加拿大環境部內陸水研究所(CCIW) 訪問學者
2011.01-2015.12 南京大學大氣科學學院 副教授
2016.01-今 南京大學大氣科學學院 教授,現為
28.國家重點研發計畫項目“高解析度全球陸面過程模式研發與套用”課題1“耦合人類活應紙埋舉動的陸面物理過程建”(2017YFA0604301), 2017.7-2022.6.534萬,負責人
27.國家自然科學面上基金項目"基於3維湖-氣耦合模式的青藏高原大型湖泊氣候效應及作用機理的數值模擬研究-以納木錯湖為例"(41975081), 2020.1-2023.12,63萬,主持
25.國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目“夏季青藏高原湖泊群區域氣候效應及作用機理的數值模擬研究”(91537102), 2016.1-2018.12.95萬,主持
24.國家自然科學面上基金項目“青藏高原熱力強迫對中國東部不同持續時間降水日變化影響的機理研究”(41175086), 2012.1-2015.12,70萬,主持
22.公益性行業專項重點項目“亞洲區域氣候模式發展及在氣候變化和短期氣候預測中的套用”(GYHY201306046), 2013-2015.43萬,第3課題負責人
20.中國氣象局科研協作項目“BCC_AIM模式對東亞季風區陸面過程模擬能力評估”, 2019.1-12.10萬.主持
18.中國氣象局科研協作項目“266解析度BCC_CSM模式湖泊模型改進及性能評估”, 2018.1-12.10萬.主持
17.中國氣象局科研協作項目“BCC氣候模式評估與物理過程改進”, 2017.1-12. 60萬,主持
15.中央高校基本科研業務專項資金“東亞季風降水的模擬與預測”, 2016.1-12.10萬,主持
13.重慶市氣象局科研協作項目“川渝地區暖季極端降水日變化特徵及其影響機制研究”(KFJJ-201606)2016.10- 2018.10.15萬.主持
12.中國氣象局科研協作項目“BCC氣候模式發展、評估與改進”, 2016.1-12.8萬.主持
11.公益性行業(氣象)專項重點放獄項目“BCC_CSM中海冰模式的改進及其關鍵物理過程最佳化研究”(GHY20150611),2016-2018.10萬. 骨幹
8.中國氣象局科研協作項目“BCC_CSM模式對東亞季風區降水日變化模擬性評估”, 2014.1-12.10萬.主持
7.中國氣象局科研協作項目“湖模式與BCC_AVIM耦合”, 2013.1-12.8萬,主持
6.中國氣象局科研協作項目“內陸湖模式性能檢驗”, 2012.7-12.5萬.主持
5.國家國際科技合作項目“中亞地區應對氣候變化條件下的生態環境保護與資源管理聯合調查與研究-中亞氣候背催槓變化”(2010DFA927), 2012-2013.15萬,骨幹
1.國家科技支撐計畫項目“持續性異常氣象事件預測業務技術研究”課題3 "延伸期數值預報關鍵技術研究"(2009BAC51B03), 2010-2013.10萬,骨幹
83.Huang Anning,Lazhu, Junbo Wang, Yongjiu Dai, Kun Yang.2019.Evaluating and Improving the Performance of Three 1-D Lake Models in a Large Deep Lake of the Central Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,124, 3143–3167.
82.Wu Yang,HuangAnning*, Ben Yang, et al.,2019, Numerical study on the climatic effect of the lake clusters over Tibetan Plateau in summer.Climate Dynamics,DOI:10.1007/s00382-019-04856-4.(*通訊作者)
81.Zhou Y., B. Yang*, H. Chen, Y. Zhang,Anning Huang, and M. La,2019.Effect of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on 2-m AirTemperature Prediction over Chinaduring BorealWinter in the S2S Database.Climate Dynamics,DOI:10.1007/S00382-018-4538-Z.
80.Song Y., Z. Wang, L. Qi andAnning Huang.2019.Soil moisture memory and its effect on the surface water and heat fluxes on seasonal and interannual time scales.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.DOI: 10.1029/2019JD030893
79.Rao X, K Zhao,X Chen,Anning Huang, M Xue, Q Zhang and M Wang,2019.Influence of Synoptic Pattern and Low-Level Wind Speed on Intensity and Diurnal Variations of Orographic Convection in Summer over Pearl River Delta, South China.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,124, 6157–6179.
78.Huang D,Yan, P., Xiao, X., Zhu, J., Tang, X.,Anning Huang,2019. The tri-pole relation among daily mean temperature, atmospheric moisture and precipitation intensity over China.Glob. Planet. Change,doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.04.016.
77.Yang Ben, Yaocun Zhang, Zhun Guo, Yun Qian,Anning Huangand Yang Zhou,2019.Investigating the linkage between simulated precipitation climatology and ENSO-related precipitation anomaly based on multi-model and perturbed parameter ensembles.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-019-02990-x.
