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  • 中文名:黃方平
  • 畢業院校:深圳大學高等研究院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:自身免疫學機理,腫瘤免疫學機理
  • 任職院校:深圳大學高等研究院


2017.06- 免疫學榮譽副教只婆烏授 香港大學,李嘉誠醫學院
2014.06-2017.06 免疫學副教授 香港大學,李嘉誠醫學院
2007.06-2014.06 免疫學高級講師(免疫學分科負責人)倫敦帝籃笑訂婆國理工醫學院
2000.11-2007.06 助理教授(免疫學課負責人) 香港大學,李嘉誠醫學拔罪院
1997.07-2000.11 免疫學博士後研端檔采究員 牛津大學,威廉.丹病理學院
1993.12-1997.06 免檔促狼姜疫學博士後研究員 格拉斯哥大學,醫學院免疫系
1990.07-1993.11 免疫學科研及教學助理(兼職)格拉斯哥大學,醫學院免疫系
1983.01-1987.11 臨床醫生斷備跨 汕頭大學醫學院,第一附屬醫院




Journal Publications (學術期刊論文):
·*Huang FP, Stott DI. Restoration of an early, progressive defect in responsiveness to T-cell activation in lupus mice by exogenous IL-2. Autoimmunity. 1993;15(1):19-29. PMID: 8218827
·Wei XQ, Charles IG, Smith A, Ure J, Feng GJ,Huang FP, Xu D, Muller W, Moncada S, Liew FY. Altered immune responses in mice lacking inducible nitric oxide synthase. Nature. 1995 Jun 1;375(6530):408-11. PMID: 7539113
·*Huang FP, Stott DI. Dual inhibitory and stimulatory activities in serum from SLE patients and lupus mice that regulate the proliferation of an IL-2-dependent T cell line. Lupus. 1995 Aug;4(4):297-303. PMID: 8528227
·McInnes IB, al-Mughales J, Field M, Leung BP,Huang FP, Dixon R, Sturrock RD, Wilkinson PC, Liew FY. The role of interleukin-15 in T-cell migration and activation in rheumatoid arthritis. Nature Medicine 1996 Feb;2(2):175-82. PMID: 8574962
·Huang FP, Feng GJ, Lindop G, Stott DI, Liew FY. The role of interleukin 12 and nitric oxide in the development of spontaneous autoimmune disease in MRL/MP-lpr/lpr mice. J Exp Med. 1996 Apr 1;183(4):1447-59. PMID: 8666903
·McInnes IB, Leung BP, Field M, Wei XQ,Huang FP, Sturrock RD, Kinninmonth A, Weidner J, Mumford R, Liew FY. Production of nitric oxide in the synovial membrane of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis patients. J Exp Med. 1996 Oct 1;184(4):1519-24. PMID: 8879223
·Huggins ML,Huang FP, Xu D, Lindop G, Stott DI. Modulation of the autoimmune response in lupus mice by oral administration of attenuated Salmonella typhimurium expressing the IL-2 and TGF-beta genes. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1997 Apr 5;815:499-502. PMID: 9186709
·Casey JJ, Wei XQ, Orr DJ, Gracie JA,Huang FP, Bolton EM, Liew FY, Bradley JA. Skin allograft rejection in mice lacking inducible nitric oxide synthase. Transplantation. 1997 Aug 27;64(4):589-93. PMID: 9293870
·Xu D, Chan WL, Leung BP,Huang FP, Wheeler R, Piedrafita D, Robinson JH, Liew FY. Selective expression of a stable cell surface molecule on type 2 but not type 1 helper T cells. J Exp Med. 1998 Mar 2;187(5):787-94. PMID: 9480988
·MacLean A, Wei XQ,Huang FP, Al-Alem UA, Chan WL, Liew FY. Mice lacking inducible nitric-oxide synthase are more susceptible to herpes simplex virus infection despite enhanced Th1 cell responses. J Gen Virol. 1998 Apr;79 ( Pt 4):825-30. PMID: 9568978
·Huang FP, Xu D, Esfandiari EO, Sands W, Wei XQ, Liew FY. Mice defective in Fas are highly susceptible to Leishmania major infection despite elevated IL-12 synthesis, strong Th1 responses, and enhanced nitric oxide production. J Immunol. 1998 May 1;160(9):4143-7. PMID: 9574511
·Huang FP, Niedbala W, Wei XQ, Xu D, Feng GJ, Robinson JH, Lam C, Liew FY. Nitric oxide regulates Th1 cell development through the inhibition of IL-12 synthesis by macrophages. Eur J Immunol. 1998 Dec;28(12):4062-70. PMID: 9862342
·*Huang F-P, MacPherson GG. Dendritic cells, mucosal immunity and peripheral tolerance. Mucosal Immunology Update, 1999; 7:11-15 (Review).
