- 中文名:黃洪斌
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:現為東南大學物理系教授
- 性別:男
1978年02月-1984年09月 在北京大學物理系學習,分別獲學士和碩士學位。
1. 量子光學和非線性光學;
2. 量子信息學和量子計算;
3. 非線性動力學和非線性網路及由動力學構造非線性網路的原理;
4. 生物神經網路;
5. BEC。
3、 用推廣的Scully-Lamb雷射理論研究了關聯輻射雷射器和光子雙穩態,得到了具有完全光子數壓縮效應的強光光場,且壓縮光場強度隨注入光場強度增加而增加;
1. S. H. He, H. B. Huang, X. Zhang, Z. X. Liu, D. S. Xu, and C. K. Shen, Chaotic synchronization in large map networks, Phys. Rev. E 74, 057203 (2006).
2. G. X. Qi, H. B. Huang, H. J. Wang, X. Zhang, and L. Chen, General conditions for synchronization of pulse-coupled bursting neurons in complex networks, Europhys. Lett. 74, 733 (2006).
3. F. Qian, H. B. Huang, G. X. Qi, and C. K. Shen, Spontaneous U(1) symmetry breaking and Bose-Einstein condensation, Chin. Phys. 15, 1577 (2006).
4. F. Qian, H. B. Huang, and G. X. Qi, High photon-number squeezing in strong field limit, Commun. Theor. Phys. 45, 929 (2006).
5. X. Xie, H. B. Huang, F. Qian, Y. J. Zhang, P. Yang, and G. X. Qi, Dynamic equations and nonlinear dynamics of cascade two-photon laser, Commun. Theor. Phys. 45, 1042 (2006).
6. P. Yang, F. Qian, H. B. Huang, X. Xie, and Y. J. Zhang, Dynamics of two-photon lasers with a atomic level configuration, Commun. Theor. Phys. 46, 141 (2006).
1. H. J. Wang, H. B. Huang, and G. X. Qi, Long-time anticipation of chaotic states in time-delay coupled ring and linear arrays, Phys. Rev. E 71, 015202(R) (2005).
2. G. X. Qi, H. B. Huang, H. J. Wang, X. Xie, P. Yang, and Y. J. Zhang, Layered synchronous propagation of noise-induced chaotic spikes in linear arrays, Phys. Rev. E 72, 021916 (2005).
3. H. J. Wang, H. B. Huang, and G. X. Qi, Coexistence of anticipated and layered chaotic synchronization in time-delay systems, Phys. Rev. E 72, 037203 (2005).
4. J. Zhou, H. B. Huang, G. X. Qi, P. Yang, and X. Xie, Communication with spatial periodic chaos synchronization, Phys. Lett. A 335, 191 (2005).
5. X. L. Zhang, C. H. Yuan, H. B. Huang, and R. Ju, Virtual photon effects on classical chaos in a periodically kicked Rydberg atom system, Eur. Phys. J. D 35, 541 (2005).
6. R. Ju, H. B. Huang, P. Yang, X. Xie, and H. Zhao, Virtual photon effects on chaos in generalized Lorenz-Haken equation, Commun. Theor. Phys. 44, 65 (2005).
1. H. B. Huang, C. H. Yuan, R. Ju, G. X. Qi, J. Zhou, and H. J. Wang, Non-energy-conserving effects on dynamical localization in an atom optics model, Phys. Lett. A 333, 256 (2004).
2. G. X. Qi, H. B. Huang, R. Ju, J. Zhou, and H. J. Wang, Layered synchronization in star configuration of chaotic systems, Europhys. Lett. 67, 921 (2004).
3. R. Ju, Y. J. Zhang, H. B. Huang, and H. Zhao, 非鎖相Lorenz-Haken方程動力學研究, 物理學報 53, 2191 (2004).
1. X. L. Deng and H. B. Huang, Spatial periodic synchronization of chaos in coupled ring and linear arrays of chaotic systems, Phys. Rev. E 65, 055202(R) (2002).
2. X. L. Deng, H. Q. Ma, B. D. Chen, and H. B. Huang, Effects of atomic coherences and injected field on the dynamics of generalized Lorenz-Haken equation, Phys. Lett. A 290, 77 (2001).
1. 視神經網路的動力學計算過程,BK2005062,2005.1-2007.12,江蘇省自然科學基金;
2. 光子雙穩態陣列研究,2000.09-2002.09,教育部優秀青年骨幹教師基金;
3. 多m-光子關聯輻射光子雙穩態,BK95039107,1995.9-1997.9,江蘇省自然科學基金;
4. 強壓縮光場的產生,19274011,1993.1-1994.12,國家自然科學基金。