- 中文名:黃軍就
- 國籍:中國
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:生物學、細胞生物學
- 職務:中山大學生命科學學院副教授
- 主要成就:2015年4月發表了全球第一篇有關利用CRISPR技術修改人類胚胎基因的報告
2004.09-2009.07 中山大學 ,細胞生物學,博士畢業,導師:劉林 (國家傑青,“973項目首席科學家”)
2007.09-2009.05 University of South Florida ,生殖醫學,第一屆“國家建設高水平大學公派項目”聯合培養博士,導師:David L. Keefe(美國生殖學學會副主席)
2000.09-2004.07 中山大學,生物技術專業 ,本科畢業
1994.09-2000.06 江門市第一中學,高中
2017.07-至今 中山大學 生命科學學院,副院長
2016.06-至今 中山大學 生命科學學院教授,博士生導師
2016.10-2017.07 中山大學 生命科學學院,院長助理
2011.12-2016.06 中山大學 副教授
2011.08-2011.11 中山大學 講師
2009.08-2011.07 中山大學 師資博士後(講師)
中山大學雙一流平台的“細胞生物學平台”中“細胞基因編輯研究和套用”方向的團隊負責人;生命科學學院基因編輯動物平台負責人。在Molecular Cell、Cell Research、Stem Cells、Aging Cell、Protein Cell等國際專業雜誌上發表論文43篇,總影響因子達260,其中第一作者/通訊作者論文28篇。論文總引用超1400次。參與編著《Stem Cell Biology Basic Concepts to Frontiers Students Edition (Volume 1)》教科書、Telomeres and Telomerase: Methods and Protocols, Third Edition》和《新生物學年鑑:2012》。世界上首次在人類胚胎水平通過CRISPR/Cas9和Base Editor(鹼基編輯器)基因編輯技術修正地中海貧血的突變基因,研究工作被Nature、Science等全球100多家科技媒體的熱點報導。2011年獲評為廣州市首批珠江科技新星;2013年,指導中山大學本科生實驗隊(SYSU-China)獲得國際基因工程機器設計大賽(iGEM)全球決賽全程金獎(FINALISTS)第三名, 2014年獲全國大學生“小平科技創新團隊”稱號。2014年入選廣東特支計畫百千萬青年拔尖人才;2015年,Nature雜誌評選黃軍就為年度全球十大科學人物;2015年,中國與全球化智庫(CCG)評為“2015年中國留學人員創新創業50人”;2016年,獲得中國幹細胞協會評“幹細胞青年研究員獎”;2017年,中國遺傳學會基因編輯分會第一屆學術委會委員。科研工作獲得國家重點研發計畫(組長和骨幹各1項),國家基金委面上項目(2項)和青年基金,廣東省自然科學基金、廣州市科技攻關項目等資助。
1.兒童重症遺傳病的基因編輯、幹細胞及藥物治療,國家重點研發計畫,406萬,2017.07-2020.12 ,組長
3. CRISPR/Cas9技術治療單純皰疹病毒疾病的研究,廣東省自然科學基金面上項目,10萬,2017.05-2020.05,主持
7. Nanog特異結合lncRNAs調控胚胎幹細胞分化的機制研究,廣東省公益研究與能力建設專項,30萬,2015.09-2017.08,主持
10. Oct4相關蛋白對胚胎幹細胞多能性調控機制的研究,2011年首屆珠江科技新星專項,30萬,2011.11-2014.10,主持
11. 人RCC1與Rap1在細胞凋亡中相互作用機制研究,博士後基金-面上,3萬,2010.12-2012.12,主持
12. 胚胎幹細胞LIF通路中Oct4相關調節蛋白的篩選和功能研究,博士後基金-第四批特別資助,10萬,2011.09-2012.12,主持
1. Testis-specific Lypd9 is dispensable for spermatogenesis in mouse. Feng J, Liang P, Chen Y, Zhang X, Songyang Z, Zheng H, Cao S, Huang J*. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 10-Dec-2017 IF:2.3
2. 劉佳慧, 梁普平, 時光, 黃軍就.《單鹼基基因編輯系統的套用和展望》 世界科技研究與進展2017-11-10
3. Liang P, Ding C, Sun H, Xie X, Xu Y, Zhang X, Sun Y, Xiong Y, Ma W, Liu Y, Wang Y, Fang J, Liu D, Songyang Z*, Zhou C*, Huang J*. Correction of β-thalassemia mutant by base editor in human embryos.Protein Cell. 2017 Sep 23. IF:5.3 首次在人胚胎中證實單鹼基編輯技術有望阻斷點突變遺傳疾病,Nature、Science、BBC等頂級媒體報導,單鹼基基因編輯技術的先驅(David Liu)做正麵點評,Nature雜誌年度盤點2017年全球科學重要事件中介紹本工作。
4. Chen Y, Liang P, Huang Y, Li M, Zhang X, Ding C, Feng J, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Gao Y, Zhang Q, Cao S, Zheng H, Liu D, Songyang Z*, Huang J*. Glycerol kinase-like proteins cooperate with Pld6 in regulating sperm mitochondrial sheath formation and male fertility. Cell Discovery (2017) 3, 17030; doi:10.1038/celldisc.2017.30
