- 中文名:高永恆
- 學位/學歷:博士
[1]Gao YH, Cooper DJ, Ma XX. 2016. Phosphorus additions have no impact on plant biomass or soil nitrogen in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China.Applied Soil Ecology, 106: 18-23.
[2]Gao YH, Ma XX, Cooper DJ. 2016. Short-term effect of nitrogen addition on nitric oxide emissions from an alpine meadow in the Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 12474-12479.
[3]Gao YH, Zeng XY, Xie QY, Ma XX. 2015. Release of carbon and nitrogen from alpine soils during thawing periods in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 226: 209.
[4]Gao YH, Chen H, Schumann M, Wu YY, Zeng XY. 2015. Short-term responses of nitrous oxide fluxes to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a peatland on the Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14: 121- 127.
[5]Gao YH, Ma G, Zeng XY, Xu SQ, Wang DX. 2015. Responses of microbial respiration to nitrogen addition in two alpine soils on the Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Environmental Biology, 35: 261-265.
[6]Gao YH, Chen H, Zeng XY. 2014. Effects of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on CH4and N2O fluxes in high-altitude peatland soil under different water tables in the Tibetan Plateau.Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60: 404-410.
[7]Gao YH, Schumann M, Zeng XY, Chen H. 2011. Changes of plant communities and soil properties due to degradation of alpine wetlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 12: 788-798.
[8]Gao YH, Zeng XY, Schumann M, Chen H. 2011. Effectiveness of exclosures to restore degraded alpine meadow as a result of overgrazing on the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Arid Land Research and Management, 25: 164-175.
[9]Gao YH, Luo P, Wu N, Chen H, Wang GX. 2008. Impacts of grazing Intensity on nitrogen pools and nitrogen cycle in an alpine meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 6: 67-77.
[10]Zhang XH, Schumann M,Gao YH, Foggin JM, Wang SZ, Joosten H. 2016. Restoration of high-altitude peatlands on the Ruoergai Plateau. In: Bonn A, Allott T, Evans M, Joosten H, Stoneman R (Editors),Peatland Restoration and Ecosystem Services – Science, Policy and Practice, London: Cambridge University Press, p. 234-252.