

黃曉舸,工學博士,重慶郵電大學通信學院教授、博士生導師。2013年於西班牙瓦倫西亞大學博士畢業,優秀博士論文,優秀博士畢業生,重慶郵電大學文峰青年百人,移動通信技術重慶市高校重點實驗室副主任,入選“2022年重慶市留學人員回國創業創新支持計畫”,全國高校黃大年式教師團隊成員,中國電子學會高級會員,中國科協重慶海智青委會委員。國際著名期刊,頂級會議審稿人,國家自然科學基金同行評議專家。當前研究方向為基於5G新空口的融合組網技術,基於人工智慧和區塊鏈的智慧型物聯網技術。近年來,主持參與國家級、省部級自然科學基金項目10餘項,發表SCI, EI檢索學術論文40餘篇,其中,在國際頂級SCI期刊及國內權威期刊以第一作者發表學術論文18篇,一篇被評為會議優秀論文。授權專利10項。部分研究成果獲重慶市科技獎一等獎, 並實現成果轉化。《通信原理》全英文課程獲評2022年重慶市來華留學一流本科課程。承擔省部級、校級等教育教學改革項目6項。獲國家級、省部級等教學競賽獎8項,獲重慶郵電大學優秀教師等榮譽。指導學生參加“網際網路+”全國大學生創新創業大賽獲國家級銀獎、銅獎,指導學生參加大唐杯、藍橋杯等科技競賽獲多項省部級獎項、多項重慶郵電大學校級本科學位論文獎項,指導兩人獲得英國brunel大學博士全額獎學金。


  • 中文名:黃曉舸
  • 畢業院校西班牙瓦倫西亞大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士/研究生
  • 職業:高校教師
  • 主要成就:2022年重慶市留學人員回國創業創新支持計畫
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職機構重慶郵電大學
  • 性別:女




(1) 5G、6G通信;
(2) 雲計算/移動邊緣計算快取與任務卸載技術
(3) 物聯網、車聯網;
(4) 區塊鏈、人工智慧。


  • 5G智慧型邊緣卸載及網路融合
  • 車輛網用戶移動性研究
  • 面向智慧型服務的霧無線接入網路動態協同理論與關鍵技術
  • 5G蜂窩異構網路LTE-U與WiFi共存方案研究


(1) 產學研合作項目,“3GPP R17 NR NTN 技術標準化進展研究”,2022.2-2023.5,項目負責人。
(2) 重慶市留學人員回國創業創新支持計畫,“智慧型邊緣網路安全驗證平台研究”. 2022.07-2024.04, 項目負責人。
(3) 國家自然科學基金項目,“多天線認知無線電網路中基於動態頻譜檢測的最最佳化資源分配算法和理論性能研究”, 2015.1-2017.12(No.61401053), 項目負責人。
(4) VIVO產學研合作項目” 基於5G的多網路融合業務連續性技術研究”. 2017.04-2018.4, 項目負責人。
(5) 重慶市基礎研究與前沿探索項目,“5G 蜂窩異構網路LTE-U 與WiFi 共存方案研究”2018.7-2021.7 (No. cstc2018jcyjAX0383), 項目負責人。
(6) 國家自然科學基金重點項目, “面向智慧型服務的霧無線接入網路動態協同理論與關鍵技術”, 2019.1-2023.12(No.61831002), 技術負者人。
(7) 重慶郵電大學博士啟動基金,LTE雙頻段接入策略與資源分配方案研究,2018.1-2020.12 (E010A2018006),項目負責人。
(8) 歐盟H2020地平線項目“indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas, 3D MIMO Antenna array of indoor small cellular networks”,2017.01-2018.12 (734798 - is3DMIMO - MSCA-RISE),主研。


