



2005/09-2009/07 太原理工大學,本科
2009/09-2012/01 青島理工大學大學,碩士
2012/03-2015/10 哈爾濱工業大學大學,博士
2023/12-現在 華東交通大學,土木建築學院,教授/博導






[1] 國家自然科學基金地區基金,52368071,滑坡碎屑流致災區埋地管道的破壞機制及設計方法研究,2024/01-2027/12,在研,主持。
[2] 江西省科技廳,江西省創新領軍人才項目,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持。
[3] 校企聯合開發項目,天然氣長輸管線泄漏智慧型預警系統設計及裝備集成技術研究,2023.05-2024.06,在研,主持。
[4] 校企聯合開發項目,基於“雙碳”背景下大型數據中心節能技術研究,2023.01-2023.12,在研,主持。
[5] 國家自然科學基金青年基金,51808275,LNG鋁製板翅結構低溫熱疲勞損傷斷裂機理研究,2019/01-2021/12,完成,主持。
[6] 中國博士後科學基金,2018/01-2020/12,完成,主持。
[7] 甘肅省建設廳項目,JK2018-5,煙氣餘熱能級提升及深度利用關鍵技術研究與工程示範,2018/01-2019/12,完成,主持。
[8] 校企聯合開發項目,智慧型相變煙氣餘熱回收工藝關鍵技術研究,2018/03-2019/05,完成,主持。
[9] 校企聯合開發項目,鍋爐煙氣餘熱回收利用工藝系統及關鍵部件開發,2016/10-2017/10,完成,主持。
[10] 國家自然科學基地區基金,41861010,工程擾動和氣候變暖雙重情景下高溫多年凍土區鐵路路基的熱-力強化機制研究,2019/01-2021/12,完成,第二。
[11] 國家十三五科技重大專項,2016ZX05017-004,高含硫氣田集輸淨化系統安全高效運行技術課題四-“高含硫氣田集輸淨化系統安全高效運行技術”中“普光氣田集輸管道異常應變風險評價模型及預警技術研究”,2017/03-2020/12,完成,主要負責人。
[12] 國家十三五科技重大專項,2016ZX05017-004,高含硫氣田集輸淨化系統安全高效運行技術課題四-“高含硫氣田集輸淨化系統安全高效運行技術”中“高含硫氣田集輸管道分散式光纖、聲波泄露等監測系統測試”,2017/03-2019/12,完成,主要負責人。
[13] 甘肅省自然科學基金,1606RJZA059,LNG鋁製板翅式換熱器結構強度及安全性的影響規律研究,2016/09-2018/12,完成,主持。
[14] 甘肅省自然科學基金,1610RJZA005,納米Ti單晶中FCC相對力學行為和變形機制影響的分子動力學模擬研究,2016/09-2018/08,完成,第三。
[15] 校企聯合開發項目,複雜地形集輸管道應力應變模擬及實驗研究, 2017/09-2018/12,完成,第三。
[16] 企業項目,高含硫天然氣淨化裝置尾氣焚燒爐煙氣餘熱利用技術研究,2016/08-2017/08,完成,主要負責人。
[17] 企業項目,微型橇裝LNG集成裝置研究,2016/01-2017/11,完成,主要參研人員。
[18] 國家工信部項目,2013K418,大型LNG繞管式換熱器研製,2014/06-2015/10,完成,主研人員。


[1] 麻宏強, 彭冬根等. 《天然氣液化工藝及設備原理》, 建築材料工業出版社,2021.
[2] 戴少軍, 張敏君, 許鴻, 潘存瑞, 麻宏強, 唐艷玲等. 《園林綠化工程施工技術標準》, 甘肅省地方標準, 2022.
