魏淑英,女,主任醫師,澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞大學博士。從事婦產科臨床工作20 餘年。擅長婦科疾病的診治。率先在天津市開展了腹壁橫切口剖宮產及全子宮切除術。
- 中文名:魏淑英
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:醫生
- 性別:女
除臨床工作外,還負責教學及行政管理職務,歷任婦產科行政副主任,行政主任及黨支部書記職務,並榮獲局級“三八”紅旗手和天津市“十五”立功先進個人等榮譽稱號。曾在澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞大學醫學研究所(Menzies Research Institute)和霍巴特皇家醫院進修學習。目前已在國內外重要雜誌(CSI)公開發表學術論文數篇,參加國內外學術會議數次並應邀為CSI雜誌審稿 (Osteoarthritis and Cartilage)和撰寫綜述(Current Osteoporosis Reports)。
1. Wei S et al. The association between parity and knee cartilage in young women. Rheumatology. DOI:10.1093/rheumatology/kes201.2012
2. Wei S et al. The associations between parity, other reproductive factors and cartilage in women aged 50-80 years. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 19:1307-1313. 2011。
3. Wei S et al. Oral contraceptive use and bone mass in women aged 26-36 years. Osteoporosis International 22(1):351-355. 2011
4. Wei S et al. The association between oral contraceptive use, bone mineral density and fractures in women aged 50-80 years. Contraception 84:357-362. 2011
5. Wei S et al. Menstrual irregularity and bone mass in premenopausal women: cross-sectional associations with testosterone and SHBG. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 11:288. 2010
6. Wei S et al. Obesity and Menstrual Irregularity: Associations with SHBG,
Testosterone, and Insulin. Obesity 17:1070-1076. 2009
7. Wei S et al. Oral Contraceptive Use and Bone. Current Osteoporosis Report 9:6-11. 2010