魏作君,男,1976年9月19日生, 博士,浙江大學化學工程與生物工程學院副教授 |,碩士生導師。
- 中文名:魏作君
- 出生日期:1976年9月19日
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:天津大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:製藥所副所長
- 任職院校:浙江大學化學工程與生物工程學院
- 職稱:副教授
2007/8至 2008/5 訪問學者 美國新墨西哥州立大學
2007/5至2007/8 訪問學者 美國明尼蘇達大學
2005/12 至今 副教授 浙江大學
2004/10至2015/12 講師浙江大學
2002/09 至 2004/10 博士後 北京大學
1993/09 to 2002/06 本科至博士 天津大學
- 主持浙江省自然科學基金
- 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目
- 參與國家自然科學家基金重點項目
- 主持浙江省自然科學基金
- 主持浙江省自然科學基金
- 主持國家自然科學基金青年基金
研製出Ni、Co、Pd、Ru、Au等多種加氫催化劑,套用於生物質底物5-羥甲基糠醛和乙醯丙酸,及芳香族硝基化合物、α, β-不飽和醛、苯酐等化合物的選擇性加氫反應體系。
1. Wei, Z. J., Hou, Y. X., Zhu, X. M., Guo, L. Y., Liu, Y. X. and Zhang, A. Y., Nitrogen-Doped Graphene-Supported Iron Catalyst for Highly Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes, ChemCatChem, 2018
2. Liu, Y. X., Yang, X. J., Liu, H. Y., Ye, Y. H. and Wei, Z. J., Nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon supported Pt nanoparticles as a highly efficient catalyst for decarboxylation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids to alkanes, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 218, 2017
3. Liu, Y. X., Zhou, K., Shu, H. M., Liu, H. Y., Lou, J. T., Guo, D. C., Wei, Z. J. and Li, X. N., Switchable synthesis of furfurylamine and tetrahydrofurfurylamine from furfuryl alcohol over RANEY nickel, Catalysis Science & Technology, 7, 2017
4. Wei, Z. J., Lou, J. T., Su, C. M., Guo, D. C., liu, Y. X. and Deng, S. G., An efficient and reusable embedded Ru catalyst for the hydrogenolysis of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone, ChemSusChem, 10, 2017
5. Wei, Z. J., Thushara, D., Li, X. H., Zhang, Z. Y., Liu, Y. X. and Lu, X. Y., Ligand-controlled fabrication of core-shell PdNi bimetallic nanoparticles as a highly efficient hydrogenation catalyst, Catalysis Communications, 98, 2017
6. Wei, Z. J., Guo, D. C., Hou, Y. X., Xu, H. Q. and Liu, Y. X., Progress on the graphene-involved catalytic hydrogenation reactions, Journal Of the Taiwan Institute Of Chemical Engineers, 67, 2016
7. Wei, Z. J., Hou, Y. X., Yang, Y. and Liu, Y. X., The Progress on Graphene-based Catalysis, Current Organic Chemistry, 20, 2016
8. Wei, Z. J., Lou, J. T., Li, Z. B. and Liu, Y. X., One-pot production of 2,5-dimethylfuran from fructose over Ru/C and a Lewis-Bronsted acid mixture in N,N-dimethylformamide, Catalysis Science & Technology, 6, 2016
9. Wei, Z. J., Thushara, D., Liu, Y. X., Zhang, A. Y. and Deng, S. G., Novel Pd-BTP/SiO2as an Effective Heterogeneous Catalyst for Heck Reactions, Chemical Engineering Communications, 203, 2016
10. Liu, Y. X., Gu, Y. J., Hou, Y. X., Yang, Y., Deng, S. G. and Wei, Z. J., Hydrophobic activated carbon supported Ni-based acid-resistant catalyst for selective hydrogenation of phthalic anhydride to phthalide, Chemical Engineering Journal, 275, 2015
11. Liu, Y. X., Wei, Z. J., Xing, T. F., Lu, M. and Li, X. N., Performance of Au/FeOx–TiO2catalyst for liquid phase selective hydrogenation of phthalic anhydride to phthalide, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 23, 2015
12. Liu, Y. X., Zhou, K., Lu, M., Wang, L. C., Wei, Z. J. and Li, X. N., Acidic/Basic Oxides-Supported Cobalt Catalysts for One-Pot Synthesis of Isophorone Diamine from Hydroamination of Isophorone Nitrile, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 2015