76.Li, W, Y Zhang, X Shi, W Zhou,Anning Huang, M Mu, B Qiu and J Ji.2019.Development of land surface model BCC_AVIM2.0 and its preliminary performance in LS3MIP/CMIP6.J. Meteor. Res. ,doi: 10.1007/s13351-019-9016-y.
75.Wu, T., Lu, Y., Fang, Y., Xin, X., Li, L., Li, W., Jie, W., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, F., Zhang, Y., Wu, F., Li, J., Chu, M., Wang, Z., Shi, X., Liu, X., Wei, M.,Anning Huang, Zhang, Y., and Liu, X.2019.The Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model (BCC-CSM): Main Progress from CMIP5 to CMIP6.Geosci.Model Dev.,12, 1573-1600.
74.慕熙昱,徐琪,潘玉潔,孫世瑋,李昕,黃安寧. 2019.雷達徑向速度資料同化中不同坐標轉換方案的對比試驗.高原氣象, (03), pp 625-635.
73.Wu Yang,Anning Huang*, Danqing Huang, Fei Chen, Yang Zhou, Dexian Fang, Lujun Zhang and Lijuan Wen,2018. Diurnal variations of summer precipitation over the regions east to Tibetan Plateau.Climate Dynamics,51: 4287-4307.(*通訊作者)
72.Yang Ben, Yang Zhou, Yaocun Zhang,Anning Huang, Yun Qian, Lujun Zhang,2018.Simulated precipitation diurnal cycles over East Asia using different CAPE-based convective closure schemes in WRF model.Climate Dynamics, 50: 1639-1658.
71.Zhou Y., B. Yang, Y. Zhao, J. Jiang,AnningHuang, and M. La,2018. Effects of the Ground Surface Temperature Anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau on the Rainfall over Northwestern China and Western Mongolia in July.Theoretical and Applied Climatology,134: 645-667.
70.Liu Dongqing, Ben Yang, Yaocun Zhang, Yun Qian,Anning Huang,Yang Zhou, Lujun Zhang,2018.Combined impacts of convection and microphysics parameterizations on the simulations of precipitation and cloud properties over Asia.Atmospheric Research,212:172-185.
69.Zhao Yong, Yang Zhou, Minzhong Wang, Wen Hou,Anning Huang,Xinhua Yang, Fan Yang,2018.Annual distributionsand variations of dust weather occurrence over the Tarim Basin, China.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 132: 209-217.
68.戴永久, 魏楠,黃安寧, 朱司光, 上官微, 袁華, 張樹鵬, 劉少峰,2018. 通用陸面模式(CoLM)湖泊過程方案與性能評估.科學通報,63: 3002-3021.
67.趙勇,王前,黃安寧.2018.南亞高壓伊朗高壓型與新疆夏季降水的聯繫.高原氣象,37(3): 651-661.
66.顧春雷, 方德賢, 周洋,黃安寧.2018.次格線坡地輻射參數化對RegCM4.1模式模擬東亞夏季氣候的影響.氣象科學, 38(5):585-595.
65.慕熙昱, 徐琪, 周林義, 陶星,黃安寧,2108. 基於AWOS數據的南京祿口機場低能見度特徵統計研究.高原氣象,37(4):1129-1142.
64.Zhang W.,Anning Huang*,2017.Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation over Fujian Province during the Pre-summer Rainy Season in Southern China.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 130(3-4): 993-1006.(*通訊作者)
63.Fangy Y.,P. Wu, T. Wu, Z. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Wu, X. Xiao,Anning Huang,2017. An evaluation of borealsummer intraseasonal oscillation simulated by BCC_AGCM2.2.Climate Dynamics,48: 3409-3423.
62.Shu Lei, M Xie, D Gao, T Wang, D Fang, Q Liu,Anning Huang, and Liwen Peng,2017. Regional severe particle pollution and its association with synoptic weather patterns in the Yangtze River Delta region, China.Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17: 12871-12891.
60.計小龍, 吳昊旻,黃安寧*.2017.青藏高原夏季降水日變化特徵分析.高原氣象,36(5): 1188-1200.(*通訊作者)
59.趙勇, 王前,黃安寧.2017.中亞和南亞熱力差異對塔里木盆地夏季降水的影響.氣候與環境研究,22(5): 574-586.
58.王前,趙勇,黃安寧,楊清.2017.南亞高壓的多模態特徵及其與新疆夏季降水的聯繫.高原氣象,36(5): 1209-1220.
57.董新寧, 方德賢,黃安寧等.2017.兩種垂直風廓線的對比及套用I:一致性分析.高原氣象,36(3):788-800.
56.方德賢, 董新寧,黃安寧等.2017.兩種垂直風廓線的對比及套用II:不同降水條件下風廓線特徵.高原氣象,36(4): 971-983.
