



  • 軟體名稱:黑白戰棋
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:28.87MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
一款很有意思的戰棋遊戲,遊戲在傳統戰棋的基礎上增加很多設定,使得遊戲更加的豐富,玩家通過投擲骰子進行前進,並通過類似圍棋的玩家和敵人進行戰鬥,並且還可以通過戰鬥獲得強力裝備。 - Reversi x RPG x Board game - Fight against enemies with Reversi-based epic battle system! Surround enemies with your figures! In this Reversi-based battle the figures have significant attributes such as attack, heal HP, heal MP, and more. When you surround opponent‘s figures with your figures, if the figures are Attackers, you can cause damage to the opponent, if they are Healers, you can heal your HP. - Figures - In Reversi you use disks, but in this game, you use disks with figures. There are more than 20 figures such as Attacker, Healer, Manataker, Defender, Load and more. They have their own distinction and you can level them up to boost their abilities. - Equipments - You can equip up to 2 equipments such as weapons, shields and armors, which boost damage, heal, HP and more. You can enhance them to boost their abilities. - Magic - You can use up to 2 magic in a battle which has various effects such as to break opponent‘s figure, boost your attack, change figures between opponents and yours. When you use them in an effective way, victory is yours! - Stages - Stages have various shapes, which is the big difference between Reversi and Rev Ersi Quest. There are special panels such as heal HP, treasure chest, obstacle and more. Use them effectively to defeat opponents! - Organize your own troops - Organize your own troops with various figures, equipments and magic. Choose the best one for the stage and opponent. - Realtime Online PVP Battle against other players all over the world! Go up your position in 8 rankings! - Battle in Othellia island - You are a soldier came to the island. Battle for settle the disturbances of war in Othellia island. - Complete achievements - There are more than 100 achievements. Just win a battle is not enough! Break your various records to complete achievements! - Update schedule - New modes, chapters, figures, equipments, magic and more will be coming after.


