
黃軍傑,男,博士,重慶大學航空航天學院副教授,碩士生導師。 主要從事格子玻爾茲曼方法(Lattice-Boltzmann Method, LBM)模擬多相流的研究。


  • 中文名:黃軍傑
  • 畢業院校:新加坡國立大學
  • 學位/學歷:在讀博士
  • 專業方向:機械工程
  • 職務:重慶大學航空航天學院碩士生導師



(導師:鍵捆紙Chang Shu, Yong Tian Chew;2010年2月獲新加坡國立大學博士學位)


2007年10月至2010年2月任新加坡國立大學淡馬錫研究所Associate Scientist
2010年3月至2011年1月任新加坡國立大學淡馬錫研究所Research Scientist


[UC2]理論力學II(航空航天學院,本科生,2014-15 & 15-16學年第一學期;資源及環境科學學院,本科生,2012-13 & 13-14學年第一學期)
[GE2]飛行器氣動數值仿真(航空航天學院,研究生,2015-16 & 16-17 & 17-18學年第二學期)





[JE18]J.-J. Huang*, X.-B. Xiao, and Y.-J. Li, Numerical Investigation of Coalescence-Induced Droplet Jumping from a Hydrophobic Fiber, Langmuir, 34, 14186-14195 (2018). [DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02651]
[JC2] Y.-J. Li, J.-J. Huang*, X.-B. Xiao, Numerical study of droplet impact on the inner surface of a cylinder, Acta Physica Sinica, 67, 184701 (2018). [李玉傑,黃軍傑*,肖旭斌,液滴撞擊圓柱內表面的數值研究,物理學報. 2018, 67 (18): 184701] [DOI: 10.7498/aps.67.20180364]
[JE17] J.-J. Huang*, J. Wu, and H. Huang, An alternative method to implement contact angle boundary condition and its application in hybrid lattice-Boltzmann finite-difference simulations of two-phase flows with immersed surfaces, European Physical Journal E 41:17 (2018). [DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2018-11622-y](2013影響因子2.183)
[JE16] J.-J. Huang* and J. Wu, On moving contact lines simulated by the single-component two-phase lattice-Boltzmann method, European Physical Journal E 39: 46 (2016). [DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2016-16046-1](2013影響因子2.183)
[JE15] J. Wu and J.-J. Huang, Dynamic behaviors of liquid droplets on a gas diffusion layer surface: Hybrid lattice Boltzmann investigation, Journal of Applied Physics 118(4):044902 (2015). [DOI: 10.1063/1.4927422](2013影響因子2.185)
[JE14] J. Wu, J., J.J. Huang, and W.W. Yan. Lattice Boltzmann investigation of droplets impact behaviors onto a solid substrate, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 484: 318-328 (2015). [DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.07.043](2013影響因子2.354)
[JE13] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, and S.-L. Wang. Phase-field-based simulation of axisymmetric binary fluids by using vorticity-streamfunction formulation, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 15(6): 26-45 (2015).(2013影響因子0.427)
[JE12] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, and X. Wang. Wetting boundary conditions in numerical simulation of binary fluids by using phase-field method: some comparative studies and new development, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 77(3):123-158 (2015). [DOI: 10.1002/fld.3975](2013影響因子1.329)
[JE11] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, and X. Wang. Numerical study of drop motion on a surface with stepwise wettability gradient and contact angle hysteresis, Physics of Fluids 26:062101 (2014). [DOI: 10.1063/1.4880656](2013影響因子2.04)
[JE10] H. Huang, J.J. Huang, and X.Y. Lu. A mass-conserving axisymmetric multiphase lattice Boltzmann method and its application in simulation of bubble rising, Journal of Computational Physics 269:386-402 (2014). [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2014.03.028](2013影響因子2.485)
[JE9] H. Huang, J.-J. Huang, and X.-Y. Lu. Study of immiscible displacements in porous media using a color-gradient-based multiphase lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Fluids 93:164-172 (2014). [DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.01.025](2013影響因子1.532)
[JE8] H. Huang, J.-J. Huang, X.-Y. Lu, and M.-C. Sukop. On simulations of high-density ratio flows using color-gradient multiphase lattice Boltzmann models, International Journal of Modern Physics C 24(4):1350021 (2013). [DOI: 10.1142/s0129183113500216](2013影響因子1.125)
[JE7] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, C. Shu, Y. T. Chew, and S.-L. Wang. Hybrid multiple-relaxation-time lattice-Boltzmann finite-difference method for axisymmetric multiphase flows, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46(5):055501 (2013). [DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/46/5/055501](2013影響因子1.687)
[JE6] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, J.J. Feng, and Y.T. Chew. A phase-field-based hybrid lattice-Boltzmann finite-volume method and its application to simulate droplet motion under electrowetting control. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 26(12-17):1825-1851 (2012). [DOI: 10.1163/156856111X599607](2013影響因子1.091)
[JE5] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Lattice Boltzmann study of bubble entrapment during droplet impact. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 65(6):655-682 (2011). [DOI: 10.1002/fld.2209](2013影響因子1.329)
[JE4] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Mobility-dependent bifurcations in capillarity-driven two-phase fluid systems by using a lattice Boltzmann phase-field model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 60(2):203-225 (2009). [DOI: 10.1002/fld.1885](2013影響因子1.329)
[JE3] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Lattice Boltzmann study of droplet motion inside a grooved channel. Physics of Fluids 21:022103 (2009). [DOI: 10.1063/1.3077800](2013影響因子2.04)
[JE2] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Numerical investigation of transporting droplets by spatiotemporally controlling substrate wettability. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 328:124-133 (2008). [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2008.08.046](2013影響因子3.552)
[JE1] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, Y.T. Chew, and H.W. Zheng. Numerical study of 2D multiphase flows over grooved surface by lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Modern Physics C 18(4):492-500 (2007). [DOI: 10.1142/S0129183107010723](2013影響因子1.125)
[CE1] Y.T. Chew, J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and H.W. Zheng. Investigation of multiphase flows near walls with textures by the lattice Boltzmann method. Proceedings of “Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science X”, Aug. 21-23, 2006, Sanya, China.


