- 中文名:高艷安
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:山東大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
1999年于山東大學化學系獲學士學位,2005年于山東大學化學與化工學院獲博士學位。2006-2011年先後於德國馬普複雜技術系統動力學研究所(Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of ComplexTechnical Systems)(2006-2008)、美國阿克隆大學 (University ofAkron)(2008-2009)、英國約克大學 (the University of York)(2009-2011)做博士後研究。2011年9月到中科院大連化學物理研究所參加工作,先後擔任中國離子液體實驗室主任,兼大連化學物理研究所-英國女王大學聯合實驗室負責人(2011-2015),大連化學物理研究所能源基礎與戰略部有機框架多孔材料組課題組長(2015-2017)。2017年10月以C1類高層次人才到海南大學參加工作。現任中國化學會離子液體專業委員會委員;2015年入選第二批遼寧省“十百千高端人才引進工程”千人層次;2018年海南省高層次人才引進計畫(“百人專項”)。
(1) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:主持,離子液體的熱化學性質研究,項目資助號:21073189,資助年限:2011.01-2013.12,40 萬元。
(2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:主持,新型功能化離子液微乳液的形成、性質以及套用探索研究,項目資助號:21273235,資助年限:2013.01-2016.12,82 萬元。
(3) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:主持,一種新型無表面活性劑離子液微乳液的結構、性質及其形成機理的探索性研究,項目資助號:21473196,資助年限:2015.01-2018.12,80 萬元。
(4) 中國科學院“百人計畫”人才項目:主持,2013.10-2016.09,200萬元。
(5) 大連化學物理研究所甲醇轉化與煤代油新技術基礎研究專項基金:主持,功能化共價有機框架(COFs)材料催化甲醇經三聚甲醛製備柴油添加劑 DMMn 的 催 化 性 能 研 究 , 項 目 資 助 號 :DICP_M201401,資助年限:2014.06-2017.05,100 萬元。
(6) 中國科學院知識創新工程領域前沿項目:主持,有機多孔聚合物的制 備 、 功 能 化 及 其 空 氣 的 吸 附 與 淨 化 , 資 助 年 限 : 2012.12-2014.11,100 萬元。
(7) 中國科學院知識創新工程領域前沿項目:主持,新型有機框架材料的製備及其催化性能研究, 2011.09-2014.08,100 萬元。
(8) 大連化學物理研究所所長基金:有機多孔聚合物的製備及其在 CO2吸附與轉化方面的套用研究,2012.10-2014.09,50 萬元。
(9) 陝西省延長石油集團探索性科研項目:主持,離子液體催化 CO2 和甘油轉化製備高附加值產物甘油碳酸酯的研究,資助年限:2014.12-2016.12,80 萬元。
(10) 中國科學院大連化物所所級“百人計畫”項目:主持,資助年限:2011.09-2014.08,100 萬元。
(11) 中科院大連化學物理研究所技術開發項目:主持,新型離子液體材料研製,資助年限:2013.07-2014.06,10 萬元。
(12) 中科院大連化學物理研究所技術開發項目:主持,新型離子液體材料研製,資助年限:2014.10-2015.09,10 萬元。
(13) 遼寧省科技廳自然科學基金項目:主持,溫敏型離子液微乳液的形成、性質及其套用研究,項目資助號:201204484,資助年限:2012.07-2014.6,5 萬元。
(14) 大連理工大學精細化工國家重點實驗室開放基金項目:主持,共價有機骨架(COFs)材料涉及、合成及其氫氣存儲性能研究,項目資助號:KF1415,資助年限:2014.12-2016.12,5 萬元。
(15) 海南大學科研啟動基金:主持,項目資助號:KYQD(ZR)1856,資助年限:2017.10-2022.09,300 萬元。
(16) 天津大學-海南大學聯合基金項目,2018.06-2019.05,5 萬元。
(17) 天津大學-海南大學聯合基金項目,2019.05-2020.04,5 萬元。
(18) 中國工程物理研究所化工材料研究所科研外協項目:主持,高純稀土螯合物改性新型配體合成,2018.10-2019.10,26.5 萬元。
(1) Chang Wang, Yu Wang, Rile Ge, Xuedan Song, Xueqing Xing, Hui Lu,Ce Hao, Xinwen Guo, Yanan Gao*, Donglin Jiang*, A 3D CovalentOrganic Framework with Exceptionally High Iodine Capture Capability,Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24, 585.
