


  • 中文名:黃飛敏
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:湖南祁陽
  • 出生日期:1971年
  • 職業:中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院研究員
  • 畢業院校:中科院武漢數學物理所



1986年9月至1991年7月 華中理工大學少年班,數學系,獲學士學位
1991年9月至1994年7月 中科院武漢數學物理所,獲碩士學位
1994年9月至1997年7月 中科院套用數學所, 獲博士學位
1997年7月至1999年1月 中科院套用數學所,任助理研究員
1999年1月至2003年4月 中科院數學與系統科學研究院,任助理研究員
2003年4月至今 中科院數學與系統科學研究院,任研究員、博士生導師
· 1999.2--1999.4 香港城市大學,訪問學者
· 1999.11-2000.11 義大利S.I.S.S.A,博士後
· 2001.3--2003.3 日本大阪大學,JSPS博士後
· 2003.9--2003.10 日本大阪大學,訪問學者
· 2003.11-2003.12 香港中文大學,訪問教授
· 2005.2-2005.5 美國紐約大學Courant所,訪問學者
· 2009.3-2009.4 香港中文大學,訪問教授




很多數學家猜測當時間充分大時,帶阻尼項的可壓縮Euler方程的解趨近於Porous Media方程的自相似解。我們在一般初值條件意義下,即初值可以任意大且含真空,證明了上述猜測
2004年獲美國工業及套用數學協會“傑出論文獎”(The SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize), 該獎旨在獎勵原創性論文。每次在前三年SIAM系列雜誌發表的論文中選出三篇論文授予傑出論文獎


作為主要成員參加了由馬志明院士主持的科技部973項目, 名稱為《數學與其它領域交叉的若干專題》, 2006-2010年。
作為子課題組長參與了由曹道民研究員主持的中科院知識創新項目《數學物理中的若干重大問題》, 子課題項目名稱為《一些重要的數學物理方程》, 2006-2009年


