1. Gao Huiwang,Xia Jie. Seasonal variation of pelagic ecosystem in the southeastern Yellow Sea and its relation to strong wind events, Joint 2nd Workshop on Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem (ADOES) with Asian SOLAS, 2006, 10-13 August, Ulanhot, China.
2. Gao Huiwang, Shi Guangyu. Progress and Future Plan of China SOLAS Program,2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting,2006,July. 24-27, Beijing, China.
3. Gao Huiwang,Comparison of NOx emission inventories in China, IAMAS 2005, Aug.2-11, Beijing.
4. Gao Huiwang,Qi Jianhua, Shi Jinhui, Sheng Lifang. Asian Dust and Nitrogen Deposition to China Coastal Seas. workshop on Asian Dust and Ocean EcoSystem (ADOES), 2005, Oct. 13-15, Weihai
5. Gao Huiwang,Atmospheric Concentration and Deposition of Trace Gases and Aerosol Over China Coastal Seas - A Review and Perspective, The SOLAS International Open Science Conference, Oct. 13-16, 2004,Halifax, Canada.
6. Gao Huiwang, Aerosol pollution from dust storms in Qingdao, Sino-US Workshop on Dust Storm and Its Effect on Human health,Nov. 25-26,2002, Raleigh, North Carolina,USA.
8. Gao Huiwang, Jiang W, -S., Yang H., 2001, Variations of Chl.a concentration in the Bohai Sea. The 3 Annual meeting of Yellow Environment. 1-3, November, Korea.
9. Li Zhengyan, Gao Huiwang, et al., 2001, Distribution Characteristics of Nutrients in Chinese Bohai Sea. The 3 Annual meeting of Yellow Environment. 1-3, November, Korea.
10. Gao Huiwang. Preliminary study on atmospheric input of nitrogen to the northwest Pacific Coastal Oceans. International Symposium on Progress in Coastal Engineering and Oceanography, September 9-11,1999, South Korea. pp 195-204.
11. Gao Huiwang, Feng Shizuo. A study on the values of primary production in different regions of Bohai Sea. First Open Science Meeting of GLOBEC. Paris, 17-20, March ,1998.
12. Gao Huiwang, Huang Meiyuan. An Eulerian sulfur deposition model and its application to East Asia. 5th Inter. Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air Quality Conf., 1996, Seattle.
13. Gao Huiwang, Huang Meiyuan. A study on the roles of some physical and chemical processes in regional sulfur deposition. Proceeding of Inter. Conf. On acid deposition in East Asia, 1996, Taipei.