[1] MA H*, YU L, HOU C, et al. Study on gas-liquid flow and separation characteristics in the interspace of complex parallel porous deflectors [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=6.782, JCR 1區)
[2] MA H*, Yue Xie, et al. Investigation on dynamic mathematical model and control method of flue gas heat exchange system[J]. Engineering Computations, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=1.675,JCR 3區)
[3] MA H*, Jia Jiwei, et al. Fatigue analysis of brazing structures with fin-plate-side bar in LNG heat exchangers under cryogenic conditions [J]. Science and Technology for Energy Transition, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=2.189,JCR 2區)
[4] MA H*, Xie Yue, et al. Performance of new spray cooling system with PV/T and heat recovery in sow houses: As a case in Nanchang, China [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=6.465,JCR 1區,Top)
[5] MA H*, Li anying, et al. Numerical investigation of thermal-humidity environment in pedestrian area of ecological community with the porous pavement in arid areas [J]. Solar Energy, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=7.188,JCR 2區,Top)
[6] MA H *, Xie Y, et al. Exergy analysis of a new spray cooling system-based PV/T and heat recovery with application in sow houses [J]. Solar Energy, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=7.188,JCR 2區,Top)
[7] Ma H*, Xie Yue, Li Anyin, et al. A review on the effect of light-thermal-humidity environment in sow houses on sow reproduction and welfare [J]. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=1.8,JCR 3區)
[8] MA H*, Xie Yue, et al. Investigation on the control strategy of new spray cooling system based on PV/T and heat recovery in sow houses: As a case study in Nanchang, China [J]. Renewable Energy, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=8.634,JCR 1區,Top)
[9] Ma H*, Wang Jiajun, Li Anyin, et al. Numerical investigation on thermal fatigue damage mechanism of head structures in aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=2.036,JCR 4區)
[10] Ma H*, Wang Shengxun, Li Anyin, et al. Investigation on strength and fracture mechanism of aluminum plate-fin structures at cryogenic temperature [J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=3.634,JCR 2區)
[11] Ma H*, Xie Yue, et al. Comparison of operation characteristics of a new spray cooling system based on PV/T and heat recovery in sow houses in five climate regions of China[J]. Energy & Buildings, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=6.7,JCR 1區,Top)
[12] Luo Xinmei, Ren Feng, Ma H*, et al. Distribution Characteristics of Particles in Room with Capillary Radiant Floor Heating System [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=7.147)
[13] Liu Yu, Li Chong, Ma H, et al. Investigation on the indoor environment during a whole cooking process under constant make-up air organization in a Chinese-style residential kitchen [J]. Indoor and Built Environment, 2023. (SCI/EI, IF=3.067,JCR 2區)
[14] MA H*, LIU Y, HOU C, et al. Investigation on the dynamic control method of flue gas heat transfer system based on improved particle swarm [J]. Energy, 2022. (SCI/EI, IF=8.857, JCR 1區, TOP)
[15] MA H*, Jia J, et al. Numerical investigation on fatigue life of aluminum brazing structure with fin-plate-side bar under the low temperature thermal-structure cyclic stress[J]. ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS, 2022, 131: 111-128. (SCI/EI, IF= 3.634, JCR 2區)
[16] MA H*, LIU Y, HOU C, et al. Numerical investigation on heat-mass transfer and correlations of humid air-water outside staggered tube bundles [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 179: 107632. (SCI/EI, IF=4.779, JCR 1區)
[17] MA H*, Yue Xie, et al. The pressure drop characteristics of humid air outside staggered tube bundles in the evaporative cooling process [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2022, 395: 11855.(SCI/EI, IF=1.9, JCR 2區)
[18] MA H*, DING R, HOU C, et al. Numerical Investigation on Strain Characteristics of Natural Gas Transportation Pipeline Crossing Tunnel [J]. Transportation Research Record, 2022. (SCI/EI, IF=2.019, JCR 3區)
[19] LIU Y, MA H*, ZHANG C, et al. Watering on porous pavement for improvement of environmental human thermal comfort in an ecological community in arid area: A case study in Lanzhou, China [J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022. (SCI/EI, IF=10.696, JCR 1區, TOP)
[20] LIU Y, MA H*, XIE Y, et al. A systematic literature review on indoor PM2.5 concentrations and personal exposure in urban residential buildings [J]. Heliyon, 2022.(SCI/EI, IF=3.776, JCR 2區)
[21] TAN S, MA H*, XIE Y, et al. Simulation on the evaporative cooling characteristics of humid air-water outside staggered tube bundles [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2022.(SCI/EI, IF=1.9, JCR 2區)
[22] Yu Liu, Jiankai Dong, Hongqiang Ma*, Yiqiang Jiang, Wenke Zheng, Xinmei Luo. An Overview: PM2.5 Concentration Levels in Urban Residential Buildings during the Past Two Decades [J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2022, 10: 220174.(SCI/EI, IF=4.53, JCR2區)
[23] Jiaan Gu, Huijun Wu, Guangpeng Zhang, Ke Du, Yanling Guo, Gongsheng Huang, Xinhua Xu, Hongqiang Ma. Numerical study of the integrated heat transfer of a condensation-free radiant cooling panel covered with multiple interlayer infrared membranes[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, Vol.63(Part A):105460.