1. Xiaoge Huang, Xuan Yang, Qianbin Chen, Jie Zhang “Delay-Aware Caching in Internet of Vehicles Networks”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Jan. 2022. (SCI一區)
2. Xiaoge Huang, Zhi Chen, Qianbin Chen, Jie Zhang “Federated Learning Based QoS-aware Caching Decisions in Fog-enabled Internet of Things Networks”, Digital Communications and Networks. Jan. 2022. (SCI一區)
3. Xiaoge Huang, Ke Xu, Qianbin Chen, Jie Zhang “Delay-Aware Caching in Internet of Vehicles Networks”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Feb. 2021. (SCI一區)
4. Xiaoge Huang, Yifan Cui, Qianbin Chen, Jie Zhang “Joint Task Offloading and QoS-aware Resource Allocation in Fog-enabled Internet of Things Networks”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Mar. 2020. (SCI一區)
5. Xiaoge Huang, Weiwei Fan, Qianbin Chen, Jie Zhang “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Fog Computing Networks with Candidate Mechanis”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Apr. 2020. (SCI一區)
6. Xiaoge Huang, ChunYao Cao, Xiayan Fan, Qianbin Chen,"User Assisted Dynamic RAN Notification Area Configuration Scheme Based on Delay-sensitivity for 5G Inactive UEs", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019,12. (SCI二區)
7. Xiaoge Huang, She Tang, Dongyu Zhang, Qianbin Chen, "Clustering and Geometric Approach based Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Cellular Network,"IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019,10. (SCI二區)
8. Xiaoge Huang, Ke Xu, Chenbin Lai, Qianbin Chen, Jie Zhang, “Energy-Efficient Decision Making for Mobile Edge Computing Offloading in Vehicular Networks. Jan, 2020. (SCI三區)
9. Xiaoge Huang, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, Carmen Botella, “Quasi-Nash Equilibria for Non-Convex Distributed Power Allocation Games in Cognitive Radios”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. July, 2013. (SCI二區)
10. Xiaoge Huang, Dongyu Zhang, She Tang, Qianbin Chen," Fairness-based Distributed Resource Allocation in Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks " IEEE ACCESS, 2019.3. (SCI二區)
11. Xiaoge Huang, ChunYao Chao, Yangyang Li, Qianbin Chen, Coexistence of Full-Duplex-based LTE-U and Wi-Fi in Unlicensed Bands, IEEE ACCESS, 2018.9. (SCI二區)
12. Xiaoge Huang, She Tang, Dongyu Zhang, Qianbin Chen,“Dynamic Femtocell gNB On/Off Strategies and Seamless Dual Connectivity in 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks”,IEEE ACCESS, 2018.5.(SCI二區)
13. Xiaoge Huang, Yangyang Li, She Tan, Qianbin Chen,"Coexistence of Cognitive Small Cell and WiFi System: A Traffic Balancing Dual-Access Resource Allocation Scheme" Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2017.10.(SCI三區)
14. Xiaoge Huang, Lin Shi, Chenlu Zhang, Qianbin Chen, " Distributed Resource Allocation with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing Information and Channel Uncertainty in Cognitive Femtocell Networks" EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2017.5. (SCI三區)
15. Xiaoge Huang, Dongyu Zhang, Weipeng Dai, She Tang,"Energy-Efficiency Resource Allocation in Distributed Antennas Systems" KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2018.10. (SCI四區)
16. Xiaoge Huang, Liping Chen, Qianbin Chen, Bin Shen, " Joint malicious user detection and resource allocation in cognitive radio networks ", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2016.10 (SCI四區)
17. Xiaoge Huang, Zhifang Zhang, She Tang, Qiong Huang, Qianbin Chen, "Base Stations Multi-Level Sleep Strategies and Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks" Wireless Personal Communications, under review, 2018
18. 黃曉舸,樊偉偉,曹春燕,陳前斌,小蜂窩網路中基於Inactive用戶移動性的最優能量效率資源分配方案研究, 電子與信息學報,2019.9.(EI期刊)
19. 黃曉舸,崔藝凡,張東宇,陳前斌,基於移動邊緣計算的任務卸載和資源分配聯合最佳化方案研究,系統工程與電子技術,2020.3. (EI期刊)
20. 黃曉舸,劉鑫,陳前斌,張傑,基於區塊鏈的霧網路中的任務卸載最佳化方案研究, 電子與信息學報,2021.12.(EI期刊)


1. Xiaoge Huang, Fan Zhu, Yongxu Zou, Qianbin Chen, “Dynamic Base Station Assignment and Resource Allocation in MIMO CR Small-cell Networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE, ISCIT 2014: 14th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies. Sep.2014. (Best Paper Award)
2. Xiaoge Huang, Ke Xu, Yingying Liu, Qianbin Chen, “Resource Scheduling for LTE in Unlicensed Bands with Delay Priority” Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on.
3. Xiaoge Huang, Ke Xu, Sijia Liu, Qianbin Chen, “LAT-based Coexistence Scheme of LTE-U with WiFi in the Unlicensed Band” Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on.
4. Xiaoge Huang, She Tang, Dongyu Zhang, Qianbin Chen, “Cluster-based Dynamic FBSs On/Off Scheme in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks” 2018 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ,2018 CHINACOM.
5. Xiaoge Huang, Dongyu Zhang, She Tang, Qianbin Chen, “Fairness-based Distributed Resource Allocation in Cognitive Small Cell Networks” 2018 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ,2018 CHINACOM.
6. Xiaoge Huang, Chunyan Cao, Xiayan Fan, Qianbin Chen, “User Assisted Dynamic RAN Notification Area Configuration Scheme for 5G inactive UE” 2018 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ,2018 CHINACOM.
7. Xiaoge Huang, Sijia Liu, Yangyang Li, Fan Zhu, Qianbin Chen, “Dynamic Cell Selection and Resource Allocation in Cognitive Small Cell Networks” Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on.
8. Xiaoge Huang, Chen Liping, Chen Qianbin, Shen Bin, “Coalition formation based malicious user detection scheme in cognitive radio networks” Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on, Pages: 1415 - 1419, DOI: 10.1109/PIMRC.
9. Xiaoge Huang, Zhifang Zhang, Weipeng Dai, Qiong Huang, Qianbin Chen, “Energy-Efficient Femtocells Active/Idle Control and Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Networks” 2016 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ,2016 CHINACOM.
10. Xiaoge Huang, Weipeng Dai, Zhifang Zhang, Qiong Huang, Qianbin Chen, “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Distributed Antenna Systems”, 2016 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2016 CHINACOM.
11. Xiaoge Huang, Chen Liping, Chen Qianbin, Shen Bin, “Joint Malicious User Detection and Resourc Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks” 2015 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China ,2015 CHINACOM.
12. Xiaoge Huang, Lin Shi, Liping Chen, Qianbin Chen, “Cost-effective Interference Coordination Scheme in High Dense Small Cell Heterogeneous Network”, 2015 International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, 2015 CHINACOM.
13.Xiaoge Huang, Yongxu Zou, Bin Shen, Qianbin Chen, “Dynamic Suspicious Reputation Based Collaborative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE, ISCIT 2014: 14th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies. Sep.2014.
14. Xiaoge Huang, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, Carmen Botella, “Non-convex Distributed Power Allocation Games in MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE, SPAWC2013: International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications. Apr.2013.
15. Xiaoge Huang, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, “Non-Cooperative Power Allocation Game with Imperfect Sensing Information for Cognitive Radio”, Proceedings of the IEEE, ICC 2012: IEEE International Conference on Communications. Jan.2012.
16. Xiaoge Huang, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, “Power Allocation Optimization in OFDM-based Cognitive Radios Based on Sensing Information”, Proceedings of the IEEE, ICASSP 2011: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2011. Feb.2011.
17. Xiaoge Huang, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, “Joint Optimization of Detection and Power Allocation for OFDM-based Cognitive Radios”, Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE GLOBAL Communications Conference 2010. Jul.2010.
18. Xiaoge Huang, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE WCSP 2019. Jul.2019.


