浙江大學環境科學系學士學位;2008 年獲美國
新澤西州立大學環境科學博士學位。2008年至2011年分別擔任美國北卡州立大學講師、紐約州立大學助理教授工作;2011年9月進入浙江大學環境與資源學院從事科研和教學工作。2006年獲國際START (Global Change System for Analysis, Research, and Training) 組織青年科學家稱號;2010年獲UUP(United University Professions)SUNY 個人成長獎。
研究方向為全球氣候變化與低碳經濟,主要研究氣溶膠的全球和區域氣候效應、能源使用和城市化過程的低碳路徑、平流層氣候工程機理與影響。在J. Geophys. Res. 等國際學術期刊發表SCI論文近20篇,其中一篇被自然雜誌評為科研亮點(Research Highlight in Nature, July 6, 2006);另一篇被美國地球物理學會選為科研亮點(Research Spotlight in AGU, Augest 5, 2014)。主持973子課題、國家自然科學基金、浙江省自然科學基金、美國布朗大學高等研究院種子基金、教育部留學回國人員啟動基金等項目。
2006年獲國際START (Global Change System for Analysis, Research, and Training) 組織青年科學家稱號。
《全球氣候變化》 專業選修課
J. Geophys. Res.等國際學術期刊發表SCI論文近20篇,其中一篇被自然雜誌評為科研亮點(Research Highlight in
Nature, July );另一篇被
美國地球物理學會選為科研亮點(Research Spotlight in
AGU, Augest )。主持973子課題、
基於“碳達峰、碳中和”目標下電網建設綠色建造指標體系的研究與實踐 (國網浙江省電委託課題),2021-2022
實現碳達峰碳中和目標的未來建築零碳排放的實現路線和對策研究, 浙江大學學科交叉預研專項,2021-2022
氣候系統內部變率對火山強迫的回響和調製機理研究, 國家自然科學面上基金, 2019-2022
地球工程基礎理論和影響評估研究 - 平流層地球工程機理及季風影響研究, 973 子課題, 2015-2019
基於兩極冰芯的過去2000年火山活動序列重建研究, 國家自然科學青年基金, 2016-2018
中國對外投資與環境社會風險綜合評價指標體系研究 , 環保部東協中心 , 2018
氣候變化對我國農業乾旱的影響研究, 教育部留學回國人員啟動基金, 2015-2016
浙江省“五水共治”決策背景下水環境安全評估預警, 浙江省科研院校專項基金, 2015-2016
Gao Y., Gao CC*. Uncertainties in the atmospheric loading to ice-sheet deposition for volcanic aerosols and implications for forcing reconstruction. Preprint available under discussion for Climate of the Past, 2021-123/
Gao CC*,Ludlow F*, Matthews A, Stine A, Robock A, Pan YQ, Breen R, Nolan B, Sigl M. Volcanic climate impacts as ultimate and proximate causes of Chinese dynastic collapse. Communications Earth& Environment. Acceptted
Gao CC*, Ge HQ, Lu YY, Wang WJ, Zhang YJ (2021).Decoupling of provincial energy-related CO2 emissions from economic growth in China and its convergence from 1995 to 2017. Journal of Cleaner Production.2021.126627
Gao CC*, Yang LS, Liu F (2021). Hydroclimatic anomalies in China during the post-Laki years and the role of concurring El Niño. Advances in Climate Change Research.2021.03.006.
高雅,高超超* (2021). 三組火山強迫資料差異及其對模式模擬結果的影響,氣候變化研究進展,17(3)DOI: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2020.162
Wang L, Gao CC, Yang K, Zhao YX, Lou J, Sun R & Zhu LZ (2021). Ageing-induced formation of a shell on the biochar-soil interface and its properties, Science of the Total Environment.2021.146824
金珺、吳偉、高超超(2021),當前我國綠色低碳技術發展面臨的主要瓶頸與對策建議,科技工作者建議,in press
Gao, C.*, & Ge, H. (2020). Spatiotemporal characteristics of China's carbon emissions and driving forces: A Five-Year Plan perspective from Journal of Cleaner Production,
Sun, W., Wang, B., Liu, J., Chen, D.,Gao, C., Ning, L., Chen, L. (2019). How northern high-latitude volcanic eruptions in different seasons affect ENSO. Journal of Climate,
Gao,C.,Y.J. Gao (2018),Revisited Asian monsoon hydroclimate response to volcanic eruptions,JournalofGeophysical Research-atmosphere,
Liu, Y.H.,C. Gao,Y. Lu (2017), The Impact of Urbanization on GHG emissions in China: The Role of Population Density,Journal of Cleaner Production,
Gao Y.,C. Gao(2017), EuropeanHydroclimate Response to Volcanic Eruptions over the Past Nine Centuries,International Journal of Climatology,
StevensonS., J. Fasullo, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, R. Tomas,C. Gao(2017). The role of eruption season in reconciling model and proxy responses totropical volcanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science,
Gao, C.*,Y. J. Gao, Q. Zhang, C.M. Shi Climate Aftermath of the 1815 Tambora Eruption in China,Journal of Meteorology Research,
Gao, C.*,Y. Q. Pan, C. K. Gotangco, M. C. Trannin, Y. H. Liu Perceptions of Climate Change and Carbon-intensity of Lifestyle and Consumption Patterns in College Students, inUniversities and Climate Change: the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Addressing the Mitigation and Adaptation Challenges (Springer).
