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  • 中文名:高坤山
  • 畢業院校:日本京都大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:浮游性及定生性原核與真核藻類的環境生理學等
  • 就職院校:廈門大學海洋與地球學院


Ph.D, Kyoto University,Japan(1989)
Research scientist(Postdoctoral Fellow), Kansai Environmental Engineering Center, Kansai Electric Power Co., Japan(1989-1992)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA(1992-1994)
The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(1996)
Awardee of Hundred Talents Program in the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science(1997-2000)
Director and Professor, Marine Biology Institute, Shantou University(2000-2006)
Mingjiang Chair professor, Xiamen University(2007-)


浮游性及定生性原核與真核藻類的環境生理學、光生物學,研究環境變化,特別是CO2及太陽紫外輻射變化,與海洋初級生產過程的關係(Physiological ecology and photobiology of phytoplankton species or phytoplankton, with special reference to the interactive effects of CO2 rise(and associated ocean acidification) and solar UV radiation on aquatic primary producers.)


Tong SY, Gao KS*, Hutchins DA. 2018. Adaptive evolution in the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica following 1,000 generations of selection under elevated CO2. Global Change Biology doi:10.1111/gcb.14065.
Cai XN, Hutchins DA, Fu FX, Gao KS*. 2017. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on photosynthetic performance and N2 fixation in Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS 101. Biogeosciences 14: 4455-4466.
Jin P, Wang TF, Liu NN, Dupont S, Beardall J, Boyd PW, Riebesell U, Gao KS*. 2015. Ocean acidification increases the accumulation of toxic phenolic compounds across trophic levels. Nature communications 6: 8714.
Gao KS*, Xu JT, Gao G, Li YH, Hutchins DA, Huang BQ, Wang L, Zheng Y, Jin P, Cai XX, Häder DP, Li W, Xu K, Liu NN, Riebesell U. 2012. Rising CO2 and increased light exposure synergistically reduce marine primary productivity. Nature Climate Change 2: 519-523.
Xu JT, Gao KS*. 2012. Future CO2-induced ocean acidification mediates physiological performance of a green tide alga. Plant Physiology 160:1762-1769.
Gao KS*and Zheng YQ. 2010. Combined effects of ocean acidification and solar UV radiation on photosynthesis, growth, pigmentation and calcification of the coralline alga Corallina sessilis(Rhodophyta). Global Change Biology 16: 2388-2398.
Gao KS*, Ruan ZX, Villafañe VE, Gattuso JP, Helbling EW. 2009. Ocean acidification exacerbates the effect of UV radiation on the calcifying phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi. Limnol Oceanog 54: 1855-1862
Gao KS*, Wu YP, Li G, Wu HY, Villafañe EV, Helbling EW. 2007. Solar UV-radiation drives CO2-fixation in marine phytoplankton: A double-edged sword. Plant Physiology 144: 54-59.


IGBP-SCOR-UNESCO 海洋酸化研究工作組成員(2009-12)
第三次高CO2海洋國際會議(Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, in Monterey, California on 24-27 Sept, 2012) 組委會委員(2010-2012)
海洋酸化國際諮詢組織(OAiRUG, Ocean Acidification International Reference User Group)成員(2013-)
國際海洋研究科學委員會第 149 工作組(SCOR WG on Changing Ocean Biological Systems)成員(2016-)
水域螢光技術(AquaFluo II)國際會議(Dec. 4-8, 2017, Sydney, Australia)指導委會委員
Journal of Applied Phycology 編委(1998-)
American Journal of Plant Sciences 編委(2010-)Algae 編委(2012-)
Global Change Biology 編委(2018-)
Marine Ecology 編委(2018-)
Applied Phycology 編委(2018-)


2018.01-2022.12 Combined effects of ocean acidification and warming on assimilation and dissimilation processes in marine ecosystems: mesocosm approaches(No. 41720104005), 2.47 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2015.01-2019.12 Relationship of photosynthetic carbon fixation with changes in seawater carbonte chemistry in the South China Sea: integrative analysis and mechanisms(No. 41430967), 3.60 million RMB,to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2012.01-2016.12 Ecological effects of ocean acidification in the South China Sea: ecosystem-level response and mechanisms(No. 41120164007), 2.90 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2013.01-2016.12 Study on the forecast of ocean acidification and its impact on ecosystem(GASI-03-01-02-04), 2.57 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2012.4-2015.3 Marine ecosystem respose to climate change and mediated mechanisms:linking micro- to meso-scale response. Special project of International Technology Science Foundation of China(No.2011DFG23260), 1.59 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2010.1-2013.12 Effects of ocean acidification on photosynthetic carbon fixation in the South China Sea: interactive effects and mechanisms. Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40930846), 1.8 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2010.9-2013.8 Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University “ Marine Physiology and Ecotoxicology Team”, Ministry of Education(IRT0941), 3 million RMB to Kunshan Gao and Kejian Wang(PIs).
2009.1-2013.12 Ecological effects of ocean acidification(No. 2009CB421207),3.1 million RMBto Kunshan Gao(co-PI), in: China National Basic Research Program(“973” Program) “Carbon cycling in China Seas -budget, controls and ocean acidification”, Chief PI Minhan Dai, with total fund of 33 million RMB, from Ministry of Science and Technology.
2009.1-2011.12 Relationship of phytoplankton photosynthetic carbon fixation with environmental gradients in estuary ecosystems. National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40930846), 0.54 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2007.1~2009.12 Impact of ocean acidification on calcifying algae,National Natural Science Foundation of China(No: 40676063), 420 thousand RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2005.1~2008.12 Studies on the responsive mechanisms of marine plants to solar UV radiation, Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No: 90411018), 1.1 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2004.3~2005.10 Development of breeding technology in Gracilaria lemaneiformis(“863”Program, cooperation Project,No:2004AA603220,Shantou Universtiy, 300 thousand RMB)
2003.1~ 2005.12 Studies on the environmental physiology of the terrestrial Nostoc flagelliforme,National Natural Science Foundation of China(No: 30270036), 190 thousand RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
2001.1~2003.12 Studies on the regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acids of microalgae, National Natural Science Foundation of China(No: 30070582), 150 thousand RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
1999.1~2003.12 Relationship of atmospheric CO2 increase with aquatic organisms, Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No:39830060), 1 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
1997.1~2000.6 One-hundred talented program of CAS at Institute of Hydrobiology, 2 million RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).
1997.1~2000.12 National Science fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, National Natural Science Foundation of China(No: 39625002), 800 thousand RMB, to Kunshan Gao(PI).


Global change and marine ecosystem(全球變化與海洋生態系統):
Physiological ecology and photobiology of phytoplankton species or phytoplankton, with special reference to the interactive effects of CO2 rise(and associated ocean acidification) and solar UV radiation on aquatic primary producers.


海洋環境變化生理學(Marine Environmental Change Physiology):研究環境變化(如海洋酸化、陽光UV輻射等)對海洋初級與次級生產過程的影響,運用生理、生化與光生物學的研究手段,結合航次與中尺度生態系統的研究,揭示效應及其影響機制。


中科院水生生物研究所 “百人計畫”研究員(1997年)