5. Liang P, Zhang X, Chen Y, Huang J*. Developmental history and application of CRISPR in human disease. J Gene Med. 2017IF:3.6 主編邀請綜述
6. Liang P, Sun H, Sun Y, Zhang X, Xie X, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Chen Y, Ding C, Xiong Y, Ma W, Liu D, Huang J*, Songyang Z* Effective gene editing by high-fidelity base editor 2 in mouse zygotes. Protein Cell 2017 IF:5.3
7. Huang D, Lu W, Zou S, Wang H, Jiang Y, Zhang X, Li P, Songyang Z, Wang L, Wang J, Huang J*, Fang L*. Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor α is a potential prognostic biomarker and controls telomere regulation in colorectal cancer. Cancer Sci. 2017 Apr 17.IF:3.9
8. Jiang S, Tang M, Xin H, Huang J*. Assessing Telomerase Activities in Mammalian Cells Using the Quantitative PCR-Based Telomeric Repeat Amplification Protocol (qTRAP). Methods Mol Biol. 2017;1587:95-101.
9. Lin Z, Bao J, Kong Q, Bai Y, Luo F, Songyang Z, Wu Y*, Huang J*. Effective production of recipient male pigs for spermatogonial stem cell transplantation by intratesticular injection with busulfan. Theriogenology. 2017 Feb;89:365-373 IF:1.8
10. Chen M, Meng Q, Qin Y, Liang P, Tan P, He L, Zhou Y, Chen Y, Huang J*, Wang RF*, Cui J*. TRIM14 Inhibits cGAS Degradation Mediated by Selective Autophagy Receptor p62 to Promote Innate Immune Responses. Mol Cell. 2016 Oct 6;64(1):105-119.IF:14
11. Zhang X, Liang P, Ding C, Zhang Z, Zhou J, Xie X, Huang R, Sun Y, Sun H, Zhang J, Xu Y, Songyang Z, Huang J*. Efficient Production of Gene-Modified Mice using Staphylococcus aureus Cas9. Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 2;6:32565. IF:5.2
12. Hu Y, Shi G*, Zhang L, Li F, Jiang Y, Jiang S, Ma W, Zhao Y, Songyang Z, Huang J*. Switch telomerase to ALT mechanism by inducing telomeric DNA damages and dysfunction of ATRX and DAXX. Sci Rep. 2016 Aug 31;6:32280. IF:5.2
13. 梁普平,黃軍就*, 推開人類胚胎基因研究的神秘大門。《生命科學》 2016 年4月,第28卷 第4期。王恩多院士特約綜述,周琪院士點評。
14. Huang Y, #, Xiong Y, #, Lin Z, Feng X, Jiang X, Songyang Z, Huang J* Specific Tandem 3'UTR Patterns and Gene Expression Profiles in Mouse Thy1+ Germline Stem Cells. Plos ONE 2015 IF:3.2
15. Li, M., Huang, R., Jiang, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Zhan, S., Cao, S., Songyang, Z.*, Huang J* CRISPR/Cas9 Promotes Functional Study of Testis Specific X-linked Gene in vivo. PLOS ONE 2015 IF:3.2
