認知與發展心理學研究室, 研究員
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區林萃路16號院中國科學院心理研究所
2.Bai J, Dong X, He S, Bao M*, Monocular deprivation of Fourier phase information boosts the deprived eye's dominance during interocular competition but not interocular phase combination. Neuroscience, 2017, 352: 122-130.
3.Mei G, Dong X, Bao M*, The timescale of adaptation at early and mid-level stages of visual processing. Journal of Vision, 2017, 17: 1-7.
4.Dong X#, Gao Y#, Lv L, Bao M*. Habituation of visual adaptation. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19152.
5.Haak KV*, Fast E, Bao M, Lee M, Engel SA, Four Days of Visual Contrast Deprivation Reveals Limits of Neuronal Adaptation. Current Biology, 2014, 24(21): 2575-2579.
6.Bao M, Fast E, Mesik J, Engel SA*, Distinct mechanisms control contrast adaptation over different timescales. Journal of Vision, 2013, 13(10): 14, 1-11.
7.Bao M, Engel SA*, Distinct mechanism for long-term contrast adaptation. PNAS, 2012, 109(15): 5898-5903.
8.Bao M, Yang L, Rios C, He B, Engel SA*, Perceptual learning increases the strength of the earliest signals in visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 2010, 30(45): 15080-15084.
9.Zhang P#, Bao M#, Kwon M, He S, Engel SA*, Effects of orientation specific visual deprivation measured using altered reality. Current Biology, 2009, 19(22): 1956-1960.
10.Bao M, Li Z, Zhang D*, Binding facilitates attention switching within working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2007, 33(5): 959-969.