



  • 中文名:魏寶仁
  • 畢業院校:復旦大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士後
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:高電荷態離子、電子與原子、分子相互作用過程
  • 職務:復旦大學研究員
  • 就職院校:復旦大學現代物理研究所


[2014.12 – 現在]研究員,復旦大學
[2009.6 – 2014.11] 副研究員,復旦大學
[2007.8 – 2009.5]講師,復旦大學
[2005.8 – 2007.8]博士後,復旦大學
[2002.8 – 2005.7]理學博士,中科院近代物理研究所
[2002.9 – 2005.3]理學博士,法國里昂第一大學
[2000.8 – 2002.8]研究生,中科院近代物理研究所
[1996.9 – 2000.7]理學學士,內蒙古民族大學物理系




2009-2014年任國際原子能機構協調研究項目中方首席科學家(IAEA - CRP No. 15735, Chief Scientific Investigator)。


Y Zhang ; T. Jiang; L. Wei; D. Luo; X. Wang; W. Yu; R. Hutton; Y. Zou; B. Wei*,
Three-body fragmentation of methane dications produced by slow Ar8+-ion impact, Phys. Rev. A, 97: 022703 (2018)
W. Yu ; C. Z. Gao; Y. Zhang; F. S. Zhang; Roger Hutton; Y. Zou; B. Wei*,
Collision cross sections of N2 by H+ impact at keV energies within time-dependent density-functional theory, Phys. Rev. A, 97: 032706 (2018)
W Yu ; Y Zhang; F S Zhang; Roger Hutton; Y Zou; C. Z. Gao; B Wei*,
Collision dynamics of H+ + N2 at low energies based on time-dependent density functional theory, J. Phys. B: 51: 035204 (2018)
Y Zhang, X Wang, L F Zhu, D Lu, R Hutton, Y Zou1 and B Wei*,
Dissociative ionization of N2 by fast electron impact: roles of molecular orbitals, J. Phys. B: 50: 205202 (2017)
X. Wang, Y. Zhang, D. Lu, G. C. Lu, B. Wei*, B. H. Zhang, Y. J. Tang, R. Hutton, and Y. Zou
Fragmentation of CO22+ in collisions with low-energy electrons, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062705 (2014)
B. Wei, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, D. Lu, G. C. Lu, R. Hutton and Y. Zou, Fragmentation mechanisms for Methane induced by 55 eV, 75 eV and 100 eV electron impact, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 124303 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4868651.
Y. Zhang, X. Wang, D. Lu, B. Wei*, B.H. Zhang, Y.J. Tang, R. Hutton, Y. Zou,
A cold target recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy for the investigation on the dynamics of atomic and molecular reactions in Shanghai, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 337 (2014) 39–44.
B Wei, Z Chen, X Wang, D Lu, S Lin, R Hutton and Y Zou,
The relative cross section and kinetic energy distribution of dissociation processes of methane by electron impact, J. Phys. B. 46, 215205 (2013).
S Lin, Z Chen, B Wei*, X Wang, D Lu, R Hutton and Y Zou,
Development of a low energy e− gun for studies of e−-molecule interactions using a recoil-ion and electron momentum spectrometer, Phys. Scr. T144 (2011) 014059
Z Chen, X Wang, B Wei*, S Lin, R Hutton and Y Zou,
Ionization and dissociation of methane in a nanosecond laser field, Phys. Scr. T144 (2011) 014065
Fragmentation mechanisms for Methane induced by electron impact, 2015年7月30日-8月1日,西班牙聖巴斯蒂安,“INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON (e,2e), DOUBLE PHOTO-IONIZATION AND RELATED TOPICS”
FRAGMENTATION MECHANISMS FOR METHANE INDUCED BY 55 EV, 75 EV AND 100 EV ELECTRON IMPACT, 31st Aug. ~ 5th Sept. 2014, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. 17th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions
The 3rd Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) of the CRP on Light Element Atom, Molecule and Radical Behaviour in the Divertor and Edge Plasma Regions,20-22 March 2013, IAEA, ‘The Dissociation Process of Hydrocarbon Molecules Impact by Low Energy Electron’
the 3rd Sino-German Workshop on Plasma-Wall Interactions,大連,2012.11.6~11, ‘The Dissociation Process of Hydrocarbon Molecules Impact by Low Energy Electron,’
中國物理學會2012年秋季學術會議,廣州,2012.9.20~23, ‘低能電子與碳的氫化物分碰撞過程研究’
The 2nd Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) of the CRP, 23-25 May 2011, IAEA, Vienna, ‘Progress of the interaction between e- and molecule in Fudan University’
the First Research Coordination Meeting of the Coordinated Research Programme (CRP) on Light Element Behaviour in the Divertor and Edge Plasma Regions, 18-20 Nov. 2009, IAEA, ‘Studies of the interactions between e- and molecules based on a reaction-microscope’