55.Huang Anning,Yong Zhao, Yang Zhou,2016.Evaluation of multi-satellite precipitation products by use of ground based data over China.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,121: 10654–10675.
54.Wang Q.,Anning Huang*,2016.Evaluation of the Precipitation Seasonal Variation over Eastern China Simulated by BCC_CSM Model with Two Horizontal Resolutions.J.Geophys.Res.Atmos.,121:8374-8389.(*通訊作者)
53.Zhao Y.,Anning Huang*,2016. The impact of the summer Plateau Monsoon over Tibetan Plateau on the rainfall in Tarim Basin. China.Theoretical and Applied Climatology,126: 265-272.(*通訊作者)
52.Zhou Y., Y. Lu, B. Yang, J. Jiang,Anning Huang,2016. On the relationship between the Madden-Julian Osillation and 2m air temperature over Central Asia in boreal winter.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121: 13250-13272.
51.Wang L., Y. Qian, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, R. Leung,Anning Huang,2016.Observed variability of summer precipitation pattern and extreme events in East China associated with variations of the East Asian summer monsoon.International Journal of Climatology,36: 2942–295.
48.唐瀅,黃安寧*,2016.夏季太湖局地氣候效應的數值模擬研究,氣象科學, 36(5): 647-654.(*通訊作者)
47.趙勇,黃安寧,王前, 楊青,2016.青藏高原地區5月熱力差異和後期夏季北疆降水的聯繫,氣候與環境研究,6:653-662.
45.Kan M.,Aning Huang*,Y. Zhao, Y. Zhou,2015.Evaluation of the summer precipitation over China simulated by BCC_CSM model with different horizontal resolutionsduring the recent half century.J. Geophys. Res.Atmos., 120,4657-4670,doi:10.1002/2015JD023131.(*通訊作者)
44.Zhou Y.,Anning Huang*,2015.Influence of the Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly over the Indian Ocean in March on the SummerRainfall in Xinjiang.Theoretical and Applied Climatology,119(3-4): 781-789.(*通訊作者).
43.Yang B.,Y.Zhang, Yun Qian,Anning Huang,2015.Calibration of a convective parameterization scheme in the WRF model and its impact on the simulation of East Asian Summer Monsoon precipitation.Climate Dynamics,44(5-6): 1661-1684.
42.Yang B.,Yaocun Zhang, Yun Qian, Tongwen Wu,Anning Huang,and Yongjie Fang,2015.Parametric sensitivity analysis for the Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulation in the Beijing Climate Center AGCM version 2.1.Journal of Climate, 44(5-6): 1661-1684.
41.Huang Y.,Y.Zhang,Anning Huang,2015:Analysis of the Simulated Different-class Meiyu Precipitation and Associated Circulation by the BCC_AGCM2.0.1.Theoretical and Applied Climatology,120(3-4): 631-641.
40.姜燕敏,黃安寧*,2015.不同水平解析度BCC_CSM模式對中亞地面氣溫模擬能力評估.大氣科學,39(3): 535-547.(*通訊作者).
38.Huang Anning,Yang Zhou,Yaocun Zhang,2014.Changes of the Annual Precipitation over Central Asia in the 21st Century Projected byMulti-models of CMIP5.Journal of Climate,27(12): 6627-6646.
37.Zhao Y.,Anning Huang*,2014.Impact of the Middle and Upper Tropospheric Cooling over Central Asia on the Summer Rainfall in the Tarim Basin, China.Journal of Climate,27: 4721-4732.(*通訊作者).
36.Zhou Y.,Anning Huang,2014.Modeled Interaction between the Sub-Seasonal Evolving of the East Asian Summer Monsoon and the Direct Effect of Anthropogenic Sulfate.J.Geophys.Res.Atmos.,119: 1993-2016.
35.Zhao Y., M. Wang,Anning Huang, H. Li, W. Huo,2014.Relationships between the West Asian subtropical westerly jet and summer precipitation in northern Xinjiang.Theoretical and Applied Climatology,116: 403-411.
34.Huang D., J. Zhu, Y. Zhang, andAnning Huang,2014.The Different Configurations of the East Asian Polar Front Jet and Subtropical Jet and the Associated Rainfall Anomalies over Eastern China in Summer.Journal of Climate,27: 8205–8220.
33.Huang Anning,Y Zhang, Z Wang, T Wu,2013.Extended range simulations of the extreme snow storms over southern China in early 2008 with the BCC_AGCM2.1 model.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118: 8253-8273.
32.Zhao Y.,Anning Huang*,2013.The impact of the winter NAO on the frequency of spring dust storms over Tarim Basin in northwest Chinain the past half century.Environ. Res. Lett.,8024026(5pp), doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024026.(*通訊作者).
