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主持和參與了10餘項科研項目,發表論文40餘篇,發表在Journal of Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc 等國際期刊上,主要圍繞極端氣候事件、東亞氣候變率和模式模擬不確定性。研究提出了一套檢測極端氣候事件的客觀方法,從增暖非均勻性的角度揭示影響我國極端氣候事件的機制。明確模式模擬降水的敏感區,指出積雲/層雲的比例、模式的解析度以及降水與海溫的物理聯繫是影響模式模擬降水不確定性的可能原因。此外,承擔國家精品課程、南京大學“百層次”優質課程《流體力學》的教學工作,進行翻轉課堂的教學改革,作為骨幹成員完成了《地球流體力學》慕課的製作和搭建,獲得省部級教學一等獎、校級教學二等獎和學院教學二等獎等榮譽。


  • 中文名:黃丹青 
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:氣象學
  • 任職院校:南京大學


2000-2004年 南京大學大氣科學系 氣象學理學學士學位
2004-2009年 南京大學大氣科學學院 氣象學理學博士學位 導師:錢永甫教戒燥頁設授、張耀存教授
2009年8-9月 日本東京大學CCSR研究所 訪問學者,訪問Masaaki TAKAHASHI教授
2009-2013年 南京大學大氣科學學院 講師
2014年-2019年南京大學大氣科學學院 副教授
2017年-2018年 美國紐約州立大學奧棗駝挨爾巴尼分校 訪問學者,訪問Aiguo DAI教授


《流體力學》 (本科二年級)
《地球流體力學》 (本科二年級)
《氣候動力學》 (研究生)




主持 溫度變化影響我國東部暖季持續性極端降水的機制研究-國家自然科學基金面上基金
主持 增暖非均勻性影響2000年後江淮梅雨變異的機制研究-國家自然科學基金青年基金
主持 我國東部持續性極端降水的溫度依賴性研究-南信大氣象災害省部共樂漏主祝建教育部重點市請膠室開放課題
主持 江淮梅雨的非典型變化及其與海陸不均勻增暖聯繫-南信大氣象災害省部共建教育部重點室開放課題
主持 不同增暖情景下乾旱半乾旱區極端氣候事件預估研究-中科院地環所黃土與第四紀地質國家重點實驗室開放課題
參與 國家重點研發計畫-中國北方地區極端氣候的變化及成因研究
參與 東亞副熱帶急流和溫帶急流協同變化及其與中國氣候異常的關係-國家自然科學基金重點基金
參與 高空急流月-季尺度變異關鍵信號及其在短期氣候預測中的套用研究-公益性行業(氣象)科研專項
參與 青藏高原熱力強迫對中國東部不同持續時間降水日變化影響的機理研究-國家自然科學基金面探笑府上
參與 亞洲套多副熱帶高空急流季節轉換期間非對稱性變化特徵及機理研究-國家自然科學基金青年基金
參與 東亞地區溫度變化不均勻性對東亞季風爆發時間和強度的影響研究-國家自然科學基金青年基金
參與 東亞高空急流月-季尺度變異特徵及其機理研究-高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金


1、2015年 全國 大氣科學類專業青年教師本科教學競賽 一等獎
2、2014年 南京大學中國銀行青年教師教學成果 二等獎
3、2017年 南京大學2017年度“百茅舟仔層次”優質課程 排名第二
4、2009年 南京大學大氣科學學院本科教學交流與競賽 二等獎


2019 年
[45]Huang, D.* , Yan, P., Xiao, X., Zhu, J., Tang, X., Huang, A., 2019. The tri-pole relation among daily mean temperature , atmospheric moisture and precipitation intensity over China. Glob. Planet. Change 179, 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.04.016
[44]Huang, D* , Aiguo Dai, Ben Yang, et al., 2019: Contributions of Different Combinations of the IPO and AMO to Recent Changes in Winter East Asian Jets. J. Clim. , 32, 1607–1626, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0218.1.
[43]Zhang, Yazhou, Peiwen Yan, Zhijie Liao, D Huang*, et al., 2019: The Winter Concurrent Meridional Shift of the East Asian Jet Streams and the Associated Thermal Conditions. J. Clim., doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0085.1.
