歷任研究實習員(1997-2000)、助理研究員(2000-2005)、副研究員(2005-2009)、研究員(2009.01)。2005年1月獲法國里昂第一大學博士學位。2000年參加加拿大布爾吉斯頁岩的化石發掘,8次到法國里昂第一大學及法國國立自然歷史博物館合作研究,在瑞典海洋工作站採集並研究了現代曳鰓動物標本,訪問了德國、丹麥、法國、西班牙、美國等多所博物館及大學。共發表論文50餘篇,其中第一作者SCI論文18篇,第二作者Nature,Science,PNAS論文各1篇。2003年獲江蘇省科技進步一等獎(脊椎動物起源及早期演化;第二獲獎人);2004年獲法中科技協會陳氏兄弟地球科學獎(寒武紀底內生動物群;Le Prix TANG Freres Sciences de la Terre 2004)。
1,Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Li Chiawei, 1999: An early Cambrian craniate-like chordate. Nature 402, 518-522
2, Huang Diying, Lin Qibin,2001:The Early Cretaceous Hemeroscopid larva fossils from Beijing, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 46: 1477-1481
3,Huang Diying, Nel A., 2001: New ‘Hemeroscopid’ larvae from the Lower Cretaceous of China: systematic and phylogenetic implications (Anisoptera). Odonatologica 30: 341-344
4,Lin Qibin, Huang Diying, 2001: Description of Caenoephemera shangyuanensis, gen. nov., sp. nov. (Ephemeroptera) from the Yixian Formation. The Canadian Entomologist 133: 747-754
5,Chen Junyuan, Vannier J., Huang Diying, 2001:The origin of crustaceans: new evidence from the Early Cambrian of China. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 268: 2181-2187
6,Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, 2002: A possible Lower Cambrian chaetognath (arrow worm). Science 298: 187
7,Lin Qibin, Nel A., Huang Diying, 2002: Phylogenetic analysis of the Mesozoic family Liupanshaniidae (Aeshnoptera: Odonata). Cretaceous Research, 23: 439-444
8, Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Peng Qingqing, Chi Huimei, Wang Xiuqiang, Feng Man, 2003: The first tunicate from the Early Cambrian of South China. P. N. A. S. 100: 8314-8318
9, Huang Diying, Nel A., Lin Qibing, 2003: A new genus and species of aeshnopteran dragonfly from the Lower Cretaceous of China. Cretaceous Research, 24: 141-147
10, Huang Diying, Vannier J., Chen Junyuan, 2004: Anatomy and lifestyles of Early Cambrian priapulid worms exemplified by Corynetis and Anningvermis from the Maotianshan Shale (SW China). Lethaia 37: 21-33
11, Huang Diying, Vannier J., Chen Junyuan, 2004: Recent Priapulidae and their Early Cambrian ancestors: comparisons and evolutionary significance. Geobios 37: 217-228
12, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2004: Two new Lower Cretaceous dragonfly larvae from Northeastern China (Anisoptera). Odonatologica 33: 199-205
13, Huang Diying, Chen Junyuan, Vannier J., Saiz Salinas J. I., 2004: Early Cambrian sipunculan worms from southwest China. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271: 1671-1676
14, Lin Qibin, Zhang Shi, Huang Diying, 2004: A new dragonfly genus, Fuxiaeschna (Odonata: Rudiaeschnidae) from North-west China. Odonatologica 33: 437-442
15, Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Bottjor D. 2005: An Early Cambrian problematic fossil: Vetustovermis and its possible affinities. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 272: 2003-2007 16, Huang Diying, Chen Junyuan, Vannier J., 2006: Discussion on the systematic position of the Early Cambrian priapulomorph worms. Chinese Science Bulletin 51: 243-249
17, Lin Qibin, Huang Diying, 2006: Discovery of Paleocene Prophalangopsidae (Insecta, Orthoptera) in the Jiangtang Basin, Northern Tibet, China. Alcheringa 30: 97-102
18, Lin Qibin, Huang Diying, 2006: Revision of “Parahagla lamina” Lin, 1982 and two new species of Aboilus (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae) from the Early-Middle Jurassic of NW China. Progress in Natural Science, Special Issue: 303-307
19, Huang Diying, Nel. A., Shen Yanbin, Selden P., Lin Qibin, 2006: Discussions on the age of the Daohugou fauna-evidence from invertebrates. Progress in Natutural Science, Special Issue: 308-312
20, Vannier J., Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Charbonnier S., Wang Xiuqiang, 2006: The Early Cambrian origin of thylacocephalan arthropods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 51: 201-214 21, Zhang Binglan, Fleck G., Huang Diying, Nel A., Ren Dong, Cheng Xiaodong, Lin Qibin, 2006: New isophlebioid dragonflies (Ononata: Isophlebioptera: Campterophlebiidae) from the Middle Jurassic of China. Zootaxa, 1339: 51-68
23, Lukashevich E. D., Huang Diying, Lin Qibin, 2006: Rare families of lower Diptera (Hennigmatidae, Blephariceridae, Perissommatidae) from the Jurassic of China. Studia dipterologica 13: 127-143 24, Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Chuang Shouhwa, 2007: Reinterpretation of the Lower Cambrian brachiopod Heliomedusa orienta Sun & Hou, 1987 as a discinid. Journal of Paleontology 81: 38-47 25, Petrulevičius J. F., Huang Diying, Ren Dong, 2007: A new hangingfly (Insecta: Mecoptera: Bittacidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. African Invertebrates, 48: 145-152 26, Huang Diying, Lin Qibin, 2007: A new soldier fly (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation, China. Cretaceous Research 28: 317-321
27, Lin Qibin, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2007: A new family of Cavilabiata from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation, China (Odonata: Anisoptera). Zootaxa, 1469: 59-64
28, Huang Diying, Nel A. Lin Qibin, Dong Fabing, 2007: The first Glosselytrodea (Insecta) from the latest Middle Permian of Anhui Province, China. Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France, 112: 179-182
29, Maas A. Huang Diying, Chen Junyuan, Waloszek D., Braun A., 2007: Maotianshan Shale nemathelminth — Morphology, biology, and the phylogeny of Nemathelminthes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 254: 288-306.