·Huggins ML,Huang FP, Xu D, Lindop G, Stott DI. Modulation of autoimmune disease in the MRL-lpr/lpr mouse by IL-2 and TGF-beta1 gene therapy using attenuated Salmonella typhimurium as gene carrier. Lupus. 1999;8(1):29-38. PMID: 10025597
·Huang FP, Platt N, Wykes M, Major JR, Powell TJ, Jenkins CD, MacPherson GG. A discrete subpopulation of dendritic cells transports apoptotic intestinal epithelial cells to T cell areas of mesenteric lymph nodes. J Exp Med. 2000 Feb 7;191(3):435-44. PMID: 10662789
·*Huang FP, MacPherson GG. Continuing education of the immune system--dendritic cells, immune regulation and tolerance. Curr Mol Med. 2001 Sep;1(4):457-68. (Review). PMID: 11899090
·Esfandiari E, McInnes IB, Lindop G,Huang FP, Field M, Komai-Koma M, Wei X, Liew FY. A proinflammatory role of IL-18 in the development of spontaneous autoimmune disease. J Immunol. 2001 Nov 1;167(9):5338-47. PMID: 11673550
·Huang FP, Farquhar CF, Mabbott NA, Bruce ME, MacPherson GG. Migrating intestinal dendritic cells transport PrP(Sc) from the gut. J Gen Virol. 2002 Jan;83(Pt 1):267-71. PMID: 11752724
·Wong OH,Huang FP, Chiang AK. Differential responses of cord and adult blood-derived dendritic cells to dying cells. Immunology. 2005 Sep;116(1):13-20. PMID: 16108813
·*Huang FP, MacPherson GG. Dendritic cells and oral transmission of prion diseases. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2004 Apr 19;56(6):901-13. (Review). PMID: 15063597
·MacPherson G, Milling S, Yrlid U, Cousins L, Turnbull E,Huang FP. Uptake of antigens from the intestine by dendritic cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Dec;1029:75-82. Review. PMID: 15681746
·Ma L, Chan KW, Trendell-Smith NJ, Wu A, Tian L, Lam AC, Chan AK, Lo CK, Chik S, Ko KH, To CK, Kam SK, Li XS, Yang CH, Leung SY, Ng MH, Stott DI, MacPherson GG, *Huang FP. Systemic autoimmune disease induced by dendritic cells that have captured necrotic but not apoptotic cells in susceptible mouse strains. Eur J Immunol. 2005 Nov;35(11):3364-75. PMID: 16224814
·Chan KY, Ching JC, Xu MS, Cheung AN, Yip SP, Yam LY, Lai ST, Chu CM, Wong AT, Song YQ,Huang FP, Liu W, Chung PH, Leung GM, Chow EY, Chan EY, Chan JC, Ngan HY, Tam P, Chan LC, Sham P, Chan VS, Peiris M, Lin SC, Khoo US. Association of ICAM3 genetic variant with severe acute respiratory syndrome. J Infect Dis. 2007 Jul 15;196(2):271-80. PMID: 17570115
·Chen Y, Chan VS, Zheng B, Chan KY, Xu X, To LY,Huang FP, Khoo US, Lin CL. A novel subset of putative stem/progenitor CD34+Oct-4+ cells is the major target for SARS coronavirus in human lung. J Exp Med. 2007 Oct 29;204(11):2529-36. PMID: 17923501
·Chen YX, Man K, Ling GS, Chen Y, Sun BS, Cheng Q, Wong OH, Lo CK, Ng IO, Chan LC, Lau GK, Lin CL, Huang F, *Huang FP. A crucial role for dendritic cell (DC) IL-10 in inhibiting successful DC-based immunotherapy: superior antitumor immunity against hepatocellular carcinoma evoked by DC devoid of IL-10. J Immunol. 2007 Nov 1;179(9):6009-15. PMID: 17947674
·Sun Q, Kong CT,Huang FP, Chan LC. Aberrant dendritic cell differentiation initiated by the Mll-Een fusion gene does not require leukemic transformation. J Leukoc Biol. 2008 Jan;83(1):173-80. PMID: 17895399
·Yang CH, Tian L, Ling GS, Trendell-Smith NJ, Ma L, Lo CK, Stott DI, Liew FY, *Huang FP. Immunological mechanisms and clinical implications of regulatory T cell deficiency in a systemic autoimmune disorder: roles of IL-2 versus IL-15. Eur J Immunol. 2008 Jun;38(6):1664-76. doi: 10.1002/eji.200838190. PMID: 18465774
·Xie Y, Fan J, Chen J,Huang FP, Cao B, Tam PK, Ren Y. A novel function for dendritic cell: clearance of VEGF via VEGF receptor-1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Mar 6;380(2):243-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2009.01.043. PMID: 19167346
·Mok MY,Huang FP, Ip WK, Lo Y, Wong FY, Chan EY, Lam KF, Xu D. Serum levels of IL-33 and soluble ST2 and their association with disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010 Mar;49(3):520-7. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kep402. PMID: 20026564
·*Huang FP, Chen YX, To CK. Guiding the "misguided" - functional conditioning of dendritic cells for the DC-based immunotherapy against tumours. Eur J Immunol. 2011 Jan;41(1):18-25. doi: 10.1002/eji.201040543. Epub 2010 Dec 9. (Review). PMID: 21182072
·Ling GS, Cook HT, Botto M, Lau YL, *Huang FP. An essential protective role of IL-10 in the immunological mechanism underlying resistance vs. susceptibility to lupus induction by dendritic cells and dying cells. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011 Oct;50(10):1773-84. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ker198. PMID: 21727182
·Sun J, Li R, Guo J, Jia Y, Sun X, Liu Y, Li Y, Huang F, Lu L, Li Z. Superior molecularly altered influenza virus hemagglutinin peptide 308-317 inhibits collagen-induced arthritis by inducing CD4+ Treg cell expansion. Arthritis Rheum. 2012 Jul;64(7):2158-68. doi: 10.1002/art.34372. PMID: 22231228
·Sattler S, Smits HH, Xu D,Huang FP. The evolutionary role of the IL-33/ST2 system in host immune defence. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2013 Apr;61(2):107-17. doi: 10.1007/s00005-012-0208-8. (Review). PMID: 23283516
·Sattler S, Ling GS, Xu D, Hussaarts L, Romaine A, Zhao H, Fossati-Jimack L, Malik T, Cook HT, Botto M, Lau YL, Smits HH, Liew FY, *Huang FP. IL-10-producing regulatory B cells induced by IL-33 (Breg(IL-33)) effectively attenuate mucosal inflammatory responses in the gut. J Autoimmun. 2014 May;50:107-22. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2014.01.032. PMID: 24491821
·*Huang FP. Therapeutic Vaccination against Cancers - A Conceptual Overview with Updates on the Immunological Approach. SM Vaccine Vaccin. 2015 Nov;1(2):1009.