1. Feimin Huang and Akitaka Matsumura,Stability of a Composite Wave of Two Viscous ShockWaves for the Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Comm. Math. Phys., Accepted.
2. Feimin Huang, Jing Li and Xiaoding Shi, Asymptotic behavior of solutions to the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the half space. Comm. Math. Sci., Accepted.
3. Feimin Huang and Yeping Li,Large time behavior and quasineutral limit of solutions to a bipolar hydrodynamic model with large data and vacuum. Discrete Contin. Dyn.Syst., 2009, In press.
4. Feimin Huang and Xiaohong Qin,Stability of boundary layer and rarefaction wave to an outflow problem for compressible Navier-Stokes equations under large perturbation. J. Diff. Equa., 2009, In press.
5. Jinmyong Ri and Feimin Huang, Vacuum solution and quasineutral limit of semiconductor drift-diffusion equation. J. Diff. Equa., 246(4), 2009,1523-1538.
6. Feimin Huang, Zhouping Xin and Tong Yang, Contact discontinuity with general perturbations for gas motions. Adv. Math., 219(4), 2008, 1246--1297.
7. Feimin Huang, Ronghua Pan and Huimin Yu, Large time behavior of Euler-Poisson system for semiconductor. Sci. China Ser. A, 51(5), 2008,965--972.
8. Feimin Huang, Ronghua Pan and Yi Wang, Stability of contact discontinuity for Jin-Xin relaxation system. J. Diff. Equa., 244(5), 2008, 1114--1140.
9. Feimin Huang and Yi Wang, Large time behavior of the solutions to the Boltzmann equation with specular reflective boundary condition. J. Diff. Equa., 240(2), 2007, 399--429.
10. Feimin Huang, Jing Li and Zhouping Xin, Convergence to equilibria and blowup behavior of global strong solutions to the Stokes approximation equations for two-dimensional compressible flows with large data. J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), 86(6), 2006, 471--491.
11. Feimin Huang and Tong Yang, Stability of contact discontinuity for the Boltzmann equation. J. Diff. Equa., 229, 2006, 698-742.
12. Feimin Huang, Hailiang Li and Akitaka Matsumura, Existence and stability of steady-state of one-dimensional quantum hydrodynamic system for semiconductors. J. Diff. Equa., 225(1), 2006, 1-25.
13. Feimin Huang and Ronghua Pan, Asmptotic behavior of the solutions to the damped compressible Euler equations with vacuum. J. Diff. Equa., 220, 2006, 207-233.
14. Feimin Huang, Akitaka Matsumura and Zhouping Xin, Stability of Contact Discontinuities for the 1-D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 179, 2005, 55-77.
15. Feimin Huang, P. Marcati and Ronghua Pan, Convergence to Barenblatt solution for the compressible Euler equations with damping and vacuum. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 176(1), 2005, 1-24.
16. Feimin Huang, Weak solution to pressureless type system. Comm. Part. Diff. Equs., 30, 2005, 283-304.
17. F.Huang, A.Matsumura and X.Shi, Viscous shock wave to a gas-solid free boundary problem for compressible gas, SIAM J. Math. Anal., Vol.36, No.2, (2004), 498-522.
18. Y.Ding and F.Huang, on a nonhomogeneous pressureless system, Quart. Appl. Math., 62 (2004), No.3, 509-528.
19. F.Huang, A.Matsumura and X.Shi, On the stability of contact discontinuity for compressible Navier-Stokes equations with free boundary, Osaka J. Math., Vol.41, No.1,2004, 193-210.
20. F.Huang, A. Matsumura and X. Shi, Viscous Shock Wave and Boundary Layer Solution to an Inflow Problem for Compressible Viscous Gas, Comm. Math. Phys., 239(2003),261-285.
21. F. Huang, A.Matsumura and X.Shi, A gas-solid free boundary problem for a compressible viscous gas, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 34,(2003),6,1330-1354.
22. F. Huang and R.Pan, Convergence rate for compressible Euler equations with damping and vacuum, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.,166,(2003),4,359-376.
23. F.Huang and H.Zhao, On the global stability of contact discontinuity for compressible Navier-Stokes equations, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, Vol.109, 2003,283-305.
24. F. Huang and Z.Wang, Convergence of viscosity solutions for isothermal gas dynamics, SIAM J. Math. Anal.,34,(2002),3,595-610.
25. F.Huang and Z.Wang, Well posedness for pressureless flow, Comm. Math. Phys. 222 (2001),1, 117--146.
26. F.Huang, A.Matsumura and X.Shi, Asymptotics toward the viscous shock wave to an inflow problem in the half space for compressible viscous gas. Mathematical analysis in fluid and gas dynamics (Japanese) (Kyoto, 2001).
RIMS kokyuroku No.1247 (2002), 177--186.
27. F.Huang, Large time behavior for compressible Euler equations with damping and vacuum. Mathematical analysis in fluid and gas dynamics (Japanese) (Kyoto, 2001). RIMS kokyuroku No.1247 (2002), 57--66.
28. F.Huang and Z.Wang, Uniqueness on zero pressure gas dynamics. Acta Math.Sci.Ser.B Engl.Ed. 21 (2001), No.2, 145--151.
29. F.Huang and Z. Wang, Convergence of approximate solutions for isothermal flow. (Chinese) Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A Chin. Ed 21 (2001), no. 4, 570--576.
30. F.Huang, On the two-dimensional Cauchy problem of a hyperbolic system. Acta Math.Sinica (N.S.) 14 (1998), no. 3, 399--410.
31. F.Huang, Existence and uniqueness of discontinuous solutions for a class of nonstrictly hyperbolic systems. Advances in nonlinear partial differential equations and related areas (Beijing, 1997), 187--208, World Sci. Publishing,
River Edge, NJ, 1998.
32. X.Yang and F.Huang, Two-dimensional Riemann problems of simplified Euler equation. Chinese Sci.Bull.43 (1998), No.6, 441--444.
33. F.Huang and X.Yang, The two-dimensional Riemann problem for a class of systems of hyperbolic conservation law equations. (Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sinica 21 (1998), no. 2,193--205.
34. F.Huang, Existence and uniqueness of discontinuous solutions for a hyperbolic system. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 127 (1997), no. 6,1193--1205.
35. Z.Wang, F.Huang and X.Ding, On the Cauchy problem of transportation equations. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (English Ser.) 13 (1997), no.2,113--122.
36. F.Huang, Existence of two solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with critical Sobolev exponents and mixed boundary conditions. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 126 (1996), no. 1,47--75.
37. F.Huang, C and Z.Wang, Solutions containing delta-waves of Cauchy problems for a nonstrictly hyperbolic system. Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (English Ser.) 11 (1995), no. 4,429--446.


