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  • 中文名:齊玉春
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 性別:女
  • 籍貫:黑龍江
  • 學歷:博士




1. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Jin Z, et al. Spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients and soil respiration in the desertified grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Pedosphere
2. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Liu L X, et al. Spatial-temporal variation in soil respiration and its controlling factors in three steppes of Stipa L. in Inner Mongolia, China. Science in China: series D
3. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Liu J Y, et al. Effect of the conversion of grassland to the spring wheat field on the CO2 emission characteristics in Inner Mongolia, China. Soil and Tillage Research
4. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Manfred D, et al. Comparison of CO2 effluxes and their driving factors between two temperate steppes of Inner Mongolia, China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
5. Qi Y C, Dong Y S, Liu J Y, et al. Daily variation characteristics of CO2 emission fluxes and contributions of environmental factors in semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China. Science in China: Series D
6. Dong Y S, Qi Y C, Liu J Y, et al Emission characteristics of carbon dioxide in the semiarid Stipa grandis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences
7. Dong Y S, Qi Y C, Liu J Y, et al. Variation characteristics of soil respiration fluxes in four types of grassland communities under different precipitation intensity. Chinese Science Bulletin
8. Dong Y S, Qi Y C, Luo J, et al. Experimental study on N2O, CH4 fluxes from the dark coniferous forest zone soil of the Gongga Mountain, China. Science in China: Series D
9. Jin Z, Qi Y C, Dong Y S, et al. Seasonal patterns of soil respiration in three types of communities along grass—desert shrub transition in Inner Mongolia,China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
10. 齊玉春,董雲社,等. 內蒙古半乾旱草原CO2排放通量日變化特徵及環境因子的貢獻. 中國科學(D輯),
11. 齊玉春, 羅輯, 董雲社,等. 貢嘎山山地暗針葉林帶森林土壤溫室氣體N2O和CH4 排放研究. 中國科學(D輯)
12. 齊玉春,董雲社,楊小紅,等. 放牧對溫帶典型草原主要含碳氣體CO2、CH4源匯特徵的影響. 資源科學
13. 齊玉春,董雲社,耿元波,等.內蒙古羊草草原不同物候期CH4通量日變化特徵與日通量比較. 地理研究
14. 齊玉春,董雲社. 我國能源領域溫室氣體排放現狀以及對策研究,地理科學
15. 齊玉春, 董雲社, 耿元波, 楊小紅, 耿會立. 我國草地生態系統碳循環研究進展. 地理科學進展
16. 齊玉春, 董雲社, 章申. 華北平原典型農業區土壤甲烷通量研究. 農村生態環境


