




  • 中文名:黃霞
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 就職院校:華北電力大學




[1]國家自然科學青年基金(Grant No.11605055),非線性耦合系統和犁幾去複雜網路同步行為研究,2017.1-2019.12,19萬
[2]中央高戒姜頸請校基礎研究面上項目(Grant No. 2017MS054), 非線性耦嫌立陵合烏辯燥系統中Kuramoto振子同淋體旬步行為研究, 2017.1-2019.12,5萬




[1]Xia Huang, Rongmei Yu, Xingqiang Yang, Xiumei Xu, Han Zhang, Dandan Zhang,Effi多愚cient CuInS2/ZnS based quantum dot light emitting diodes by engineering the exciton formation interface,Journal of Luminescence 202 (2018) 339–344,(SCI)
[2]Xia Huang, Jin Dong , Wen-Jing Jia , Zhi-Gang Zheng, Can Xu, Dynamics of clustering patterns in the Kuramoto model with unidirectional coupling,Front. Phys. 13(5), 130506 (2018),(SCI)
[3]Xia Huang , Jian Gao , Yu-Ting Sun, Zhi-Gang Zheng, Can Xu2 , Effects of frustration on explosive synchronization, Front. Phys. 11(6), 110504(2016),(SCI)
[4]Huang Xia, Xu Can, Sun Yu-Ting, Zheng Zhi-Gang, Multiple synchronous states in a ring of coupled phase oscillators, Acta. Phys. Sin. Vol. 64, No. 17,170504(2015).(In Chinese) (SCI)
[5]Can Xu, Jian Gao, Yuting Sun, Xia Huang, Zhigang Zheng, Explosive or Continuous: Incoherent state determines the route to synchronization, Sci. Rep.5,12039 (2015). (SCI)
[6]Xia Huang, Meng Zhan, Fan Li, Zhigang Zheng, Single-clustering synchronization in a ring ofKuramo to oscillators, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretial, vol.47, No.12, 125101(2014). (SCI)
[7]Hai Huang, Yanyan Lu, Xia Huang, Two-band analysis on the upper critical field for superconductor NbS2, Eur. Phys . J. B 86: 135( 2013). (辣擊和章SCI)
[8]Hai Huang, Xia Huang, Bound States And Klein Paradox Of Graphene Systems In Confining Potentials, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol.26,No.17,1250108(2012). (SCI)
[9]Huang Xia, Dong jin, Response Characteristics of Anomalous Diffusing Particles With Non-Ohmic Spectrum: the Harmonic Potential Case, Journal of Natural Science Nanjing Normal University, vol.10,No.2,5-9(2008).(核心)
[10]Wu Yu-xi, Huang xia, Gao Jian, Zheng Zhi-Gang, Phase synchronization and generalized synchronization in double driven chaotic oscillators,Acta. Phys. Sin. Vol. 56, No. 7, 3803 (2007). (In Chinese).
[11]Non-Ohmic譜反常擴散粒子的回響特性:耦合諧振子勢情況 黃霞,張航 南京師範大學學報(自然科學版)Vol.30 NO.1,Mar,2007。(核心)
[12]Xia Huang, Jian Gao , Dai Hai He, Zhi Gang- Zheng, Generalized Synchronization in Double Driven Chaotic System, International Journal of Modern Physics B, vol.20, No.24,3477(2006),(SCI)
[5]Can Xu, Jian Gao, Yuting Sun, Xia Huang, Zhigang Zheng, Explosive or Continuous: Incoherent state determines the route to synchronization, Sci. Rep.5,12039 (2015). (SCI)
[6]Xia Huang, Meng Zhan, Fan Li, Zhigang Zheng, Single-clustering synchronization in a ring ofKuramo to oscillators, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretial, vol.47, No.12, 125101(2014). (SCI)
[7]Hai Huang, Yanyan Lu, Xia Huang, Two-band analysis on the upper critical field for superconductor NbS2, Eur. Phys . J. B 86: 135( 2013). (SCI)
[8]Hai Huang, Xia Huang, Bound States And Klein Paradox Of Graphene Systems In Confining Potentials, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol.26,No.17,1250108(2012). (SCI)
[9]Huang Xia, Dong jin, Response Characteristics of Anomalous Diffusing Particles With Non-Ohmic Spectrum: the Harmonic Potential Case, Journal of Natural Science Nanjing Normal University, vol.10,No.2,5-9(2008).(核心)
[10]Wu Yu-xi, Huang xia, Gao Jian, Zheng Zhi-Gang, Phase synchronization and generalized synchronization in double driven chaotic oscillators,Acta. Phys. Sin. Vol. 56, No. 7, 3803 (2007). (In Chinese).
[11]Non-Ohmic譜反常擴散粒子的回響特性:耦合諧振子勢情況 黃霞,張航 南京師範大學學報(自然科學版)Vol.30 NO.1,Mar,2007。(核心)
[12]Xia Huang, Jian Gao , Dai Hai He, Zhi Gang- Zheng, Generalized Synchronization in Double Driven Chaotic System, International Journal of Modern Physics B, vol.20, No.24,3477(2006),(SCI)