[SCE4] Phase-field-based simulation of axisymmetric binary fluids by using vorticity-streamfunction formulation.第六屆流體物理國際研討會(The Sixth International Symposium on Physics of Fluids),2015年7月6-9日,中國西寧。
[SUE2] Numerical Study of Drop Motion on a Surface with Stepwise Wettability Gradient and Contact Angle Hysteresis.中國北京,中國科學院力學研究所非線性力學國家重點實驗室學術報告,2014年8月25日。
[SCE3] Wetting Boundary Conditions in Numerical Simulation of Binary Fluids by Using Phase-Field Method: Some Comparative Studies and New Development.第十一屆工程及科學中的介觀方法國際會議(The 11th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science),2014年7月14-18日,美國紐約,紐約城市大學。
[SCE2] Numerical Study of Drop Motion on a Surface with Wettability Gradient and Contact Angle Hysteresis.第十屆工程及科學中的介觀方法國際會議(The 10th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science),2013年7月22-26日,英國牛津,牛津大學。
[SUE1] Numerical Study of Drop Motion on a Surface with Wettability Gradient and Contact Angle Hysteresis.英國倫敦,倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院工程和材料科學學院Seminar,2013年7月22日。
[SCE1] Numerical Study of 2D Multiphase Flows over Grooved Surface by Lattice Boltzmann Method.第15屆流體力學的離散模擬國際會議(The 15th Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics Conference),2006年8月21-25日,瑞士日內瓦,日內瓦大學。


(1)通過LBM模擬研究具有不同浸潤性分布和時間-空間控制的基底上微液滴的運動,提出有效驅動和控制固體表面微液滴的一種方法,並找出相關時間-空間控制參數,為數位化微流體器件(digital microfluidics)的設計提供有效參考;
(2)通過LBM模擬研究了液滴在具有微小結構表面上的運動,發現了低毛細數下表面浸潤性和微結構對液滴形態及流動特性的影響,確認了之前理論預測的“粗糙導致的非浸潤”(”roughness induced non-wetting”)現象,並給出其發生的壁面幾何和浸潤性條件,為微流體器件中特殊表面的設計提供一定的參考和指導;
(5)利用混合LBM-FDM數值模擬研究了二維液滴在有階梯式浸潤性梯度和接觸角遲滯的表面上的運動,並且發現,穩態運動的液滴形狀為兩段圓弧的組合,分別對應兩個顯接觸角(apparent contact angle),如採用Yue, Zhou, Feng [J. Fluid Mech. 645, 279–294 (2010)]給出的相場模擬中滑移長度關係,則這兩個顯接觸角與接觸線速度及由浸潤性梯度和接觸角遲滯所給出的兩個壁面接觸角之間滿足Cox [J. Fluid Mech. 168, 169–194 (1986)]推導出的理論關係;另外發現,兩種流體的粘性比、浸潤性梯度的大小及接觸角遲滯的大小對液滴穩態運動的毛細數影響顯著,而雷諾數對其幾乎沒有影響,這方面的工作有助於擴展和深化對壁面上液滴運動特徵的認識。
(6)針對相場模擬含曲面固體邊界的多相流問題,通過充分利用相序參數的雙曲正切函式特徵,提出一種新的曲面邊界條件處理方法,該方法避免了現有方法需要考慮界面和固壁的相交幾何構形進行插值的複雜性,同時保證了精度,對於二維及三維問題都可相對較方便的實現,其準確性已通過對於傾斜平板上的液滴、圓柱和球面上的液滴等問題的模擬得到驗證。對於該方法,審稿人評價”The idea of using the known shape of the profile to avoid longer-distance interpolation schemes is certainly a very valuable one.”


