- 中文名:魯玥
- 畢業院校:荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:環境微生物
- 任職院校:湖南大學
2006.9-2010.6 中國農業大學 資源環境專業 理學學士
2010.9-2012.6 中國農業大學 環境科學專業 理學碩悼棗虹慨士 導師:陸雅海教授(國家傑青、長江學者)
2012.9-2016.9 荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學 (環境工程排名世界第2/2016上海軟科世界一流學科排名;環境科學排名世界第4/2016美國QS世界大學學科排名)槓放去環境微生物專業 理學博士 導師:Hauke Smidt教授
2016.12-至今 湖南大學環境科學與工程學院,助理教授(海外人才引進)
2017.5-至今 湖南大學環境工程系地滲閥,副主任
[1]Visiting the Lab of Prof. Alfred Spormann, 斯舉頸尋坦福大學, 美國. 2015.
[2]Visiting the Department of Ecology, 伯克利大學, 美國. 2015.
[3]Visiting Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research,亥姆霍茲研究所,德國. 2014
[4]Visiting the Department of Microbiology, 康奈爾大學, 美才提辨臘國. 2013.
[5]Visiting Biozone, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, 多倫多大學, 加拿大. 2013.
[1]Yue Lu# , Peng Peng# , Alexander Martin Ruecker, Javier Ramiro-Garcia, Alexandr Umanetc, Andreas Kappler, Detmer Sipkema, Siavash Atashgahi, Hauke Smidt. Chasing organohalide respirng bacteria (OHRB) from pristine hypersaline lakes. 1530 PhD Conference, 德國魏瑪(Weimar). 2016.
[2]Yue Lu, Aamani Rupakula, Thomas Kruse, Sjef Boeren, Christof Holliger, Julien Maillard, Hauke Smidt. Proteome analysis of the response of Dehalobacter restrictus to cobalamin starvation. DehaloCon, 德國耶婚整旋拿(Jena). 2015.
[3]Yue Lu, Aamani Rupakula, Thomas Kruse, Sjef Boeren, Christof Holliger, Julien Maillard, Hauke Smidt. Proteome analysis of the response of Dehalobacter restrictus to cobalamin starvation. 15th international symposium on microbial ecology (ISME), 韓國首爾(Seoul)挨頸. 2014.
[4]Yue Lu, Farai Maphosa, Siavash Atashgahi, Hauke Smidt. Functional genomics of Dehalobacter sp. E1 in syntrophic interaction with Sedimentibacter sp. B4. FEMS Microbiology Conference, 德國萊比錫(Leipzig). 2013.
[5]Ying Zheng, Yue Lu, Diana Machado de Sousa, Alfons JM Stams, Siavash Atashgahi, Hauke Smidt. Anaerobic biodegradation of long-chain fatty acid methyl esters by an oleate-degrading enrichment culture. ECO-BIO 2016 Conference, 荷蘭鹿特丹(Rotterdam). 2016.
[1]中央高校基本科研業務費項目(No. 531107050936)。2017.1-2021.12,25萬,在研,主持人
[1]Yue Lu. Ecophysiology and environmental distribution of organohalide-respiring bacteria. 荷蘭GVO drukkers & vormgever出版社. 2016. 國際標準書號ISBN 978-94-6257-841-8. 240頁. 6.2萬字(英文)
[2]Yue Lu# , Siavash Atashgahi# , Laura Hug, Hauke Smidt*. Primers that target functional genes of organohalide-respiring bacteria. In: Hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology protocols: methods to detect specific individuals and groups in communities. Springer出版社. 2015. doi: 10.1007/8623_2015_75
[3]Siavash Atashgahi# , Yue Lu# (共同一作), Hauke Smidt* (2016). Overview of known organohalide respiring bacteria: phylogenetic diversity and environmental distribution. In: Organohalide-respiring Bacteria, Springer出版社. 2016. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-49875-0_5
[1]Yue Lu, Li Fu, Yahai Lu, Floor Hugenholtz, Ke Ma*. Effect of temperature on the structure and activity of a methanogenic archaeal community during rice straw decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 81:17-27. 2015. (土壤學領域top期刊)
[2]Yue Lu, Javier Ramiro-Garcia, Pieter Vandermeeren, Steffi Herrmann, Danuta Cichocka, Dirk Springael, Siavash Atashgahi and Hauke Smidt*. Dehalogenation of three tetrachlorobenzenes isomers by contaminated harbor sludge-derived enrichment cultures follows thermodynamically favorable reactions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101:2589-2601. 2017.
[3]Aamani Rupakula#, Yue Lu# (共同一作), Thomas Kruse, Sjef Boeren, Christof Holliger, Hauke Smidt, Julien Maillard*. Functional genomics of corrinoid starvation in the organohalide-respiring bacterium Dehalobacter restrictus strain PER-K23. Frontiers in Microbiology 5:751. 2015.
