



  • 書名:高職高專實用英語口語教程
  • 作者:黃髮洋
  • 出版日期:2013年12月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787302342366
  • 外文名:Practical Oral English Book 
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 頁數:149頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:清華大學出版社




Unit One Greetings問候
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Two Introduction介紹
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Three Make a Telephone Call撥打電話
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Four At the Bank在銀行
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit five At the Airport在機場
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Six Hobby興趣愛好
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Seven Going Abroad出國旅行
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Eight Asking the Direction問路
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Nine Applying for a Visa申請簽證
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Ten In the Hotel入住酒店
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Unit Eleven In the Office人在職場
Part 1 Background
Part 2 Dialogue
Part 3 Word & Phrases
Part 4 Sentence patterns
Part 5 Role play
Part 6 After—class exercise
Part 7 Culture tips
Sentence patterns句型匯總


