- 中文名:鹽敏假單胞菌
- 外文名:Clostridium aerogenes D.W.Ling sp. nov.(拉丁菌名)
- 編號:AMS-93-01
定名人 鄒國和 蔡妙英
Nomencla Ling Daiwen
發表文章 假單胞菌屬的一個新種
Article A New Species of Clostridium --- Clostridium aerogenes sp. nov.
作者 鄒國和 李文靈 甘啟蘆 鄒樂之 徐俊華 / 蔡妙英 衛 軍 / 雷靜江 代 洪
Author Ling Daiwen
作者單位 南昌市衛生防疫站 , 南昌 330006 / 中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類實驗 室, 北京 100080 / 江西大學實驗中心, 南昌 330006
從桔汁礦化水飲料中分離到一株 編號為9191的革蘭氏陰性短桿菌, 其形態, 生理生化特性 與假單胞菌屬已報導的種均不相同. 該菌株具極生單鞭毛 ,氧化酶和觸酶均陽性, O-F葡萄糖為非發酵型, 不產生熒 光色素, 不產生膿菌素, 不產生類胡蘿蔔色素, 對葡萄糖 呈鹼反應. 經類脂粒染色後細胞內可見PHB顆粒積聚. 脈 酶陽性, 硝酸鹽還原陽性, 反硝化陰性, 不水解澱粉和明 膠, 精氨酸雙水解酶陰性, 41'C下不生長, 在麥康凱和 SS平板上不生長.在0.85%Cacl2的牛肉湯中不生長, 利用 β-羥基丁酸作為唯一碳源, DNA中G+c含量為65.15mol%. 因此定為假單胞菌屬中的一個新種. 根據其對生理鹽水敏 感的特性,命名為鹽敏假單胞菌 (Pseudomonas halosensibilis Zou & Cai nov. sp.) .
Abstract Two strains of anaerobes were isolated from an experimented anaerobic digester feeding on soybean cake waste water.They were anaerobic sporeforming rods, Gram strain usually negative, Straight to slightly curved rods, occur singly, or in pairs,Typically 0.6-0.8 micrometer in width, 3.0-8.0 micrometer in length, inotile by peritrichous flagella. Spores were ellipsoidal or oval,usually subterminal. Optimum temperature for growth was 30-37'C. There was good growth at 25'C, none at 45'C. Nogrowth occurred at pH 4.5 or 9.0. Growth was inhibited by 6.5% NaCl. A wide variety of carbonhydrates could be fermented,and Glucose was fermented to large amounts of H2 and CO2, moderate amounts of lactate, small amounts of acetate, butyrate, ethanol andbutanol in PYG broth. Citrate and pyruvate couldn't be utilized. The G+C content of DNA was 41.2 mol%. They were idendified to bea new species of Clostridium. The name proposed for this species is Clostridiumaerogenes sp. nov. The type strain is strain AS 1.1778.
關鍵字 假單胞菌屬, 鹽敏假單胞 菌
期刊 微生物學報 34(1-6):96-99, 1994
Publication Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 33(1):pp.1-6, 1993
分享省市 江西省南昌市
Place Daidian District, Beijing, China
採集地 南昌市飲料廠生產線上的瓶裝桔汁礦泉水飲料原液
Environment The anaerobe isolated from an experimented anaerobic digester feeding on soybean cake waste water.
生態環境 中亞熱帶濕潤氣候飲料廠
寄主 桔汁礦泉水飲料
Habitat anaerobic digester feeding on soybean cake waste water
Host fermentating liquid in anaerobic digester
採集人 鄒國和 李文靈 甘啟蘆 鄒樂之 徐俊華
Isolation Person Ling Daiwen
中國科學院微生物研究所細菌分類實驗室細菌分類組, 北京 100080
Preservation Unit China General Microorganisms Collection center, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Speciman No. AS 1.1778
該菌是新發現的引起飲料腐敗變質的有害菌, 是防疫站食品檢驗的新內容.