13. Wei, Z. J., Pan, R. F., Hou, Y. X., Yang, Y. and Liu, Y. X., Graphene-supported Pd catalyst for highly selective hydrogenation of resorcinol to 1, 3-cyclohexanedione through giant pi-conjugate interactions, Scientific Reports, 5, 2015
14. Hou, Y. X., Xu, L. B., Wei, Z. J., Liu, Y. X., Li, X. H. and Deng, S. G., Reaction process and kinetics of the selective hydrogenation of resorcinol into 1,3-cyclohexanedione, Journal Of the Taiwan Institute Of Chemical Engineers, 45, 2014
15. Liu, Y. X., Li, Z. B., Yang, Y., Hou, Y. X. and Wei, Z. J., A novel route towards high yield 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from fructose catalyzed by a mixture of Lewis and Bronsted acids, Rsc Advances, 4, 2014
16. Wei, Z. J., Yang, Y., Hou, Y. X., Liu, Y. X., He, X. D. and Deng, S. G., A New Approach Towards Acid Catalysts with High Reactivity Based on Graphene Nanosheets, ChemCatChem, 6, 2014
17. Liu, Y. X., Fang, Y. Y., Lu, X. L., Wei, Z. J. and Li, X. N., Hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to p-aminophenol using Pt/C catalyst and carbon-based solid acid, Chemical Engineering Journal, 229, 2013
18. Liu, Y. X., Luo, Y. M. and Wei, Z. J., Selectivity of Gold Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Cinnamaldehyde, Asian Journal Of Chemistry, 25, 2013
19. Wang, L. C., Wei, Z. J. and Liu, Y. X., Analysis of Hydroamination Products of lsophoronenitrile by GC-MS, Petrochemical Technology (Chinese), 42, 2013
20. He, X. D., Wei, Z. J., Liu, Y. X. and Ren, Q. L., The Preparation of Graphene Oxide and Using It as Catalyst for the Hydrolyzation of Soybean Isoflavone, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities, 26, 2012
21. Wei, Z. J., Liu, Y. X., Dilantha, T. and Ren, Q. L., Entrainer-intensified vacuum reactive distillation process for the separation of 5-hydroxylmethylfurfural from the dehydration of carbohydrates catalyzed by a metal salt–ionic liquid, Green Chemistry, 14, 2012
1. Guo, D. C., Liu, Y. X., Chen, Y. D., Pan, R. F. and Wei, Z. J., Graphene-supported Pd catalyst for highly selective hydrogenation of phenol to cyclohexanone through giant π-conjugate, The 16th International Congress on Catalysis Beijing, China, 2016.
2. Lou, J. T., Liu, Y. X., Hou, Y. X., Su, C. M. and Wei, Z. J., Hydrogenolysis of 5-hydromethylfurfural to 2,5-dimethylfuran over RuCo/rGO catalysts, The 16th International Congress on Catalysis Beijing, China, 2016.
3. Lou, J. T., Liu, Y. X., Li, Z. B. and Wei, Z. J., Novel one-pot production of 2,5-dimethylfuran from fructose over Ru/C and Lewis-Brönsted acid mixture in N,N-dimethylformide, The 16th International Congress on Catalysis Beijing, China, 2016.
4. Su, C. M., Liu, Y. X., Dong, M., Lou, J. T. and Wei, Z. J., An efficient and reusable embedded Ru catatalyst for the hydrogenolysis of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone, The 16th International Congress on Catalysis Beijing, China, 2016.
5. Xu, H. Q., Liu, Y. X., Guo, D. C. and Wei, Z. J., Pt-Re/rGO bimetallic catalyst for highly selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde to cinnamylalcohol, The 16th International Congress on Catalysis Beijing, China, 2016.
6. Yang, X. J., Liu, Y. X., Ye, Y. H. and Wei, Z. J., Nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon as Pt support for highly efficient decarboxylation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids to alkanes, The 16th International Congress on Catalysis, Beijing, China, 2016.