[24] LUO X, GU J, MA H, et al. Numerical Study on Enhanced Melting Heat Transfer of Phase Change Material by the Combined Fractal Fins[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022, 45: 101-128. (SCI/EI, IF=8.907, JCR 1區)
[25] Ma H*, Zhang C , Jia J , et al. Investigation on human thermal comfort of the ecological community in arid area of Lanzhou, China[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 72(3):103069. (SCI/EI, IF=10.696, JCR 1區, TOP)
[26] Ma H*, LIANG N, ZHANG N, et al. Simulation of a novel waste heat recovery system with sulfide-containing flue gas [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 187: 116-556. (SCI/EI, IF=6.465, JCR 1區, TOP)
[27] Ma H*, LIU Y, HOU C, et al. Numerical investigation on the thermal-flow performance of humid air-water in the interspace outside staggered tube bundles [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 166: 120-784. (SCI/EI, IF=5.431, JCR 1區, TOP)
[28] Ma H*, LIANG N, HOU C, et al. Experimental Study on Novel Waste Heat Recovery System for Sulfide-containing Flue Gas [J]. Energy, 2021, 227: 120479. (SCI/EI, IF=8.857, JCR 1區, TOP)
[29] Ma H*, HE B, LUO X, et al. Investigation on strain characteristic of buried natural gas pipeline under longitudinal landslide debris flow [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 86: 103708. (SCI/EI, IF=5.285, JCR 1區)
[30] Ma H*, Jia J, Zhang C, et al. The influence of residual stress for the strength of plate-fin structures in the typical operation process of LNG heat exchanger[J]. Oil & Gas Science & Technology, 2021, 76: 101-128. (SCI/EI, IF=2.189, JCR 2區)
[31] Ma H*, WANG S, XIE Y, et al. The relationship between stress of plate-fin structures and emergency stop operation process in LNG heat exchanger [J]. Oil & Gas Science & Technology, 2021, 77: 11-28. (SCI/EI, IF=2.189, JCR 2區)
[32] HAN X, LI C*, MA H, et al. Performance Studies and Energy-Saving Analysis of a Solar Water-Heating System [J]. Processes, 2021. (SCI/EI, IF=3.356, JCR 2區)
[33] Ma H*, SONG X, LIU Y, et al. Influence of Emergency Stop Operation for Strength of Brazed Structure with Rectangular Fins and Plates in Lng Heat Exchanger [J]. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2020, 142(3):031702 (SCI/EI, IF=1.046, JCR 4區,被引1次)
[34] Ma H*, He B , Lan S , et al. The stress characteristics of plate-fin structures at the different operation parameters of LNG heat exchanger[J]. Oil & Gas Science & Technology, 2018, 73:13. (SCI/EI, IF=2.189, JCR 2區,被引2次)
[35] Jie Chen, Weihua Cai, ShuLei Li, Yan Ren, HongQiang Ma, YiQiang Jiang. Numerical investigation on saturated boiling flow and heat transfer of mixture refrigerant in a vertical rectangular minichannel [J]. Thermal Science, 2018, 22. (SCI/EI, IF=1.971, JCR 3區)
[36] Yu J, Ma H, Jiang Y. A numerical study of heat transfer and pressure drop of hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant during boiling in vertical rectangular minichannel[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112:1343-1352. (SCI/EI, IF=6.465, JCR 1區, TOP,被引19次)
[37] Ma H, Hou C, Yang R, et al. The influence of structure parameters on stress of plate-fin structures in LNG heat exchanger[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 34: 85-99. (SCI/EI, IF=5.285, JCR 1區,被引13次)
[38] Ma H, Cai W, Yao Y, et al. Investigation on stress characteristics of plate-fin structures in the heat-up process of LNG heat exchanger[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 30:256-267. (SCI/EI, IF=5.285, JCR 1區,被引14次)
[39] Ma H,Cai W,Chen J,Yao Y,Jiang Y. Numerical investigation on saturated boiling and heat transfer correlations in a vertical rectangular minichannel[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016, 102(2016): 285-299. (SCI/EI, IF=4.779 JCR 1區,被引17次)
[40] Ma H, Chen J, Cai W, et al. The influence of operation parameters on stress of plate-fin structures in LNG heat exchanger[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 26: 216-228. (SCI/EI, IF=5.285, JCR 1區,被引13次)
[41] Ma H, Cai W, Zheng W, et al. Stress characteristics of plate-fin structures in the cool-down process of LNG heat exchanger[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, 21:1113-1126. (SCI/EI, IF=5.285, JCR 1區,被引24次)
[42] Cai W, Ma H, Yang Y, et al. Numerical Investigation on Saturated Boiling Heat Transfer in a Vertical Rectangular Minichannel[C]// Asme/jsme/ksme Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
[43] 麻宏強, 陳杰, 蔡偉華, 鄭文科, 姚楊, 姜益強. 降溫過程中LNG板翅結構應力耦合模擬研究[J]. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2015, 47(6): 21-26.