1. 黃曉舸,許可,崔藝凡,陳前斌,一種車聯網內容快取決策最佳化方法,公開號:2020101028724
2. 黃曉舸,賴晨彬,許可,陳前斌,一種車聯網鏈路選擇和資源分配方法,公開號:2020101024901
3. 黃曉舸,樊偉偉,許可,陳前斌,一種基於SDN的霧網路任務卸載方法,已受理 201910502165.1
4. 黃曉舸,賴晨彬,崔藝凡,陳前斌,一種車輛網中基於能量收集的鏈路選擇和資源分配方法,已受理 201910502164.7
5. 黃曉舸,崔藝凡,張東宇,陳前斌,一種面向物聯網的霧計算任務卸載方法,已受理 2019052102003900
6. 黃曉舸,湯涉,張東宇,陳前斌,一種基於簇和幾何注水資源分配的網路能效提升方法,已受理 2019042301842780
7. 黃曉舸,張東宇,湯涉,陳前斌,基於 5G 移動邊緣計算的任務卸載和資源分配聯合最佳化方法,已受理 2019042401859790
8. 黃曉舸,曹春燕,范夏言,陳前斌,一種5G小蜂窩網路中基於用戶移動性的資源分配方法,已受理 2019041101666890
9. 黃曉舸,賴晨彬,許可,陳前斌,一種基於小蜂窩輔助的車聯網傳輸方法,已受理 2019030400869390
10. 黃曉舸,許可,賴晨彬,陳前斌,一種移動邊緣計算輔助車輛任務卸載方法,已受理 2018122100597070
11. 黃曉舸,張東宇,湯涉,陳前斌,一種5G網路中基於MEC輔助的數據分流方法,已受理 2018030601010490
12. 黃曉舸,劉瑩瑩,李揚揚,陳前斌,一種多運營商場景下LTE-U和WiFi的共存方法,已受理 2018042601637760
13. 黃曉舸,李揚揚,劉瑩瑩,陳前斌,一種基於Lyapunov的多運營商LTE-U雙頻段資源配置方法,已受理 2018030601010490
14. 黃曉舸,李揚揚,劉瑩瑩,陳前斌,一種用於多運營商場景下基於LAT的LTE-U與WiFi共存機制,已受理 2018011801334980
15. 黃曉舸,劉瑩瑩,李揚揚,陳前斌,一種基於增強型Q-learning算法的LTE-U和WiFi在未授權頻段的共存機制,已授權 2017120601684090
16. 黃曉舸,張志芳,代偉朋,陳前斌,蜂窩異構網路能效最佳化的資源分配方案,已授權 201610898100X
17. 黃曉舸,劉思嘉,李揚揚,陳前斌,非授權頻段LTE-U和WiFi系統基於Q算法的動態占空比共存方法,已受權 2016108348106
18. 黃曉舸,代偉朋,張志芳,陳前斌,分散式天線系統中基於能效的聯合資源分配方法,已授權 201610832608X
19. 黃曉舸,朱帆,申濱,陳麗萍,陳前斌,一種基於LTE的認知小蜂窩雙重資源分配和干擾管理方法,已授權 201510830212.7
20.黃曉舸,許可,樊偉偉,陳前斌,一種車聯網中基於移動邊緣計算的內容快取決策和資源分配聯合最佳化方法,已受理 201910580120.6


