

  • 書名:高職高專"十二五"規劃教材:藥學英語
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 頁數:190頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:27.00
  • 作者:劉沙
  • 出版日期:2013年5月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7122161021, 9787122161024
  • 品牌:化學工業出版社




Chapter 1 Pharmacy and Pharmacists藥學和藥劑師
Unit 1 The definition of pharmacy and pharmacist藥學和藥劑師的定義
Unit 2 A day in the life of pharmacist藥劑師的工作內容
Unit 3 Patient care:a new focus of pharmacist practice藥劑師工作的新重點:患者服務
Unit 4 Dialogue:sleeping pills對話:安眠藥
Unit 5 Supplementary readin9補充閱讀
Chapter 2 The Human Body人的身體
Unit 1 What is the human body什麼是人體
Unit 2 The structure of the human body人體的結構
Unit 3 The hospital醫院簡介
Unit 4 Dialogue:car accident patient對話:車禍病人
Unit 5 Supplementary readin9補充閱讀
Chapter 3 The Human Disease人類疾病
Unit 1 A summary of the human disease人類疾病概述
Unit 2 Acute and chronic illness急性與慢性疾病
Unit 3 The impact of illness on the client and familv疾病對患者及其家庭的影響
Unit 4 Dialogue:before having an operation對話:手術之前
Unit 5 Supplementary readin9補充閱讀
Chapter 4 About Pharmacology關於藥理學
Unit 1 Define pharmacology定義藥理學
Unit 2 The pharmacology of alcohol酒精的藥理學
Unit 3 The fate of drugs in the body藥物對身體的作用
Unit 4 Dialogue:alcohol and antihistamine對話:酒精和抗過敏藥物
Unit 5 Supplementary readin9補充閱讀
Chapter 5 Natural Product天然藥物
Unit 1 Herbal medicine gingseng中草藥人參
Unit 2 The intricate world of flavonoids黃酮的複雜世界
Unit 3 Challenges facing flavonoid product development黃酮產品開發所面臨的挑戰
Unit 4 Dialogue:drinking natural diet tea對話:喝天然減肥茶
Unit 5 Supplementary readin9補充閱讀
Chapter 6 Double—side Sword:Antibiotics雙刃利劍:抗生素
Unit 1 Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in the microbial world細菌產生耐藥性的原因
Unit 2 Multidrug.resistant bacterial infections driving the search fornew antibiotics人類需要新型抗生素
Unit 3 Dialogue:hey,I need some antibiotics for my cold!對話:我感冒了。來點消炎藥!
Unit 4 Supplementary reading補充閱讀
Chapter 7 Medications for Elderly Patients老年患者的用藥狀況分析
Unit 1 Evaluating medication in elderly patients評估老年患者的用藥情況
Unit 2 Medications and older people老年人藥物使用狀況分析
Unit 3 Supplementary reading補充閱讀
Chapter 8 Dilemma: Saving lives or Protecting patents兩難選擇:生命與專利,孰重孰輕
Unit 1 Patent pharmacist專利藥劑師
Unit 2 Important generic drugs(Ⅰ)重要的仿製藥(Ⅰ)
Unit 3 Supplementary reading補充閱讀
Chapter 9 The Medicine Instruction藥品說明書
Unit 1 Loratadine medicine instruction氯雷他定藥品說明書
Unit 2 Claritin(Loratadine)medicine instruction(Ⅰ)開瑞坦(氯雷他定)藥品說明書(Ⅰ)
Unit 3 The medicine instruction focused on patient care以患者服務為基礎的藥品說明書
Unit 4 Supplementary readin9補充閱讀
Chapter 10 All about FDA關於FDA
Unit 1 Self—introduction of FDA of United States美國FDA機構簡介
Unit 2 The drug standards'development in the United Statesand Canada美國和加拿大藥品標準及發展史簡介
Unit 3 Supplementary readin9補充閱讀
Chapter 11 Antiviral Medicine and H1N1 Flu抗病毒藥物與H1N1流感
Unit 1 A pandemic is declared!當心!流行性疾病!
Unit 2 Oseltamivir resistance—Disabling our influenza defenses病毒對達菲出現耐藥性
Unit 3 Supplementary reading補充閱讀



