




姓名: 高光耀
性別: 男
職稱: 副研究員
學歷: 研究生
地址: 北京市海淀區雙清路18號






1. 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目:黃土丘陵區典型流域水沙變化的時空尺度特徵與驅動機制研究
2. 主持國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫集成項目課題:黑河中下游生態情景制定與分析
3. 主持國家自然科學基金重大課題專題:黃土高原草地和灌木生態系統與土壤水分相互作用機理研究
4. 主持中國科學院生態環境研究中心青年科學基金:人類活動和氣候變化對延河流域水沙變化影響的定量評價
5. 主持國家自然科學青年基金:黃土丘陵坡面土地覆被格局的水土流失機理與格局指數研究
6. 主持國家自然科學基金重點項目子課題:黑河中游綠洲生態系統典型景觀格局的水分循環過程研究




1. Qin Shen, GuangyaoGao*, Bojie Fu, Yihe LÜ, 2015. Responses of shelterbelt stand transpiration to drought and groundwater variations in an arid inland river basin of Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology
2. Danfeng Li, GuangyaoGao*, Yihe LÜ, Bojie Fu, 2016. Multi-scale variability of soil carbon and nitrogen in the middle reaches of the Heihe River basin, northwestern China
3. Guangyao Gao, Ying Ma, Bojie Fu, 2015. Temporal variations of flow-sediment relationships in a highly erodible catchment of the Loess Plateau, China. Land Degradation & Development
4. Guangyao Gao, Ying Ma, Bojie Fu, 2015. Multi-temporal scale changes of streamflow and sediment load in a loess hilly watershed of China. Hydrological Processes
5. Qin Shen, GuangyaoGao*, Bojie Fu, Yihe LÜ, 2014. Sap flow and water use sources of shelter-belt trees in an arid inland river basin of Northwest China. Ecohydrology
6. Qin Shen, GuangyaoGao*, Bojie Fu, Yihe LÜ, 2014. Soil water content variations and hydrological relations of the cropland-treebelt-desert land use pattern in an oasis-desert ecotone of the Heihe River Basin, China. Catena
7. Gao Guangyao, Fu Bojie, Zhan Hongbin, Ma Ying, 2013. Contaminant transport in soil with depth-dependent reaction coefficients and time-dependent boundary conditions.Water Research
8. Gao Guangyao, Fu Bojie, LüYihe, Liu Yu, Wang Shuai, Zhou Ji, 2012. Coupling the modified SCS-CN and RUSLE models to simulate hydrological effects of restoring vegetation in the Loess Plateau of China.Hydrology Earth System Sciences
9. Gao Guangyao, Zhan Hongbin, Feng Shaoyuan, Fu Bojie, Huang Guanhua, 2012. A mobile-immobile model with an asymptotic scale-dependent dispersion function.Journal of Hydrology
10. Guangyao Gao, Hongbin Zhan, Shaoyuan Feng, Bojie Fu, Ying Ma, Guanhua Huang, 2010. A new mobile-immobile model for reactive solute transport with scale-dependent dispersion.Water Resources Researc
11. Guangyao Gao, Hongbin Zhan, Shaoyuan Feng, Guanhua Huang, Xiaomin Mao, 2009. Comparison of alternative models for simulating anomalous solute transport in a large heterogeneous soil column.Journal of Hydrology
12. Guangyao Gao, Shaoyuan Feng, Hongbin Zhan, Guanhua Huang, Xiaomin Mao, 2009. Evaluation of anomalous solute transport in a large heterogeneous soil column with mobile-immobile model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
13. 高光耀, 傅伯傑, 呂一河, 劉宇, 王帥, 周繼, 2013. 乾旱半乾旱區坡面覆被格局的水土流失效應研究進展. 生態學報
14. 鄒慧, 高光耀*, 傅伯傑, 2015. 乾旱半乾旱草地生態系統與土壤水分關係研究進展. 生態學報(印刷中, 通訊作者).


