



  • 中文名:高健
  • 出生日期:1981年12月
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:臨床獸醫學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學




在社會服務方面,擔任Journal of Dairy Science(SCI收錄期刊)、Peer J、Journal of Applied Microbiology等SCI期刊的審稿人;擔任奶牛產業扶貧工作站北京科技特派員;擔任中國農業農村部對開發中國家畜牧業生產與管理技術培訓班的授課教師。









研究結果在《Journal of Dairy Science》、《Veterinary Microbiology》等雜誌發表,累計發表SCI論文及中文核心期刊論文40餘篇;其中以第一或通訊作者發表22篇。其代表論文有:
1. Liu, G., J. Yin, B. Han, H. W. Barkema, M. Shahid, J. De Buck, E. R. Cobo, J. P. Kastelic, and J. Gao*. 2019. Adherentinvasive capacities of bovine-associated Aerococcus viridans contribute to pathogenesis of acute mastitis in a murine model. Vet Microbiol 230:202-211.
2. Qu, Y., H. Zhao, D. B. Nobrega, E. R. Cobo, B. Han, Z. Zhao, S. Li, M. Li, H. W. Barkema, and J. Gao*. 2019. Molecular epidemiology and distribution of antimicrobial resistance genes of Staphylococcus species isolated from Chinese dairy cows with clinical mastitis. J Dairy Sci 102(2):1571-1583
3. Cheng, J., W. Qu, H. W. Barkema, D. B. Nobrega, J. Gao, G. Liu, J. De Buck, J. P. Kastelic, H. Sun, and B. Han*. 2019. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of 5 common bovine mastitis pathogens in large Chinese dairy herds. J Dairy Sci.
4. Liu, G., L. Ding, B. Han, S. Piepers, S. A. Naqvi, H. W. Barkema, T. Ali, S. De Vliegher, S. Xu, and J. Gao*. 2018. Characteristics of Escherichia coli Isolated from Bovine Mastitis Exposed to Subminimum Inhibitory Concentrations of Cefalotin or Ceftazidime. BioMed research international 2018:4301628.
5. Ur Rahman, S., T. Ali, I. Ali, N. A. Khan, B. Han, and J. Gao*. 2018. The Growing Genetic and Functional Diversity of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases. BioMed research international 2018:9519718.
6. Gao, J., H. W. Barkema, L. Zhang, G. Liu, Z. Deng, L. Cai, R. Shan, S. Zhang, J. Zou, J. P. Kastelic, and B. Han. 2017. Incidence of clinical mastitis and distribution of pathogens on large Chinese dairy farms. J Dairy Sci 100(6):4797-4806.
7. Chen, W., Y. Liu, J. Yin, Y. Deng, T. Ali, J. Zhang, J. Cheng, S. Ur Rahman, J. Gao*, and B. Han*. 2017. Cloning, Expression, and Immunogenicity of Fimbrial-F17A Subunit Vaccine against Escherichia coli Isolated from Bovine Mastitis. BioMed research international 2017:3248483.
8. Sun, M., J. Gao, T. Ali, D. Yu, S. Zhang, S. U. Khan, S. Fanning, and B. Han. 2017. Characteristics of Aerococcus viridans isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis and its effect on milk SCC, yield, and composition. Trop Anim Health Prod 49(4):843-849.
9. Gao, J., F. Q. Yu, L. P. Luo, J. Z. He, R. G. Hou, H. Q. Zhang, S. M. Li, J. L. Su, and B. Han. 2012. Antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus agalactiae from cows with mastitis. Vet J 194(3):423-424.
10. Gao, J., H. Q. Zhang, J. Z. He, Y. H. He, S. M. Li, R. G. Hou, Q. X. Wu, Y. Gao, and B. Han. 2012. Characterization of Prototheca zopfii associated with outbreak of bovine clinical mastitis in herd of Beijing, China. Mycopathologia 173(4):275-281.
11. Gao, J., M. Ferreri, F. Yu, X. Liu, L. Chen, J. Su, and B. Han. 2012. Molecular types and antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from bovine mastitis in a single herd in China. Vet J 192(3):550-552.
12. Gao, J., M. Ferreri, X. Q. Liu, L. B. Chen, J. L. Su, and B. Han. 2011. Development of multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for rapid detection of Staphylococcus aureus and selected antibiotic resistance genes in bovine mastitic milk samples. J Vet Diagn Invest 23(5):894-901.
13. Gao, J., R. G. Hou, H. Q. Zhang, J. Z. He, S. M. Li, J. L. Su, and B. Han. 2011. A novel DNA extraction and duplex polymerase chain reaction assay for the rapid detection of Prototheca zopfii genotype 2 in milk. Letters in applied microbiology 53(3):278-282.