[42]Yan, P., D Huang *, Zhu, J., Kuang, X., Huang, Y., 2019. The Decadal Shift of the Long Persistent Rainfall over the Northern part of China and the Associated Ocean Conditions. Int. J. Climatol., doi:10.1002/joc.6001
2018 年
[41]Huang, D*, Yan, P., Zhu, J., et al., 2018. Uncertainty of global summer precipitation in the CMIP5 models: a comparison between high-resolution and low-resolution models . Theor. Appl. Climatol., 132, 55-69, doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2078-9
[40]Wu Yang, A. Huang* ,Huang, D.*, et al., 2018. Diurnal variations of summer precipitation over the regions east to Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics , 51 (11-12), 4287-4307
2017 年
[39]Huang, D*, Aiguo Dai, Jian Zhu, and et al., 2017. Recent winter precipitation changes over Eastern China in different warming periods and the associated East Asian jets and oceanic conditions. J. Clim., 30, 4443–4462, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0517.1.
[38]Zhu, J., D. Huang*, P.-W. Yan, Y. Huang, and X.-Y. Kuang, 2017, Can reanalysis datasets describe the persistent temperature and precipitation extremes over China?, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 130, 655-671, doi:10.1007/s00704-016-1912-9.
[37]張敏,黃丹青*,嚴佩文,夏季副熱帶行星波動振幅變化與我國極端降水的關係,熱帶氣象學報, 2017, 33(6), 1004-4965(2017)06-0622-13
[36]嚴佩文,黃丹青*,江淮地區夏季持續性降水特徵及其與東亞高空急流的聯繫,熱帶氣象學報, 2017, 33(6), 1004-4965(2017)06-0622-08
[35]黃丹青*,嚴佩文,劉高平,朱堅,暖季極端降水與溫度的關係研究 —— 以安徽省為例,氣候與環境研究,2017 , 22 (5): 623-632.
2016 年
[34]Huang, D.*, J. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Y., et al., 2016. Assessment of summer monsoon precipitation derived from five reanalysis datasets over East Asia, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. , 142, 108–119, doi:10.1002/qj.2634.
[33]Zhu, J., D. Huang*, and T. Yang, 2016. Changes of Meiyu system in the future under A1B scenario simulated by MIROC_Hires model, Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 123, 461–471, doi:10.1007/s00704-015-1371-8.
[32]Zhu, J., D. Huang*, Y. Dai, and X. Chen, 2016. Recent heterogeneous warming and the associated summer precipitation over eastern China, Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 123, 619–627, doi:10.1007/s00704-015-1380-7.
2015 年
[31]Huang, D*, Jian Zhu, Yaocun Zhang, Jun Wang, and Xueyuan Kuang, 2015. The impact of the East Asian subtropical jet and polar front jet on the frequency of spring persistent rainfall over southern China in 1997-2011. J. Clim ., 28, 6054–6066, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00641.1.
2014 年
[30]Huang, D* , Jian Zhu, Yaocun Zhang, and Anning Huang, 2014. The different configurations of the East Asian polar front jet and subtropical jet and the associated rainfall anomalies over eastern China in summer. J. Clim. , 27, 8205–8220, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00067.1.
[29]Kuang, X., Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, and D.Huang, 2014, Changes in the frequenciesof record-breaking temperature events in China and its association with East Asian Winter Monsoon variability,J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 1234–1248, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020965.
[28]Huang, A., Y. Zhou, Y. Zhang, D. Huang et al., 2014. Changes of the Annual Precipitation over Central Asia in the 21st Century Projected by Multi- models of CMIP5 . J. Clim. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00070.1.
[27]Kuang X Y, Zhang Y C, Huang Y, D Huang. 2014. Spatial differences in seasonal variation of the upper-tropospheric jet stream in the Northern Hemisphere and its thermal dynamic mechanism. Theor Appl Climatol , 117( 1) :103-112.
[26]Huang, Y., Y. Zhang, A. Huang, X. Kuang, D. Huang, Y. Yao, and L. Zhang, 2014. Analysis of the simulated different-class Meiyu precipitation and associated circulation by the BCC_AGCM2.0.1. Theor. Appl. Climatol. , doi:10.1007/s00704-014-1195-y.
[25]朱堅、楊濤、黃丹青等. 2014: 基於WRF-NoahLSM耦合模型的江蘇省淮北地區土壤旱情評估. 水電能源科學. 32 (10): 10-13.
