- 中文名:魏福安
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:金屬材料的合成、製備及表征
- 任職院校:青海大學
2012.09-2016.06 就讀於蘭州理工大學材料物理與化學專業,201606獲工學博士學位。
201607-今 任青海大學教師
[1] Peiqing La*,Fuan Wei, Sulei Hu, Cuiling Li, Yupeng Wei. White cast iron with a nano-eutectic microstructure and high tensile strength and considerable ductility prepared by an aluminothermic reaction casting. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 561 (2013) 317-320.
[2]Fuan Wei, Hongding Wang, Peiqing La*, Fuliang Ma, Tabor Donic. Enhanced intergranular corrosion resistance and tensile strength without much loss ductility in 304 stainless steel with dispersed nanocrystallines in microcrystalline austenite. Journal of Materials Research. 31 (2016) 1-11.
[3] Peiqing La*,Fuan Wei, Xuefeng Lu, Chenggang Chu, Yupeng Wei, Hongding Wang. Effect of Annealing Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Bulk 316L Stainless Steel with Nano- and Micro-crystalline Dual Phases. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 45A (2014) 5236-5244.
[4] Peiqing La*,Fuan Wei, Xuefeng Lu, Ting Shi, Chenggang Chu, Yupeng Wei, Hongding Wang. Microstructures and tensile properties of 304 steel with dual nanocrystalline and microcrystalline austenite content prepared by aluminothermic reaction casting. Philosophical Magazine Letters. 94 (2014) 1-9.
[5]Fuan Wei, Peiqing La*. Simultaneously enhanced strength, ductility and corrosion resistance in 316L stainless steel with well dispersed nanograins in microcrystallines austenite. Ultrafine Grained Materials Ⅸ. 2016 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
[6] Pei-qing La*,Fu-an Wei, Yu-peng Wei, Han-xue Sun, Qian Meng, Xue-feng Lu. Bulk 1045 steel with a novel nanostructured prepared by aluminothermic reaction casting.甘青寧第一屆電鏡學術會議.甘肅,蘭州, 2012。
[7] Sheng, Jie, Li, Junchen, La, Peiqing*,Wei, Fuan, Song, Yi, & Wang, Keliang. (2017). Investigating the tensile properties of micro-nanostructured 304 stainless steel with sem and in-situ tension. Science of Advanced Materials.
[8] Peiqing La*, Xin Guo, Hongding Wang, Ting, Shi,Fuan Wei, Xiaojuan Zhen, Xuefeng Lu. Effect of annealing temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of a bimodal nano/micro grained 1020 carbon steel prepared by aluminothermic reaction casting[J]. Metals and Materials International, 2016, 22(2):236-242. (SCI, IF= 1.815).
[9] Peiqing La*, Zhengning Li, Culing Li, Sulei Hu, Xuefeng Lu, Yupeng Wei,Fuan Wei. Effect of substrates on microstructure and mechanical properties of nano-eutectic 1080 steel produced by aluminothermic reaction. Materials characterization. 92 (2014) 84-90.
[10] La, P*., Guo, X., Wang, H., Shi, T., Zhen, X., &Wei, F., et al. (2016). Effect of annealing temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of a bimodal nano/micro grained 1020 carbon steel prepared by aluminothermic reaction casting. Metals and Materials International, 22(2), 236-242.
[11]楊保平*,魏福安,黃海濤,馮良東,黃進.納米凹土複合α-CD/EPE超分子水凝膠及其性能.武漢大學學報. 58 (2012) 5-10.
[12]楊保平*,魏福安,馮良東,崔錦峰,喇培清.對苯二胺改性納米凹土/聚丙烯酸複合水凝膠製備、表征與流變性能.蘭州理工大學學報. 39 (2013) 56-61.
[13]申光,魏福安,喇培清*,孟倩,王鴻鼎,師婷,馬付良.退火時間對微納結構316L不鏽鋼組織和力學性能的影響.金屬熱處理., 41(2016):122-126.
[14]申光,魏福安,喇培清*,王鴻鼎,師婷.退火溫度對微納結構304不鏽鋼微觀組織和力學性能的影響.熱加工工藝. (20)(2016):196-199.
[15]師婷,喇培清*,魏福安,王鴻鼎,魏玉鵬,盧學峰. Cr含量對退火態納米晶Fe3Al材料晶粒尺寸和力學性能的影響.粉末冶金材料科學與工程. 18 (2013) 846-850.
[16]王力,孟倩,喇培清*,魏福安,楚成剛.不同底材對鋁熱法製備的納米晶/微米晶316 L不鏽鋼組織和力學性能的影響.熱處理學報. (S1)(2016):26-33.
[17]喇培清*,李正寧,胡蘇磊,李翠玲,魏玉鵬,盧學峰,魏福安.不同底材對亞微米亞共晶白口鑄鐵組織和力學性能的影響.材料工程. (10) (2014) 34-39.
[18]喇培清*,甄小娟,胡蘇磊,李翠玲,魏玉鵬,盧學峰,王鴻鼎,魏福安.碳含量對納米結構白口鑄鐵組織與力學性能的影響.粉末冶金材料科學與工程. 19(3) (2014) 421-426.
[1] 201601-201912,微納結構高強高塑不鏽鋼結構和性能的軋制調控研究,國家自然基金,項目編號:51561020,經費53.8萬人民幣,主要參加人員,在研。
[2] 201501-201712,核/殼微結構氮化矽陶瓷線圈超彈性動力學理論與實驗研究,國家自然基金青年基金,項目編號:51402142,經費25萬人民幣,主要參加人員,在研。
[3] 201307-201506,納米氮化矽團簇納米力學行為的模擬研究,甘肅省基礎研究計畫項目,項目編號:1310RJYA006,經費2萬人民幣,主要參加人員,已結題。