



  • 中文名:高級媒體英語視聽說
  • 出版時間:2011年1月1日
  • 出版社外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:264 頁
  • ISBN:9787513505147
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀平裝
  • 正文語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 尺寸:24.2 x 18.6 x 1.4 cm
  • 重量:481g
Unit 01SchooII ife
Clip l Healthy eating in school
Clip 2 Grants for school buildings
Clip 3 The increasing tuition fee
Clip 4 Graduates facing difficult time
Clip 5 Value of a degree
Clip 6 School disciplines
Unit 02 Love and family
Clip l Valentine’S Day
Clip 2 Househusband
Clip 3 Step~amily
Clip 4 Arranged rnarriage in India
Clip 5 Married relationship
Clip 6 Working mothers
Unit 03 Travelling
Clip l Increased demand for UK holidays and attractions
Clip 2 Tourism hit by cost of living in London
Clip 3 Stonehenge
Clip 4 Southwold named as quintessential seaside resort
Clip 5 Pearly Kings and Queens celebrate Harvest Festival
Clip 6 The Great Pyramid
Unit 04 Entertainment and oeisure
Clip l Local libraries are less popular
Clip 2 Bathe to wash offsins
CliP 3 Christmas market opens
Clip 4 NBA finds fans in China
Clip 5 Music to dance
Clip 6 Slumdog Millionaire wins
Unit 05 Health
Clip l Fast food and schools
Clip 2 High risks of dieting
Clip 3 Call for fat food tax
Clip 4 Study highlights health risks of salt
Clip 5 Exercises help you keep fit
Clip 6 Stress reducers
Unit 06 career planning
Unit 07 science and rechnology
Unit 08 hisrorical evenrs
Unit 09 environment
Unit 10 mysrery and quirk
key and script
Clip 3 Call for fat food tax
Clip 4 Study highlights health risks of salt
Clip 5 Exercises help you keep fit
Clip 6 Stress reducers
Unit 06 career planning
Unit 07 science and rechnology
Unit 08 hisrorical evenrs
Unit 09 environment
Unit 10 mysrery and quirk
key and script