30, Tan Jingjing, Huang Diying, Ren Dong, 2007: First Record of Fossil Mesocupes from China (Coleoptera: Archostemata: Cupedidae). Acta Geologica Sinica, 81: 688-696. 31, Nel A., Huang Diying, Lin Qibin, 2007: A new genus of isophlebioid damsel-dragonflies (Odonata: Isophlebioptera: Campterophlebiidae) from the Middle Jurassic of China. Zootaxa, 1642: 13-22 32, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2007: A new Middle Jurassic “grylloblattodean” family from China (Insecta: Juraperlidae fam. n.). European Journal of Entomolomogy, 104: 837-840. 33, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2007: Oldest “libelluloid” dragonfly from the Middle Jurassic of China (Odonata: Anisoptera: Cavilabiata). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 246/1: 63-68.
34, Huang Diying, Nel A., Petrulevičius J. F. 2008: New evolutionary evidences of Grylloblattida from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, north-east China (Insecta, Polyneoptera). Zoological Journal of Linnean Society, 152: 17-24.
35, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2008: A new Middle Jurassic aphid family (Insecta: Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Sinohuraphididae Fam. nov.) from Inner Mongolia, China. Palaeontology, 51: 715-719.
36, Chen Ailin, Huang Diying, 2008: Gill rays of primitive vertebrate Yunnanozoon from Early Cambrian: a first record. Front. Biol. China, 3 (2): 241-244.
37, Shen Yanbin, Huang Diying, 2008: Extant clam shrimp egg morphology: taxonomy and comparison with other fossil branchiopod eggs. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 28 (2): 352-360.
38, Huang Diying, Nel A., Azar D., Nel P., 2008: Phylogenetic relationships of the Mesozoic paraneopteran family Archipsyllidae (Insecta: Psocodea). Geobios, 41: 461-464.
39, Nel A., Huang Diying, Lin Qibin, 2008: A new genus of isophlebioid damsel-dragonflies with “calopterygid” - like wing shape from the Middle Jurassic of China (Odonata: Isophlebioidea: Campterophlebiidae). European Journal of Entomolomogy, 105: 783-787.
40, Lin Qibin, Huang Diying, 2008: New Middle Jurassic mayflies (Insecta, Ephemerotera, Siphlonuridae) from Inner Mongolia, China. Annales Zoologici, 58 (3): 521-527.
41, Huang Diying, Nel A., Zompro O., Waller A., 2008: Mantophasmatodea now in the Jurassic. Naturwissenschaften, 95: 947-952.
42, Lin Qibin, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2008: A new genus of Chifengiinae (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Prophalangopsidae) from the Middle Jurassic (Jiulongshan Formation) of Inner Mongolia, China. Comptes Rendus Palevol 7: 205-209.
43, Selden P. A., Huang Diying, Ren Dong, 2008: Palpimanoid spiders from the Jurassic of China. Journal of Arachnology, 36: 306-321.
44, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2008: New ‘Grylloblattida’ related to the genus Prosepididontus Handlirsch, 1920 in the Middle Jurassic of China (Insect: Geinitziidae). Alcheringa, 395-403.
45, Kolibac J., Huang Diying, 2008: Taxonomic status of the Mesozoic genera Anhuistoma Lin, 1985, Eotenebroides Ren, 1995, Lithostoma Martynov, 1926, Palaeoendomychus Zhang, 1992, and Sinosoronia Zhang 1992 (Coleoptera). Entomologica Basiliensia et Collections Frey, 30: 135-148. 46, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2009: The first Chinese Tarsophlebiidae from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation, with morphological and phylogenetic implications (Odonatoptera: Panodonata). Cretaceous Research, 30: 429-433.
47, Huang Diying, Baudoin A., Nel A., 2009: A new aeschnidiid genus from the Early Cretaceous of China (Odonata: Anisoptera). Cretaceous Research, 30: 805-809.
48, Huang Diying, Nel A., 2009: Oldest webspinners from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China (Insecta: Embiodea). Zoological Journal of Linnean Society, 156: 889-895.
49, Huang Diying, Selden P., Dunlop J., 2009: Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) from the Middle Jurassic of China. Naturwissenschaften, 96: 955-962.