
鮮啟鳴 ,男,博士,南京大學環境學院教授 。


  • 中文名:鮮啟鳴
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境監測技術與分析方法研究
  • 任職院校:南京大學



1984.9-1988.6, 本科,武漢大學化學系


2005.7-, 南京大學環境學院副教授, 教授


1. 環境監測技術與分析方法研究
2. 新型有機污染物的環境行為及歸趨
3. 消毒副產物及其健康風險
4. 水污染化學與生態修復


(1) 環境有機分析
(2) 環境監測及環境監測實驗
(3) 現代環境監測技術進展



1. 國家自然科學基金“溶解態黑碳(氮)在水源水中的分布特徵及生成氯化消毒副產物的研究”(21876078,2019.1-2022.12),主持。
2. “十三五”重大水專項課題“望虞河西岸河網區幹流河道水生態修復及實時診斷聯動能力提升技術與示範”(2017ZX07204004,2017-2020),子課題負責人。
3. 國家重點研發專項課題“城市群生態基底核算與健康診斷”(2016YFC0502801,2016-2019),參加。
4. 江蘇省重點研發計畫(社會發展)項目“污水尾水中高風險消毒副產物識別技術的研究與套用”(BE2017711,2017-2020),主持。
5. 江蘇省環境監測科研基金“基於離子色譜法測定化工廢水中有機鹵素的研究”(1801,2018-2019),主持。
6. 太湖水污染治理科研課題“太湖水源地及西部湖區藻毒素調查研究”(TH2016301,2016-2018),主持。
7. 國家863課題“典型化工區化學品風險甄別與控制綜合示範”(2013AA06A309,2013-2015),子課題負責人。
8. “十二五”重大水專項課題“太湖貢湖生態修復模式工程技術研究與綜合示範”(2013ZX07101014,2013-2015),參加。
9. 江蘇省自然科學基金“飲用水鹵代硝基甲烷類消毒副產物的形成機制及其影響因素研究”(BK20131271,2013-2016),主持。
10. 國家自然科學基金“飲用水氯化消毒新副產物TCMCD的形成機理和健康風險研究”(20777032,2008-2010),主持。
11. 973課題“水華藍藻原位生長和輸移聚集的全湖過程與驅動機制” (2008CB418003,2008-2011),子課題負責人。
12. 國家自然科學基金委員會與香港研究資助局聯合科研資助基金項目“血漿中多溴聯苯醚代謝物分析與內分泌干擾毒性研究”(20577020,2006-2008),參加。
13. 國家自然科學基金“飲用水氯化消毒新副產物的研究”(20477015,2005-2007),參加。
14. 中國博士後科學基金“人工生物浮床處理畜禽養殖廢水技術的研究”(20070410338,2007-2008)
15. 江蘇省博士後科研基金“太湖周邊地區養殖廢水的回用技術研究”(0602005B,2007-2008


