

高孟春,男,生於山東, 中國科學院生態環境研究中心, 環境工程專業, 博士研究生,致力於給水與廢水生物處理技術、固體廢棄物處理與處置。


  • 中文名:高孟春
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1973年2月
  • 性別:男
  • 籍貫:山東萊陽人


1993.09-1997.07 蘭州鐵道學院環境工程系, 給料霸狼水排水專業, 本科;
1997.09-2000.07 蘭州鐵道學院環境工程系, 市政工程專業, 碩士研究生;
2000.09-2003.06 中國科學院生態環境研究中心, 環境工程專業, 博士研究生;
2003.07-2005.12 中國海洋大學環境科學與工程學院, 講師;
2005.12-2010.03 中國海洋大學環境科學與工程學院, 副教授;
2010.04-至今 中國海洋大學環境科學與工程學院, 副教授,博士生導師。





1. 國家自然科學基金項目“硫自養與電化學氫自養協同去除飲用水中高氯酸鹽機理與工藝”
(No. 21077096,2011-2013,主持)
2. 教育部新世紀人才支持計畫多和和匪項目 (No. NCET-07-0780,2008-2010,主持);
3. 國家自然科學基金項目“醌類圖譜分析污泥堆肥微生物的遙姜想種群結構及其評價腐熟度戀阿道漿”
(No. 20507016,2006-2008,主持)
4. 山東省科技攻關主立項目“錳砂催化海綿鐵內電解法預處理印染廢水及後續生物處理工藝的研究”
(No. 2007GG10006002,2007-2009,主持)
5. 山東省自然科學基金項目“呼吸醌指紋作為生物學指標評價畜禽糞便堆肥腐熟度的研究”
(No. Y2006B33,汗贈訂2007-2009,主持)
6. 山東優秀中青年科學家科研獎勵基金“離子交換膜厭氧生物反應器淨化飲用水中陰離子微污染物的研究”(No. 2007BS08021,2007-2009,主持)
7. 青島市科技攻關項目“水源水中陰離子微污染物淨化技術與設備”
(No. 07-2-3-13-jch,2007-2009,主持)
8. 中石化先導性研究項目“海上退役油區生產設施生態修複方法研究”(2009-2011,參與)
9. 國家水體污染控制與治理重大專項“典型北方缺水城市湖嘗應說泊水質水量保障與生境改善技術課題”
(No. 2008ZX07106-003,2009-2011參與)


1. Mengchun Gao, Fangyuan Liang, An Yu, Bing Li, Lijuan Yang, Evaluation of stability and maturity during forced-aeration composting of chicken manure and sawdust at different C/N ratios, Chemosphere, 2010, 78: 614-619.
2. Mengchun Gao, Bing Li, An Yu, Fangyuan Liang, Lijuan Yang, Yanxia Sun, The effect of aeration rate on forced-aeration composting of chicken manure and sawdust, Bioresource technology, 2010, 101: 1899-1903.
3. Yan Wang, Mengchun Gao, Yandun Wang, Zichao Wang, Heng Yu, Decolorization of Reactive Red K-2BP wastewater in fixed-bed column system packed sponge iron, 2010 international Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, June 26-28, Wuhan, China, 2010, 1968-1971.
4. Mengchun Gao, Yanxia Sun, Lijuan Yang, Yandun Wang, Decolorization of Reactive Red K-2BP wastewater with sponge iron, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, June 11-13, 2009.
5. Mengchun Gao, Zonglian She, Chunji Jin, Performance evaluation of a mesophilic (37℃) upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor in treating distiller’s grains wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 141: 808-813.
6. Zonglian She,Mengchun Gao, Chunji Jin, Toxicity and biodegradation of 2, 4-dinitrophenol and 3-nitrophenol in anaerobic systems, Process biochemistry, 2005, 40 (9): 3017-3024.
7. Mengchun Gao, Lijian Yang, Yanxia Sun, An Yu, Change of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during forced-aeration composting of anaerobic digested sludge and sawdust, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, June 11-13, 2009.
8. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Hongyan Li, Qingxiang Yang, Comparison between a submerged membrane bioreactor and a conventional activated sludge system on treating ammonia-bearing inorganic wastewater, Journal of biotechnology, 2004, 108 (3): 265-269.
9. Mengchun Gao,Min Yang, Hongyan Li, Yangming Wang, Feng Pan, Nitrification and sludge characteristics in a submerged membrane bioreactor on synthetic inorganic wastewater, Desalination, 2004, 170: 177-185.
10. Mengchun Gao, Hongjun Liu, Min Yang, Jianying Hu, Bing Shao, Indirect idenfication of isoprenoid quinones in Escherichia coil by LC-MS with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization in negative mode, Journal of basic microbiology, 2004, 6: 424-429.
11. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Jianying Hu, Bing Shao, Haifeng Zhang, Hongyan Li, Identification of ubiquinones and menaquinones in activated sludge by liquid chromatography-atmospheric press chemical ionization mass spectrometry, Journal of chromatography A, 2003, 1007 (1-2): 31-37.
12. 高孟春,梁方圓,楊麗娟,李冰,於恆,王子超,鐘媛,陰離子交換膜生物反應器反硝化性能的研究, 中國給水排水,2010,26 (3): 4-6.
13. 高孟春,王悅靜,梁方圓,楊麗娟,水力停留時間對陰離子交換膜生物反應器去除硝酸鹽的影響,環境工程學報,2010,4 (9): 1959-1962.
14. 高孟春,李冰,梁方圓,海綿鐵/錳砂混合填料預處理模擬印染廢水的研究,工業水處理,2010,30 (9): 32-34.
15. 高孟春,梁方圓,楊麗娟,PCR-DGGE解析陰離子交換膜生物反應器反硝化過程中微生物群落結構變化, 中國海洋大學學報,2010,40 (4)
16. 高孟春,張小敬,李冰,梁方圓,楊麗娟,海綿鐵對酸性媒介黑T廢水脫色的研究,工業水處理. 2009,29 (9): 31-33.
1. 高孟春,楊慧心,佘宗蓮,趙從從,王子超,於恆,一種生物班焦炭曝氣濾池預處理污染河水方法申請號:201010507939.9.
2. 高孟春,王子超,王悅靜,於恆,張優,楊麗娟,一種去除飲用水中硝酸鹽的方法及工藝,
3. 高孟春,於恆,劉潔瓊,王悅靜,王子超,一種去除飲用水中高氯酸鹽的方法及工藝,
4. 高孟春,張優,王悅靜,王子超,於恆,李冰,梁方圓,劉潔瓊,一種印染廢水處理工藝,