2013 年
[24]Huang, D.*, J. Zhu and Y. Zhang, et al., 2013. Uncertainties on the simulated summer precipitation over Eastern China from the CMIP5 models, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 118, 9035-9047, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50695.
[23]Zhu J., D. Huang*, and Y. Zhang, 2013. Decadal changes of Meiyu rainfall around 1991 and its relationship with two types of ENSO, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos , 118, 9766-9777, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50779.
[22]Zhu J., D. Huang*, P. Zhou, et al. (2013), Simulating the response of non-uniformity of precipitation extremes over China to CO2 increasing by MIROC_Hires model, J. Trop. Meteorol., 19(4): 331-339.
[21]Huang, A., Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, T. Wu, D. Huang, et al. 2013. Extended range simulations of the extreme snow storms over southern China in early 2008 with the BCC_AGCM2.1 model, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 118: 8253-8273.
2012 年
[20]Huang, D.*, Y. Qian, and J. Zhu (2012), The heterogeneity of Meiyu rainfall over Yangtze-Huaihe River valley and its relationship with oceanic surface heating and intraseasonal variability, Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 108(3-4): 601-611.
[19]趙勇,黃丹青,楊青. 新疆北部汛期降水的變化特徵. 乾旱區研究 ,2012, 29(1):35-40.
2011 年:
[18]Huang, D.*, M. Takahashi and Y. Zhang (2011), Analysis of the Baiu precipitation and associated circulations simulated by the MIROC coupled climate system model, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 89(6): 625-636, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2011-601.
[17]Huang, D.*, J. Zhu, and X. Kuang (2011), Decadal variation of different durations of continuous Meiyu precipitation and the possible cause, Chinese Sci. Bull. , 56:424-431.
[16]Zhang, Y. and D. Huang. Has the East Asian westerly jet experienced a poleward displacement in recent decades? 2011, Adv. Atmos. Sci ., 28 (6): 1-10.
[15]Kuang, X., J. Liu, Y. Zhang, D. Huang, et al. Multi-timescale variation of East Asian winter monsoon intensity and its relation with sea surface temperature during last millennium based on ECHO-G simulation, 2011, Asia-Pacific J Atmos. Sci ., 47 (5): 485-495.
[14]趙勇,黃丹青,朱堅等. 北疆極端降水事件的區域性和持續性特徵分析. 冰川凍土 , 2011,33: 524-531.
2010 年:
[13]Huang, D., Y. Qian*, and J. Zhu (2010), Trends of temperature extremes in China and their relationship with global temperature anomalies, Adv. Atmos. Sci , 27(4): 937-946.
[12]朱堅, 黃丹青 * ,錢永甫等 (2010), 梅雨期江淮地區極端高溫事件的非均勻性特徵及其與環流系統的配置,地球物理學報 ,53(10): 2310-2320.
[11]趙勇,黃丹青,朱堅.新疆北部極端降水事件的初步分析.沙漠與綠洲氣象,2010, 4(5):1-5.
[10]趙勇,黃丹青,古麗格娜等. 新疆北部夏季強降水分析. 乾旱區研究 ,2010, 27(5):773-779.
2009 年:
[9]Huang, D. and Y. Qian* (2009). The effects of terrain slope and orientation on different weather processes in China under different model resolutions, Acta Meteor. Sinica , 23 (5): 617-628.
[8]黃丹青,錢永甫.極端溫度事件區域性的分析方法及其結果.南京大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 11(6): 715-723.
2008 年:
[6]黃丹青,錢永甫.我國極端溫度事件的定義和趨勢分析.中山大學學報(自然科學版) , 2008, 47(3): 112-116.
[5]黃安寧,張耀存,黃丹青.南海海溫異常影響南海夏季風的數值模擬研究. 大氣科學 ,2008,32(3):640-652.
2007 年:
[4]黃丹青 ,錢永甫.Community Climate Model 3 模擬夏季極端降水的初步分析.南京大學學報(自然科學版) , 2007, 43 (3):238-248.
2006 年:
[1]漆梁波,黃丹青,餘暉.1999-2003年西北太平洋熱帶氣旋綜合預報的誤差分析.套用氣象學報 , 2006, 17(1): 73-80.