[44] 麻宏強,賀斌賢, 薛憲凱,劉葉敏,高 星等. 釺焊接頭對鋁製板翅結構熱應力影響規律[J]. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2019, 51(2): 172-178.
[45] 麻宏強, 王麗. 新型氣液分離閃蒸撬分液側內流場模擬研究[J]. 工程科學與技術, 2021, 2(53).
[46] 麻宏強, 劉葉敏. 外掠管束間空氣-水蒸發冷卻傳熱傳質及壓降特性模擬研究[J]. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2021.
[47] 麻宏強,賀斌賢,蔡偉華等. 滑坡碎屑流縱向作用下埋地天然氣管道變形分布預測模型[J]. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2022.
[48] 麻宏強,劉葉敏. 外掠交錯管束間濕空氣-水蒸發冷卻特性模擬研究[J].北京理工大學學報, 2021, 8(11): .
[49] 麻宏強,丁瑞祥等. 滑坡碎屑流縱向作用下埋地天然氣管道變形規律研究[J]. 天然氣工業,2021,11.
[50] MA H, LI A, ZHANG C, et al. Construction strategy on outdoor environment of ecological community in dry region–Lanzhou, China[C]. August 2022E3S Web of Conferences 356(2):05050..
[51] 麻宏強,丁瑞祥等. 氣液分離閃蒸撬折流板分離特性試驗研究 [J]. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2022,11.
[52] Yu Liu, Hongqiang Ma, Wenke Zheng, et al. Simulation on air temperature and particle distribution under natural make-up air in indoor environment with a Chinese-style residential kitchen [C]. August 2022E3S Web of Conferences 356(2):05050.
[53] MA H*, Xie Yue, et al. Performance of a new spray cooling system with PV/T and heat recovery in sow houses: A case study in Guangzhou, China [J]. Energy and Built Environment, 2023. (EI檢索)
[54] 麻宏強,王聖尋,謝越,王佳駿等. 鋁製板翅式換熱器Al3003的疲勞斷裂微觀機理.2022(已投)


[1] 國家級大學生創新創業訓練項目,基於智慧型相變的新型含硫煙氣餘熱回收系統運行及控制特性研究 (指導老師:麻宏強;負責學生:曾宇航), 2021.
[2] 國家級大學生創新創業訓練項目,天然氣管道泄漏風險預警與控制技術研究 (指導老師:麻宏強;負責學生:譚思雯), 2021.
[3] 省級大學生創新創業訓練項目,新型鹼性電解水制氫工藝系統研究(指導老師:麻宏強;負責學生:陳宇菲),2022.
[4] 省級大學生創新創業訓練項目,天然氣管道故障智慧型診斷系統(指導老師:麻宏強;負責學生:劉琴),2023.
[5] 省級大學生創新創業訓練項目,新型含硫煙氣智慧型相變餘熱回收系統運行及控制特性研究 (指導老師:麻宏強;負責學生:姚雨林), 2023.
