



  • 中文名:黃又舉
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:安徽
  • 職業:中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 主要成就:100餘篇SCI論文,20餘篇中國和韓國發明專利




2005年獲得安徽大學高分子材料與工程專業學士學位;2010年在中國科學技術大學獲博士學位,師從李良彬教授。2010年6月至2014年3月,在新加坡南洋理工大學做博士後,合作導師為Kim Dong-Hwan教授。2013年12月以“春蕾人才計畫”到中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所工作。2015年12月破格晉升為項目研究員。2017年11月至2018年5月,在德國馬普所高分子所做訪問學者。
黃又舉博士長期從事功能高分子材料、膠體與表面科學、生物與食品安全檢測等多學科交叉領域的研究工作。相關工作發表SCI論文100餘篇,包括Advanced Functional Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry (A,B,C), Nanoscale, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Chemical Communications,Langmuir等,被引用2000餘次,H因子為23。 並以第一發明人申請中國/韓國發明專利20餘項。主持項目10餘項,包括3項國家自然科學基金、3項中科院項目、1項寧波市科技創新團隊以及多項企業橫向課題。基於上述工作,黃又舉博士入選了浙江省千人計畫特聘專家、中科院青年促進會、寧波市3315創新個人、寧波市領軍拔尖人才計畫(第一層次)、中國生物檢測監測產業技術創新戰略聯盟理事,以及科技部國家重點研發計畫(海洋生物感測器組)評審專家。

目前的研究興趣:智慧型高分子的結構設計與自組裝;智慧型回響性高分子/納米金的雜化材料體系的構建;貴金屬(Au,Ag, Pd,Pt)納米材料的合成;基於高分子/納米金材料體系的化學、食品安全檢測和柔性可穿戴生物感測器。


1. Zhang, Lei; Zha, Xianhu; Zhang, Gui; Gu, Jincui; Zhang, Wei; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*. Designing a reductive hybrid membrane to selectively capture noble metallic ions during oil/water emulsion separation with further function enhancement. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6 (22), 10217-10225.
2. Wang, Shuai; Xiao, Peng; Liang, Yun; Zhang, Jiawei; Huang, Youju*; Wu, Si*; Kuo, Shiao-Wei; Chen, Tao*. Network cracks-based wearable strain sensors for subtle and large strain detection of human motions. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6 (19), 5140-5147.
3. Tao, Y. Z.; Yang, J.; Chen, L. J.; Huang, Y. J.*; Qiu, B.; Guo, L. H.*; Lin, Z. Y*. Dialysis assisted ligand exchange on gold nanorods: Amplification of the performance of a lateral flow immunoassay for E-coli O157:H7. Microchimica Acta 2018, 185 (7).
4. Shao, Huili; Lin, Han; Lu, Jing; Hu, Yufang; Wang, Sui; Huang, Youju*; Guo, Zhiyong*. Potential-resolved Faraday cage-type electrochemiluminescence biosensor for simultaneous determination of miRNAs using functionalized g-C3N4 and metal organic framework nanosheets. Biosensors & bioelectronics 2018, 118, 247-252.
5. Lu, Xuefei; Huang, Youju*; Liu, Baoqing; Zhang, Lei; Song, Liping; Zhang, Jiawei; Zhang, Afang; Chen, Tao*. Light-Controlled Shrinkage of Large-Area Gold Nanoparticle Monolayer Film for Tunable SERS Activity. Chemistry of Materials 2018, 30 (6), 1989-1997.
6. Lin, Y.; Xu, S. H.; Yang, J.; Huang, Y. J.*; Chen, Z. T.; Qiu, B.; Lin, Z. Y.; Chen, G. N.; Guo, L. H*. Interesting optical variations of the etching of Au Nanobipyramid@Ag Nanorods and its application as a colorful chromogenic substrate for immunoassays. Sens. Actuator B-Chem. 2018, 267, 502-509.
7. Liang, Yun; Xiao, Peng*; Wang, Shuai; Shi, Jiangwei; He, Jiang; Zhang, Jiawei; Huang, Youju*; Chen, Tao*. Scalable fabrication of free-standing, stretchable CNT/TPE ultrathin composite films for skin adhesive epidermal electronics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6 (25), 6666-6671.
