551.9, 受理中;
12. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種甲烷及可燃氣體檢測分析及報警裝置, 202122863546.8, 受理中;
13. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種臭氧檢測無人機上的風向標支架, 202123011324.X, 受理中;
14. 龐小兵,軟體著作權,大氣顆粒物檢測數據處理軟體, 2020SR0618922, 已授權;
15. 龐小兵,軟體著作權,風速風向與地理信息讀取軟體, 2020SR0628928, 已授權;
16. 龐小兵,軟體著作權,DAQ Factory 數據分析軟體, 2021SR1659010, 已授權;
17. 龐小兵,發明,一種攜帶型臭氧無線檢測儀,CN202111461510.5,受理中;
18. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種攜帶型大氣污染物與氣象監測裝置,202123027726.9,受理中;
19. 龐小兵,實用新型,一種臭氧檢測無人機上的風向標支架,202123011324.X,受理中。


