



  • 中文名:黃燦華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1968年3月
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:腫瘤學、細胞生物學
  • 職務:四川大學華西基礎醫學與法醫學院院長
  • 主要成就:享受國務院特殊津貼專家(2018)、國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者(2012)
  • 籍貫:湖北鄂州


黃燦華教授2000年在中國科學院獲博士學位,隨後在新加坡國立大學生物系從事博士後研究。2003 年8月被新加坡國立大學腫瘤研究所聘為Research Scientist。2005年9月回國任四川大學生物治療國家重點實驗室教授,2017年至今任四川大學華西基礎醫學與法醫學院院長。


國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者(2012);國家重大科學研究計畫(973計畫)“病毒誘導腫瘤發生的氧化還原蛋白質組研究”項目首席科學家(2013-2017);國家自然科學基金委“氧化還原信號調控與腫瘤發生髮展”創新群體項目負責人(2018),成都統一戰線 “同心智庫” 專家成員; 享受國務院特殊津貼專家(2018)。


四川省生物化學與分子生物學會理事長;四川省政協委員;科技部“創新人才推進計畫”重點領域創新團隊負責人暨中組部第四批國家“萬人計畫”科技創新領軍人才;成都市歐美同學會副秘書長,國際學術刊物Proteomics、Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy等編委委員。


回國以來以通訊作者在Gastroenterology、Nat Microbiol、Nat Commun、J Hepatol、Autophagy(8篇)、Cancer Res(3篇,包括2013封面論文)、Cell Death Differ、Mol Cell Proteomics(5篇)等國際學術刊物出版論文80餘篇。受邀請在Trends Biochem Sci、Mass Spectrom Rev、Med Res Rev、Expert Rev Proteomics等國際學術刊物上發表多篇關於系統生物學前沿綜述。




