- 中文名:魏達秀
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:特殊脈衝序列的最佳化控制
- 性別:女
- 任職院校:華東師範大學物理與電子科學學院
主持或參與4項國家級和省部級課題,在Phy. Rev. Lett.、Phy. Rev. A、J. Chem. Phy. Lett.、Chem. Phy. Lett、J. Magn. Res以及波譜學雜誌等國內外學術雜誌上發表20餘篇。
(1) Yan Chang,Daxiu Wei*, Huihui Jia, Cecilia Curreli, Zhenzhou Wu, Mao Sheng, Steffen J. Glaser, Xiaodong Yang, Spin-Scenatio: A flexible scripting environment for realistic MR simulations, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2019, 301: 1-8
(2)劉慧霞,辛家祥,魏達秀,姚葉鋒, 核自旋單重態的製備及其轉化效率和壽命的影響因素分析[J].波譜學雜誌,doi:10.11938/cjmr20192725.
(3)郭海清,辛家祥,劉慧霞,魏達秀,姚葉鋒,三自旋體系長壽命核自旋單重態的製備,波譜學雜誌, 2018, 35: 345-352.
(4) Zuo-Yuan Zhang,Daxiu Wei, Zhengfeng Hu and Jin-Ming Liu, EPR steering of polar molecules in pendular states and their dynamics under intrinsic decoherence, RSC Adv., 2018, 8:35928-35935.
(5) Zuo-Yuan Zhang,DaXiu Weiand Jin-Ming Liu, Entropic uncertainty relation of a two-qutrit Heisenberg spin model in nonuniform magnetic fields and its dynamics under intrinsic decoherence, Laser Phys. Lett, 2018,15:065207-065215.
(6)Daxiu Wei,Yan Chang,Steffen J. Glaser, Xiaodong Yang, Cooperative pulses for pseudo-pure state preparation, Applied Physics Letters, 2014 104:242409(1-5)
(7)Daxiu Wei,Umit Akbey,Berit Paaske, Hartmut Oschkinat, Bernd Reif, Morten Bjerring, Niels Chr Nielsen, Optimal 2H rf pulses and 2H-13C cross-polarization methods for solid-state 2H MAS NMR of perdeuterated proteins,The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,2011, 11:1289-1294
(8)Daxiu Wei, Jun Luo, Xianping Sun, Xizhi Zeng, Mingsheng Zhan, and Maili Liu*,Realization of a decoherence-free subspace using multiple quantum coherences, Physical Review Letters, 2005, 95:020501(1-4)