[4]Siavash Atashgahi*, Yue Lu, Ying Zheng, Edoardo Saccenti, Maria Suarez Diaz, Javier Ramiro-Garcia, Heinrich Eisenmann, Martin Elsner, Alfons JM Stams, Dirk Springael, Winnie Dejonghe, Hauke Smidt. Geochemical and microbial community determinants of reductive dechlorination at a site biostimulated with glycerol. Environmental Microbiology 19:968-981. 2017. (微生物學領域top期刊)
[5]Siavash Atashgahi*, Yue Lu, Javier Ramiro-Garcia, Peng Peng, Farai Maphosa, Detmer Sipkema, Winnie Dejonghe, Hauke Smidt, Dirk Springael. Geochemical parameters and reductive dechlorination determine cometabolic vs metabolic aerobic Vinyl Chloride biodegradation at oxic/anoxic interface of hyporheic zones. Environmental Science & Technology 51:1626-1634. 2017. (環境學領域top期刊)
[6]Yaocheng Deng, Lin Tang*, Chengyang Feng, Guangming Zeng*, Jiajia Wang, Yue Lu, Yani Liu, Jiangfang Yu, Song Chen, Yaoyu Zhou. Construction of plasmonic Ag and nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots codecorated ultrathin graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity: full-spectrum response. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9:42816-42828. 2018.
[7]Rui Xu, Zhao-Hui Yang*, Yue Zheng, Jian-Bo Liu, Wei-Ping Xiong, Yan-Ru Zhang, Yue Lu, Wen-Jing Xue, Chang-Zheng Fan. Organic loading rate and hydraulic retention time shape distinct ecological networks of anaerobic digestion related microbiome. Bioresource Technology 262:184-193. 2018.
[8]Xiang Tang,Guangming Zeng*,Changzheng Fan*,Man Zhou,Lin Tang,Jingjing Zhu,Jia Wan,Danlian Huang,Ming Chen,Piao Xu,Chen Zhang,Yue Lu,Weiping Xiong. Chromosomal expression of CadR on Pseudomonas aeruginosa for the removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solutions. Science of the Total Environment 636:1355-1361. 2018.
[9]Chao Zhu, Tianjue Hu *, Lin Tang *, Guangming Zeng, Yaocheng Deng, Yue Lu, Siyuan Fang, Jingjing Wang, Yani Liu, Jiangfang Yu. Highly efficient extraction of lead ions from smelting wastewater, slag and contaminated soil by two-dimensional montmorillonite-based surface ion imprinted polymer absorbent. Chemosphere 209:246-257. 2018.
[10]Haoran Dong?, Yujun Cheng, Yue Lu, Kunjie Hou, Lihua Zhang, Long Li, Bin Wang, Yaoyao Wang,Qin Ning, Guangming Zeng. Comparison of toxicity of Fe/Ni and starch-stabilized Fe/Ni nanoparticles toward Escherichia coli. Separation and Purification Technology 210:504-510. 2019.
[11]Haoyu Liu, Lin Tang?, Yani Liu, Guangming Zeng?, Yue Lu, Jiajia Wang, Jiangfang Yu, Mingliang Yu. Wetland-a hub for microplastic transmission in the global ecosystem. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 142: 153-154. 2019.
[1]【發明人】魯玥 曾光明 何吉鋒,等。【發明名稱】厭氧培養瓶充氣抽真空清洗系統。【申請人】湖南大學。【申請日期】2017年7月7日。【申請號或專利號】201710550103.9
[3]Yue Lu, Aamani Rupakula, Thomas Kruse, Sjef Boeren, Christof Holliger, Julien Maillard, Hauke Smidt. Proteome analysis of the response of Dehalobacter restrictus to cobalamin starvation. 15th international symposium on microbial ecology (ISME), 韓國首爾(Seoul). 2014.
[4]Yue Lu, Farai Maphosa, Siavash Atashgahi, Hauke Smidt. Functional genomics of Dehalobacter sp. E1 in syntrophic interaction with Sedimentibacter sp. B4. FEMS Microbiology Conference, 德國萊比錫(Leipzig). 2013.
[5]Ying Zheng, Yue Lu, Diana Machado de Sousa, Alfons JM Stams, Siavash Atashgahi, Hauke Smidt. Anaerobic biodegradation of long-chain fatty acid methyl esters by an oleate-degrading enrichment culture. ECO-BIO 2016 Conference, 荷蘭鹿特丹(Rotterdam). 2016.
