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  • 中文名:齊永文
  • 出生日期:1978年9月
  • 學位/學歷:博士


1997.9-2001.6 西北農林科技大學 農學本科
2004.1-2004.6 中國農業大學 作物遺傳育種專業碩士
2004.9-2007.6 中國農業大學 作物遺傳育種專業博士


[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目“基於我國甘蔗骨幹親本及重要衍生系的分櫱相關QTL發掘與分子標記開發”,2021.01-2024.12,69.6萬元
[2] 國家糖料產業技術體系崗位科學家,2016.01-2020.12623.75萬元
[3] 廣東省重點領域研發計畫現代種業專項“基於全基因組的甘蔗分子設計育種與新品種創製”,2019.01-2021.12,200 萬元
[4] 嶺南現代農業科學與技術廣東省實驗室項目“我國甘蔗骨幹親本基因組演變特徵及糖分QTL位點發掘”,2021.10-2023.09,50萬元
[5] 國家重點研發計畫子課題“蔗糖代謝酶對蔗糖積累的分子調控機制”,2018.07-2022.12,35.00萬元
[6] 廣東省科技計畫省部產學研合作項目“廣東蔗糖產業技術創新聯盟示範建設”,2015.01-2017.01,300萬元
[7] 廣東省自然科學基金“甘蔗根系應答低鉀脅迫的基因轉錄調控及相關基因發掘”,2016.06-2019.06,10萬元
[8] 廣東省科學院青年人才培養專項“多組學分析甘蔗根系回響低鉀脅迫的分子調控機制”,2019.01-2021.12,20萬元
[9] 廣東省農業廳鄉村振興項目“甘蔗良種重大科研聯合攻關”2019.01-2020.12,80萬元
n 代表性論文、著作等(* 通訊作者)
[1] Li XH, Zhang X, Gao S, Cui F, Chen W, Fan L,Qi Y*(2022), Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals the landscape of maize root tips and assists in identification of cell type-specific nitrate-response genes, The Crop Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.02.004.
[2] Qi Y*, Gao X, Zeng Q, Zheng Z, Wu C, Yang R, Feng X, Wu Z, Fan L, Huang Z (2022) Sugarcane Breeding, Germplasm Development and Related Molecular Research in China. Sugar Tech 24:73-85
[3] Zheng Z, Zhang N, Huang Z, Zeng Q, Huang Y,Qi Y (2022) Genome survey sequencing and characterization of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in Platostoma palustre (Blume) AJPaton (Chinese mesona). Scientific Reports 12.
[4] Feng X, Wang Y, Zhang N, Gao S, Wu J, Liu R, Huang Y, Zhang J, Qi Y* (2021) Comparative phylogenetic analysis of CBL reveals the gene family evolution and functional divergence in Saccharum spontaneum. BMC Plant Biology 21.
Wu Z, Gao X, Zhang N, Feng X, Huang Y, Zeng Q, Wu J, Zhang J, Qi Y (2021) Genome-wide identification and transcriptional analysis of ammonium transporters in Saccharum. Genomics 113:1671-1680.
Zeng Q, Huang Z, Wang Q, Wu J, Feng X, Qi Y *(2021) Genome Survey Sequence and the Development of Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers inErianthus arundinaceus. Sugar Tech 23:77-85.
Feng X, Wang Y, Zhang N, Zhang X, Wu J, Huang Y, Ruan M, Zhang J, Qi Y* (2021) Systematic Identification, Evolution and Expression Analysis of the SPL Gene Family in Sugarcane (Saccharum spontaneum). Tropical Plant Biology 14:313-328.
Zhang X, Cui Y, Wang J, Huang Y, Qi Y* (2021) Conserved co-functional network between maize and Arabidopsis aid in the identification of seed defective genes in maize. Genes & Genomics 43:433-446.
Zhang X, Qi Y* (2021) Genetic architecture affecting maize agronomic traits identified by variance heterogeneity association mapping. Genomics 113:1681-1688.
Feng X, Wang Y, Zhang N, Wu Z, Zeng Q, Wu J, Wu X, Wang L, Zhang J, Qi Y * (2020) Genome-wide systematic characterization of the HAK/KUP/KT gene family and its expression profile during plant growth and in response to low-K+ stress in Saccharum. BMC Plant Biology 20.
Zhang X, Qi Y* (2020) Single-Parent Expression of Anti-sense RNA Contributes to Transcriptome Complementation in Maize Hybrid. Frontiers in Plant Science 11.
Zeng Q, Ling Q, Wu J, Yang Z, Liu R, Qi Y *(2019) Excess Copper-Induced Changes in Antioxidative Enzyme Activity, Mineral Nutrient Uptake and Translocation in Sugarcane Seedlings. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 103:834-840.
Zhang X, Qi Y* (2019) The Landscape of Copia and Gypsy Retrotransposon During Maize Domestication and Improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science 10.


[1] 廣東省科技進步獎二等獎“甘蔗高產高糖聚合育種技術與優良品種選育及套用”,第1,2019年
[2] 廣東省科技進步獎三等獎“甘蔗高效育種技術創新與高產高糖品種選育及套用”,第1,2017年
[3] 中國產學研合作創新成果獎優秀獎“ 高產優質多抗優良品種選育及產業化套用”,第1,2019年
[4] 廣東省農業技術推廣獎二等獎“富含有益元素特色甘蔗優良品種選育及推廣套用”,第1,2019年
[5] 廣東省農業技術推廣獎二等獎“甘蔗耐低鉀遺傳改良與優良品種選育及推廣套用”,第1,2018年
[6] 廣東省農業技術推廣獎二等獎“甘蔗高糖聚合育種技術與新品種推廣套用”,第1,2017年