8. Han, J. J.; Zhang, L.; Hu, L. M.; Xing, K. Y.; Lu, X. F.; Huang, Y. J.*; Zhang, J. W.; Lai, W. H.*; Chen, T*. Nanozyme-based lateral flow assay for the sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in milk. Journal of Dairy Science 2018, 101 (7), 5770-5779.
9. Guo, Zhiyong; Jia, Yaru; Song, Xinxin; Lu, Jing; Lu, Xuefei; Liu, Baoqing; Han, Jiaojiao; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*. Giant Gold Nanowire Vesicle-Based Colorimetric and SERS Dual-Mode Immunosensor for Ultrasensitive Detection of Vibrio parahemolyticus. Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90 (10), 6124-6130.
10. Dai, Liwei; Lu, Xuefei; Song, Liping; Huang, Youju*; Liu, Baoqing; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jiawei; Wu, Si; Chen, Tao*. Macroscopic-Oriented Gold Nanorods in Polyvinyl Alcohol Films for Polarization-Dependent Multicolor Displays. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2018, 5 (11).
11. Ali, Israt; Chen, Liming; Huang, Youju*; Song, Liping; Lu, Xuefei; Liu, Baoqing; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jiawei; Hou, Linxi; Chen, Tao*. Humidity-Responsive Gold Aerogel for Real-Time Monitoring of Human Breath. Langmuir 2018, 34 (16), 4908-4913.
12. Zhang, Lei; Tao, Yingzhou; Xiao, Peng; Dai, Liwei; Song, Liping; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei; Kuo, Shiao-Wei; Chen, Tao*. Air/ Water Interfacial Formation of "Clean" Tiny AuNPs Anchored Densely on CNT Film for Electrocatalytic Alcohol Oxidation. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2017, 4 (6).
13. Wang, Jingyun; Zhang, Lei; Huang, Youju*; Dandapat, Anirban; Dai, Liwei; Zhang, Ganggang; Lu, Xuefei; Zhang, Jiawei; Lai, Weihua*; Chen, Tao*. Hollow Au-Ag Nanoparticles Labeled Immunochromatography Strip for Highly Sensitive Detection of Clenbuterol. Scientific Reports 2017, 7.
14. Song, Liping; Zhang, Lei; Huang, Youju*; Chen, Liming; Zhang, Ganggang; Shen, Zheyu; Zhang, Jiawei; Xiao, Zhidong*; Chen, Tao*. Amplifying the signal of localized surface plasmon resonance sensing for the sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Scientific Reports 2017, 7 (1), 3288.
15. Rong, Yun; Song, Liping; Si, Peng*; Zhang, Lei; Lu, Xuefei; Zhang, Jiawei; Nie, Zhihong; Huang, Youju*; Chen, Tao*. Macroscopic Assembly of Gold Nanorods into Superstructures with Controllable Orientations by Anisotropic Affinity Interaction. Langmuir 2017, 33 (48), 13867-13873.
16. Jia, Yaru; Zhang, Lei; Song, Liping; Dai, Liwei; Lu, Xuefei; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei; Guo*, Zhiyong; Chen, Tao*. Giant Vesicles with Anchored Tiny Gold Nanowires: Fabrication and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Langmuir 2017, 33 (46), 13376-13383.
17. Dai, Liwei; Song, Liping; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Lei; Lu, Xuefei; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*. Bimetallic Au/Ag Core–Shell Superstructures with Tunable Surface Plasmon Resonance in the Near-Infrared Region and High Performance Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Langmuir 2017, 33 (22), 5378-5384.
18. Zhang, Lei; Xiao, Peng; Lu, Wei; Zhang, Jiawei; Gu, Jincui; Huang, Youju*; Chen, Tao*. Macroscopic Ultrathin Film as Bio-Inspired Interfacial Reactor for Fabricating 2D Freestanding Janus CNTs/AuNPs Hybrid Nanosheets with Enhanced Electrical Performance. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2016, 3 (15), 1600170.
19. Zhang, Lei; Gu, Jincui; Song, Liping; Chen, Lu; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*. Underwater superoleophobic carbon nanotubes/core-shell polystyrene@Au nanoparticles composite membrane for flow-through catalytic decomposition and oil/water separation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4 (28), 10810-10815.
