



  • 中文名稱:魏來
  • 畢業院校:北京大學醫學部
  • 臨床職稱:主任醫師
  • 專業:病毒性肝炎的診斷、治療,肝硬化等
  • 學歷:博士
  • 教學職稱:教授
  • 執業地點:北京大學人民醫院,北大國際醫院
  • 科室:感染疾病科










1. 中華醫學會肝病學分會第六屆委員會 主任委員
2. 中華醫學會肝病學分會第六屆委員會青年委員會 主任委員
3. 中華醫學會北京分會肝病學分會第四屆委員會 主任委員
4. 《中華肝臟病雜誌》第五屆編輯委員會 副總編輯
5. 衛生部全國臨床檢驗標準委員會臨床套用準則專家委員會 委員
6. 中華醫學會微生物學與免疫學分會第七屆委員會 委員
7. 《中華臨床感染病雜誌》第一屆編輯委員會 副主編
8. 《中華檢驗醫學雜誌》第七屆編輯委員會 編輯委員
9. 中華醫學會第23屆理事會醫學科學普及工作委員會 委員
10. 中華醫學會醫療事故技術鑑定專家庫 成員
11. 北京醫學會醫療事故技術鑑定專家庫 成員
12. 中國中西醫結合協會第七屆肝病專業委員會 委員
13. 第二屆衛生部全國臨床檢驗標準委員會微生物專家委員會 委員
14. 中國醫藥生物技術協會第三屆理事會 理事
15. 中國醫師協會 理事
16. 中國醫藥生物技術協會生物晶片分會 委員
17. 福建醫科大學協和臨床醫學院 客座教授
18. 中國肝炎防治基金會“王寶恩纖維化研究基金”學術委員會 副主任委員
19. 《臨床肝膽病雜誌》第十二屆 編委
20. 《肝臟》雜誌第四節編輯委員會 編委
21. 《中國醫藥導航》第三屆編輯委員會 編委
22. 中華醫學會《健康世界》雜誌第二屆編輯委員會 編委
23. 《國際肝膽胰疾病雜誌》 編委
24. 《傳染病信息》雜誌社第二屆編審專家委員會 委員
25. 《中國血液淨化》雜誌學術委員會 委員


1. 1999年江蘇省有突出貢獻中青年專家
2. 2001年江蘇青年科學家獎
3. 2002年北京大學基礎與臨床結合研究獎(C型肝炎病毒複製機制的研究)
4. 北京大學優秀博士論文三等獎博士生導師
5. 北京大學醫學部優秀人才獎勵計畫
6. 高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎科學技術進步獎二等獎
7. 高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎自然科學獎一等獎
8. 中華醫學科技獎三等獎
9. 江蘇省科技進步獎三等獎
10. 國家發明專利10餘項
11. 計算機軟體著作權