(2) Duncan W. Bruce,* Yanan Gao, Jos Nuno Canongia Lopes,* KarinaShimizu and John M. Slattery*, Liquid-Crystalline Ionic Liquids asOrdered Reaction Media for the Diels–Alder Reaction, Chem. Eur. J.2016, 22, 16113.
(3) Wenguang Leng, Yongsheng Peng, Jianqiang Zhang, Hui Lu, XiaoFeng, Rile Ge, Bin Dong, Bo Wang, Xiangping Hu and Yanan Gao*,Sophisticated Design of Covalent Organic Frameworks withControllable Bimetallic Docking for a Cascade Reaction, Chem. Eur. J.2016, 22, 9087.
(4) Bin Dong, Liangying Wang, Shang Zhao, Rile Ge, Xuedan Song, YuWang and Yanan Gao*, Immobilization of ionic liquids to covalentorganic frameworks for catalyzing the formylation of amines with CO2and phenylsilanes, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 7082.
(5) Tongtong Tian, Qiongzheng Hu, Yi Wang, Yanan Gao, and Li Yu*,Reversible Photoresponsive Molecular Alignment of Liquid Crystals atFluid Interfaces with Persistent Stability, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 6340.
(6) Liangying Wang, Bin Dong*, Rile Ge, Fengxing Jiang, Jinhua Xiong,Yanan Gao*, Jingkun Xu*, A thiadiazole-functionalized covalentorganic framework for efficient CO2 capture and separation,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2016, 224, 95.
(7) Hui Lu, Chang Wang, Juanjuan Chen, Rile Ge, Wenguang Leng, BinDong, Jun Huang and Yanan Gao*, A novel 3D covalent organicframework membrane grown on a porous α-Al2O3 substrate undersolvothermal conditions, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 15562.
(8) Bin Dong, Xueqing Xing, Rui Wang, Bing Wang, Xiaoyan Zhou, ChangWang, Li Yu, Zhonghua Wu and Yanan Gao*, Reversible switching ofamphiphilic self-assemblies between micelles and microemulsions by athermal stimulus, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 11119.
(9) Xinpei Gao, Fei Lu, Bin Dong, Yizhi Liu, Yanan Gao and LiqiangZheng*, Facile synthesis of gold and gold-based alloy nanowirenetworks using wormlike micelles as soft templates, Chem. Commun.,2015, 51, 843.
(10) Dandan Hao, Jinna Zhang, Hui Lu,* Wenguang Leng, Rile Ge,*Xiaonan Dai and Yanan Gao, Fabrication of a COF-5 membrane on afunctionalized a-Al2O3 ceramic support using a microwave irradiationmethod, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 1462.
(11) Yue Wang, Wenguang Leng, Yanan Gao,* and Jiansheng Guo*,Thermo-Sensitive Polymer-Grafted Carbon Nanotubes withTemperature-Controlled Phase Transfer Behavior between Water and aHydrophobic Ionic Liquid, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6, 4143.
(12) Tingting Bai, Rile Ge, Yanan Gao,* Jinling Chai* and John M.Slattery, The effect of water on the microstructure and properties ofbenzene/[bmim][AOT]/[bmim][BF4] microemulsions, Phys. Chem.Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 19301.
(13) Yanan Gao, Na Li, SH Zhang, Liqiang Zheng*, et al, Organic SolventsInduce the Formation of Oil-in-Ionic Liquid MicroemulsionAggregations., Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2009, 113, 1389.