20. Tao, Yingzhou; Dandapat, Anirban; Chen, Liming; Huang, Youju*; Sasson, Yoel; Lin, Zhenyu; Zhang, Jiawei; Guo, Longhua*; Chen, Tao*. Pd-on-Au Supra-nanostructures Decorated Graphene Oxide: An Advanced Electrocatalyst for Fuel Cell Application. Langmuir 2016, 32 (34), 8557-8564.
21. Rong, Yun; Dandapat, Anirban; Huang, Youju*; Sasson, Yoel; Zhang, Lei; Dai, Liwei; Zhang, Jiawei; Guo, Zhiyong; Chen, Tao*. Spatially-controlled growth of platinum on gold nanorods with tailoring plasmonic and catalytic properties. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (13), 10713-10718.
22. Lu, Xuefei; Dandapat, Anirban; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Lei; Rong, Yun; Dai, Liwei; Sasson, Yoel; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*. Tris base assisted synthesis of monodispersed citrate-capped gold nanospheres with tunable size. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (65), 60916-60921.
23. Huang, Youju*; Dai, Liwei; Song, Liping; Zhang, Lei; Rong, Yun; Zhang, Jiawei; Nie, Zhihong*; Chen, Tao*. Engineering Gold Nanoparticles in Compass Shape with Broadly Tunable Plasmon Resonances and High-Performance SERS. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (41), 27949-27955.
24. Chen, Liming; Dandapat, Anirban;Huang, Youju*; Song, Liping; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Jiawei; Sasson, Yoel; Hou, Linxi*; Chen, Tao*. Heterogemini surfactant assisted synthesis of monodisperse icosahedral gold nanocrystals and their applications in electrochemical biosensing. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (37), 31301-31307.
25. Chen, Jiaming; Huang, Youju*; Kannan, Palanisamy; Zhang, Lei; Lin, Zhenyu; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*; Guo, Longhua*. Flexible and Adhesive Surface Enhance Raman Scattering Active Tape for Rapid Detection of Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables. Analytical Chemistry 2016, 88 (4), 2149-2155.
26. Zhang, Lei; Huang, Youju*; Wang, Jingyun; Rong, Yun; Lai, Weihua; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*. Hierarchical Flowerlike Gold Nanoparticles Labeled Immunochromatography Test Strip for Highly Sensitive Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Langmuir 2015, 31 (19), 5537-5544.
27. Zhang, Lei; Dai, Liwei; Rong, Yun; Liu, Zhenzhong; Tong, Dingyi; Huang, Youju*; Chen, Tao*. Light-Triggered Reversible Self-Assembly of Gold Nanoparticle Oligomers for Tunable SERS. Langmuir 2015, 31 (3), 1164-1171.
28. Xiao, Peng; Wan, Changjin; Gu, Jincui; Liu, Zhenzhong; Men, Yonghong; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei*; Zhu, Liqiang; Chen, Tao*. 2D Janus Hybrid Materials of Polymer-Grafted Carbon Nanotube/Graphene Oxide Thin Film as Flexible, Miniature Electric Carpet. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25 (16), 2428-2435.
29. Peng, Meiwen; Xiao, Peng; Huang, Youju*; Cai, Mujin; Hou, Yanshan; Chen, Jiaming; Liu, Zhenzhong; Xiao*, Zhidong; Chen, Tao*. A direct microcontact printing induced supramolecular interaction for creating shape-tunable patterned polymeric surfaces. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015, 3 (33), 8659-8664.
30. Liu, Zhenzhong; Zhang, Gongjun; Lu, Wei; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei; Chen, Tao*. UV light-initiated RAFT polymerization induced self-assembly. Polymer Chemistry 2015, 6 (34), 6129-6132.
31. Huang, Youju*; Kannan, Palanisamy; Zhang, Lei; Rong, Yun; Dai, Liwei; Huang, Rongqin; Chen, Tao*. Close-packed assemblies of discrete tiny silver nanoparticles on triangular gold nanoplates as a high performance SERS probe. RSC Advances 2015, 5 (115), 94849-94854.
32. Huang, Youju*; Kannan, Palanisamy; Zhang, Lei; Chen, Tao*; Kim, Dong-Hwan*. Concave gold nanoparticle-based highly sensitive electrochemical IgG immunobiosensor for the detection of antibody-antigen interactions. RSC Advances 2015, 5 (72), 58478-58484.