[1]中央高校基本科研業務費項目(No. 531107050936)。2017.1-2021.12,25萬,在研,主持人
[1]Yue Lu. Ecophysiology and environmental distribution of organohalide-respiring bacteria. 荷蘭GVO drukkers & vormgever出版社. 2016. 國際標準書號ISBN 978-94-6257-841-8. 240頁. 6.2萬字(英文)
[2]Yue Lu# , Siavash Atashgahi# , Laura Hug, Hauke Smidt*. Primers that target functional genes of organohalide-respiring bacteria. In: Hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology protocols: methods to detect specific individuals and groups in communities. Springer出版社. 2015. doi: 10.1007/8623_2015_75
[3]Siavash Atashgahi# , Yue Lu# (共同一作), Hauke Smidt* (2016). Overview of known organohalide respiring bacteria: phylogenetic diversity and environmental distribution. In: Organohalide-respiring Bacteria, Springer出版社. 2016. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-49875-0_5
[1]Yue Lu, Li Fu, Yahai Lu, Floor Hugenholtz, Ke Ma*. Effect of temperature on the structure and activity of a methanogenic archaeal community during rice straw decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 81:17-27. 2015. (土壤學領域top期刊)
[2]Yue Lu, Javier Ramiro-Garcia, Pieter Vandermeeren, Steffi Herrmann, Danuta Cichocka, Dirk Springael, Siavash Atashgahi and Hauke Smidt*. Dehalogenation of three tetrachlorobenzenes isomers by contaminated harbor sludge-derived enrichment cultures follows thermodynamically favorable reactions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101:2589-2601. 2017.
[3]Aamani Rupakula#, Yue Lu# (共同一作), Thomas Kruse, Sjef Boeren, Christof Holliger, Hauke Smidt, Julien Maillard*. Functional genomics of corrinoid starvation in the organohalide-respiring bacterium Dehalobacter restrictus strain PER-K23. Frontiers in Microbiology 5:751. 2015.
[4]Siavash Atashgahi*, Yue Lu, Ying Zheng, Edoardo Saccenti, Maria Suarez Diaz, Javier Ramiro-Garcia, Heinrich Eisenmann, Martin Elsner, Alfons JM Stams, Dirk Springael, Winnie Dejonghe, Hauke Smidt. Geochemical and microbial community determinants of reductive dechlorination at a site biostimulated with glycerol. Environmental Microbiology 19:968-981. 2017. (微生物學領域top期刊)
[5]Siavash Atashgahi*, Yue Lu, Javier Ramiro-Garcia, Peng Peng, Farai Maphosa, Detmer Sipkema, Winnie Dejonghe, Hauke Smidt, Dirk Springael. Geochemical parameters and reductive dechlorination determine cometabolic vs metabolic aerobic Vinyl Chloride biodegradation at oxic/anoxic interface of hyporheic zones. Environmental Science & Technology 51:1626-1634. 2017. (環境學領域top期刊)
[6]Yaocheng Deng, Lin Tang*, Chengyang Feng, Guangming Zeng*, Jiajia Wang, Yue Lu, Yani Liu, Jiangfang Yu, Song Chen, Yaoyu Zhou. Construction of plasmonic Ag and nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots codecorated ultrathin graphitic carbon nitride nanosheet composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity: full-spectrum response. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9:42816-42828. 2018.
[7]Rui Xu, Zhao-Hui Yang*, Yue Zheng, Jian-Bo Liu, Wei-Ping Xiong, Yan-Ru Zhang, Yue Lu, Wen-Jing Xue, Chang-Zheng Fan. Organic loading rate and hydraulic retention time shape distinct ecological networks of anaerobic digestion related microbiome. Bioresource Technology 262:184-193. 2018.
[8]Xiang Tang,Guangming Zeng*,Changzheng Fan*,Man Zhou,Lin Tang,Jingjing Zhu,Jia Wan,Danlian Huang,Ming Chen,Piao Xu,Chen Zhang,Yue Lu,Weiping Xiong. Chromosomal expression of CadR on Pseudomonas aeruginosa for the removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solutions. Science of the Total Environment 636:1355-1361. 2018.
[9]Chao Zhu, Tianjue Hu *, Lin Tang *, Guangming Zeng, Yaocheng Deng, Yue Lu, Siyuan Fang, Jingjing Wang, Yani Liu, Jiangfang Yu. Highly efficient extraction of lead ions from smelting wastewater, slag and contaminated soil by two-dimensional montmorillonite-based surface ion imprinted polymer absorbent. Chemosphere 209:246-257. 2018.
[10]Haoran Dong?, Yujun Cheng, Yue Lu, Kunjie Hou, Lihua Zhang, Long Li, Bin Wang, Yaoyao Wang,Qin Ning, Guangming Zeng. Comparison of toxicity of Fe/Ni and starch-stabilized Fe/Ni nanoparticles toward Escherichia coli. Separation and Purification Technology 210:504-510. 2019.
[11]Haoyu Liu, Lin Tang?, Yani Liu, Guangming Zeng?, Yue Lu, Jiajia Wang, Jiangfang Yu, Mingliang Yu. Wetland-a hub for microplastic transmission in the global ecosystem. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 142: 153-154. 2019.
[1]【發明人】魯玥 曾光明 何吉鋒,等。【發明名稱】厭氧培養瓶充氣抽真空清洗系統。【申請人】湖南大學。【申請日期】2017年7月7日。【申請號或專利號】201710550103.9