1. Zhigang Li, Zongyao Qian, Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian*. Molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of N-Nitrosodiphenylamine in water samples. Chemoshpere, 2018, 212:872-880.
2. Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong*, Qiming Xian, Junjie Wang, Jian Ma, Zhigang Li, Jianbao Yin, Beibei Zhang, Bin Xu. Formation of iodinated trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids from aromatic iodinated disinfection byproducts during chloramination. Water Research, 2018, 147:254-263.
3. Yan Huang, Huan Li, Qing Zhou, Aimin Li, Chendong Shuang, Qiming Xian, Bin Xu, Yang Pan*. New phenolic halogenated disinfection byproducts in simulated chlorinated drinking water: Identification, decomposition, and control by ozone-activated carbon treatment. Water Research, 2018, 146: 298-306.
4. Chengzhang Zhu, Xiao Chen, Jian Mao, Cheng Gu, Qiming Xian*, Tingting Gong, Cheng Sun. Carbon nitride-modified defective TiO2−x@Carbon spheres for photocatalytic H2 evolution and pollutants removal: synergistic effect and mechanism insight. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122, 20444−20458.
5. Yuting Wang, Junjie Wang, Qiming Xian*. A highly selective fluorescent and chromogenic probe for CN- detection and its applications in bioimaging. Talanta, 2018, 190: 487-491.
6. Jinbao Yin, Bing Wu*, Su Liu, Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong, Gary N Cherr, Xu-Xiang Zhang, Hongqiang Ren, Qiming Xian*. Rapid and complete dehalogenation of halonitromethanes in simulated gastrointestinal tract and its influence on toxicity. Chemosphere, 211: 1147-1155.
7. Tingting Gong, Xiangru Zhang*, Wenqing Liu, Yun Lv, Jiarui Han, Ka C Choi, Wanxin Li, Qiming Xian. Tracing the sources of iodine species in a non-saline wastewater. Chemosphere, 2018, 205: 643-648.
8. Chengzhang Zhu, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian*, Jimin Xie*. Graphite-like carbon nitride coupled with tiny Bi2S3 nanoparticles as 2D/0D heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 444: 75-86.
9. Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong*, Jian Ma, Yuxian Tao, Qiming Xian*. Simultaneous determination of iodinated haloacetic acids and aromatic iodinated disinfection byproducts in waters with a new SPE-HPLC-MS/MS method. Chemosphere, 2018, 198:147-153.
10. Jijie Kong, Mengshu Han, Ying Liu, Huan He*, Zhanqi Gao, Qiming Xian, Shaogui Yang, Cheng Sun, Shiyin Li, Limin Zhang. Analysis of trace-level nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples by solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science, 2018, 41: 2681-2687.
11. Zongyao Qian, Jian Ma, Chunlei Sun, Zhigang Li, Qiming Xian*, Tingting Gong*, Bin Xu. Using stable isotope labeling to study the nitrogen metabolism in Anabaena flos-aquae growth and anatoxin biosynthesis. Water Reseaech, 2017, 127:223-229.
12. Tingting Gong, Yuxian Tao, Xiangru Zhang, Shaoyang Hu, Jinbao Yin, Qiming Xian*, Jian Ma, Bin Xu. Transformation among aromatic iodinated disinfection byproducts in the presence of monochloramine: from monoiodophenol to triiodophenol and diiodonitrophenol. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 10562−10571
13. Jinbao Yin, Bing Wu*, Xu-Xiang Zhang, Qiming Xian*. Comparative toxicity of chloro- and bromo-nitromethanes in mice based on a metabolomic method. Chemosphere, 2017, 185: 20-28.
14. Zongyao Qian, Zhigang Li, Jian Ma, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian*. Analysis of trace microcystins in vegetables using matrix solid-phase dispersion followed by high performance liquid chromatography triplequadrupole mass spectrometry detection. Talanta, 2017, 173:101-106.
15. Beibei Zhang, Qiming Xian*, Tingting Gong. DBPs formation and genotoxicity during chlorination of pyrimidines and purines bases. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 307: 884-890.
16. Beibei Zhang, Qiming Xian*, Jian Lu, Tingting Gong, Aimin Li, Jianfang Feng. Evaluation of DBPs formation from SMPs exposed to chlorine, chloramine and ozone. Journal of Water and Health, 2017, 15(2): 185-195.
17. Yingjie Li*, Qiming Xian, Li Li. Development of a short path thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor air. Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1497: 127-134.
