- 中文名:黃敏
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:華北電力大學
- 職業:教師
- 職務:華南理工大學軟體學院副院長
- 廣東省自然科學基金項目、2021A1515011496、基於D-S證據理論的多源感知信息融合方法及套用研究、2021.1-2023.12、10萬,主持。
- 企業委託項目,電網設備態勢感知模型與算法研究、2021.6-2022.12、10.8萬、主持。
- 企業委託項目,基於多類型感測數據的電梯運行狀態與故障診斷的分析與建模、10萬、2019.1-2019.12、已結題、主持。
- 廣東省科技廳科技攻關項目:智慧科技服務平台及關鍵技術研究, 2016B010124010,項目起止時間:2016.1.1—2018.12.31, 80萬元,主要成員。
- 廣東省省部產學研項目,2012B091100490、基於雲計算的中小企業就業和人力資源服務平台、2012/07-2014/07、30萬元、已結題、合作單位負責人。
- 廣東省戰略性新興產業核心技術攻關項目,2012A010701011、面向幫區的軟體體系架構及其軟體工廠平台技術研發、2012/09-2015/8、70萬元、在研、參與。
- 廣東省戰略性新興產業核心技術攻關項目,2012Y2-00033、超級計算軟體開發人才培養、2012/07-2015/06、40萬元、已結題、參與。
- 廣東省省部產學研重點引導項目,2011B090400056、虛擬企業分散式協同工作流系統、2011/03-2013/06、20萬元、已結題、主持。
- 廣東省省部產學研項目,2010B090400460、基於語音平台的智慧型專家知識互助系統項目編號、2010/12 -2011/12、30萬元、已結題、主持。
- 廣東省自然科學基金項目,10151042001000020、基於移動Agent技術的高科技虛擬企業知識管理實施策略研究項目編號、2010/10-2012/12、5萬元、已結題、參加。
- 廣東省科技計畫工業攻關項目,2009B010800015、高科技虛擬企業分散式知識管理系統的研究、2009/08-2011/12、10萬元、已結題、主持。
- 華南理工大學中央高校基本科研業務費-自然科學面上項目,2009ZM0057、基於移動Agent的虛擬企業知識管理關鍵技術研究、2010/01-2011/12、5萬元、已結題、主持。
- 廣東省省部產學研結合項目,2009A090100035、大學生線上實習及就業成才互動服務平台、2009/06-2011/06、70萬元、已結題、參與。
- 廣東省教育部產學研結合項目,2008B090500193、高清數字內容集成與交換技術、2008/03-2011/03、25萬元、已結題、參與。
- 廣東省科技計畫國際合作項目,2007A050100026、國際倉儲物流信息交換服務平台技術研究、2007/05-2010/12、30萬元、已結題、參與。
- 廣東省工業科技計畫工業攻關項目,2006B80407001、廣東省基礎軟體與套用構建技術實驗室、2007/01-2009/12、200萬元、已結題、參與。
- Min Huang, Bo Sun.A new method of cultivating innovation abilities for undergraduates. Design Engineering[J], Vol 2021, Issue 02, pp. 1105 – 1113.
- Min Huang, Lina Chen, Yilin Zhang. A Spatio-Temporal Noise Map Completion Method Based on Crowd-sensing[J]. Environmental Pollution. Oct.19,2020.
- M. Huang and Z. Liu, “Research on Mechanical Fault Prediction Method Based on Multifeature Fusion of Vibration Sensing Data[J] Sensors, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 6, Jan 1, 2020.
- M. Huang, Z. Liu, and Y. Tao, Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and Prediction in IoT Based on Multi-source Sensing Data Fusion [J].Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, p. 101981, vol 102, Jul 1, 2020
- Min Huang , Yuefan Zeng , Lina Chen , et al. Optimisation of mobile intelligent terminal data pre-processing methods for crowd sensing[J]. CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology,Vol 3 (2) 2018.6, p.101-113 DOI: 10.1049/trit.2018.
- Huang, Min, Chen, Lina. Noise sensing calibration under different phone context. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, v 290, p 18-31, June 2019, Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services - 10th EAI International Conference, MobiCASE 2019, Proceedings.
- M. Huang and X. Wu, “A Review of Air Quality Monitoring System Based on Crowdsensing,” in International Symposium for Intelligent Transportation and Smart City (ITASC) Wuhan, May,2019, Proceedings, 2019, pp.286–296.
- Huang Min, Li Huazhao, Wu Xia. Three-dimensional pedestrian dead reckoning method based on gait recognition[J]. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2018, 13(6): 537-547.
- Ding, Fangyuan, Huang, Min, Deng, Yongsheng, Huang, Han. iCorr-GAA Algorithm for Solving Complex Optimization Problem. 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2018, August 15, 2018, Wuhan, China, p669-680.
- Min Huang, Yandong Bai, Yinong Chen, Bo Sun. A Distributed Proactive Service Framework for Crowd-Sensing Process, 2017 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems(2017 ISADS), March 22-24,Bangkok, Thailand, pp.68-74.
- Min HUANG, Haijing ZHAN , Yinong CHEN. A Hybrid File Storage Method for Crowd-Sensing Process, International Conference on Information Science and Technology(IST2016), August 13th-14th, 2016, Guilin, China.
- 黃敏, 丁萍, 羅海飈. 共軛梯度法在GPU及Xeon Phi下的並行最佳化及比較,華南理工大學學報(自然科學版),vol.43,No.11, 2015. p 35-47
- Min Huang, Xuran Li, Silong Wu, Yinong Chen. Speech Scenario Adaptation and Discourse Topic Recognition on Mobile Smart Terminal. 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas,NV,USA.Dec 7-9,2015. P. 486 – 491.
- Min Huang, Yan-dong Bai, Qin-pei Liang. A Context Speculation Method Based on Fuzzy Logic Inference in Crowd-sensing process. International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Network, WCSN2014. December 13-14, 2014, Wuhan, China.. P411-417.
- Min Huang, Jie Chen, Bo Sun. A new collaborator selection method of cooperative co-evolutionary genetic algorithm and its application. International Conference on Cognitive Systems and Information Processing, Beijing, China, September 28-30, 2014. P126-133.
- Min Huang, Ping Ding. An Improved Ant Colony Algorithm and Its Application in Vehicle Routing Problem[J], Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2013, 頁: 785383 doi: 10.1155/2013/785383.
- Min Huang, Ruixian Huang, Linrong Li. Research on the Production Scheduling Optimization for Virtual Enterprises [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering ,2013, 492158 (9 pp.) DOI: 10.1155/2013/492158.
- Huang Min, Sun Bo. Research on Modeling Method and Partner Selection for Collaborative Production of Virtual Enterprises. Journal of Applied Sciences, v 13, n 12, p 2189-2195, 2013.
- Min Huang, Yi Tang , Huan Jiao Xue. Research on Distributed Information Search based on Mobile Agent [J], Information Engineering Letters, IEL Volume 3 Number 4 December, 2013 , pp. 71-78.
- Huang Min, Ding Ping, Huan Jiao Xue. Global Path Planning for Mobile Robot Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithms. Applied Mechanics and Materials v 418, 2013,p15-19.
- Min Huang, Zuoming Li, Shuai Ma. Design and development of a network collaboration system for e-commerce based on the Google cloud computing platform [C]. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science (ICIEMS 2013) . ShangHai,September28-29,China, pp. 368-372.
- Min Huang, Qinpei Liang, Jianqing Xi. A Parallel Disjointed Multi-path Routing Algorithm based on OLSR and Energy in Ad Hoc Networks[J]. Journal of Network. 2012,v 7, n 4, p 613-620.