美國物理學會會員(APS Member, 2008-2013)
美國航空航天學會會員(AIAA Member, 2009-2011)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Chemical Engineering Journal
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Computers & Fluids
Physics of Fluids


[JE18]J.-J. Huang*, X.-B. Xiao, and Y.-J. Li, Numerical Investigation of Coalescence-Induced Droplet Jumping from a Hydrophobic Fiber, Langmuir, 34, 14186-14195 (2018). [DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02651]
[JC2] Y.-J. Li, J.-J. Huang*, X.-B. Xiao, Numerical study of droplet impact on the inner surface of a cylinder, Acta Physica Sinica, 67, 184701 (2018). [李玉傑,黃軍傑*,肖旭斌,液滴撞擊圓柱內表面的數值研究,物理學報. 2018, 67 (18): 184701] [DOI: 10.7498/aps.67.20180364]
[JE17] J.-J. Huang*, J. Wu, and H. Huang, An alternative method to implement contact angle boundary condition and its application in hybrid lattice-Boltzmann finite-difference simulations of two-phase flows with immersed surfaces, European Physical Journal E 41:17 (2018). [DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2018-11622-y](2013影響因子2.183)
[JE16] J.-J. Huang* and J. Wu, On moving contact lines simulated by the single-component two-phase lattice-Boltzmann method, European Physical Journal E 39: 46 (2016). [DOI: 10.1140/epje/i2016-16046-1](2013影響因子2.183)
[JE15] J. Wu and J.-J. Huang, Dynamic behaviors of liquid droplets on a gas diffusion layer surface: Hybrid lattice Boltzmann investigation, Journal of Applied Physics 118(4):044902 (2015). [DOI: 10.1063/1.4927422](2013影響因子2.185)
[JE14] J. Wu, J., J.J. Huang, and W.W. Yan. Lattice Boltzmann investigation of droplets impact behaviors onto a solid substrate, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 484: 318-328 (2015). [DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.07.043](2013影響因子2.354)
[JE13] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, and S.-L. Wang. Phase-field-based simulation of axisymmetric binary fluids by using vorticity-streamfunction formulation, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics 15(6): 26-45 (2015).(2013影響因子0.427)
[JE12] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, and X. Wang. Wetting boundary conditions in numerical simulation of binary fluids by using phase-field method: some comparative studies and new development, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 77(3):123-158 (2015). [DOI: 10.1002/fld.3975](2013影響因子1.329)
[JE11] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, and X. Wang. Numerical study of drop motion on a surface with stepwise wettability gradient and contact angle hysteresis, Physics of Fluids 26:062101 (2014). [DOI: 10.1063/1.4880656](2013影響因子2.04)
[JE10] H. Huang, J.J. Huang, and X.Y. Lu. A mass-conserving axisymmetric multiphase lattice Boltzmann method and its application in simulation of bubble rising, Journal of Computational Physics 269:386-402 (2014). [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2014.03.028](2013影響因子2.485)
[JE9] H. Huang, J.-J. Huang, and X.-Y. Lu. Study of immiscible displacements in porous media using a color-gradient-based multiphase lattice Boltzmann method, Computers & Fluids 93:164-172 (2014). [DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.01.025](2013影響因子1.532)
[JE8] H. Huang, J.-J. Huang, X.-Y. Lu, and M.-C. Sukop. On simulations of high-density ratio flows using color-gradient multiphase lattice Boltzmann models, International Journal of Modern Physics C 24(4):1350021 (2013). [DOI: 10.1142/s0129183113500216](2013影響因子1.125)
[JE7] J.-J. Huang*, H. Huang, C. Shu, Y. T. Chew, and S.-L. Wang. Hybrid multiple-relaxation-time lattice-Boltzmann finite-difference method for axisymmetric multiphase flows, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46(5):055501 (2013). [DOI: 10.1088/1751-8113/46/5/055501](2013影響因子1.687)
[JE6] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, J.J. Feng, and Y.T. Chew. A phase-field-based hybrid lattice-Boltzmann finite-volume method and its application to simulate droplet motion under electrowetting control. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 26(12-17):1825-1851 (2012). [DOI: 10.1163/156856111X599607](2013影響因子1.091)
[JE5] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Lattice Boltzmann study of bubble entrapment during droplet impact. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 65(6):655-682 (2011). [DOI: 10.1002/fld.2209](2013影響因子1.329)
[JE4] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Mobility-dependent bifurcations in capillarity-driven two-phase fluid systems by using a lattice Boltzmann phase-field model. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 60(2):203-225 (2009). [DOI: 10.1002/fld.1885](2013影響因子1.329)
[JE3] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Lattice Boltzmann study of droplet motion inside a grooved channel. Physics of Fluids 21:022103 (2009). [DOI: 10.1063/1.3077800](2013影響因子2.04)
[JE2] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and Y.T. Chew. Numerical investigation of transporting droplets by spatiotemporally controlling substrate wettability. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 328:124-133 (2008). [DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2008.08.046](2013影響因子3.552)
[JE1] J.J. Huang, C. Shu, Y.T. Chew, and H.W. Zheng. Numerical study of 2D multiphase flows over grooved surface by lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Modern Physics C 18(4):492-500 (2007). [DOI: 10.1142/S0129183107010723](2013影響因子1.125)
[CE1] Y.T. Chew, J.J. Huang, C. Shu, and H.W. Zheng. Investigation of multiphase flows near walls with textures by the lattice Boltzmann method. Proceedings of “Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science X”, Aug. 21-23, 2006, Sanya, China.