18. Lingjun Meng, Shaogui Yang*, Cheng Sun, Huan He, Qiming Xian, Shiyin Li, Guoxiang Wang, Limin Zhang, Limin Zhang, Jiang Dong. A novel method for photo-oxidative degradation of diatrizoate in water via electromagnetic induction electrodeless lamp. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 337: 34-46.
19. Yang Pan, Ying Wang, Aimin Li, Bin Xu, Qiming Xian, Chendong Shuang, Peng Shi, Qing Zhou*. Detection, formation and occurrence of 13 new polar phenolic chlorinated and brominated disinfection byproducts in drinking water. Water Research, 2017, 112, 129-136.
20. Gang Yang, Lin Wu, Qiming Xian*, Fei Shen, Jun Wu, Yanzong Zhang. Removal of congo red and methylene blue from aqueous solutions by vermicompost-derived biochars. Plos One. 2016, 11(5): e0154562.
21. Yang Gang, Xian Qiming*, Zhang Beibei, Yu Dian, Cheng Jiexia, Deng Chao. Degradation of four environmental endocrine disrupters in aqueous solutions by ozonation: mechanism and influence of pH. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2016, 25: 373-383.
22. Haifeng Chen, Jinbao Yin, Mengjie Zhu, Cong Cao, Tingting Gong and Qiming Xian*. Cold on-column injection coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for determining halonitromethanes in drinking water. Analytical Methods, 2016, 8, 362-370.
23. Haifeng Chen, Yu Cao, Enze Wei, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian*. Facile synthesis of graphene nano zero-valent iron composites and their efficient removal of trichloronitromethane from drinking water. Chemosphere, 2016, 146: 32-29.
24. Chen Hang, Beibei Zhang, Tingting Gong*, Qiming Xian*. Occurrence and health risk assessment of halogenated disinfection byproducts in indoor swimming pool water. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 543: 425–431.
25. Jinbao Yin, Xuxiang Zhang, Bing Wu*, Qiming Xian*. Metagenomic insights into tetracycline effects on microbial community and antibiotic resistance of mouse gut. Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24: 2125–2132.
26. Beibei Zhang, Qiming Xian*, Gang Yang, Tingting Gong, Aimin Li and Jianfang Feng. Formation potential of N-nitrosamines from soluble microbial products (SMPs) exposed to chlorine, chloramine and ozone. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 83682-83688.
27. Gang Yang, Zhanghong Wang, Qiming Xian*, Fei Shen, Cheng Sun, Yanzong Zhang and Jun Wu. Effects of pyrolysis temperature on the physicochemical properties of biochar derived from vermicompost and its potential use as an environmental amendment. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 40117-40125.
28. Beibei Zhang, Qiming Xian*, Jiping Zhu, Aimin Li, Tingting Gong. Characterization, DBPs formation, and mutagenicity of soluble microbial products (SMPs) in wastewater under simulated stressful conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 279: 258–263.
29. Dian Yu, Jing Yang, Ting Li, Jianfang Feng, Qiming Xian*, Jiping Zhu. Levels and distribution of Dechloranes in sediments of Lake Taihu, China. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 6601–6609.
30. Ting Li, Dian Yu, Qiming Xian*, Aimin Li, Cheng Sun. Variation of levels and distribution of N-nitrosamines in different seasons in drinking waters of East China. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 11792-11800.
31. Jia Yang, Xiru Deng, Qiming Xian*, Xin Qian, Aimin Li. Allelopathic effect of Microcystis aeruginosa on Microcystis wesenbergii: microcystin-LR as a potential allelochemical. Hydrobiologia, 2014, 727: 65–73.
32. Qiming Xian, Shabana Siddique, Ting Li, Yonglia Feng, Larissa Takser, Jiping Zhu*. Sources and environmental behavior of dechlorane plus — A review. Environmental International, 2011, 37: 1237-1284.
33. Qiming Xian, Yong-lai Feng, Cecilia C. Chan and Jiping Zhu*. Use of reference chemicals to determine passive uptake rates of common indoor air VOCs by collocation deployment of active and passive samplers. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13: 2527-2534.
34. Xing Shen, Zhijuan Shao, Qiming Xian *, Huixian Zou, Shixiang Gao, Jinqi Zhang. Study on the Detection Method and Toxicity of a New Disinfection By-product (TCMCD) in Chlorinated Drinking Water. Water Research, 2010, 44: 974-980.