1、2015年 全國 大氣科學類專業青年教師本科教學競賽 一等獎
2、2014年 南京大學中國銀行青年教師教學成果 二等獎
3、2017年 南京大學2017年度“百層次”優質課程 排名第二
4、2009年 南京大學大氣科學學院本科教學交流與競賽 二等獎


2019 年
[45]Huang, D.* , Yan, P., Xiao, X., Zhu, J., Tang, X., Huang, A., 2019. The tri-pole relation among daily mean temperature , atmospheric moisture and precipitation intensity over China. Glob. Planet. Change 179, 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.04.016
[44]Huang, D* , Aiguo Dai, Ben Yang, et al., 2019: Contributions of Different Combinations of the IPO and AMO to Recent Changes in Winter East Asian Jets. J. Clim. , 32, 1607–1626, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0218.1.
[43]Zhang, Yazhou, Peiwen Yan, Zhijie Liao, D Huang*, et al., 2019: The Winter Concurrent Meridional Shift of the East Asian Jet Streams and the Associated Thermal Conditions. J. Clim., doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0085.1.
[42]Yan, P., D Huang *, Zhu, J., Kuang, X., Huang, Y., 2019. The Decadal Shift of the Long Persistent Rainfall over the Northern part of China and the Associated Ocean Conditions. Int. J. Climatol., doi:10.1002/joc.6001
2018 年
[41]Huang, D*, Yan, P., Zhu, J., et al., 2018. Uncertainty of global summer precipitation in the CMIP5 models: a comparison between high-resolution and low-resolution models . Theor. Appl. Climatol., 132, 55-69, doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2078-9
[40]Wu Yang, A. Huang* ,Huang, D.*, et al., 2018. Diurnal variations of summer precipitation over the regions east to Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics , 51 (11-12), 4287-4307
2017 年
[39]Huang, D*, Aiguo Dai, Jian Zhu, and et al., 2017. Recent winter precipitation changes over Eastern China in different warming periods and the associated East Asian jets and oceanic conditions. J. Clim., 30, 4443–4462, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0517.1.
[38]Zhu, J., D. Huang*, P.-W. Yan, Y. Huang, and X.-Y. Kuang, 2017, Can reanalysis datasets describe the persistent temperature and precipitation extremes over China?, Theor. Appl. Climatol., 130, 655-671, doi:10.1007/s00704-016-1912-9.
[37]張敏,黃丹青*,嚴佩文,夏季副熱帶行星波動振幅變化與我國極端降水的關係,熱帶氣象學報, 2017, 33(6), 1004-4965(2017)06-0622-13
[36]嚴佩文,黃丹青*,江淮地區夏季持續性降水特徵及其與東亞高空急流的聯繫,熱帶氣象學報, 2017, 33(6), 1004-4965(2017)06-0622-08
[35]黃丹青*,嚴佩文,劉高平,朱堅,暖季極端降水與溫度的關係研究 —— 以安徽省為例,氣候與環境研究,2017 , 22 (5): 623-632.
2016 年
[34]Huang, D.*, J. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Y., et al., 2016. Assessment of summer monsoon precipitation derived from five reanalysis datasets over East Asia, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. , 142, 108–119, doi:10.1002/qj.2634.
[33]Zhu, J., D. Huang*, and T. Yang, 2016. Changes of Meiyu system in the future under A1B scenario simulated by MIROC_Hires model, Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 123, 461–471, doi:10.1007/s00704-015-1371-8.
[32]Zhu, J., D. Huang*, Y. Dai, and X. Chen, 2016. Recent heterogeneous warming and the associated summer precipitation over eastern China, Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 123, 619–627, doi:10.1007/s00704-015-1380-7.
2015 年
[31]Huang, D*, Jian Zhu, Yaocun Zhang, Jun Wang, and Xueyuan Kuang, 2015. The impact of the East Asian subtropical jet and polar front jet on the frequency of spring persistent rainfall over southern China in 1997-2011. J. Clim ., 28, 6054–6066, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00641.1.
2014 年
[30]Huang, D* , Jian Zhu, Yaocun Zhang, and Anning Huang, 2014. The different configurations of the East Asian polar front jet and subtropical jet and the associated rainfall anomalies over eastern China in summer. J. Clim. , 27, 8205–8220, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00067.1.
[29]Kuang, X., Y. Zhang, Y. Huang, and D.Huang, 2014, Changes in the frequenciesof record-breaking temperature events in China and its association with East Asian Winter Monsoon variability,J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 1234–1248, doi: 10.1002/2013JD020965.