33. Huang, Youju; Ferhan, Abdul Rahim; Dandapat, Anirban; Yoon, Chong Seung; Song, Ji Eun; Cho, Eun Chul; Kim, Dong-Hwan. A Strategy for the Formation of Gold–Palladium Supra-Nanoparticles from Gold Nanoparticles of Various Shapes and Their Application to High-Performance H2O2 Sensing. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015, 119(46), 26164-26170.
34. Huang, Youju; Ferhan, Abdul Rahim; Cho, Seok-Jin; Lee, Haiwon; Kim, Dong-Hwan. Gold Nanowire Bundles Grown Radially Outward from Silicon Micropillars ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7(32), 17582-17586.
35. Cui, Xi; Huang, Youju*; Wang, Jingyun; Zhang, Lei; Rong, Yun; Lai, Weihua*; Chen, Tao*. A remarkable sensitivity enhancement in a gold nanoparticle-based lateral flow immunoassay for the detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7. RSC Advances 2015, 5 (56), 45092-45097.
36. Huang, Youju; Ferhan, Abdul Rahim; Gao, Yi; Dandapat, Anirban; Kim, Dong-Hwan. High-yield synthesis of triangular gold nanoplates with improved shape uniformity, tunable edge length and thickness. Nanoscale 2014, 6(12), 6496-6500.
37. Huang, Youju; Dandapat, Anirban; Kim, Dong-Hwan. Covalently capped seed-mediated growth: a unique approach toward hierarchical growth of gold nanocrystals. Nanoscale 2014, 6(12), 6478-6481.
38. Chen, Jing; Xiao, Peng; Gu, Jincui; Huang, Youju*; Zhang, Jiawei; Wang, Wenqin; Chen, Tao*. Au nanoparticle-loaded PDMAEMA brush grafted graphene oxide hybrid systems for thermally smart catalysis. RSC Advances 2014, 4 (84), 44480-44485.
39. Huang, Youju; Wu, Lin; Chen, Xiaodong; Bai, Ping; Kim, Dong-Hwan. Synthesis of Anisotropic Concave Gold Nanocuboids with Distinctive Plasmonic Properties. Chemistry of Materials 2013, 25(12), 2470-2475.
40. Huang, Youju; Wang, Daoliang; Xu, Lu; Cong, Yuanhua; Li, Junjun; Li, Liangbin. Multiscale fibers via supramolecular self-assembly of a fully rigid, discotic aromatic aramid molecule. Eur. Polym. J. 2013, 49(6), 1682-1687.
41. Huang, Youju; Ferhan, Abdul Rahim; Kim, Dong-Hwan. Tunable scattered colors over a wide spectrum from a single nanoparticle. Nanoscale 2013, 5(17), 7772-7775.


1. 2018年,中國科學院青年創新促進會化學與材料分會理事
2. 2017,中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所,年度優秀黨員
3. 2017年,寧波市領軍和拔尖人才工程,第一層次人才
4. 2016,浙江省千人計畫
5. 2016,中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所,青年創新促進會優秀會員
6. 2015年,中國生物檢測檢測戰略聯盟(理事)
7. 2015年,中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所,年度優秀個人
8. 2015年,寧波市3315創新個人
9. 2015年,中科院青年創新促進會
12. 2014年,中國科學院寧波材料技術與工程研究所,年度優秀個人


1. 巨觀自支撐二維高分子/納米金複合膜的界面構築及其生物感測套用研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目批准號:51873222;2019.1-2012.12)
2. 聚合物/貴金屬納米粒子彩虹薄膜的製備以及智慧型調控變色,國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目批准號:51493179;2015.1-2018.12)
3. 刺激回響性高分子智慧型調控的貴金屬納米粒子合成與自組裝,國家自然科學基金青年項目(項目批准號:21404110;2015.1-2017.12)
4. 水產品中生物毒素、藥物殘留快速檢測技術套用示範,2017年福建省中科院STS項目(2017T3007)
5. 基於高分子/納米金材料體系的可商業化生物和食品安全檢測感測器,橫向課題項目(2015.03-2016.03)
6. 新型高靈敏男性精子頂體活性檢測及優選試劑盒的開發, 2015年寧波市科技創新團隊
7. 高分子與納米金雜化材料用於食品/生物安全檢測, 中科院青年創新促進會
8. 基於刺激回響高分子/貴金屬納米粒子雜化體系的高效感測器, 中科院寧波材料所“春蕾人才”啟動項目


