黃曜輝 男,西南交通大學高科學院管理信息系統與電子商務系副教授 ,研究方向 決策方法 學歷 博士 。
- 中文名:黃曜輝
- 畢業院校:台灣交通大學
- 性別:男
- 研究方向:決策方法
- 工作單位:西南交通大學高科學院
- 職稱:副教授
教育背景: 2011年畢業於台灣交通大學,獲信息管理學博士學位。
2006年9月-2011年9月 台灣交通大學信息管理研究所畢業-獲博士學位。
2011年10月-2014年7月 台灣交通大學-博士後研究員。
2011年9月-2014年6月 台灣明新科技大學及元培科技大學-兼任助理教授。
2013年7月-2013年9月 美國北卡羅萊納州立大學-訪問學者。
2015年6月-2015年8月 澳大利亞悉尼科技大學-訪問學者。
[1]Han-Lin Li, Yao-Huei Huang, & Shu-Cherng Fang. 2016. Linear reformulation of polynomial discrete programming for fast computation. INFORMS Journal on Computing (Accepted). (Top 24leading businessjournals, UT Dallas, USA)
[2]Han-Lin Li, Yao-Huei Huang, & Shu-Cherng Fang. 2013. A logarithmic method for reducing binary variables and inequality constraints in solving task assignment problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing 25(4), 643-653. (Top 24leading businessjournals, UT Dallas, USA)
[3]Yao-Huei Huang, Feng-Jang Hwang, & Hao-Chun Lu. 2016. An effective placement method for the single container loading problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering (Accepted).
[4] Xingmei Li, Yao-Huei Huang, Shu-Cherng Fang, & Zhibin Deng. 2016. Reformulations and efficient computation for project portfolio selection problem considering project interdependency and cardinality constraint. Pacific Journal of Optimization (Accepted).
[5]Hao-Chun Lu, & Yao-Huei Huang. 2015. An efficient genetic algorithm with a corner space algorithm for a cutting stock problem in the TFT-LCD industry, European Journal of Operational Research 246(1), 51-65.
[6]Hao-Chun Lu, Yu-Chien Ko, & Yao-Huei Huang. 2014. A note on “Reducing the number of binary variables in cutting stock problems”,Optimization Letters 8(2): 569-579.
[7]Yao-Huei Huang. 2013. A note on hyper ellipse method for classifying biological and medical data, Computers in Biology and Medicine 43, 1978-1986.
[8]Ling Gai, Qing-Wei Jin, Yuan Tian, & Yao-Huei Huang. 2015. Reducing Multivalued Discrete Variables in Solving Separable Task Assignment Problems. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 1-14.
[9]Hao-Chun Lu, & Yao-Huei Huang. 2013. An optimal method for developing a global supply chain management system, Journal of Optimization, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/197370.
[10]Hao-Chun Lu, Yao-Huei Huang, & Kuo-An Tseng. 2013.An integrated algorithm for cutting stock problems in the thin-film transistor liquid crystal display industry, Computers & Industrial Engineering 64(4), 1084-1092.
[11]Yao-Huei Huang, Yu-Chien Ko, & Hao-Chun Lu. 2012. An optimal classification method for biological and medical data, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Doi:10.1155/2012/398232.
[12]Han-Lin Li, & Yao-Huei Huang. 2011. A DIAMOND method of inducing classification rules for biological data, Computers in Biology and Medicine 41(8), 587-599.
[13]Jung-Fa Tsai, Ping-Lun Hsieh, & Yao-Huei Huang. 2009. An optimization algorithm for cutting stock problems in the thin-film transistor liquid-crystal display industry. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 57(3): 913-919.
[14]Jung-Fa Tsai & Yao-Huei Huang. 2007. The design of a 2D stock cutting decision support system. Journal of Management & Systems. 14(4).