[28]Huang, A., Y. Zhou, Y. Zhang, D. Huang et al., 2014. Changes of the Annual Precipitation over Central Asia in the 21st Century Projected by Multi- models of CMIP5 . J. Clim. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00070.1.
[27]Kuang X Y, Zhang Y C, Huang Y, D Huang. 2014. Spatial differences in seasonal variation of the upper-tropospheric jet stream in the Northern Hemisphere and its thermal dynamic mechanism. Theor Appl Climatol , 117( 1) :103-112.
[26]Huang, Y., Y. Zhang, A. Huang, X. Kuang, D. Huang, Y. Yao, and L. Zhang, 2014. Analysis of the simulated different-class Meiyu precipitation and associated circulation by the BCC_AGCM2.0.1. Theor. Appl. Climatol. , doi:10.1007/s00704-014-1195-y.
[25]朱堅、楊濤、黃丹青等. 2014: 基於WRF-NoahLSM耦合模型的江蘇省淮北地區土壤旱情評估. 水電能源科學. 32 (10): 10-13.
2013 年
[24]Huang, D.*, J. Zhu and Y. Zhang, et al., 2013. Uncertainties on the simulated summer precipitation over Eastern China from the CMIP5 models, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 118, 9035-9047, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50695.
[23]Zhu J., D. Huang*, and Y. Zhang, 2013. Decadal changes of Meiyu rainfall around 1991 and its relationship with two types of ENSO, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos , 118, 9766-9777, doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50779.
[22]Zhu J., D. Huang*, P. Zhou, et al. (2013), Simulating the response of non-uniformity of precipitation extremes over China to CO2 increasing by MIROC_Hires model, J. Trop. Meteorol., 19(4): 331-339.
[21]Huang, A., Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, T. Wu, D. Huang, et al. 2013. Extended range simulations of the extreme snow storms over southern China in early 2008 with the BCC_AGCM2.1 model, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 118: 8253-8273.
2012 年
[20]Huang, D.*, Y. Qian, and J. Zhu (2012), The heterogeneity of Meiyu rainfall over Yangtze-Huaihe River valley and its relationship with oceanic surface heating and intraseasonal variability, Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 108(3-4): 601-611.
[19]趙勇,黃丹青,楊青. 新疆北部汛期降水的變化特徵. 乾旱區研究 ,2012, 29(1):35-40.
2011 年:
[18]Huang, D.*, M. Takahashi and Y. Zhang (2011), Analysis of the Baiu precipitation and associated circulations simulated by the MIROC coupled climate system model, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 89(6): 625-636, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2011-601.
[17]Huang, D.*, J. Zhu, and X. Kuang (2011), Decadal variation of different durations of continuous Meiyu precipitation and the possible cause, Chinese Sci. Bull. , 56:424-431.
[16]Zhang, Y. and D. Huang. Has the East Asian westerly jet experienced a poleward displacement in recent decades? 2011, Adv. Atmos. Sci ., 28 (6): 1-10.
[15]Kuang, X., J. Liu, Y. Zhang, D. Huang, et al. Multi-timescale variation of East Asian winter monsoon intensity and its relation with sea surface temperature during last millennium based on ECHO-G simulation, 2011, Asia-Pacific J Atmos. Sci ., 47 (5): 485-495.
[14]趙勇,黃丹青,朱堅等. 北疆極端降水事件的區域性和持續性特徵分析. 冰川凍土 , 2011,33: 524-531.
2010 年:
[13]Huang, D., Y. Qian*, and J. Zhu (2010), Trends of temperature extremes in China and their relationship with global temperature anomalies, Adv. Atmos. Sci , 27(4): 937-946.
[12]朱堅, 黃丹青 * ,錢永甫等 (2010), 梅雨期江淮地區極端高溫事件的非均勻性特徵及其與環流系統的配置,地球物理學報 ,53(10): 2310-2320.
[11]趙勇,黃丹青,朱堅.新疆北部極端降水事件的初步分析.沙漠與綠洲氣象,2010, 4(5):1-5.
[10]趙勇,黃丹青,古麗格娜等. 新疆北部夏季強降水分析. 乾旱區研究 ,2010, 27(5):773-779.
2009 年:
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