? 在國內刊物發表的部分研究論文:
[15] 高原、梁維、丁香、薛艷、
雲南2001年施甸地震的剪下波分裂參數變化特徵.地震學報,26(6): 576-582.
英文:Gao,Y.,Liang,W.,Ding,X.,Xue,Y.,Cai,M.,Liu,X.,Su,Y. & Peng,L.,2004. Changes in characteristics of shear-wave splitting of earthquakes in Shidian,Yunnan,China. ACTA Seism. Sinica,17(6): 635-641.
[14] 高原、劉希強、梁維、
系統分析方法(SAM)軟體系統.中國地震,20(1): 101-107.
英文:Gao Yuan,Liu Xiqiang,Liang Wei and Hao Ping,2004. Systematic analysis method of shear-wave splitting: SAM software system,Earthquake Research in China,18(4): 365-372.
[13] 高原、Suzan van der Lee、Domenico Giardini、Jochen Braunmiller、
地球物理學報,44(增刊): 98-106.
[12] 高原,2000.破裂臨界狀態下
大理岩的剪下波分裂特徵.中國地震,16(3): 197-202.
[11] 高原、周
蕙蘭、馬延路,2000.川滇地區地震活動單鍵群分析.中國地震,16(1): 86-91.
英文:Gao Yuan,Zhou Huilan and Ma Yanlu,2000. SLC analysis on earthquake activity in the regions of Sichuan and Yunnan of China Earthquake Research in China,14(3): 277-283.
[10] 高原、李世愚、周蕙蘭、
劉曉紅、劉綺亮,1999.大理岩的剪下波分裂對差應力變化回響的實驗研究.地球物理學報,42(6): 778-784.
[09] 高原、鄭斯華、周蕙蘭,1999.唐山地區快剪下波偏振圖象及其變化.地球物理學報,42(2): 228-232.
[08] 高原、鄭斯華、周蕙蘭、
英文:Gao Yuan,Zheng Si-hua,Zhou Hui-lan,Liu Zhen and Wu Zhong-liang,1997. Analysis on rupture feature of a great complicated earthquake in Kamchatka. ACTA Seismologica Sinica,10(1): 1-6
[07] 高原、鄭斯華、
[06] 高原、吳忠良,1995.1993年11月13日堪察加大地震的破裂過程及其構造意義.地球物理學報,38(1)∶55-63.
英文:Gao Yuan and Wu Zhong-liang,1995. Rupture process of the 13 November 1993,Kamchatka,Ms7.1 earthquake from broadband waveform analysis and its tectonic implications. Chinese Journal of Geophysics,38(1): 79-88.
[05] 高原、劉昭軍,1995.隨機性細胞自動機的地震模擬的動力學含義.中國地震,11(1)∶8-13.
英文:Gao Yuan and Liu Zhao-jun,1995. Dynamical implications of earthquake modeling using stochastic cellular automata. Earthquake Research in China,9(4): 379-385.
[04] 高原、吳忠良,1995.用遠震體波寬頻帶記錄分析1993年10月2日中國新疆南部 6.2地震的震源過程.中國地震,11(2)∶147-160.
[03] 高原、鄭斯華、
英文:Gao Yuan,Zheng Si-hua and Sun Yong,1995. Crack-induced anisotropy in the crust from shear wave splitting observed in Tangshan region,North China. ACTA Seismologica Sinica,8(3): 351-363.
[02] 高原、鄭斯華,1994.唐山地區剪下波分裂研究(Ⅱ)--相關函式分析法,中國地震.10(增刊)∶11-21.
英文:Gao Yuan and Zheng Si-hua,1995. Cross correlation function analysis of Shear wave splitting - method and example of its application. Journal of Earthquake Prediction Research,4(2): 224-237.
[01] 鄭斯華、高原,1994.中國大陸岩石層的方位各向異性.地震學報,15(2)∶131-140.
英文:Zheng Si-hua and Gao Yuan,1994. Azimuthal anisotropy in lithosphere on the Chinese mainland from observationa of SKS at CDSN. ACTA Seismologica Sinica,7(2): 177-186.
[11] Gao,Y.,Hao,P. & Crampin,S.,2006. SWAS: A shear-wave analysis system for semi-automatic measurement of seismic shear-wave splitting above small earthquakes. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.,159(1/2): 71-89. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2006.06.003
[10] Wu,J.,Crampin,S.,Gao,Y.,Volti,T. and Chen,Y.-T.,2006. Smaller source earthquakes and improved measuring techniques allow the largest earthquakes in Iceland to be stress-forecast (with hindsight). Geophys. J. Int.,166(2): 1293-1298. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03054.x
[09] Crampin,S. and Gao,Y.,2005. Comment on "Systematic Analysis of Shear-Wave Splitting in the Aftershock Zone of the 1999 Chi-Chi,Taiwan,Earthquake: Shallow Crustal Anisotropy and Lack of Precursory Changes,by Yungfeng Liu,Ta-Liang Teng,and Yehuda Ben-Zion". Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.,95(1): 354-360
[08] Gao,Y. and Crampin,S.,2004. Observations of stress relaxation before earthquakes. Geophys. J. Int.,157(2): 578-582.
[07] Crampin,S.,Peacock,S.,Gao,Y. and Chastin,S.,2004. The scatter of time-delays in shear-wave splitting above small earthquakes. Geophys. J. Int.,156(1): 39-44.
[06] Gao,Y. and Crampin,S.,2003. Temporal variations of shear-wave splitting in field and laboratory in China. J. Appl. Geophys.. 54: 279-287.
[05] Crampin,S.,Chastin,S. and Gao,Y.,2003. Shear-wave splitting in a critical crust: III - preliminary report of multi-variable measurements in active tectonics. J. Appl. Geophys.,54: 265-277.
[04] Crampin,S.,Gao,Y.,Chastin,S.,Peacock,S. and Jackson,P.,2003. Speculations on Earthquake Forecasting. Seism. Res. Lett.,74(3):271-273
[03] Gao,Y.,Wu,Z.-L.,Liu,Z. and Zhou,H.-L.,2000. Seismic source characteristics of nine strong earthquakes from 1988 to 1990 and earthquake activity since 1970 in the Sichuan-Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) zone of China. Pure Appl. Geophys.,157(9): 1423-1443.
[02] Gao,Y.,Wang,P.-D.,Zheng,S.-H.,Wang,M.,Chen,Y.-T. and Zhou,H.-L.,1998. Temporal changes in shear-wave splitting at an isolated swarm of small earthquakes in 1992 near Dongfang,Hainan Island,southern China. Geophys. J. Int.,135(1),102-112.
[01] Wu,Z.-L. and Gao,Y.,1994. Scaling law of earthquake energy: a modification in the view of broad frequency band. Fractals,2(4): 583-588.