[SCE4] Phase-field-based simulation of axisymmetric binary fluids by using vorticity-streamfunction formulation.第六屆流體物理國際研討會(The Sixth International Symposium on Physics of Fluids),2015年7月6-9日,中國西寧。
[SUE2] Numerical Study of Drop Motion on a Surface with Stepwise Wettability Gradient and Contact Angle Hysteresis.中國北京,中國科學院力學研究所非線性力學國家重點實驗室學術報告,2014年8月25日。
[SCE3] Wetting Boundary Conditions in Numerical Simulation of Binary Fluids by Using Phase-Field Method: Some Comparative Studies and New Development.第十一屆工程及科學中的介觀方法國際會議(The 11th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science),2014年7月14-18日,美國紐約,紐約城市大學。
[SCE2] Numerical Study of Drop Motion on a Surface with Wettability Gradient and Contact Angle Hysteresis.第十屆工程及科學中的介觀方法國際會議(The 10th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science),2013年7月22-26日,英國牛津,牛津大學。
[SUE1] Numerical Study of Drop Motion on a Surface with Wettability Gradient and Contact Angle Hysteresis.英國倫敦,倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院工程和材料科學學院Seminar,2013年7月22日。
[SCE1] Numerical Study of 2D Multiphase Flows over Grooved Surface by Lattice Boltzmann Method.第15屆流體力學的離散模擬國際會議(The 15th Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics Conference),2006年8月21-25日,瑞士日內瓦,日內瓦大學。


(1)通過LBM模擬研究具有不同浸潤性分布和時間-空間控制的基底上微液滴的運動,提出有效驅動和控制固體表面微液滴的一種方法,並找出相關時間-空間控制參數,為數位化微流體器件(digital microfluidics)的設計提供有效參考;
(2)通過LBM模擬研究了液滴在具有微小結構表面上的運動,發現了低毛細數下表面浸潤性和微結構對液滴形態及流動特性的影響,確認了之前理論預測的“粗糙導致的非浸潤”(”roughness induced non-wetting”)現象,並給出其發生的壁面幾何和浸潤性條件,為微流體器件中特殊表面的設計提供一定的參考和指導;
(5)利用混合LBM-FDM數值模擬研究了二維液滴在有階梯式浸潤性梯度和接觸角遲滯的表面上的運動,並且發現,穩態運動的液滴形狀為兩段圓弧的組合,分別對應兩個顯接觸角(apparent contact angle),如採用Yue, Zhou, Feng [J. Fluid Mech. 645, 279–294 (2010)]給出的相場模擬中滑移長度關係,則這兩個顯接觸角與接觸線速度及由浸潤性梯度和接觸角遲滯所給出的兩個壁面接觸角之間滿足Cox [J. Fluid Mech. 168, 169–194 (1986)]推導出的理論關係;另外發現,兩種流體的粘性比、浸潤性梯度的大小及接觸角遲滯的大小對液滴穩態運動的毛細數影響顯著,而雷諾數對其幾乎沒有影響,這方面的工作有助於擴展和深化對壁面上液滴運動特徵的認識。
(6)針對相場模擬含曲面固體邊界的多相流問題,通過充分利用相序參數的雙曲正切函式特徵,提出一種新的曲面邊界條件處理方法,該方法避免了現有方法需要考慮界面和固壁的相交幾何構形進行插值的複雜性,同時保證了精度,對於二維及三維問題都可相對較方便的實現,其準確性已通過對於傾斜平板上的液滴、圓柱和球面上的液滴等問題的模擬得到驗證。對於該方法,審稿人評價”The idea of using the known shape of the profile to avoid longer-distance interpolation schemes is certainly a very valuable one.”


美國物理學會會員(APS Member, 2008-2013)
美國航空航天學會會員(AIAA Member, 2009-2011)
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Chemical Engineering Journal
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Computers & Fluids
Physics of Fluids