7. Zhou, K., Liu, Y. X., Lu, M. and Wei, Z. J., Activated carbon supported cobalt for one-pot synthesis of isophrone diamine from hydroamination of isophorone nitrile, The 16th International Congress on Catalysis Beijing, China, 2016.
8. Huo, C., Huang, C., Liu, Y. X. and Liu, H. Z., Influence of ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid on the Performance and mechanism of magnesia supported Ru-based catalysts for Ammonia synthesis, 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors, Beijing, China, 2013.
9. Liu, Y. X., Thushara, D., Li, X. H., Wei, Z. J., Deng, S. G. and Ren, Q. L., Reaction process and kinetics of selective hydrogenation of resorcinol to 1,3-cyclohexanedione, 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors, Beijing, China, 2013.
10. Liu, Y. X., Xing, T. F., Wei, Z. J., Li, X. N. and Yan, W., Performance of Au/FeOx-TiO2 catalyst for liquid phase selective hydrogenation of phthalic anhydride, 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors Beijing, China, 2013.
11. Wei, Z. J., Thushara, D., Liu, Y. X., Zhang, A. Y., Deng, S. G. and Ren, Q. L., Novel Pd (II)-BTP/SiO2 as an effective heterogeneous catalyst for Heck reaction, 4th International Conference on Structured Catalysts and Reactors, Beijing, China, 2013.
1. 任其龍, 劉寶鑑, 楊亦文, 呂秀陽, 陳豐秋, 詹曉力, 黃梅, 蘇寶根 和 魏作君, 一種從單糖水解液中分離乙醯丙酸的方法
2. 任其龍, 魏作君, 黃梅, 楊亦文 和 蘇寶根, 生物柴油的製備方法
3. 任其龍, 魏作君, 蘇寶根 和 楊亦文, 一種低聚體原花青素的製備方法
4. 蘇寶根, 邢華斌, 魏作君, 楊亦文, 蘇雲 和 任其龍, 一種活性碳固定床吸附法精製膽固醇的方法
5. 魏作君, 顧運江, 李振斌 和 劉迎新, 負載型鎳基催化劑及其製備方法和套用
6. 魏作君, 顧運江, 李振斌 和 劉迎新, 負載型鎳基催化劑及其製備方法和套用
7. 魏作君, 賀曉東 和 林志毅, 一種製備2,4,5-三氨基-6-羥基嘧啶硫酸鹽的方法
8. 魏作君 和 李斐瑾, 一種採用固定化酸性離子液體催化異黃酮糖苷水解的方法
9. 魏作君 和 李杏花, 一種去除油脂中丙二醛的方法
10. 魏作君, 李艷 和 任其龍, 一種離子液體降解碳水化合物製備5-羥甲基糠醛的方法
11. 魏作君, 劉迎新 和 任其龍, 一種採用超臨界CO2萃取高純度大黃游離蒽醌的方法
12. 魏作君 和 樓炯濤, 一種由果糖一步法生產2,5-二甲基呋喃的方法
13. 魏作君 和 潘若飛, 鈀石墨烯選擇性催化加氫製備1,3-環己二酮的方法
14. 魏作君, 汪梨超, 韓國慶, 徐衛國, 黃挺秀, 陳先進, 任其龍, 陳豐秋 和 楊亦文, 氣相氧化法製備六氟環氧丙烷的方法
15. 魏作君, 汪梨超 和 劉迎新, 一種異佛爾酮二胺的製備方法
16. 魏作君, 周闊, 舒惠敏, 劉海燕 和 劉迎新, 一種選擇性製備糠胺或四氫糠胺的方法
17. 魏作君, 諸鑫淼, 劉迎新 和 盧蒙, 一種2,5-呋喃二甲醛的製備方法
18. 楊亦文, 馬傑, 蘇寶根, 吳彩娟, 黃梅, 魏作君 和 任其龍, 高含量大豆皂苷的製備方法
19. 楊亦文, 魏作君, 蘇寶根, 吳彩娟, 蘇雲, 黃梅, 潘水泉, 吳平東 和 任其龍, 一種從羊毛脂中提取膽固醇的方法