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黃強,復旦大學生命科學學院教授。 主要研究方向遺傳工程學:基因編輯系統的結構生物化學與前沿技術。


  • 中文名:黃強
  • 出生日期:1969年12月
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 主要成就:教育部技術發明獎


1991年浙江大學化學系本科畢業,獲學士學位 (化學專業)
1994-1998年 浙大獲碩士、博士學位 (物理化學專業)
1999-2000年 柏林洪堡大學生物系分子生物物理專業從事博士後研究
2001-2003年間 台灣中山大學化學系繼續研究工作
2004年12月 復旦大學生命科學學院工作
2005年 復旦大學生命科學學院任副教授、教授




上海市科技發明獎二等獎 (2012年度)
教育部技術發明獎二等獎 (2012年度)


1. C. Huai, G. Li, R. Yao, Y. Zhang, M. Cao, L. Kong, C. Jia, H. Yuan, H. Chen, D. Lu*,Q. Huang*. (2017). Structural insights into DNA cleavage activation of CRISPR-Cas9 system.Nature Communications. 8:1375.
2. H. Yuan, J. Wu, X. Wang, J. Chen, Y. Zhong,Q. Huang*, P. Nan*. (2017). Computational identification of amino-acid mutations that further improve the activity of a chalcone-flavonone isomerase from Glycine max.Frontiers in Plant Science.8:248.
3.Q. Huang, L. Yu, A. J. Levine, R. Nussinov, B. Ma. (2014). Dipeptide analysis of p53 mutations and evolution of p53 family proteins.Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics. 1844:198-206.
4. J. Zhu, Q. Yang, D. Dai,Q. Huang*. (2013). X-ray crystal structure of phosphodiesterase 2 in complex with a highly selective, nanomolar inhibitor reveals a binding-induced pocket important for selectivity.Journal of the American Chemical Society.135: 11708-11711.
5. M. Xu, L. Yu, B. Wan, L. Yu,Q. Huang*. (2011). Predicting inactive conformations of protein kinases using active structures: conformational selection of type-II inhibitors.PLoS One. 6:e22644.
6. C. You#,Q. Huang#, H. Xue, Y. Xu, H. Lu. (2010). Hydrophobic interaction between two cysteines in interior hydrophobic region of protein improves thermostability of a family 11 xylanase fromNeocallimastix patriciarum.Biotechnology and Bioengineering.105: 861-870. (# contributed equally)
7. H. Shen, F. Xu, H. Hu, F. Wang, Q. Wu,Q. Huang*, H. Wang*. (2008). Coevolving residues of (beta/alpha)8-barrel proteins play roles in stabilizing active site architecture and coordinating protein dynamics.Journal of Structural Biology. 164: 281-292.
8.Q. Huang, C.- L. Chen, A. Herrmann. (2004). Bilayer conformation of fusion peptide of influenza virus hemagglutinin: a molecular dynamics simulation study.Biophysical Journal.87:14-22.
9.Q. Huang, S. Ding, C. Y. Hua, H. C. Yang, C. L. Chen. (2004). A computer simulation study of water drying at the interface of protein chains.Journal of Chemical Physics. 121:1969-1977.
10.Q. Huang, R. Opitz, E.-W. Knapp, A. Herrmann. (2002). Protonation and stability of the globular domain of influenza virus hemagglutinin.Biophysical Journal.82:1050-1058.