·Wang T, Sun X, Zhao J, Zhang J, Zhu H, Li C, Gao N, Jia Y, Xu D,Huang FP, Li N, Lu L, Li ZG. Regulatory T cells in rheumatoid arthritis showed increased plasticity toward Th17 but retained suppressive function in peripheral blood. Ann Rheum Dis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 June; 74(6):1293-301. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-204228.
·Zhao H, Davies TJ, Ning J, Chang Y, Sachamitr P, Sattler S, Fairchild PJ, *Huang FP. A Highly Optimized Protocol for Reprogramming Cancer Cells to Pluripotency Using Non-Viral Plasmid Vectors. Cell Reprogram. 2015 Feb;17(1):7-18. doi: 10.1089/cell.2014.0046. PMID: 25549177
·*Huang FP. Autoimmuno-Anti-Tumour Immunity (AATI) – Understanding the Immune Responses against “Self” & “Altered-self”. (Frontiers in Immunology Research Topic. PMID: 25452757; PMCID: PMC4231976). Lausanne: Frontiers Media (Editorial) May 18, 2017. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-190-6.
·Cossarizza A et al. Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition) Eur J Immunol. 2019 Oct;49(10): 1457-1973. DOI: 10.1002/eji.201970107. PMID: 31633216
Books/Book Chapters (書,專書章節):
·Isolation of dendritic cells from rat lymph and spleen. By MacPherson GG, Wykes M,Huang F-P, Jenkins CD. In “Methods in Molecular Medicine: Dendritic Cell Protocols” Part I (Chapter 4). Edited by Robinson SP and Stagg AJ. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2001.
·Intestinal Dendritic Cells. By MacPherson GG,Huang F-Pand Liu LM. In “Dendritic Cells (2nd ed.) Biology and Clinical Applications” (Chapter 25). Edited by Lotze MT and Thomson AW. Harcourt International Academic Press, 2001 (August).
·Uptake of antigens from the intestine by dendritic cells. Macpherson G, Milling S, Yrlid U, Cousins L, Turnbull E,Huang F-P. Uptake of antigens from the intestine by dendritic cells. In “Oral Tolerance: New Insights & Prospects for Clinical Application” (Part 2). Edited by Weiner HL, Mayer L and Strober W. Ann NY Acad Sci 2004 (December);1029:75-82. Article first published online: 12 JAN 2006. DOI: 10.1196/annals.1309.010
·Autoimmune Disorders: Current concepts & advances from bedside to the mechanistic insights. Edited byFang-Ping Huang, ISBN 979-953-307-269-1, InTech. September 2011.
·Regulatory T Cell Deficiency in Systemic Autoimmune Disorders – Causal Relationship and Underlying Immunological Mechanisms. ByFang-Ping Huangand Susanne Sattler. In "Autoimmune Disorders - Pathogenetic Aspects" (Chapter 6). Edited by Clio P. Mavragani, ISBN 978-953-307-643-0, InTech, October 10, 2011
·Regulatory B Cells - Implications in Autoimmune and Allergic Disorders. By Susanne Sattler, Luciën E.P.M. van der Vlugt, Leonie Hussaarts, Hermelijn H. Smits andFang-Ping Huang. In "Recent Advances in Immunology to Target Cancer, Inflammation and Infections" (Chapter 9). Edited by Jagat R. Kanwar, ISBN 978-953-51-0592-3, InTech, May 5, 2012
·Autoimmuno-Anti-Tumour Immunity (AATI) – Understanding the Immune Responses against “Self” & “Altered-self”. (Frontiers Research Topic ebook)Huang, F-P., ed. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. May18, 2017 ISBN: 978-2-88945-190-6; ISSN: 1664-8714; doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-190-6
Patents filed (國際專利):
·As Primary inventor:
US Regular Patent: Ref. No.: 11/957,146, filed on Dec. 14, 2007. Publication Date: January 8, 2009, Publication No. 20090010948, US Patent & Trademark Office, USA.
PCT patent: Ref No: WO2008/071093, filed on Dec. 17, 2007, Publication Date: June 19, 2008; WIPO's
·As Co-inventor (US Provisional Patent) Tian L, Tam PKH,Huang F-P, Lamb JR. AGE DEPENDENCY OF T REGULATORY CELLS. (Ref. No.: IP00093).
