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  • 中文名:高靜
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校哈爾濱工業大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 專業方向: 醫用雷射技術 
  • 職務:中國科學院研究員 


(1) 醫用雷射技術: 針對生物醫學診斷及治療的新套用,開展新介質/新波長雷射產生、可調諧雷射技術、飛秒/皮秒雷射技術和超連續譜光源產生的研究,研製低噪聲、高效和高穩定性的新型雷射器件。
(2) 光學診療儀器: 基於光與生物組織相互作用機理研究,開展拉曼/螢光/SERS等新型光譜診斷技術研究,開展光熱/光動力/LLLT等新型雷射治療技術研究,研製無損、非接觸、高靈敏度的診斷儀器和低損傷、智慧型化治療系統。




美國光學學會高級會員(Senior Membership,2019年)
美國光學學會OSA Foundation Student Travel Grant(2008年)


擔任Combinational Chemistry & High Throughput Screening、American Journal of Optics and Photonics等雜誌編輯委員會成員


[1] S. Huang, P.Wang, Y. B. Tian, P. L. Bai, D. Q. Chen, C. Wang, J. S. Chen, Z. B. Liu, J. Zheng, W. M. Yao, J. X. Li, and J. Gao, "Blood species identification based on deep learning analysis of Raman spectra," Biomedical Optics Express 10(12), 6129-6144 (2019)
[2] H. Y. Bian, Y. L. Zhang, W. R. Gao, and J. Gao*, "Fourier based partial least squares algorithm: new insight into influence of spectral shift in “frequency domain” " Optics Express 27(3), 2926-2936 (2019).
[3] W. Yao, R. Yan, X. Li, Y. Shen, Z. Zhou, F. Peng, Q. Zhang, R. Dou, and J. Gao*, "LD pumped quasi-three-level 928 nm laser with Nd:Gd0.69Y0.3TaO4 mixed crystal," Optics & Laser Technology 111, 222-226 (2019).
[4]X. M. Duan, Y. J. Shen, J. Gao, H. Zhu, C. Qian, L. B. Su, L. H. Zheng, L. J. Li, B. Q. Yao, and T. Y. Dai, "Active Q-switching operation of slab Ho:SYSO laser wing-pumped by fiber coupled laser diodes," Optics Express 27(8), 11455-11461 (2019)
[5] R. P. Yan, C. Zhao, X. D. Li, K. Li, X. Yu, W. M. Yao, F. Peng, Q. L. Zhang, R. Q. Dou, J. Gao*, and N. Copner, "Investigation on 1.3 μm laser performance with Nd:Gd0.69Y0.3TaO4 and Nd:Gd0.68Y0.3NbO4 mixed crystals," Optics Express 26(12), 15785-15792 (2018).
[6] W. Wu, X. D. Li, R. P. Yan*, D. Y. Chen, Z. X. Liu, X. L. Wen, W. M. Yao, F. Peng, Q. L. Zhang, R. Q. Dou, and J. Gao*, “Continuous-wave and pulsed 1,066-nm Nd:Gd0.69Y0.3TaO4 laser directly pumped by a 879-nm laser diode,” Optics Express 26(12), 15705-15717 (2018).
[5] H. Y. Bian and J. Gao*, "Error analysis of the spectral shift for partial least squares models in Raman spectroscopy," Optics Express 26(7), 8016-8027 (2018). [selected by the Editors for publication in Vol. 13 (Iss. 6) of the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics]
[8] Haiyi Bian, Peng Wang, Ning Wang, Yubing Tian, Pengli Bai, Haowen Jiang, and Jing Gao*, "Dual-model analysis for improving the discrimination performance of human and nonhuman blood based on Raman spectroscopy," Biomedical Optics Express 9(8), 3512-3522 (2018).
[9] 王寧,王馳,卞海溢,王鈞,王鵬,白鵬利,尹煥才,田玉冰,高靜*. 套用Hilbert 變換提取拉曼光譜相位信息進行血液識別分類方法的研究.光譜學與光譜分析, 2018, 38(8), 2412-2418.
[10] R. Yan, X. Li, W. Yao, Y. Shen, Z. Zhou, F. Peng, Q. Zhang, R. Dou, and J. Gao*, "926?nm laser operation in Nd:GdNbO4 crystal based on F3/2→?I9/2 transition," Optics & Laser Technology 101, 515-519 (2018).
[11] Y. He, Y. Ma, Y. Tong, X. Yu, Z. Peng, J. Gao, and F. K. Tittel, "Long distance, distributed gas sensing based on micro-nano fiber evanescent wave quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy," Applied Physics Letters 111, 241102 (2017).
