關注光學頻率梳在精密測量中的套用,為了實現更高精度的套用。(截至2021年)已在Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, Optica等期刊發表第一/通信作者文章25篇。鮑成英老師關注但不限於以下套用領域。
(1) 非線性系統中的孤子動力學過程。
(2) 低損耗、高集成度、色散調控的片上波導的加工。
(3) 基於集成光學器件的從微波、中紅外到紫外的全電磁波譜信號合成。
(4) 高重頻光頻梳在高速光譜、距離及其他物理量測量上的套用。
1. C. Bao, M-G. Suh, K. Şafak, A. Dai, B. Shen, H. Wang, L. Wu, Z. Yuan, Q-F. Yang, A. Matsko, F. Kartner, and K. Vahala, “Quantum diffusion of microcavity solitons”, Nature Physics, 17, 462-466 (2021).
2. C. Bao†, Z. Yuan†, L. Wu, M.-G. Suh, H. Wang, Q. Lin, and K. Vahala, "Architecture for microcomb-based GHz-mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy" Nature Communications 12, 6573 (2021).
3. C. Bao, J. A. Jaramillo-Villegas, Y. Xuan, D. E. Leaird, M. Qi, and A. M. Weiner, “Observation of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence Induced by Breather Solitons in an Optical Microresonator”, Physical Review Letters 117, 163901 (2016).
4. C. Bao, Y. Xuan, C. Wang, A. Fulop, D. E. Leaird, M. Qi, and A. M. Weiner, “Observation of breathing dark pulses in normal dispersion optical microresonators”, Physical Review Letters 121, 257401 (2018).
5. C. Bao†, M-G. Suh†, and K. Vahala, “Microresonator soliton dual-comb imaging”, Optica, 6, 1110-1116 (2019).
6. C. Bao, Y. Xuan, D. E. Leaird, S. Wabnitz, M. Qi, and A. M. Weiner, “Spatial mode-interaction induced single soliton generation in microresonators”, Optica 4, 1011-1015 (2017).
7. C. Bao†, Z. Yuan†, H.Wang, L.Wu, B. Shen, K. Sung, S. Leifer, Q. Lin, andK. Vahala, “Interleaved differencefrequency-generation for microcomb spectral densification in the mid-infrared”, Optica, 7, 309-315 (2020).
8.C. Bao, W. Chang, C. Yang, N. Akhmediev, and S. T. Cundiff, “Observation of Coexisting Dissipative Solitons in a Modelocked Fiber Laser,” Physical Review Letters 115, 253903 (2015).
9. J. Li†, C. Bao†, Q.-X. Ji†, H. Wang, L. Wu, S. Leifer, C. Beichman and K. Vahala, "Efficiency of pulse pumped soliton microcombs", Optica 9, 231-239 (2022).