主要科研項目及資助 (Major Research Projects/Grants Awarded):
·RGC CERG 2001-4 (PI) Project title: “The roles of regulatory dendritic cells in peripheral tolerance and autoimmunity”. (HKU 7246/01M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC CERG 2002-5 (PI) Project title: “Functional conditioning of dendritic cells for DC-based tumour vaccines”. (HKU 7291/02M)(主持,已結題)
·Outstanding Research Program Scheme 2002-5 (CoI) Project title: “Influenza in Southern China: the pandemic epicentre”. (ORPS 2002-5)(已結題)
·RGC CERG 2003-6 (PI) Project title: “Mechanisms for the Induction and Regulation of Autoimmune Responses by Dendritic Cells and T Regulatory Cells in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus”. (HKU 7410/03M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC CERG 2004-7 (PI) Project title: “Molecular characterization of dendritic cells functionally modulated by dying cells - mechanism for the induction and regulation of autoimmune responses by dendritic cells (II)”. (HKU 7397/04M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC CERG 2006-9 (PI) Project title: “Mechanistic assessment of autoimmune responses induced by dendritic cells in interleukine-10 deficient mice – implications in lupus pathogenesis”. (HKU 7580/06M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC GRF 2008-10 (CoI) Project title: “Toll-like Receptor 7 signaling and its implications on regulatory T cells in hepatitis B infection”. (HKU 766407M)(已結題)
·ARC UK 2008-13 (PI) Project title: “A Potential Role of Interleukin-33 in the Induction of Regulatory B Cells and Implications in Systemic Autoimmunity”. (ARUK 185230)(主持,已結題)
·RGC GRF 2013-16 (CoI) Project title: “The roles of IL-33 in the modulation of macrophage differentiation and immunoregulatory functions in systemic lupus erythematosus”. (HKU 775313M)(已結題)
其他科研項目及資助 (Other Research Projects/Grants Awarded):
·HKU CRCG 2001 Project title: Tracking, visualizing & characterization of normal and “auto-reactive” T and B cells in steady state & in “danger”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU CRCG 2001 Project title: “Effects of uptake of apoptotic and necrotic cells by dendritic cells (DC) on anti-nuclear antibody production in normal and in lupus prone mouse models”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU CRCG Seeding Fund 2002 (Project Grant) Project title: “The role of T regulatory cell in the long-term survival of rat small bowel allograft”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU SARS Research Fund 2003 (Project Grant) Project title: “Genetic polymorphism study of the immune response genes in relation to susceptibility, clinical outcome and treatment response of SARS”.(已結題)
·AIDS Trust Fund 2004-5 (Project Grant). Project title: Development of new technique for detection of HIV specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (MSS 111, HKU project No. 21004112).(已結題)
·HKU CRCG 2003 (Project Grant) Project title: “Immunotherapy by adoptive transfer of T regulatory cells in a mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU URC Merit Awards: 2006 ;2004;2003
·Cheng Yu Tung Research Fund 2005-6 (CYT Visiting Research Fellow Scheme, YX Chen) Project title: “Regulatory T cells in the mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma”.(主持,已結題)
·Pennine - Great Wall Visiting Research Fellow Scheme 2011-12 (Dr HZ Zhao, PGW Ltd Medical Research Fund) Project title: “Functional conditioning & characterization of dendritic cells (DC) generated from induced pluripotent stem cells”.(主持,已結題)
·Tianjin Government Post-doctoral International Training Program 2012-13 (The Chinese Government Visiting Research Fellow Scheme – Dr YX Chang) Project title: “Immunomodulatory Effects of Bergapten on Dendritic Cell Functions”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU SKLLR Fund 2014 . Project title: “Dendritic cells Tailor-made & functionally conditioned for novel tumor vaccine development against liver cancers”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Funding Program for Basic Research 2014 Project title: “Generation of dendritic cells from liver cancer cell-derived iPSc for novel tumor vaccine development - Part I: Reprogramming of liver cancer cells to pluripotency using non-viral plasmid vectors”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU FM Matched Fund (2015-17) Project title: “Reprogramming of liver cancer cells to pluripotency using non-viral plasmid vectors”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Fund for Strategic Research Theme of Cancer (SRTC) (2015-16) Project title: “Dendritic cells tailor-made & functionally conditioned for the development of novel immunotherapy against nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) [Part I]: Reprogramming NPC Cancer Cells/Cell Lines to Pluripotency Using Non-viral Plasmid Vectors”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU DORS2015 Project title: “Generation & functional conditioning of dendritic cells derived from cancer stem cells for novel vaccine development against liver cancers [Part I]: Generation of the liver CSC-specific DC (CSC-iPSC-DC)”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Funding Program for Basic Research 2015-16 Project title: “Mechanisms & therapeutic potential of interleukin-35 in systemic autoimmune & related lymphoproliferative disorders”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Funding for Basic Research 2017 Project title: “In vivo tracking & visualizing the IL-10-producing regulatory B cells induced & expanded by IL-33 (BregIL-33), & following adoptive transfer of the BregIL-33 into IL-10-deficient mice”.(主持,已結題)


·Li Ka-Shing Academic Foundation Scholarship (1987 - 1990, Shantou/Glasgow)
·MacFeat Bequest PhD Scholarship (1990 - 1993, University of Glasgow)
·Zeneca Science-Link 94 UK Outstanding Young Scientist (1994 UK)
·Edward Penley Abraham Research Fund, Oxford University (2000 Oxford)
·University of Hong Kong Research Committee Merit Awards (2003, 2004, 2006)
·Inclusion in the IBC “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century” published by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge (2006)
·Imperial College Research Excellence Award (Team Member, 2009 UK)
·Journal Editorships(編委):
oFrontiers in Immunology
·Associate Editor (2015 – Present): Specialty: Cancer Immunity & Immunotherapy
·Topic Editor (2013-14): Tumor Immunology
oEuropean Journal of Immunology (Editorial Board Member, 2007 - 2012)
oJournal of Leukocyte Biology (Consulting Editor, 2007)
oClinical & Developmental Immunology (Guest Editor, 2009 - 2010)
oWorld Journal of Vaccines (Editorial Board Member, 2011 - Present)
oWorld Journal of Immunology (Editorial Board Member, 2011 - Present)
oAsian Council of Science Editors (Board Member, 2014 - Present)
oEuropean Journal of Health (Editorial Board Member, 2014 - Present)
oMadridge Journal of Vaccines (Editorial Board Member, 2016 – Present)
·Book Editor (專科書編輯):
oFrontiers Media SA. (Frontiers Research Topic eBook Editor, 2017)
oInTech OA Publisher (Academic Editor, 2010)
·Reviewer (審稿編輯) for many international scientific journals & funding bodies.