31.Zhou Y., J. Jiang,Anning Huang,2013.Possible contribution of heavy pollution to the decadal change of rainfall over eastern China during the summer monsoon season.Environ. Res. Lett., doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/4/044024.
30.Huang D., J. Zhu,Y. Zhang, andAnning Huang,2013.Uncertainties on the simulated summer precipitation over Eastern China from the CMIP5 models.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,118: 9035-9047.
29.Zhu J.,D. Huang, Y. Zhang,Anning Huang, X. Kuang, and Y. Huang,2013.Decadal changes of Meiyu rainfall around 1991 and its relationship with two types of ENSO.J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,118:9766-9777.
28.Fang Y., Y. Zhang,Anning Huang, and B. Li,2013.Seasonal and intraseasonal variations of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation simulated by a regional air-sea coupled model.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30(2): 315-329
27.Wang D., Y. Zhang, andAnning Huang,2013.Climatic features of the southwesterly low Level jet over southeast China and its association with precipitation over East China.Asia Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 49(3): 259-270.
26.Zhao Y., H. Li,Anning Huang, Q. He, W. Huo,2013.Relationship between thermal anomalies in Tibetan Plateau and summer dust storm frequency overTarim Basin, China.Journal of Arid Land,5(1): 25-31.
25.Zhou,Y., J. Jiang,Y Lu,andAnning Huang,2013.Revealing the effects of the ElNino Southern oscillation tropical cyclone intensity over the estern North Pacific from a model sensitivity study.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 30(4): 1117-1128.
24.Guo L., W. Perrie, Z. Long, J. Chassé, Y. Zhang,Anning Huang,2013.Dynamical Downscaling over the Gulf of St. Lawrence using the Canadian Regional Climate Model.Atmosphere-Ocean,51(3):265-283.
19.Huang,Anning,YerubandiR.Rao,WeitaoZhang,2012.On RecentTrendsinAtmosphericandLimnological VariablesinLakeOntario.Journal of Climate,25:5807-5816
18.Rao,Y. R.,Anning Huangand Wayne R.Rouse,2012.Modeling of physical processes and assessment of climate change impacts in Great Bear Lake.Atmosphere-Ocean, 50(3): 317-333.
17.Zhao Y., Y. Fang, C. Cui, andAnning Huang,2012. Effects of irrigation Oasis on precipitation in arid region.Journal of Arid Land,42(2): 132-139.
16.吳昊旻,黃安寧,黃旋旋,2012.近50年長三角地區季節的氣候變化特徵.中國農業氣象, 33(3): 317-324.
15.Huang, Anning,Yerubandi R. Rao,Youyu Lu,2010.Evaluation of a 3-D hydrodynamic model and atmospheric forecast forcing using observations in Lake Ontario.Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,115, C02004, doi:10.1029/2009JC005601.
14.Huang, Anning,Yerubandi R,Rao, Youyu, Lu,and Jun Zhao,2010, Hydrodynamic modeling of Lake Ontario: An intercomparison of three models.Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans,115,C12076, doi:10.1029/ 2010JC006269
13.HuangAnning,ZhangYaocun,ZhuJian,2009. Effectsofthephysicalensembletechniqueonsimulationof thesummerprecipitationoverChina.Acta. Meteor. Sinica, (6): 713-724.
12.LiuPeng,YongfuQian,andAnningHuang,2009. Impactsoflandsurfaceandseasurfacetemperatureson theonsetdataoftheSouthChinaSeasummermonsoon.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(3): 493-502.
11.黃安寧,張耀存,朱堅,2009.中國夏季不同強度降水模擬對不同積雲對流參數化方案的敏感性研究.大氣科學,33(6): 1212-1224.
10.黃安寧,張耀存,2009.不同輻射傳輸方案對P-σRCM9區域氣候模式性能的影響.高原氣象,28(1): 1-11.
9.黃安寧,張耀存,黃丹青,2008.南海海溫異常影響南海夏季風的數值模擬研究.大氣科學,32(3): 640-652.
8.黃安寧,張耀存,朱堅,2008.物理過程參數化方案對中國夏季降水日變化模擬的影響.地球科學進展, 23(11): 1174-1184.
6.顧茗,黃安寧,2008.不同積雲對流參數化方案對中國東部降水模擬的對比分析.氣象科學, 5: 488-493.
5.Huang Anning,Y. Zhang and X. Gao,2007.Impact of coast SST variability on East Asia summer monsoon.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,24(2):259-270.
3.Zhang, Yaocun,AnningHuang,Xinsheng Zhu,2006.Parameterization of the thermal impacts of sub-grid orography on numerical modeling of the surface energy budget over East Asia.Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 86(1-4): 201-214.
1.王衛國,吳澗,黃安寧,羅燕,2004.大氣臭氧垂直分布的非均勻結構,雲南大學學報,26(2): 144-149.