16. Liang, P., Xu, Y., Zhang, X., Ding, C., Huang, R., Zhang, Z., Lv, J., Xie, X., Chen, Y., Li, Y., Sun, Y., Bai, Y., Songyang, Z., Ma, W., Zhou, C*., Huang, J*. (2015). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes. Protein & cell 6, 363-372. IF:3.2 ESI高引論文, Nature、Science、New York Time等媒體熱點報導,推動人類基因編輯國際峰會召開!2015年,Nature雜誌評選為年度十大科學人物
17. Lu, W., Fang, L., Ouyang, B., Zhang, X., Zhan, S., Feng, X., Bai, Y., Han, X., Kim, H., He, Q., Wan, M., Shi, F., Feng, X., Liu, D., Huang, J*., Songyang, Z*. (2015). Actl6a protects embryonic stem cells from differentiating into primitive endoderm. Stem cells 33, 1782-1793. IF: 5.9
18. Luo, Z., Feng, X., Wang, H., Xu, W., Zhao, Y., Ma, W., Jiang, S., Liu, D., Huang, J*., and Songyang, Z*. (2015). Mir-23a induces telomere dysfunction and cellular senescence by inhibiting TRF2 expression. Aging cell 14, 391-399. IF: 5.7
19. Zhan, S., Zhang, X., Cao, S., and Huang, J*. (2015). Benzo(a)pyrene disrupts mouse preimplantation embryo development. Fertility and sterility 103, 815-825.IF: 4.2
20. Huang, Y., Liang, P., Liu, D., Huang, J*., and Songyang, Z*. (2014). Telomere regulation in pluripotent stem cells. Protein & cell 5, 194-202. IF: 3.2
21. Zhang, S., Luo, Z., Shi, G., Liu, D., Songyang, Z*., Huang, J*. TPP1 as a versatile player at the ends of chromosomes. Front. Biol., 2014, 9(3): 225-233.
22. Feng X, Luo Z, Jiang S, Li F, Han X, Hu Y, Wang D, Zhao Y, Ma W, Liu D, Huang J*, Songyang Z*. The telomere-associated homeobox-containing protein TAH1 participates in telomere maintenance in ALT Cells. J Cell Sci 2013. IF: 6.4
1.Huang J, Okuka M, Lu W, Tsibris JC, McLean MP, Keefe DL, Liu L. Telomere shortening and DNA damage of embryonic stem cells induced by cigarette smoke. Reprod Toxicol; 35: 89-95, 2012.IF: 3.7
2.Huang J, Wang F, Okuka M, Liu N, Ji G, Ye X, Zuo B, Li M, Liang P, Ge WW, Tsibris JC, Keefe DL, Liu L. Association of telomere length with authentic pluripotency of ES/iPS cells. Cell Res; 21: 779-792, 2011.IF: 14.0
3.Huang J, Okuka M, McLean M, Keefe DL, Liu L. Telomere susceptibility to cigarette smoke-induced oxidative damage and chromosomal instability of mouse embryos in vitro. Free Radic Biol Med; 48: 1663-1676, 2010.IF: 5.8
4.Huang J, Okuka M, Wang F, Zuo B, Liang P, Kalmbach K, Liu L, Keefe DL. Generation of pluripotent stem cells from eggs of aging mice. Aging Cell; 9: 113-125, 2010.封面文章IF: 5.7
5.Huang J, Okuka M, McLean M, Keefe DL, Liu L. Effects of cigarette smoke on fertilization and embryo development in vivo. Fertil Steril; 92: 1456-1465, 2009.封面文章IF: 4.2