·McInnes IB, al-Mughales J, Field M, Leung BP,Huang FP, Dixon R, Sturrock RD, Wilkinson PC, Liew FY. The role of interleukin-15 in T-cell migration and activation in rheumatoid arthritis. Nature Medicine 1996 Feb;2(2):175-82. PMID: 8574962
·Huang FP, Feng GJ, Lindop G, Stott DI, Liew FY. The role of interleukin 12 and nitric oxide in the development of spontaneous autoimmune disease in MRL/MP-lpr/lpr mice. J Exp Med. 1996 Apr 1;183(4):1447-59. PMID: 8666903
·McInnes IB, Leung BP, Field M, Wei XQ,Huang FP, Sturrock RD, Kinninmonth A, Weidner J, Mumford R, Liew FY. Production of nitric oxide in the synovial membrane of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis patients. J Exp Med. 1996 Oct 1;184(4):1519-24. PMID: 8879223
·Huggins ML,Huang FP, Xu D, Lindop G, Stott DI. Modulation of the autoimmune response in lupus mice by oral administration of attenuated Salmonella typhimurium expressing the IL-2 and TGF-beta genes. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1997 Apr 5;815:499-502. PMID: 9186709
·Casey JJ, Wei XQ, Orr DJ, Gracie JA,Huang FP, Bolton EM, Liew FY, Bradley JA. Skin allograft rejection in mice lacking inducible nitric oxide synthase. Transplantation. 1997 Aug 27;64(4):589-93. PMID: 9293870
·Xu D, Chan WL, Leung BP,Huang FP, Wheeler R, Piedrafita D, Robinson JH, Liew FY. Selective expression of a stable cell surface molecule on type 2 but not type 1 helper T cells. J Exp Med. 1998 Mar 2;187(5):787-94. PMID: 9480988
·MacLean A, Wei XQ,Huang FP, Al-Alem UA, Chan WL, Liew FY. Mice lacking inducible nitric-oxide synthase are more susceptible to herpes simplex virus infection despite enhanced Th1 cell responses. J Gen Virol. 1998 Apr;79 ( Pt 4):825-30. PMID: 9568978
·Huang FP, Xu D, Esfandiari EO, Sands W, Wei XQ, Liew FY. Mice defective in Fas are highly susceptible to Leishmania major infection despite elevated IL-12 synthesis, strong Th1 responses, and enhanced nitric oxide production. J Immunol. 1998 May 1;160(9):4143-7. PMID: 9574511
·Huang FP, Niedbala W, Wei XQ, Xu D, Feng GJ, Robinson JH, Lam C, Liew FY. Nitric oxide regulates Th1 cell development through the inhibition of IL-12 synthesis by macrophages. Eur J Immunol. 1998 Dec;28(12):4062-70. PMID: 9862342
·*Huang F-P, MacPherson GG. Dendritic cells, mucosal immunity and peripheral tolerance. Mucosal Immunology Update, 1999; 7:11-15 (Review).
·Huggins ML,Huang FP, Xu D, Lindop G, Stott DI. Modulation of autoimmune disease in the MRL-lpr/lpr mouse by IL-2 and TGF-beta1 gene therapy using attenuated Salmonella typhimurium as gene carrier. Lupus. 1999;8(1):29-38. PMID: 10025597
·Huang FP, Platt N, Wykes M, Major JR, Powell TJ, Jenkins CD, MacPherson GG. A discrete subpopulation of dendritic cells transports apoptotic intestinal epithelial cells to T cell areas of mesenteric lymph nodes. J Exp Med. 2000 Feb 7;191(3):435-44. PMID: 10662789
·*Huang FP, MacPherson GG. Continuing education of the immune system--dendritic cells, immune regulation and tolerance. Curr Mol Med. 2001 Sep;1(4):457-68. (Review). PMID: 11899090
·Esfandiari E, McInnes IB, Lindop G,Huang FP, Field M, Komai-Koma M, Wei X, Liew FY. A proinflammatory role of IL-18 in the development of spontaneous autoimmune disease. J Immunol. 2001 Nov 1;167(9):5338-47. PMID: 11673550
·Huang FP, Farquhar CF, Mabbott NA, Bruce ME, MacPherson GG. Migrating intestinal dendritic cells transport PrP(Sc) from the gut. J Gen Virol. 2002 Jan;83(Pt 1):267-71. PMID: 11752724
·Wong OH,Huang FP, Chiang AK. Differential responses of cord and adult blood-derived dendritic cells to dying cells. Immunology. 2005 Sep;116(1):13-20. PMID: 16108813
·*Huang FP, MacPherson GG. Dendritic cells and oral transmission of prion diseases. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2004 Apr 19;56(6):901-13. (Review). PMID: 15063597
·MacPherson G, Milling S, Yrlid U, Cousins L, Turnbull E,Huang FP. Uptake of antigens from the intestine by dendritic cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2004 Dec;1029:75-82. Review. PMID: 15681746
·Ma L, Chan KW, Trendell-Smith NJ, Wu A, Tian L, Lam AC, Chan AK, Lo CK, Chik S, Ko KH, To CK, Kam SK, Li XS, Yang CH, Leung SY, Ng MH, Stott DI, MacPherson GG, *Huang FP. Systemic autoimmune disease induced by dendritic cells that have captured necrotic but not apoptotic cells in susceptible mouse strains. Eur J Immunol. 2005 Nov;35(11):3364-75. PMID: 16224814