1. Jiang J, Zhang L, Chen H-N, Lei Y, Zhang T, Wang Y, Jin P, Lan J, Zhou L, Huang Z, Li B, Liu Y, Gao W, Xie K, Zhou L, Nice EC, Peng Y, Cao Y, Wei Y, Wang K*, Huang C*. Regorafenib induces lethal autophagy arrest by stabilizing PSAT1 in glioblastoma.Autophagy.2019;25:1-17.
2. Chen H-N, Chen Y, Zhou Z-G, Wei YQ, Huang C*. A novel role for ketoconazole in hepatocellular carcinoma treatment: linking PTGS2 to mitophagy machinery.Autophagy. 2019;15(4):733-734.
3. Zhou L, Gao W, Wang K, Huang Z, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Zhou J, Nice EC, Huang C*. Brefeldin A Inhibits Colorectal Cancer Growth by Triggering Bip/Akt-regulated Autophagy.FASEB J.2019;33(4):5520-5534.
4. Wang K, Jiang J, Lei Y, Zhou S, Wei Y, Huang C*. Targeting Metabolic-redox Circuits for Cancer Therapy.Trends Biochem Sci.2019;25:1-17.
5. Zhang Z, Zhang L, Zhou L, Lei Y, Zhang Y*, Huang C*. Redox signaling and unfolded protein response coordinate cell fate decisions under ER stress.Redox Biol.2018;doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2018.11.005.
6. Chen Y, Chen H-N, Wang K, Zhang L, Huang Z, Liu JY, Zhang Z, Luo MC, Lei YL, Peng Y, Zhou Z-G, Wei YQ, Huang C*. Ketoconazole exacerbates mitophagy to induce apoptosis by downregulating cyclooxygenase-2 in hepatocellular carcinoma.J Hepatol. 2019;70(1):66-77.
7. Liu Y, Guo JZ, Liu Y, Wang K, Ding W, Wang H, Liu X, Zhou S, Lu XC, Yang HB, Xu C, Gao W, Zhou L, Wang YP, Hu W, Wei Y, Huang C*, Lei QY*. Nuclear Lactate Dehydrogenase A Senses ROS to Produce α-Hydroxybutyrate for HPV-induced Cervical Tumor Growth.Nat Commun.2018;9(1):4429.
8. Lan J, Huang Z, Han J, Shao J*, Huang C*. Redox regulation of microRNAs in cancer.Cancer Lett. 2018;418:250-259.
9. Wang K, Zhang T, Lei Y, Li X, Jiang J, Lan J, Liu Y, Chen H, Gao W, Xie N, Chen Q, Zhu X, Liu X, Xie K, Nice EC, Wu M*, Huang C*, Wei Y. Identification of Annexin A2 as a Specific Bleomycin Target to Induce Pulmonary Fibrosis by Impeding TFEB-mediated Autophagic Flux.Autophagy.2018;29:1-14.
10. Wang K, Gao W, Dou Q, Chen H, Li Q, Nice EC, Huang C*. Ivermectin Induces PAK1-mediated Cytostatic Autophagy in Breast Cancer.Autophagy. 2016;12(12)2498-2499.
11. Dou Q, Chen H, Wang K, Yuan K, Lei Y, Li K, Lan J, Chen Y, Huang Z, Xie N, Zhang L, Xiang R, Nice EC, Wei Y and Huang C*. Ivermectin induces cytostatic autophagy by blocking PAK1/Akt axis in breast cancer.Cancer Res. 2016;76(15):4457-69.
12. Li X, He S, Li R, Zhou X, Zhang S, Yu M, YeY, Wang Y, Huang C*, Wu M*. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection augments inflammation through miR-301b repression of c-Myb-ediated immune activation and infiltration.Nat Microbiol. 2016;1(10):16132.
13. Xie N, Yuan K, Zhou L, Wang K, Chen H, Lei Y, Lan J, Pu Q, Gao W, Zhang L, Shen G, Li Q, Xiao H, Tang H, Xiang R, He M, Feng P, Nice EC, Wei Y, Zhang H*, Yang J* and Huang C*. PRKAA1/AMPK restricts HBV replication through promotion of autophagic degradation.Autophagy. 2016;12(9):1507-20.
14. Huang Z, Zhou L, Chen Z, Nice EC, Huang C*. Stress Management by Autophagy: Implications for Chemoresistance.Int J Cancer. 2016;139(1):23-32.
15. Chen HN, Yuan K, Xie N, Wang K, Huang Z, Chen Y, Dou Q, Wu M, Nice EC, Zhou ZG*, Huang C*. PDLIM1 stabilizes the E-cadherin/Beta-catenin complex to prevent epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastatic potential of colorectal cancer cells.Cancer Res. 2016;76(5):1122-34.
16. Yuan K, Lei Y, Chen H, Chen Y, Zhang T, Li K, Xie N, Wang K, Feng X, Pu Q, Yang W, Wu Min, Xiang R, Feitelson MA, Nice EC, Wei Y, Huang C*. HBV-induced ROS accumulation promotes hepatocarcinogenesis through Snail-mediated epigenetic silencing of SOCS3.Cell Death Differ. 2016;616–627.
17. Li X, He S, Zhou X, Ye Y, Tan S, Zhang S, Li R, Yu M, Jundt MC, Hidebrand A, Wang Y, Li G*, Huang C*, Wu M*. Lyn delivers bacteria to lysosomes for eradication through TLR2-initiated autophagy related phagocytosis.PLoS Pathog. 2016;12(1):e1005363.
18. Zhang L, Wang K, Lei Y, Li Q, Nice EC, Huang C*. Redox Signaling: Potential Arbitrator of Autophagy and Apoptosis in Therapeutic Response.Free Radical Bio Med. 2015;89:452-465.
19. Lei Y, Wang K, Deng L, Chen Y, Nice EC, Huang C*. Redox Regulation of Inflammation: Old Elements, a New Story.Med Res Rev. 2015;35(2):306-40.
20. Liu R, Li J, Zhang T, Zou L, Chen Y, Wang K, Lei Y, Yuan K, Li Y, Lan J, Cheng L, Xie N, Xiang R, Nice EC, Huang C*, Wei Y. Itraconazole suppresses the growth of glioblastoma through induction of autophagy: Involvement of abnormal cholesterol trafficking.Autophagy. 2014;10(7):1241-55.