6.Huang J, Deng K, Wu H, Liu Z, Chen Z, Cao S, Zhou L, Ye X, Keefe DL, Liu L.* Efficient production of mice from embryonic stem cells injected into four- or eight-cell embryos by piezo micromanipulation. Stem Cells; 26: 1883-1890, 2008.IF: 5.9
1. Vitamin C plus hydrogel facilitates bone marrow stromal cell-mediated endometrium regeneration in rats. Yang H, Wu S, Feng R, Huang J, Liu L, Liu F, Chen Y. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2017 Nov 21;8(1):267. IF:4.2
2. Zhang T, Zhang Z, Li F, Hu Q, Liu H, Tang M, Ma W, Huang J, Songyang Z, Rong Y, Zhang S, Chen BP, Zhao Y. Looping-out mechanism for resolution of replicative stress at telomeres. EMBO Rep. 2017 IF:8.6
3. Zheng XH, Nie X, Fang Y, Zhang Z, Xiao Y, Mao Z, Liu H, Ren J, Wang F, Xia L, Huang J, Zhao Y. A Cisplatin Derivative Tetra-Pt(bpy) as an Oncotherapeutic Agent for Targeting ALT Cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2017 Oct 1;109(10). IF:14
4. Liang W, Liang P, Wong C, Ng T, Huang J, Zhang J, Waye M, Fu W. CRISPR/Cas9 Technology Targeting Fas Gene Protects Mice From Concanavalin-A Induced Fulminant Hepatic Failure. J Cell Biochem. 2017 Mar;118(3):530-536 IF:3.1
5. Burgess S, Cheng L, Gu F, Huang J, Huang Z, Lin S, Li J, Li W, Qin W, Sun Y, Songyang Z, Wei W, Wu Q, Wang H, Wang X, Xiong JW, Xi J, Yang H, Zhou B, Zhang B. Questions about NgAgo. Protein Cell. 2016 Nov 15. IF:3.8
6. Ge Y, Wu S, Xue Y, Tao J, Li F, Chen Y, Liu H, Ma W, Huang J, Zhao Y*. Preferential extension of short telomeres induced by low extracellular pH. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Sep 30;44(17):8086-96. IF:9.0
7. Huang Y, Chen B, Ye M, Liang P, Zhangfang Y, Huang J, Liu M, Songyang Z, Ma W*. Ccndbp1 is a new positive regulator of skeletal myogenesis. J Cell Sci. 2016 Jul 15;129(14):2767-77. IF:6.4
8. Zhang Y, Wu Y, Mao P, Li F, Han X, Zhang Y, Jiang S, Chen Y,Huang J, Liu D, Zhao Y, Ma W*, Songyang Z*. Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein CIRP/hnRNP A18 regulates telomerase activity in a temperature-dependent manner. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 IF:9.0
9. He Q, Kim H, Huang R, Lu W, Tang M, Shi F, Yang D, Zhang X, Huang J, Liu D, Songyang Z*. (2015). The Daxx/Atrx Complex Protects Tandem Repetitive Elements during DNA Hypomethylation by Promoting H3K9 Trimethylation. Cell Stem Cell. 3;17(3):273-86 IF:22.3
10. Agarwal S, Loh YH, McLoughlin EM, Huang J, Park IH, Miller JD, Huo H, Okuka M, Dos Reis RM, Loewer S, Ng HH, Keefe DL, Goldman FD, Klingelhutz AJ, Liu L, Daley GQ*. Telomere elongation in induced pluripotent stem cells from dyskeratosis congenita patients. Nature; 464: 292-296, 2010.IF: 36.2