·Chan KY, Ching JC, Xu MS, Cheung AN, Yip SP, Yam LY, Lai ST, Chu CM, Wong AT, Song YQ,Huang FP, Liu W, Chung PH, Leung GM, Chow EY, Chan EY, Chan JC, Ngan HY, Tam P, Chan LC, Sham P, Chan VS, Peiris M, Lin SC, Khoo US. Association of ICAM3 genetic variant with severe acute respiratory syndrome. J Infect Dis. 2007 Jul 15;196(2):271-80. PMID: 17570115
·Chen Y, Chan VS, Zheng B, Chan KY, Xu X, To LY,Huang FP, Khoo US, Lin CL. A novel subset of putative stem/progenitor CD34+Oct-4+ cells is the major target for SARS coronavirus in human lung. J Exp Med. 2007 Oct 29;204(11):2529-36. PMID: 17923501
·Chen YX, Man K, Ling GS, Chen Y, Sun BS, Cheng Q, Wong OH, Lo CK, Ng IO, Chan LC, Lau GK, Lin CL, Huang F, *Huang FP. A crucial role for dendritic cell (DC) IL-10 in inhibiting successful DC-based immunotherapy: superior antitumor immunity against hepatocellular carcinoma evoked by DC devoid of IL-10. J Immunol. 2007 Nov 1;179(9):6009-15. PMID: 17947674
·Sun Q, Kong CT,Huang FP, Chan LC. Aberrant dendritic cell differentiation initiated by the Mll-Een fusion gene does not require leukemic transformation. J Leukoc Biol. 2008 Jan;83(1):173-80. PMID: 17895399
·Yang CH, Tian L, Ling GS, Trendell-Smith NJ, Ma L, Lo CK, Stott DI, Liew FY, *Huang FP. Immunological mechanisms and clinical implications of regulatory T cell deficiency in a systemic autoimmune disorder: roles of IL-2 versus IL-15. Eur J Immunol. 2008 Jun;38(6):1664-76. doi: 10.1002/eji.200838190. PMID: 18465774
·Xie Y, Fan J, Chen J,Huang FP, Cao B, Tam PK, Ren Y. A novel function for dendritic cell: clearance of VEGF via VEGF receptor-1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Mar 6;380(2):243-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2009.01.043. PMID: 19167346
·Mok MY,Huang FP, Ip WK, Lo Y, Wong FY, Chan EY, Lam KF, Xu D. Serum levels of IL-33 and soluble ST2 and their association with disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010 Mar;49(3):520-7. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kep402. PMID: 20026564
·*Huang FP, Chen YX, To CK. Guiding the "misguided" - functional conditioning of dendritic cells for the DC-based immunotherapy against tumours. Eur J Immunol. 2011 Jan;41(1):18-25. doi: 10.1002/eji.201040543. Epub 2010 Dec 9. (Review). PMID: 21182072
·Ling GS, Cook HT, Botto M, Lau YL, *Huang FP. An essential protective role of IL-10 in the immunological mechanism underlying resistance vs. susceptibility to lupus induction by dendritic cells and dying cells. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2011 Oct;50(10):1773-84. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ker198. PMID: 21727182
·Sun J, Li R, Guo J, Jia Y, Sun X, Liu Y, Li Y, Huang F, Lu L, Li Z. Superior molecularly altered influenza virus hemagglutinin peptide 308-317 inhibits collagen-induced arthritis by inducing CD4+ Treg cell expansion. Arthritis Rheum. 2012 Jul;64(7):2158-68. doi: 10.1002/art.34372. PMID: 22231228
·Sattler S, Smits HH, Xu D,Huang FP. The evolutionary role of the IL-33/ST2 system in host immune defence. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2013 Apr;61(2):107-17. doi: 10.1007/s00005-012-0208-8. (Review). PMID: 23283516
·Sattler S, Ling GS, Xu D, Hussaarts L, Romaine A, Zhao H, Fossati-Jimack L, Malik T, Cook HT, Botto M, Lau YL, Smits HH, Liew FY, *Huang FP. IL-10-producing regulatory B cells induced by IL-33 (Breg(IL-33)) effectively attenuate mucosal inflammatory responses in the gut. J Autoimmun. 2014 May;50:107-22. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2014.01.032. PMID: 24491821
·*Huang FP. Therapeutic Vaccination against Cancers - A Conceptual Overview with Updates on the Immunological Approach. SM Vaccine Vaccin. 2015 Nov;1(2):1009.
·Wang T, Sun X, Zhao J, Zhang J, Zhu H, Li C, Gao N, Jia Y, Xu D,Huang FP, Li N, Lu L, Li ZG. Regulatory T cells in rheumatoid arthritis showed increased plasticity toward Th17 but retained suppressive function in peripheral blood. Ann Rheum Dis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2015 June; 74(6):1293-301. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-204228.
