



  • 書名:黑龍江地方治理髮展報告(2018)
  • 作者:朱宇、陳靜、許淑萍、陳靜、馮向輝
  • 出版社:社會科學文獻出版社
  • ISBN:9787520142076




Ⅰ 總報告
.1 創新體制機制,推進地方治理現代化進程 朱宇 許淑萍 初智勇/001
Ⅱ 專題研究篇
.2 黑龍江省簡政放權改革的走向與對策建議 高洪貴/036
.3 黑龍江政府透明度指數評估報告(2016)
——以政府網站信息公開為視角 黑龍江省社會科學院課題組/057
.4 黑龍江省網路輿情治理對策研究 湯輝/096
.5 黑龍江省社會組織參與地方治理問題研究 李峰/113
.6 黑龍江省生拘旋立態環境狀況及治理措施 陳曉輝 崔耀志/138
.7 黑龍江省自然災害治理的現狀分析與對策建議 初智勇/162
.8 黑龍江省脫貧攻堅的現狀及對策建議 田芸/181
.9 黑龍江省城市社區治理現狀及對策研究 王建武/200
.10 黑龍江省最佳化經濟發展環境中政府履責問題與對策研究 唐曉英/214
Ⅲ 地方法治篇
.11 黑龍江省行政裁量權規範問題調查報告 馮向輝 李誌慶/227
.12 推進黑龍江省對俄經貿合作法治化鑽探踏漏建設研究 朱南平/245
.13 黑龍江省涉訴信訪問題及其解決路徑 王玉 任廣章/261
Ⅳ 社會調查篇
.14 牡丹江市西安區推進義務教育均衡發展的實踐與啟示才想 陳曉輝 王世波 馮春麗/277
.15 黑龍江省非公有催陵企制企業黨組織發揮作用研究 宋婷 宋慶森/297
.16 黑龍江省領導幹部家風助廉建設調查研究 王春娥/314
.17 城鎮化視域下提升農民教育培訓質量的對策 周柏春 孔凡瑜/332
Ⅰ General Report
1 Mechanism Innovation to Advance the Modernization of Local Governance Zhu Yu, Xu Shuping and Chu Zhiyong/001
Ⅱ Special Research
2 Trends Problems and Proposals of Reform of Streamline Administration and Institute Decentralization in Heilongjiang Province Gao Honggui/036
3 Assessment Report on Transparency Index of Heilongjiang Government
—from the Perspective of Online Government Affairs Publicity The Research Group of Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences/057
4 Research on Solutions to Internet Public Opinion Governance in Heilongjiang Province Tang Hui/096
5 Research on the Participation of Social Organizations of Heilongjiang Province in Local Governance Li Feng/113
.6 Ecological Environment and Governance Measures in Heilongjiang Province Chen Xiaohui, Cui Yaozhi/138
.7 Analyses of Current Situation of Natural Disaster Governance and Countermeasures in Heilongjiang Province Chu Zhiyong/162
.8 The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Poverty Alleviation in Heilongjiang Province Tian Yun/181
.9 The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Urban Community Governance in Heilongjiang Province Wang Jianwu/200
.10 Research on Government’s Responsibility and Countermeasures in Optimizing Economic Development Environment in Heilongjiang Province Tang Xiaoying/214
Ⅲ Local Rule of Laws Research
.11 Report on the Regulation of Administrative Discretion in Heilongjiang Province Feng Xianghui, Li Zhiqing/227
.12 Research on the Legalization of Heilongjiang Province’s Economic and Trade Activities with Russia Zhu Nanping/245
.13 Research on the Complaint Letters and Visits and Its Solution Approaches in Heilongjiang Province Wang Yu, Ren Guangzhang/261
Ⅳ Social Research
.14 Practice and Enlightenment of Advancing the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Xi’an District of Mudanjiang City Chen Xiaohui, Wang Shibo and Feng Chunli/277
.15 A Study of the functions of the Party organizations in Non-public Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province Song Ting, Song Qingsen/297
.16 Investigation and Research on Of.cials’ Excellent Family Tradition to In-corruption in Heilongjiang Province Wang Chun’e/314
.17 Countermeasures on Improving the Quality of Farmers’ Education and Training under the View of Urbanization Zhou Bochun, Kong Fanyu/332
Ⅱ Special Research
2 Trends Problems and Proposals of Reform of Streamline Administration and Institute Decentralization in Heilongjiang Province Gao Honggui/036
3 Assessment Report on Transparency Index of Heilongjiang Government
—from the Perspective of Online Government Affairs Publicity The Research Group of Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of Social Sciences/057
4 Research on Solutions to Internet Public Opinion Governance in Heilongjiang Province Tang Hui/096
5 Research on the Participation of Social Organizations of Heilongjiang Province in Local Governance Li Feng/113
.6 Ecological Environment and Governance Measures in Heilongjiang Province Chen Xiaohui, Cui Yaozhi/138
.7 Analyses of Current Situation of Natural Disaster Governance and Countermeasures in Heilongjiang Province Chu Zhiyong/162
.8 The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Poverty Alleviation in Heilongjiang Province Tian Yun/181
.9 The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Urban Community Governance in Heilongjiang Province Wang Jianwu/200
.10 Research on Government’s Responsibility and Countermeasures in Optimizing Economic Development Environment in Heilongjiang Province Tang Xiaoying/214
Ⅲ Local Rule of Laws Research
.11 Report on the Regulation of Administrative Discretion in Heilongjiang Province Feng Xianghui, Li Zhiqing/227
.12 Research on the Legalization of Heilongjiang Province’s Economic and Trade Activities with Russia Zhu Nanping/245
.13 Research on the Complaint Letters and Visits and Its Solution Approaches in Heilongjiang Province Wang Yu, Ren Guangzhang/261
Ⅳ Social Research
.14 Practice and Enlightenment of Advancing the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Xi’an District of Mudanjiang City Chen Xiaohui, Wang Shibo and Feng Chunli/277
.15 A Study of the functions of the Party organizations in Non-public Enterprises in Heilongjiang Province Song Ting, Song Qingsen/297
.16 Investigation and Research on Of.cials’ Excellent Family Tradition to In-corruption in Heilongjiang Province Wang Chun’e/314
.17 Countermeasures on Improving the Quality of Farmers’ Education and Training under the View of Urbanization Zhou Bochun, Kong Fanyu/332


