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高尚,男,南京航空航天大學測試計量技術及儀器專業工學博士,南京理工大學機械工程學院儀器系副教授。IEEE Member、IET Member、多個國際SCI期刊與國際會議審稿專家。主要從事無線感測器網路結構健康監測、衝擊波監測等方面的研究。


  • 中文名:高尚
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:南京航空航天大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師 


2017/10-至今 南京理工大學機械工程學院儀器系,講師;
2019/11-至今, 南京航空航天大學控制科學與工程,博士後;
2019/7-2019/11 英國紐卡斯爾大學電氣電力電子工程系,訪問學者;
2012/04 -2017/10 南京航空航天大學測試計量技術及儀器專業,博士;
2014/11-2015/05 英國紐卡斯爾大學電氣電力電子工程系,博士訪學交流;
2010/04-2012/04 華為技術有限公司,企業網AR軟體研發;
2007/09-2010/04 南京航空航天大學測試計量技術及儀器專業,碩士;
2003/09-2007/06 南京航空航天大學飛行器設計與工程專業,本科;


主持的基金 :
參與的基金 :


1、IEEE international conference on wireless for space and extreme environment最佳Poster獎;


1.Shang Gao*;Gui Yun Tian;Xuewu Dai;Qing Zhang;Zhiling Wang;Xinge Yang;Qiaomu Wang;Naishu Jia.A Lightweight Wireless Overpressure Node based Efficient Monitoring for Shock Waves[J].IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,2020.DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2020.3025955(SCI, 1區,IF:5.673);
2.Shang Gao*, Guiyun Tian, Xuewu Dai, Xuefeng Jiang, Deren Kong, Yan Zong, Qiuji Yi. A B-Spline Method With AIS Optimization for 2-D IoT-Based Overpressure Reconstruction[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, 7(3): 2005-2013. (SCI, 1區, IF:9.515);
3.Shang Gao*, Xuehui Zhang, Cuicui Du. A Multichannel Low-Power Wide-Area Network with High-Accuracy Synchronization Ability for Machine Vibration Monitoring[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(3):5040-5047. (SCI, 1區, IF:9.515);
4.Shang Gao*, Guiyun Tian,Xuewu Dai,Mengbao Fan,Xingjuan Shi,Jinjie Zhu,Kongjing Li. A Novel Distributed Linear-Spatial-Array Sensing System Based on Multichannel LPWAN for Large-Scale Blast Wave Monitoring[J]. IEEE Internet of things Journal, 2019, 6(6), 9679-9688.(SCI, 1區, IF:9.515);
5.Shang Gao*, Yujie Lin, Zhu Jinjie. The Effects of Mounting Structure and Incident Angle on the Measurement of Piezoelectric Pressure Probe Sensors in Free-field Testing[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, 19(17): 7226-7233.(SCI, 2區, IF:3.067);
6.Shang Gao*, Fei Shang, Cuicui Du. Design of MultiChannel and MultiHop Low-Power Wide-Area Network for Aircraft Vibration Monitoring[J]. IEEE Transactions Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 68(12): 4887-4895. (SCI, 3區, IF:3.067);
7.Shang Gao*, WeiBo Yang, Qian Ji. Research on Path Loss for Airplane Wing Wireless Monitoring System[J]. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2018, 17(6):1090-1094.( SCI,2區,IF:3.51);
8.Cuicui Du, Shang Gao*, Naishu Jia, Deren Kong, Jian Jiang, Guiyun Tian, Yan Su, Qiaomu Wang, Chaoqun Li. A High-Accuracy Least-Time-Domain Mixture Features Machine Fault Diagnosis Based on Wireless Sensor Network[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2020. DOI:10.1109/JSYST.2020.2993337. (SCI, 2區, IF:4.463);
9.Shang Gao*, Xuewu Dai, Yu Hang, et al. Airborne Wireless Sensor Networks for Airplane Monitoring System[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2018, 2018:1-18.(SCI, 4區, IF:1.47);
10.Shang Gao, Xuewu Dai*, Zheng Liu, et al. High-Performance Wireless Piezoelectric Sensor Network for Distributed Structural Health Monitoring[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2016.4, article 1218:1-16. (SCI, 4區, IF:1.6);
11.Shang Gao, Shenfang Yuan*, Lei Qiu, et al. A high-throughput multi-hop WSN for structural health monitoring[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2016, 18(2). (SCI, 4區, IF: 0.36);
12.Panpan Yang, Mengbao Fan, Binghua Cao, Shang Gao. Investigation on Time-to-Peak Feature Insensitive to Liftoff Effect for Pulsed Eddy Current Evaluation[J],IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation andMeasurement,2019.DOI:10.1109/TIM.2019.2954011; (SCI, 3區, IF:3.067)
13.Jinjie Zhu, Jiong Wang, Shang Gao. Phase reduction for FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron with large timescale separation[J].PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2020, 101(4):042203; (SCI, 3區, IF:2.38)
14.Jinjie Zhu, Jiong Wang, Shang Gao. Dispersion of the prehistory distribution for non-gradient systems[J]. Journal ofStatistical Mechanics Theory and Experiment, 2020, 2020(2):023207.11; (SCI, 3區, IF:2)
15.Shenfang Yuan, Lei Qi, Shang Gao, et al. Providing self-healing ability for wireless sensor node by using reconfigurable hardware[J]. Sensors, 2012, 12(11): 14570-14591. (SCI,2區,IF:2.033);
16.Binhua Cao, Cai Li, Mengbao Fan, Shang Gao. Analytical modelling of eddy current response from driver pick-up coils on multi-layered conducting plates[J]. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 2018, 60(2):77-83. (SCI,4區,IF:0.49);
17.袁慎芳, 凌必贇, 任元強, 高尚. 一種面向航空結構的具有穿透能力的無線節點[J]. 振動,測試與診斷, 2016, 4(5): 624-629.(EI);
18.袁慎芳, 邱雷, 童瑤, 張炳良, 高尚. 基於FPAA 的自修復智慧型無線感測器節點[J].儀器儀表學報, 2012, 7(7): 1588-1593.(EI);
19.袁慎芳, 宋帥, 高尚, 胡步青, 王子龍, 任元強. 網路編碼在無線數據傳輸補償機制中的套用[J].振動,測試與診斷, 2014, 2(8): 1094-1098.(EI);
20.Xuewu Dai*, Shang Gao, Kewen Pan, Jiwen Zhu and Habib F Rashvand, Chapter10 Wireless Piezoelectric Sensor Systems for Damage Detection and Localization, John Wiley Press, 2017.