·Zhao H, Davies TJ, Ning J, Chang Y, Sachamitr P, Sattler S, Fairchild PJ, *Huang FP. A Highly Optimized Protocol for Reprogramming Cancer Cells to Pluripotency Using Non-Viral Plasmid Vectors. Cell Reprogram. 2015 Feb;17(1):7-18. doi: 10.1089/cell.2014.0046. PMID: 25549177
·*Huang FP. Autoimmuno-Anti-Tumour Immunity (AATI) – Understanding the Immune Responses against “Self” & “Altered-self”. (Frontiers in Immunology Research Topic. PMID: 25452757; PMCID: PMC4231976). Lausanne: Frontiers Media (Editorial) May 18, 2017. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-190-6.
·Cossarizza A et al. Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition) Eur J Immunol. 2019 Oct;49(10): 1457-1973. DOI: 10.1002/eji.201970107. PMID: 31633216
Books/Book Chapters (書,專書章節):
·Isolation of dendritic cells from rat lymph and spleen. By MacPherson GG, Wykes M,Huang F-P, Jenkins CD. In “Methods in Molecular Medicine: Dendritic Cell Protocols” Part I (Chapter 4). Edited by Robinson SP and Stagg AJ. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2001.
·Intestinal Dendritic Cells. By MacPherson GG,Huang F-Pand Liu LM. In “Dendritic Cells (2nd ed.) Biology and Clinical Applications” (Chapter 25). Edited by Lotze MT and Thomson AW. Harcourt International Academic Press, 2001 (August).
·Uptake of antigens from the intestine by dendritic cells. Macpherson G, Milling S, Yrlid U, Cousins L, Turnbull E,Huang F-P. Uptake of antigens from the intestine by dendritic cells. In “Oral Tolerance: New Insights & Prospects for Clinical Application” (Part 2). Edited by Weiner HL, Mayer L and Strober W. Ann NY Acad Sci 2004 (December);1029:75-82. Article first published online: 12 JAN 2006. DOI: 10.1196/annals.1309.010
·Autoimmune Disorders: Current concepts & advances from bedside to the mechanistic insights. Edited byFang-Ping Huang, ISBN 979-953-307-269-1, InTech. September 2011.
·Regulatory T Cell Deficiency in Systemic Autoimmune Disorders – Causal Relationship and Underlying Immunological Mechanisms. ByFang-Ping Huangand Susanne Sattler. In "Autoimmune Disorders - Pathogenetic Aspects" (Chapter 6). Edited by Clio P. Mavragani, ISBN 978-953-307-643-0, InTech, October 10, 2011
·Regulatory B Cells - Implications in Autoimmune and Allergic Disorders. By Susanne Sattler, Luciën E.P.M. van der Vlugt, Leonie Hussaarts, Hermelijn H. Smits andFang-Ping Huang. In "Recent Advances in Immunology to Target Cancer, Inflammation and Infections" (Chapter 9). Edited by Jagat R. Kanwar, ISBN 978-953-51-0592-3, InTech, May 5, 2012
·Autoimmuno-Anti-Tumour Immunity (AATI) – Understanding the Immune Responses against “Self” & “Altered-self”. (Frontiers Research Topic ebook)Huang, F-P., ed. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. May18, 2017 ISBN: 978-2-88945-190-6; ISSN: 1664-8714; doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-190-6
Patents filed (國際專利):
·As Primary inventor:
US Regular Patent: Ref. No.: 11/957,146, filed on Dec. 14, 2007. Publication Date: January 8, 2009, Publication No. 20090010948, US Patent & Trademark Office, USA.
PCT patent: Ref No: WO2008/071093, filed on Dec. 17, 2007, Publication Date: June 19, 2008; WIPO's
·As Co-inventor (US Provisional Patent) Tian L, Tam PKH,Huang F-P, Lamb JR. AGE DEPENDENCY OF T REGULATORY CELLS. (Ref. No.: IP00093).