Gao, C.,Y.H. Liu, T. Y. Wei, J. Jin, L. Z. Zhu(2016), Driving forces in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in east and south coastal China: commonality and variations,Journal of Cleaner Production,
Gao, C., F. Ludlow, O. Amir, C. Kostick , Reconciling Multiple Ice-Core Volcanic Histories: The Potential of Tree-Ring and Documentary Evidence, 670-730 CE,Quaternary International,
Cao, L.C. Gao,, L.Y. Zhao , Geoenginnering: Basic science and ongoing research efforts in China,Advances in Climate Change Research,
Gao, G. * (2015), Volcanic monsoon influence revealed from multi-proxy evidence, PAGES, 23:58-59.
Zhuo Z.H.,C.Gao*, and Y.H.Liu , Regional Grain Yield Response to Climate Change in China: a Statistic Modeling Approach,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,
Zhuo Z.H.,C.Gao*, and Y. Q. Pan Proxy Evidence for China’s Monsoon Precipitation Response to Volcanic Aerosols over the Past Seven Centuries ,J. Geophys. Res.Featured as Research Spotlight byAGU, August
Gao, C., Research progress on bipolar-ice-core-based volcanic forcing index reconstructions,Polar Research(in Chinese),
Kobashi, T. K. Kawamura, K. Goto-Azuma, J. E. Box,C. Gao, and T. Nakaegawa , Causes of Greenland temperature variability over the past years: Implications for Northern Hemispheric temperature change,Clim. Past,Featured inAsahi Shimbun(in Japan) andPeople(in China).
Gazeaux J., D. Batista, C. M. Ammann, P. Naveau, C. Jegat,C. Gao(2013), Extracting Common pulse-like signals from multiple ice core time series, Computational Statistics& Data Analysis,
Gao, C., Impact of climate change on China’s crop production: a CMIP5 ensemble assessment, Proceedings of Agro-Geoinformatics 2012 conference, IEEE Xplore,
Gazeaux J., D. Batista, C. M. Ammann, P. Naveau, C. Jegat,C. Gao(2009), Extracting Common pulse-like signals from multiple ice core time series with a non linear Kalman Filter, Publie dans '41 emesJournees de Statistique, SFdS, Bordeaux.
Gao C.,A. Robock, and C. M. Ammann (2008), Volcanic forcing of climate over the past 1500 years: an improved ice-core-based index for climate models,J. Geophys. Res.,
Gao C.,L. Oman,A. Robock, and G. L. Stenchikov , Atmospheric volcanic loading derived from bipolar ice cores accounting for the spatial distribution of volcanic deposition,J. Geophys. Res.,
Gao C.,A. Robock, s. Self, J. Witter, J. P. Steffenson, H. B. Clausen, M-L. Siggaard-Andersen, S. Johnsen, P. A. Mayewski, and C. M. Ammann, The A.D. Kuwae eruption signal derived from multiple ice core records: Greatest volcanic sulfate event of the past years,J. Geophys. Res.,Featured as Research Highlight inNature, July
Oman L., A. Robock, G. L. Stenchikov, T. Thordarson, D. Koch, D. T., Shindell, andC. Gao, Modeling the distribution of the volcanic aerosol cloud from the Laki eruption,J. Geophys. Res.。
2010年獲UUP(United University Professions)SUNY 個人成長獎。
Selected conference presentations (since 2016)
Panelist on the Climate section, Launch conference “Emerging Challenges and Opportunities for Pakistan in the 21 Century” Islamabad, Pakistan, Dec 2018
Questions of integrating documentary and natural archives, CRIAS workshop “Methods and Interdisciplinary Communication in Historical Climatology” University of Bern, Switzerland, Oct 2018.
Climatic Impact of Tropical Volcanic Eruption: the Role of Background Climate and Volcanic Perturbation, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 15 Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jun 2018.
Ice Core Based Volcanic Forcing Reconstruction – Technical Details and Uncertainties, International symposium on “Global Monsoon: Decadal-Centennial Variation over the Past Two Millennia and Future Projection”. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jun 2018
European Hydroclimate Response to Volcanic Eruptions over the Past Nine Centuries, General Assembly 2017 of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, Apr 2017
Climate Aftermath of the 1815 Tambora Eruption in China, and the Role of Eruption Season, PAGES 5th Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza, Spain, May 2017
Reconciling Multiple Ice-core Volcanic Histories: The Potential Of Tree-ring And Documentary Evidence, 670-730 Ce, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 13 Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, Aug 2016
Volcanic Influence on Tropical and Sub-tropical Northern Hemisphere Hydrological Conditions Revealed from Multi-proxy Evidence, PAGES’ Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society Meeting, Columbia University, New York, USA, Jun 2016.
2021年11月12日,國際學術期刊《通訊-地球與環境》(Communications Earth & Environment)線上發表了一項研究,題為《火山氣候的影響可能是中國此前朝代覆滅的最終且直接原因》(Volcanic climate impacts can act as ultimate and proximate causes of Chinese dynastic collapse)。研究認為,火山爆發可能會導致突發氣候變化,這些氣候變化或推動了過去2000年間中國一些統治王朝的覆滅。這些發現表明,大型爆發可能會嚴重影響不穩定或脆弱的地區。該項研究由浙江大學、