[12] Y. Ma, Z. Peng, Y. He, W. Yao, R. Yan, X. Li, X. Yu, F. Peng, Q. Zhang, R. Dou, L. Li, and J. Gao*, "Continuous-wave and passively Q-switched Nd:GYTO4 laser," Laser Physics Letters 14(9), 095802 (2017).
[13] H. Y. Bian, P. Wang, J. Wang, H. C. Yin, Y. B. Tian, P. L. Bai, X. D. Wu, N. Wang, Y. G. Tang, and J. Gao*, "Discrimination of human and nonhuman blood using Raman spectroscopy with self-reference algorithm," Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(9), 095006 (2017).
[14] J. Gao*, X. Yu, F. Chen, X. D. Li, R. P. Yan, K. Zhang, J. H. Yu, Y. Z. Wang, "12.0-W continuous-wave diode-end-pumped Nd:GdVO_4 laser with high brightness operating at 912-nm," Optics Express 17(5), 3574–3580 (2009).
[15] G. Ma, J. Yanga, H. Tan, Y. Tian, W. Yao, Q. Ju, L. Zhang, J. Chen, X. Wu, and J. Gao*, "Continuous-wave yellow laser generation at 578 nm by intracavity sum-frequency mixing of thin disk Yb:YAG laser and Nd:YAG laser, " Optics & Laser Technology 92, 32-35 (2017).
[16] P. Bai, J. Wang, H. Yin, Y. Tian, W. Yao, and J. Gao*, "Discrimination of Human and Nonhuman Blood by Raman Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis, " Analytical Letters 50(2), 379-388 (2017).
[17] 鞠喬俊,沈華,姚文明,陳建生,檀慧明,劉文鵬,羅建喬,張慶禮,高靜*. 半導體雷射抽運Dy:YAG黃光雷射器. 中國雷射, 2017, 44(4), 0401004. (中國雷射優秀論文)
[18] 楊建明,檀慧明,田玉冰,姚文明,馬剛飛,鞠喬俊,張龍,陳建生,高靜*. 全固態雙共振KTPⅡ類相位匹配腔內和頻578 nm黃雷射器. 中國雷射, 2016, 43(10), 1001010.
[19] J. Yang, H. Tan, W. Yao, G. Ma, Q. Ju, L. Zhang, J. Chen, Z. Li, and J. Gao*, "Generation of a 578-nm Yellow Laser by the Use of Sum-Frequency Mixing in a Branched Cavity," IEEE Photonics Journal 8, 2520820 (2016).
[20] Wenming Yao, Jing Gao*, Long Zhang, Jiang Li, Yubing Tian, Yufei Ma, Xiaodong Wu, Gangfei Ma, Jianming Yang, Yubai Pan, and Xianjin Dai, "Continuous-wave yellow–green laser at 0.56??μm based on frequency doubling of a diode-end-pumped ceramic Nd:YAG laser," Applied Optics 54, 5817-5821 (2015).
[21] J. Gao*, L. Zhang, X. H. Sun, X. J. Dai, and X. D. Wu*, "High-power continuous-wave yellow-green laser at 558 nm under in-band pumping," Optics Communications 319, 110–112 (2014).
[22] J. Gao, R. P. Yan*, X. Yu, and X. D. Wu*, "High-power, high-repetition-rate actively Q-switched 916 nm laser and the frequency doubled pulsed 458 nm blue laser," Optics and Laser Technology 58, 161–165 (2014).
[23] J. Gao*, X. J. Dai, L. Zhang, H. X. Sun, and X. D. Wu, "Highly efficient continuous-wave composite Nd:YAG laser at 1112 nm under diode pumping directly into the emitting level," Applied Physics B 111(3), 407–413 (2013).
[24] R. P. Yan, J. Gao*, and X. Yu, "High-efficiency Nd:LuVO4 quasi-three-level 916 nm laser under polarized pumping," Applied Optics 52(17), 4020-4023 (2013).
[25] J. Gao*, X. J. Dai, L. Zhang, H. X. Sun, X. D. Wu, "All-solid-state continuous-wave yellow laser at 561 nm under in-band pumping," Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 30(1), 95–98 (2013).
[26] J. Gao*, X. J. Dai, L. Zhang, X. D. Wu, "Efficient continuous-wave 1112 nm Nd:YAG laser operation under direct diode pumping at 885 nm," Laser Physics Letters 10(1), 015802 (2013).
[27] J. Gao, R. P. Yan*, and X. Yu, "Diode-pumped passively Q-switched 916 nm laser with a Cr4+:YAG saturable absorber," Optics Communications 313, 401–406 (2014).