2. Mengchun Gao, Bing Li, An Yu, Fangyuan Liang, Lijuan Yang, Yanxia Sun, The effect of aeration rate on forced-aeration composting of chicken manure and sawdust, Bioresource technology, 2010, 101: 1899-1903.
3. Yan Wang, Mengchun Gao, Yandun Wang, Zichao Wang, Heng Yu, Decolorization of Reactive Red K-2BP wastewater in fixed-bed column system packed sponge iron, 2010 international Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, June 26-28, Wuhan, China, 2010, 1968-1971.
4. Mengchun Gao, Yanxia Sun, Lijuan Yang, Yandun Wang, Decolorization of Reactive Red K-2BP wastewater with sponge iron, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, June 11-13, 2009.
5. Mengchun Gao, Zonglian She, Chunji Jin, Performance evaluation of a mesophilic (37℃) upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor in treating distiller’s grains wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 141: 808-813.
6. Zonglian She,Mengchun Gao, Chunji Jin, Toxicity and biodegradation of 2, 4-dinitrophenol and 3-nitrophenol in anaerobic systems, Process biochemistry, 2005, 40 (9): 3017-3024.
7. Mengchun Gao, Lijian Yang, Yanxia Sun, An Yu, Change of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during forced-aeration composting of anaerobic digested sludge and sawdust, 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, June 11-13, 2009.
8. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Hongyan Li, Qingxiang Yang, Comparison between a submerged membrane bioreactor and a conventional activated sludge system on treating ammonia-bearing inorganic wastewater, Journal of biotechnology, 2004, 108 (3): 265-269.
9. Mengchun Gao,Min Yang, Hongyan Li, Yangming Wang, Feng Pan, Nitrification and sludge characteristics in a submerged membrane bioreactor on synthetic inorganic wastewater, Desalination, 2004, 170: 177-185.
10. Mengchun Gao, Hongjun Liu, Min Yang, Jianying Hu, Bing Shao, Indirect idenfication of isoprenoid quinones in Escherichia coil by LC-MS with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization in negative mode, Journal of basic microbiology, 2004, 6: 424-429.
11. Mengchun Gao, Min Yang, Jianying Hu, Bing Shao, Haifeng Zhang, Hongyan Li, Identification of ubiquinones and menaquinones in activated sludge by liquid chromatography-atmospheric press chemical ionization mass spectrometry, Journal of chromatography A, 2003, 1007 (1-2): 31-37.
12. 高孟春,梁方圓,楊麗娟,李冰,於恆,王子超,鐘媛,陰離子交換膜生物反應器反硝化性能的研究, 中國給水排水,2010,26 (3): 4-6.
13. 高孟春,王悅靜,梁方圓,楊麗娟,水力停留時間對陰離子交換膜生物反應器去除硝酸鹽的影響,環境工程學報,2010,4 (9): 1959-1962.
14. 高孟春,李冰,梁方圓,海綿鐵/錳砂混合填料預處理模擬印染廢水的研究,工業水處理,2010,30 (9): 32-34.
15. 高孟春,梁方圓,楊麗娟,PCR-DGGE解析陰離子交換膜生物反應器反硝化過程中微生物群落結構變化, 中國海洋大學學報,2010,40 (4)
16. 高孟春,張小敬,李冰,梁方圓,楊麗娟,海綿鐵對酸性媒介黑T廢水脫色的研究,工業水處理. 2009,29 (9): 31-33.
1. 高孟春,楊慧心,佘宗蓮,趙從從,王子超,於恆,一種生物班焦炭曝氣濾池預處理污染河水方法申請號:201010507939.9.
2. 高孟春,王子超,王悅靜,於恆,張優,楊麗娟,一種去除飲用水中硝酸鹽的方法及工藝,
3. 高孟春,於恆,劉潔瓊,王悅靜,王子超,一種去除飲用水中高氯酸鹽的方法及工藝,
4. 高孟春,張優,王悅靜,王子超,於恆,李冰,梁方圓,劉潔瓊,一種印染廢水處理工藝,