21. Liu R, Li J, Xie K, Zhang T, Lei Y, Chen Y, Zhang L, Huang K, Wang K, Wu H, Wu M, Nice EC, Huang C*, Wei Y. FGFR4 promotes stroma-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition in colorectal cancer.Cancer Res. 2013;73(19):5926-35. (2013, Oct 1st,封面論文;Highlighted as breaking advance inCancer Res, 2013, Oct 15th )
22. Wen X, Wu J, Wang F, Liu B*, Huang C*, Wei Y. Deconvoluting the role of reactive oxygen species and autophagy in human diseases.Free Radic Biol Med. 2013;65:402-10.
23. Liu R, Huang L, Li J, Zhou X, Zhang H, Zhang T, Lei Y, Wang K, Xie N, Zheng Y, Wang F, Nice EC, Rong L, Huang C*, Wei Y. HIV Infection in Gastric Epithelial Cells.J Infect Dis. 2013;208(8):1221-30.
24. Wu J, Xie N, Xie K, Zeng J, Cheng L, Lei Y, Liu Y, Song L, Dong D, Chen Y, Zeng R, Nice EC, Huang C*, Wei Y. GPR48, a poor prognostic factor, promotes tumor metastasis and activates β-catenin/TCF signaling in colorectal cancer.Carcinogenesis. 2013;34(12):2861-9.
25. Yuan K, Xie K, Fox J, Zeng H, Gao H, Huang C*, Wu M*. Decreased Levels of miR-224 and the Passenger Strand of miR-221 Increase MBD2, Suppressing Maspin and Promoting Tumor Growth and Metastasis in Mice.Gastroenterology. 2013;145(4):853-64.e9
26. Deng L, Lei Y, Liu R, Li J, Yuan K, Li Y, Chen Y, Liu Y, Lu Y, Edwards CK 3rd, Huang C*, Wei Y. Pyrvinium targets autophagy addiction to promote cancer cell death.Cell Death Dis. 2013;4:e614.
27. Wang K, Zhang T, Dong Q, Nice EC, Huang C*, Wei Y. Redox homeostasis: the linchpin in stem cell self-renewal and differentiation.Cell Death Dis. 2013;4:e537
28. Zhou S, Liu R, Yuan K, Yi T, Zhao X, Huang C*, Wei Y. Proteomics analysis of tumor microenvironment: Implications of metabolic and oxidative stresses in tumorigenesis.Mass Spectrom Rev. 2013;32(4):267-311
29. Zhou S, Yi T, Liu R, Bian C, Qi X, He X, Wang K, Li J, Zhao X*, Huang C*, Wei Y. Proteomics identification of annexin A2 as a key mediator in the metastasis and proangiogenesis of endometrial cells in human adenomyosis.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012;11(7):M112.017988
30. Lei Y, Huang K, Gao C, Lau QC, Pan H, Xie K, Li J, Liu R, Zhang T, Xie N, Shan Nai H, Wu H, Zhao X, Dong Q, Nice E, Huang C*, Wei Y. Proteomics identification of ITGB3 as a key regulator in ROS-induced migration and invasion of colorectal cancer cells.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2011;10(10):M110.005397.
31. Yuan K, Huang C*, Fox J, Gaid M, Weaver A, Li GP, Singh BB, Gao H, Wu M*. Elevated inflammatory response in Caveolin-1 deficient mice with P. aeruginosa infection is mediated by STAT3 and NF-{kappa}B.J Biol Chem. 2011;286(24):21814-25
32. Zhou S, Li Y, Huang F, Zhang B, Yi T, Li Z, Luo H, He X, Zhong Q, Bian C, Lin X, Qi X, Liu P, Huang C, Zhao X*, Wei Y. Live-attenuated measles virus vaccine confers cell contact loss and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells via ROS-induced silencing of E-cadherin by methylation.Cancer Lett. 2012;318(1):14-25.
33. Wang K, Liu R, Li J, Mao J, Xie N, Wu J, Lei Y, Zhang T, Zeng J, Wu H, Chen L, Huang C.* Wei Y. Quercetin induces protective autophagy in gastric cancer cells: Involvement of Akt-mTOR- and hypoxia-induced factor 1α-mediated signaling.Autophagy. 2011;7(9):966-78
34. Li J, Liu R, Lei Y, Wang K, Lau Q.C, Xie N, Zhou S, Nie C, Chen L, Wei Y, and Huang C*. Proteomic analysis revealed association of aberrant ROS signaling with suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid-induced autophagy in Jurkat T-leukemia cells.Autophagy. 2010;6(6) :711-24
35. Ren F, Wu H, Lei Y, Zhang H, Liu R, Zhao Y, Zeng D, Tong A, Chen L, Wei Y, Huang C*. Quantitative proteomics identification of phosphoglycerate mutase 1 as a novel therapeutic target in hepatocellular carcinoma.Mol Cancer. 2010;9:81
36. Liu R, Li Z, Bai S, Zhang H, Tang M, Lei Y, Chen L, Liang S, Zhao Y, Wei Y, Huang C*. Mechanism of cancer cell adaptation to metabolic stress: proteomics identification of a novel thyroid hormone mediated gastric carcinogenic signaling pathway.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009;8(1):70-85
37. Li Z, Zhao X*, Bai S, Wang Z, Chen L, Wei Y, Huang C*. Proteomic identification of cyclophilin A as a potential prognostic factor and therapeutic target in endometrial carcinoma.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2008;7(10):1810-1823
38. Wang Z, Jiang L, Huang C*, Li Z, Tong A, Chen L, Shen J, Gao F, Chen Q*. Comparative proteomic approach to screening of potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Mol Cell Proteomics. 2008;7:1639–1650
39. Li Z, Huang C*, Bai S, Pan X, Zhou R, Wei Y, and Zhao X*. Prognostic evaluation of epidermal fatty acid-binding protein and calcyphosine, two proteins implicated in endometrial cancer using a proteomic approach.Int J Cancer. 2008;123:2377-2383