(14) Yanan Gao, Na Li, X. W. Li, Zhang SH, Liqiang Zheng*, et al.Microstructures of Micellar Aggregations Formed within 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Type Ionic Liquids. Journal of Physical ChemistryB. 2009, 113, 123.
(15) Yanan Gao, Na Li, Hilfert L, et al. Temperature Induces theMicrostructural Change of Ionic Liquid-Containing Microemulsions,Langmuir. 2009, 25, 1360.
(16) Yanan Gao, Sundmacher K, Voigt A*, et al, Nanodroplet ClusterFormation in Ionic Liquid Microemulsions, ChemPhysChem. 2008, 9,1603.
(18) Yanan Gao, Voigt A, Sundmacher K*, et al, Synthesis of SingleCrystal Gold Nano- and Microprisms Using a solvent-reductanttemplate Ionic Liquid, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2008,3769.
(19) Yanan Gao, Hilfert L, Voigt A, Sundmacher K*, et al. Water Decreasesthe Size of Ionic Liquid Droplets of the 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazoliumTetrafluoroborate/Triton X-100/Cyclohexane Reverse Microemulsions,J. Phys Chem B., 2008, 112, 3711.
(20) Wu JP, Li N, Zheng LQ*, Li XW, Yanan Gao, Inoueb T, AggregationBehavior of Polyoxyethylene (20) Sorbitan Monolaurate (Tween 20) inImidazolium Based Ionic Liquids, Langmuir, 2008, 24, 9314.
(21) Li N, Zhang SH, Zheng LQ*, Yanan Gao, Yu L, Second VirialCoefficient of bmimBF4/Triton X-100/Cyclohexane Ionic LiquidMicroemulsion as Investigated by Microcalorimetry, Langmuir, 2008,24, 2973.
(22) Yanan Gao, Li N, Zheng LQ*, et al, Role of Solubilized Water in theReverse Ionic Liquid Microemulsion of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazoliumTetrafluoroborate/TX-100/Benzene, J Phys Chem B., 2007, 111, 2506.
(23) Yanan Gao, Li N, Zheng LQ*, et al, The Effect of Water on theMicrostructure of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/Triton X-100/Benzene Ionic Liquid Microemulsions, Chemistry-AEuropean Journal, 2007, 13, 2661.
(24) Yanan Gao, Xueyan Zhao, Bin Dong, Liqiang Zheng*, et al. InclusionComplexes of beta-Cyclodextrin with Ionic Liquid Surfactants, J. PhysChem B., 2006, 110, 8576.
(25) Yanan Gao, Na Li, Zheng LQ*, et al. A Cyclic ColtammetricTechnique for the Detection of Micro-regions of bmimPF6/Tween20/H2O Microemulsions and their Performance Characterization by UVVis Spectroscopy, Green Chemistry, 2006, 8, 43.
(26) Yanan Gao, Jin Zhang, Hongyan Xu, Liqiang Zheng*, et al. StructuralStudies of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate/TX-100/Pxylene Ionic Liquid Microemulsions, ChemPhysChem, 2006, 7, 1554.
(27) Yanan Gao, Shuaibing Han, Buxing Han, et al. TX-100/Water/1-Butyl3-methylimidazolium Hexafluorophosphate Microemulsions, Langmuir,2005, 21, 5681.
(28) Yanan Gao, Zonghao Li, Jimin Du, Buxing Han, et al, Preparation andCharacterization of Inclusion Complexes of beta-Cyclodextrin withIonic Liquid, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2005, 11, 5875.
(1) 功能化離子液體催化劑的研究與開發;
(2) 新型有機多孔材料與膜材料的製備(催化、氣體吸附與分離)。
(1) 中科院“百人計畫”;
(2) 第二批遼寧省“十百千高端人才引進工程”千人層次;
(3) 海南省高層次人才引進計畫(“百人專項”);
(4) 英國皇家學會BP Amo獎勵計畫。