[1] 楊超,譚思雯,王霽月等. 管道“CT”——新一代天然氣管道泄漏探測智慧型設備, “建行杯”第七屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽, 省級銀獎, 2021.(指導老師:麻宏強,張娜)
[2] 譚思雯,王霽月,丁瑞祥等. 天然氣管道泄漏探測預警方案, “建行杯”第七屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道,省級銀獎, 2021.(指導老師:麻宏強,馮玉林)
[3] 曾宇航,余錦澎,馬良坤等. 含硫煙氣餘熱回收方案. 獲“建行杯”第七屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道,省級銅獎,2021.(指導老師:麻宏強,張娜)
[4] 熊昶. 第二十八屆“全國高等學校人工環境學科獎”專業基礎競賽二等獎, 2021. (指導老師:麻宏強
[5] 陳凱麗,張鵬,程勇鋒,蔣慶鑫. CAR-ASHRAE學生設計競賽獲三等獎,2021.(指導老師:羅新梅,麻宏強,李慶華,閔凱)
[6] 丁瑞祥,丁啟睿,陳一菲等. 管道“CT”——天然氣管道泄漏全方位探測的引領者. 第十三屆“挑戰杯”江西省大學生創業計畫競賽,省級銀獎,2022. (指導老師:麻宏強,劉昱)
[7] 謝越,李安英,曾宇航等. 藍天衛士——新型含硫煙氣餘熱智慧型相變回收引領者. 第十三屆“挑戰杯”江西省大學生創業計畫競賽,國家級銅獎/省級金獎,2022. (指導老師:麻宏強,劉昱)
[8] 丁瑞祥,謝越等. 管道“CT”-分散式天然氣管道泄漏智慧型探測的引領者. 獲“建行杯”第八屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽研高教賽道,省級銅獎,2022. (指導老師:麻宏強
[9] 李安英、王倩等. 天然氣集輸管道泄漏的全方位精準實時智慧型探測方案. 獲“建行杯”第八屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道,國家級銅獎/省級金獎,2023. (指導老師:麻宏強,蔡偉華
[10] 張婷,鐘鵬等. 智享餘熱-含硫煙氣餘熱相變回收智慧型設備引領者. 獲“建行杯”第八屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽研高教賽道,省級銅獎,2022. (指導老師:麻宏強
[11] 廖琪,熊昶,李語溪、謝越. CAR-ASHRAE學生設計競賽獲一等獎,2022.(指導老師:閔凱,劉昱,李慶華,張娜,王衍金,麻宏強,羅新梅
[12] 張婷,馬麗,馬芸麗等. 綠氫在望——新型鹼性電解水制氫工藝及設備研究方案. “建行杯”第九屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道,省級金獎,2023. (指導老師:鄒思凱,麻宏強,劉昱
[13] 鐘朋,馬俊雅詩,王佳駿等. 智控餘熱-智慧型化含硫煙氣相變餘熱回收解決方案. 獲“建行杯”第九屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道,省級銀獎,2023. (指導老師:康慧倫,華羅娟,麻宏強
[14] 倪主業、王倩等. 雲聲知漏——天然氣長輸管道泄漏的全方位智慧型預警探測方案. 獲“建行杯”第九屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道,省級銀獎,2023. (指導老師:單莉莉,祝澤兵,麻宏強,王衍金
[15] 吳子軒,王佳駿等. 高鐵問診器——高鐵無砟軌道基礎結構病害的全方位精準實時智慧型映射監測方案. 獲“建行杯”第九屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道,省級銀獎,2023. (指導老師:馮玉林,何彬彬,麻宏強
[16] 李安英,鐘燕,王思妤等. 望聞問管——天然氣長輸管道泄漏的全方位智慧型預警探測方案, “建行杯”第九屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽產業賽道, 省級銅獎, 2023.(指導老師:麻宏強,單莉莉,蔡偉華
[17] 鐘燕,劉琴,馬芸麗等. 望聞問管——首創天然氣管道“病理”智慧型診斷專家, “建行杯”第九屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽研高教賽道, 省級銅獎, 2023.(指導老師:康慧倫,麻宏強,蔡偉華,熊國華
[18] 王佳駿,鐘朋,陳宇菲等. 智享餘熱-新型含硫煙氣智慧型相變餘熱回收引領者. 獲“建行杯”第九屆江西省“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽研高教賽道,省級銅獎,2023. (指導老師:熊國華,麻宏強,康慧倫,華羅娟


[1] 江西省科學技術進步二等獎(1/10)
[2] 中原油田科技進步一等獎(1/8)
[3] 甘肅省土木工程抗震防災青年科技人才獎
[1] 麻宏強,謝越等. 一種太陽能除濕降溫豬舍的建造方法, 發明專利, 2022.
[2] 麻宏強,謝越等. 一種基於太陽能光譜分頻的物料除濕乾燥系統及方法, 發明專利, 2022.
[3] 麻宏強, 丁瑞祥等. 一種滑坡碎屑流離散元模型參數的試驗校驗方法, 發明專利, 2022.
[4] 麻宏強,謝越等. 一種新型鹼性電解水制氫工藝系統,發明專利,2022.
[5] 麻宏強,李安英等. 一種基於光伏/光熱的村鎮建築耦合供能系統,發明專利,2022.