主要科研項目及資助 (Major Research Projects/Grants Awarded):
·RGC CERG 2001-4 (PI) Project title: “The roles of regulatory dendritic cells in peripheral tolerance and autoimmunity”. (HKU 7246/01M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC CERG 2002-5 (PI) Project title: “Functional conditioning of dendritic cells for DC-based tumour vaccines”. (HKU 7291/02M)(主持,已結題)
·Outstanding Research Program Scheme 2002-5 (CoI) Project title: “Influenza in Southern China: the pandemic epicentre”. (ORPS 2002-5)(已結題)
·RGC CERG 2003-6 (PI) Project title: “Mechanisms for the Induction and Regulation of Autoimmune Responses by Dendritic Cells and T Regulatory Cells in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus”. (HKU 7410/03M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC CERG 2004-7 (PI) Project title: “Molecular characterization of dendritic cells functionally modulated by dying cells - mechanism for the induction and regulation of autoimmune responses by dendritic cells (II)”. (HKU 7397/04M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC CERG 2006-9 (PI) Project title: “Mechanistic assessment of autoimmune responses induced by dendritic cells in interleukine-10 deficient mice – implications in lupus pathogenesis”. (HKU 7580/06M)(主持,已結題)
·RGC GRF 2008-10 (CoI) Project title: “Toll-like Receptor 7 signaling and its implications on regulatory T cells in hepatitis B infection”. (HKU 766407M)(已結題)
·ARC UK 2008-13 (PI) Project title: “A Potential Role of Interleukin-33 in the Induction of Regulatory B Cells and Implications in Systemic Autoimmunity”. (ARUK 185230)(主持,已結題)
·RGC GRF 2013-16 (CoI) Project title: “The roles of IL-33 in the modulation of macrophage differentiation and immunoregulatory functions in systemic lupus erythematosus”. (HKU 775313M)(已結題)
其他科研項目及資助 (Other Research Projects/Grants Awarded):
·HKU CRCG 2001 Project title: Tracking, visualizing & characterization of normal and “auto-reactive” T and B cells in steady state & in “danger”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU CRCG 2001 Project title: “Effects of uptake of apoptotic and necrotic cells by dendritic cells (DC) on anti-nuclear antibody production in normal and in lupus prone mouse models”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU CRCG Seeding Fund 2002 (Project Grant) Project title: “The role of T regulatory cell in the long-term survival of rat small bowel allograft”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU SARS Research Fund 2003 (Project Grant) Project title: “Genetic polymorphism study of the immune response genes in relation to susceptibility, clinical outcome and treatment response of SARS”.(已結題)
·AIDS Trust Fund 2004-5 (Project Grant). Project title: Development of new technique for detection of HIV specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (MSS 111, HKU project No. 21004112).(已結題)
·HKU CRCG 2003 (Project Grant) Project title: “Immunotherapy by adoptive transfer of T regulatory cells in a mouse model of systemic lupus erythematosus”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU URC Merit Awards: 2006 ;2004;2003
·Cheng Yu Tung Research Fund 2005-6 (CYT Visiting Research Fellow Scheme, YX Chen) Project title: “Regulatory T cells in the mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma”.(主持,已結題)
·Pennine - Great Wall Visiting Research Fellow Scheme 2011-12 (Dr HZ Zhao, PGW Ltd Medical Research Fund) Project title: “Functional conditioning & characterization of dendritic cells (DC) generated from induced pluripotent stem cells”.(主持,已結題)
·Tianjin Government Post-doctoral International Training Program 2012-13 (The Chinese Government Visiting Research Fellow Scheme – Dr YX Chang) Project title: “Immunomodulatory Effects of Bergapten on Dendritic Cell Functions”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU SKLLR Fund 2014 . Project title: “Dendritic cells Tailor-made & functionally conditioned for novel tumor vaccine development against liver cancers”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Funding Program for Basic Research 2014 Project title: “Generation of dendritic cells from liver cancer cell-derived iPSc for novel tumor vaccine development - Part I: Reprogramming of liver cancer cells to pluripotency using non-viral plasmid vectors”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU FM Matched Fund (2015-17) Project title: “Reprogramming of liver cancer cells to pluripotency using non-viral plasmid vectors”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Fund for Strategic Research Theme of Cancer (SRTC) (2015-16) Project title: “Dendritic cells tailor-made & functionally conditioned for the development of novel immunotherapy against nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) [Part I]: Reprogramming NPC Cancer Cells/Cell Lines to Pluripotency Using Non-viral Plasmid Vectors”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU DORS2015 Project title: “Generation & functional conditioning of dendritic cells derived from cancer stem cells for novel vaccine development against liver cancers [Part I]: Generation of the liver CSC-specific DC (CSC-iPSC-DC)”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Funding Program for Basic Research 2015-16 Project title: “Mechanisms & therapeutic potential of interleukin-35 in systemic autoimmune & related lymphoproliferative disorders”.(主持,已結題)
·HKU Seed Funding for Basic Research 2017 Project title: “In vivo tracking & visualizing the IL-10-producing regulatory B cells induced & expanded by IL-33 (BregIL-33), & following adoptive transfer of the BregIL-33 into IL-10-deficient mice”.(主持,已結題)


·Li Ka-Shing Academic Foundation Scholarship (1987 - 1990, Shantou/Glasgow)
·MacFeat Bequest PhD Scholarship (1990 - 1993, University of Glasgow)
·Zeneca Science-Link 94 UK Outstanding Young Scientist (1994 UK)
·Edward Penley Abraham Research Fund, Oxford University (2000 Oxford)
·University of Hong Kong Research Committee Merit Awards (2003, 2004, 2006)
·Inclusion in the IBC “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century” published by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge (2006)
·Imperial College Research Excellence Award (Team Member, 2009 UK)
·Journal Editorships(編委):
oFrontiers in Immunology
·Associate Editor (2015 – Present): Specialty: Cancer Immunity & Immunotherapy
·Topic Editor (2013-14): Tumor Immunology
oEuropean Journal of Immunology (Editorial Board Member, 2007 - 2012)
oJournal of Leukocyte Biology (Consulting Editor, 2007)
oClinical & Developmental Immunology (Guest Editor, 2009 - 2010)
oWorld Journal of Vaccines (Editorial Board Member, 2011 - Present)
oWorld Journal of Immunology (Editorial Board Member, 2011 - Present)
oAsian Council of Science Editors (Board Member, 2014 - Present)
oEuropean Journal of Health (Editorial Board Member, 2014 - Present)
oMadridge Journal of Vaccines (Editorial Board Member, 2016 – Present)
·Book Editor (專科書編輯):
oFrontiers Media SA. (Frontiers Research Topic eBook Editor, 2017)
oInTech OA Publisher (Academic Editor, 2010)
·Reviewer (審稿編輯) for many international scientific journals & funding bodies.