1. Wu E, Wang T, Lin T, Chen X, Guan Z, Cao C, Rao H, Yang M, Feng B, Pui S, Chan M, Fu S, Lin A, Wei L, Lok AS. A Comparative Study of Patients' Attitudes Toward Clinical Research in the United States and Urban and Rural China. Clin Transl Sci. 2015 Jan 15. doi: 10.1111/cts.12254.
2. Rao H, Wei L*, Li H, Yang R, Zhang H, Shang J, Chen H, Li J, Xie Q, Gao Z, Wang L, Wei J, Jiang J, Sun Y; CCgenos Study Group. Prevalence of abnormal glycometabolism in treatment-naive patients with hepatitis C virus infection in a Chinese Han population. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015; Jan 22. doi:10.1111/jgh
3. Yang R, Cong X, Du S, Fei R, Rao H, Wei L*. Performance comparison of the versant HCV genotype 2.0 assay (LiPA) and the abbott realtime HCV genotype II assay for detecting hepatitis C virus genotype 6. J Clin Microbiol. 2014;52(10):3685-92.
4. Song G, Rao H, Feng B, Wei L*. Prediction of spontaneous HBeAg seroconversion in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients during the immune clearance phase. J Med Virol. 2014;86(11):1838-44.
5. Duan Z, Jia JD, Hou J, Lou L, Tobias H, Xu XY, Wei L, Zhuang H, Pan CQ. Current challenges and the management of chronic hepatitis C in mainland China. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014;48(8):679-86.
6. Guo F, Zhao X, Gill T, Zhou Y, Campagna M, Wang L, Liu F, Zhang P, DiPaolo L, Du Y, Xu X, Jiang D, Wei L, Cuconati A, Block TM, Guo JT, Chang J. An interferon-beta promoter reporter assay for high throughput identification of compounds against multiple RNA viruses. Antiviral Res. 2014;107:56-65.
7. Feng B, Yang RF, Xie Q, Shang J, Kong FY, Zhang HY, Rao HY, Jin Q, Cong X, Liu YY, Kang Y, Wei L*. Hepatitis C virus core antigen, an earlier and stronger predictor on sustained virological response in patients with genotype 1 HCV infection. BMC Gastroenterol. 2014;14:47.
8. Xie YD, Feng B, Gao Y, Wei L*. Characteristics of alcoholic liver disease and predictive factors for mortality of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2013;12(6):594-601.
9. Wei L, Lok AS. Impact of new hepatitis C treatments in different regions of the world. Gastroenterology. 2014 May;146(5):1145-50.e1-4. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2014.03.008.
10. Rao H, Wei L*, Lopez-Talavera JC, Shang J, Chen H, Li J, Xie Q, Gao Z, Wang L, Wei J, Jiang J, Sun Y, Yang R, Li H, Zhang H, Gong Z, Zhang L, Zhao L, Dou X, Niu J, You H, Chen Z, Ning Q, Gong G, Wu S, Ji W, Mao Q, Tang H, Li S, Wei S, Sun J, Jiang J, Lu L, Jia J, Zhuang H. Distribution and clinical correlates of viral and host genotypes in Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014;29(3):545-53.
11. Song GJ, Feng B, Rao HY, Wei L*. Etiological features of cirrhosis inpatients in Beijing, China. Chin Med J (Engl). 2013;126(13):2430-4.
12. Xie YD, Feng B, Gao Y, Wei L*. Effect of abstinence from alcohol on survival of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hepatol Res. 2013 Apr 11. doi: 10.1111/hepr.12131.
13. Zhang W, Rao HY, Feng B, Liu F, Wei L*. Effects of interferon-alpha treatment on the incidence of hyperglycemia in chronic hepatitis C patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39272.
14. Guo Z, Zhang H, Rao H, Jiang D, Cong X, Feng B, Wang J, Wei L*, Chen H. DCs pulsed with novel HLA-A2-restricted CTL epitopes against hepatitis C virus induced a broadly reactive anti-HCV-specific T lymphocyte response. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38390.
15. Rao HY, Sun DG, Jiang D, Yang RF, Guo F, Wang JH, Liu F, Zhang HY, Zhang HH, Du SC, Jin Q, Qin H, Lok AS, Wei L*. IL28B genetic variants and gender are associated with spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus infection. J Viral Hepat. 2012;19(3):173-81.
16. Ren S, Lu J, Du X, Huang Y, Ma L, Huo H, Chen X, Wei L*. Genetic variation in IL28B is associated with the development of hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2012;61(9):1433-9.
17. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Shi L, Ma L, Yan H, Wu H, Wei L, Dong T, Chen X. Hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein specific T cells are associated with virological responses to combination therapy in chronic HCV patients. Liver Int. 2012;32(1):102-9.
18. Zhang Y, Guo D, Zhao Y, Chen X, Ma L, Jin Y, Yan H, Wu H, Wei L, Dong T, Chen X. The effect of cytokine profiles on the viral response to re-treatment in antiviral-experienced patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Antiviral Res. 2011;92(2):247-54.
19. Rao HY, Sun DG, Yang RF, Liu F, Wang J, Feng B, Wu N, Fang JL, Song GJ, Ma H, Guo F, Wang JH, Li XB, Jin Q, Qin H, Zhuang H, Wei L*. Outcome of hepatitis C virus infection in Chinese paid plasma donors: a 12-19-year cohort study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012;27(3):526-32.
20. Shen T, Chen X, Zhang W, Xi Y, Cao G, Zhi Y, Wang S, Xu C, Wei L, Lu F, Zhuang H. A higher correlation of HCV core antigen with CD4+ T cell counts compared with HCV RNA in HCV/HIV-1 coinfected patients. PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e23550.
21. Guo H, Liu H, Mitchelson K, Rao H, Luo M, Xie L, Sun Y, Zhang L, Lu Y, Liu R, Ren A, Liu S, Zhou S, Zhu J, Zhou Y, Huang A, Wei L, Guo Y, Cheng J. MicroRNAs-372/373 promote the expression of hepatitis B virus through the targeting of nuclear factor I/B. Hepatology. 2011;54(3):808-19.
22. Feng B, Eknoyan G, Guo ZS, Jadoul M, Rao HY, Zhang W, Wei L*. Effect of interferon-alpha-based antiviral therapy on hepatitis C virus-associated glomerulonephritis: a meta-analysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012;27(2):640-6.
23. Pan XB, Wei L*, Han JC, Ma H, Deng K, Cong X. Artificial recombinant cell-penetrating peptides interfere with envelopment of hepatitis B virus nucleocapsid and viral production. Antiviral Res. 2011;89(1):109-14.
24. Xu C, Guo H, Pan XB, Mao R, Yu W, Xu X, Wei L, Chang J, Block TM, Guo JT. Interferons accelerate decay of replication-competent nucleocapsids of hepatitis B virus. J Virol. 2010;84(18):9332-40.
25. Rao HY, Ren FR, Guan WL, Houde M, Du SC, Liu CL, Gong XY, Wei L*. Evaluation of the performance of the EIAgen HCV test for detection of hepatitis C virus infection. J Virol Methods. 2009;162(1-2):203-7.
26. Feng B, Wu S, Lv S, Fang J, Liu F, Li Y, Gao Y, Yan X, Dong F, Wei L*. Dynamic metabonomic analysis of BALB/c mice with different outcomes after D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide-induced fulminant hepatic failure. Liver Transpl. 2008;14(11):1620-31.
27. Peng D, Han Y, Ding H, Wei L*. Hepatic steatosis in chronic hepatitis B patients is associated with metabolic factors more than viral factors. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Jul;23(7 Pt 1):1082-8.
28. Tian Y, Zhang HH, Wei L*, Du SC, Chen HS, Fei R, Liu F. The functional evaluation of dendritic cell vaccines based on different hepatitis C virus nonstructural genes. Viral Immunol. 2007;20(4):553-61.