[6] 麻宏強,王舜澤等. 一種氣液混輸埋地管道泄漏流致振動特性實驗測試系統及方法,發明專利,2022.
[7] 李安英,麻宏強等. 一種基於太陽能光譜分頻藥材幹燥耦合供能系統,發明專利,2022.
[8] 謝越,麻宏強等. 一種含硫煙氣酸露點檢測系統,實用新型專利,2022.
[9] 謝越,麻宏強等. 一種含硫煙氣換熱器的壁溫調控器,實用新型專利,2022.
[10] 麻宏強,王聖尋等. 一種疲勞試驗機低溫環境營造及保護系統,發明專利,2021.
[11] 麻宏強,謝越等. 一種基於光伏光熱的地源熱泵耦合系統,發明專利,2021.
[12] 麻宏強, 丁瑞祥. 一種天然氣管道泄漏信號人工智慧識別方法, 發明專利, 2021. (已授權)
[13] 麻宏強,高繼峰,劉德緒等. 一種高含硫濕氣增壓撬. 實用新型, 2020,ZL202022187036.9. (已授權)
[14] 高繼峰,麻宏強,劉德緒等. 一種天然氣站內調壓計量撬. 實用新型, 2020,ZL202022193540.X. (已授權)
[15] 麻宏強,高繼峰,王利畏等. 一種集氣站場用電控撬電磁干擾禁止裝置, 實用新型, 2020,ZL202020741296.3. (已授權)
[16] 高繼峰, 麻宏強等. 一種集氣站場用電控撬禁止效能測試裝置及方法, 發明專利,2020.
[17] 麻宏強,宋興鵬,劉葉敏等. 一種高含硫天然氣埋地集輸管道泄漏模擬實驗裝置及測試方法. 發明,2018201910315326.6.(已授權)
[18] 麻宏強等. 一種模擬高含硫天然氣泄露環境的實驗系統及方法. 發明專利,2018.
[19] 麻宏強,賀斌賢,王利畏等. 基於基於雲處理的天然氣管道應變風險監測系統及預警方法. 發明,2021,ZL201811181263.1. (已授權)
[20] 麻宏強, 張香蘭,黃巍等. 用於提高焚燒爐進口風溫助燃的相變換熱器. 實用新型, 201721631351.8. (已授權)
[21] 麻宏強, 張香蘭,黃巍等. 一種焚燒爐煙氣餘熱利用智慧型相變換熱裝置. 實用新型, 201721623325.0. (已授權)
[22] 陳杰, 單彤文, 周丹, 姜益強, 楊文剛, 浦暉, 李秋英, 花亦懷, 曾偉平, 尹全森, 邰曉亮, 麻宏強. 氣液兩相均布裝置. 專利號:ZL201420471673.0.


[1] 江西省創新領軍人才入選者(青年類);
[2] 任2021-2024年江西省普通高等學校能源動力大類專業教學指導委員會委員;
[3] 第七屆“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽優秀指導老師;
[4] 2022年獲華東交通大學優秀畢業設計指導教師;
[5] 2022年獲江西省教育廳優秀創新創業導師。


[1] 國家自然科學基金評議專家;
[2] 國際“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽網評/會評專家;
[3] 國際知名SCI期刊Energy審稿專家;
[4] 天然氣領域國際知名SCI期刊Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering審稿專家;
[5] 傳熱傳質領域國際知名SCI期刊International Journal of Thermal Sciences審稿專家;
[6] 熱能工程領域國際知名SCI期刊Applied Thermal Engineering審稿專家;
[7] 國際知名SCI期刊Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology審稿專家;
[8] 石油工程領域SCI期刊Oil & Gas Science and Technology審稿專家;
[9] 石油工程領域SCI期刊Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering審稿專家;
[10] 石油工程領域SCI期刊International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies審稿專家;
[11] 中文核心CSCD期刊《江蘇大學學報自然科學版》審稿專家;
[12] 中文核心CSCD期刊《天然氣化工》審稿專家。


賀斌賢(校優秀碩士論文、 繼續攻讀博士)
梁 諾(獲國家獎學金)、劉葉敏(繼續攻讀博士)、宋興鵬
謝 越(獲國家獎學金)、王聖尋、李安英、王舜澤
王佳俊、鐘 朋、鐘 燕、張 婷、馬芸麗,李 沖
劉 督、馬 麗、王思妤、王 雪、馬俊雅詩、鄧明星


