


  • 中文名:黃迎虹
  • 出生地:福建南安
  • 出生日期:1979年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:碩士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職單位中山大學國際關係學院


研究領域:1、中印民族國家建構比較 2、非暴力抗爭理論與運動 3、政治學理論


2014.1-2014.4 新加坡國立大學高級訪問學者
2011.8-2011.10 印度中國研究中心訪問學者
2008.7-2008.12 中山大學-印度德里大學聯合培養博士;




1. “中國與印度征地模式創新比較研究”,國家社會科學基金項目青年項目,2014至2017年。
2. “印度民族國家建構及其與中國的邊界衝突:以尼赫魯時期為中心”,全國博士後面上資助項目,2011年至2013年。
3. “國家與社會互動下的印度反腐敗制度建設研究:以印度經濟自由化(1991)以來的發展為中心”,中山大學985工程青年教師培養項目,2012年至2014年。


1、 肖濱、黃迎虹,三元複合反腐的理論模式——基於印度制定“官員腐敗調查法”的分析,《中國社會科學》,2015年第6期。
2、 黃迎虹,中日兩國全面對撞關係的深層機制探析,《太平洋學報》2015年第6期。
3、 論政治變革手段模式的多樣化——以十個國家或地區政治變革經驗比較為例,《中山大學學報》(社會科學版),2012年第4期。(中國人民大學複印報刊資料D0《政治學》2012年第10期全文轉載)
4、 金磚合作的兩面:基於中印兩國媒體評論的實證分析,《南亞研究》,2014年第3期。
5、 論印度選舉的戰略部署,《南亞研究季刊》,2012年第1期。
6、 “精神的力量”: 論甘地非暴力反抗運動的理論基礎,《政治思想史》,2012年第3期。
7、 “Socialism, Revolution, and Non-violence: A Comparison of Mahatma Gandhi and Sun Yat-sen’s Responses on Socialism and the Russian Revolution of 1917”, Gandhi Marg, vol.3, 2010.
8、 正義的可能及其陷阱,《現代哲學》,2010年第2期。
1、 尚勸余、黃迎虹(共同主編、譯者),《甘地文集》,雲南人民出版社,2015年9月。
2、 尚勸余、黃迎虹(共同主編),《中國人論甘地》,雲南人民出版社,2015年9月。
3、 黃迎虹,《絲綢之路·印度》,廣東人民出版社,2015年12月。
Huang Yinghong
Curriculum Vitae
Office Adrress
School of Asia-Pacific Studies,
Sun Yat-sen University,
No.135 Xingang West Road,
Guangzhou, China, 510275
Ph.D (Political Science), Sun Yat-sen University, 2010;
Visiting Ph.D student at Department of East Asia Studies, Delhi University, 2008;
M.A (Political Science), Sun Yat-sen University,2004;
B.A (Political Science), Xia Men University,2001;
Employment history:
Associate Professor, School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, 2015-
Assistant Professor, School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, 2010-2015
Postdoctoral Research fellow, History Department, Sun Yat-sen University (Sep. 2010-Sep.2012)
Awards and honors:
Young Scholar grant, Chinese National Social Science Foundation, 2014-2017
Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (Jan.2014 to Apr. 2014)
Emerging Scholar, India China Studies, the New School, New York, 2014
Visiting Scholar, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi (July. 2013 to Oct, 2013)
Chinese Postdoctoral Foundation grant, 2011-2012
Visiting Scholar, Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University (Aug. 2011 to Oct. 2011)
Research Specialization:
The Comparative Modernization Processes of India and China;
Satyagraha theory and movements of Mahatma Gandhi;
The Nation-Building Processes of China and India.
Teaching fields:
Comparative Politics (the Introduction of Comparative politics, Modern Indian Politics and Diplomacy, Government and Politics in Modern China Indian Society and Culture)
International relationship (Classic Works of International Relationship)
Huang Yinghong, “The Politics of Conversion: a Case study on Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha Fastings” (感化型政治:以聖雄甘地絕食的理論與實踐為例)Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2012.
Postdoctoral research reports
“The Sino-India’s Border Conflict under the Perspective of the Nation-State Building Process: A study focusing on the Nehru Era”
Theses (Per Review):
1. Xiao Bin & Huang Yinghong, Complex Tripartite Interaction as a theoretic Anti-corruption Approach: a case study on the “Jan Lokpal” Movement in India(三元複合反腐的理論模式——基於印度制定“官員腐敗調查法”的分析), Social Science in China, N0. 6, 2015.
2. Huang Yinghong, A Tentative Analysis of the Mechanism of the Full-scaled Confrontation of Sino-Japan Relationship(中日兩國全面對撞關係的深層機制探析), Pacific Journal, Vol.26, No. 6, 2015.
3. Huang Yinghong, the Two Faces of BRICS Cooperation: Empirical Analysis based on Press Editorials(金磚合作的兩面:基於中印兩國媒體評論的實證分析),South Asian Studies, vol. 3, 2014.
4. Huang Yinghong,The Diverse Options of Political Transformation: A Studies Based on the Experiences in ten Countries or Regions,(論政治變革手段模式的多樣化——以十個國家或地區政治變革經驗比較為例)Journal Of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science), Vol.4.2012. (In Chinese Language)
5. Huang Yinghong,Satyagraha: the Theoretic Base of Mahatma Gandhi’ Nonviolent Resistance movement(“精神的力量”: 論甘地非暴力反抗運動的理論基礎), Journal of the History of Political Thought, vol.3, 2012 .(In Chinese Language)
6. Huang Yinghong, On the Election Strategy and Arrangement in India: a Study based on the General Elections since 2009(論印度選舉的戰略部署),South Asian Studies Quarterly, Vol.1.2012. (In Chinese Language)
7. Huang Yinghong, “Socialism, Revolution, and Non-violence: A Comparison of Mahatma Gandhi and Sun Yat-sen’s Responses on Socialism and the Russian Revolution of 1917”, Gandhi Marg, Vol.3, 2010
8. Huang Yinghong, The Feasibility of Justice as Reciprocity and its Dilemma, Modern Philosophy, (正義的可能及其陷阱)vol. 3, 2010.(In Chinese Language)
Upcoming Publications
1. Shang Quanyu & Huang Yinghong(Co-editors& translators), “the Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”(《甘地文集》), Yunnan People’s Publishing House, Sept. 2015.
2. Huang Yinghong & Shang Quanyu(Co-editors), “Chinese Perception on Mahatma Gandhi”(《中國人論甘地》), Yunnan People’s Publishing House, Sept. 2015.
3. Huang Yinghong, “India in the Maritime Silk Road”(《海上絲綢之路·印度》), Guangdong People’s Publishing House, Dec. 2015.
International Conference
 Paper Contributor: the third interdisciplinary Symposium for Emerging Scholars on India China Studies, the New School, New York, April 14, 2014.
 Participant: The 11th Conference of Indian Congress of Asia-Pacific Studies, 4-5 Sep. 2011, Jaipur.
 Co-convener (with Professor Yuan Ding): The 6th International Conference on“the Development of Maritime Cultures in East Asian Port: International Networks, Social Changes”,9-12 Dec. 2010, Guangzhou.
 Participant:“SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE HUMAN CIVILISATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY: An International Seminar on the centenary of Hind Swaraj”, 12-14 Feb. 2009 , Delhi.
June, 2015


